Ming Diary

Chapter 21: Play

What's going on? Cao Muwen suddenly felt suspicious. Here again? He thought about it carefully and found that he had not been here for nearly half a year. I almost forgot here.

This is a place full of flowers and green. This is a dream, Cao Muwen knows.

"This is a dream, I know." Cao Muwen said to himself.

Ah~What's going on? Suddenly, Cao Muwen exclaimed, and he was surprised because he saw a difference.

Cao Muwen, he wears a shirt that is not the same as before. Yellow clothes, the clothes are as long as the knees, and the clothes are divided into two parts, with a width on the bottom and a accumulation on the two sides. There are complicated patterns embroidered on it, and the specific reason why Cao Muwen can't see it clearly. But in front of the chest of the shirt, there is a painting.

"Flying Fish" Cao Muwen casually said it - its name.

Flying fish python also has two horns. At the same time, it is painted with a flying fish pattern, which is a python shape and a slightly different fish fin tail, which is not a real flying fish shape.

I don't know whether Cao Muwen was overjoyed or shocked. This is the uniform of the brocade guard. I did dress up in my dream. Is it possible that I "think in the day and dream in the night?"

When I was thinking about it, the wind blew. It was still the slightly strong wind that blew Cao Muwen's hair wantonly, and even his clothes were blown up and down. Cao Muwen hurriedly raised his hand and pulled his clothes.

In a trance, in the gap of the clothes flying; in the gap of the green grass, I saw the man again.

I haven't seen him for a long time, but Cao Muwen vaguely remembers him. He slowly turned around.

Cao Muwen is about to see him.

Boom, bang~~~! Suddenly, the world burst apart.

A bright light flashed, and Cao Muwen suddenly opened his eyes. He supported the ground with both hands and gasped. He had just woken up from his dream and almost got out of bed.

There were faint cheers in the streets outside the house. Alas, it turned out to be fireworks. Cao Muwen was a little disappointed.

I was stunned. Cao Muwen took a breath, as if the previous moment of uneasiness had dissipated.

Laying down again with a bang**, some of the old bed surface was pressed by the sudden gravity until it sounded.

"However," the fireworks reminded Cao Muwen that there would be a temple fair in a few days.

"Have a good rest and refresh yourself." Cao Muwen thought about the last sentence before falling asleep for the second time.

On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, "Upper Yuan Festival". This day can be described as the closing ceremony of the Spring Festival. Half a month of relaxation and joy will pass after tonight, which makes people reluctant to leave.

Cao Muwen walked on the night temple market at the beginning of the lantern and thought, "It seems that when people have holiday syndrome." With the crowd, Cao Muwen walked on the road where he didn't know what street it was.

When it comes to the ancient temple fair, there will be this name instead of the ordinary city, which comes from this "temple". As the name implies, temple fairs are gatherings near temples, offering sacrifices to gods, entertainment, shopping activities, and market trade. The temple fair is also known as the temple city. Its formation is related to the development and religious activities of the temple. It is held on the festival or specified date of the temple, and is mostly located in and near the temple, hence the name. With the development of society, especially the development of the economy, temple fairs and market transactions have become a comprehensive social activity for people to worship their ancestors, immortals, exchange feelings and trade exchanges.

Beijing in the Ming Dynasty was naturally a prosperous neighborhood of religious temples. Foreign missionaries have come to China to spread their beliefs, and in Chinese consciousness, Ye has always had such a tradition of offering ancestors as gods. By the Ming Dynasty, local religion was also extremely prosperous, building ancestral halls, temples, and worshipping ancestors and other "folk gods".

Cao Muwen, the world's largest Taoist temple in Dongyue Temple, has just finished visiting. This temple is magnificent and covers an extremely large area. Cao Muwen came to a green glazed archway in front of the temple gate and found that there was "Ji Si Daizong" engraved on the front, and turned around and said "Yongyan Emperor Tuo" on the back. Carefully read these eight large characters, the glyphs are euphemistic and round, and seem to be capricious. Cao Muwen only knows a little about calligraphy, but he can also see that the author uses square pen and round pen skills. Although the skills are exquisite, the strokes are smooth and not dragging. It is a masterpiece. After entering the temple gate, I found that when I looked outside, the ancestral temple was already a great view. When I entered the inside, it was another universe. On the east and west sides are the Drum Tower, Bell Tower and many other buildings. Moreover, this Dongyue Temple also has a nickname, which is known as "the small monument forest in the capital". Cao Muwen has heard it before, but he has never seen it with his own eyes, so he doesn't know if it is possible. Today, at first sight, it can be said that it is well-deed, and there are more than 140 monuments in the temple. Standing on the tablet one by one, the mottled stones are weather-beaten at a glance, and they have been standing here quietly for hundreds of years. This "stone forest" is so spectacular that Cao Muwen knew it.

If you go around here and move forward, you will enter the main hall. Daizong Treasure Hall is the name of the main hall of Dongyue Temple. The red wall and blue tiles are magnificent. I remember that Du Mu in "Tang Xiao Li Du" wrote a song "Ode to Afang Palace" to describe the magnificentness of Afang Palace. Cao Muwen can still recall that description now. Five steps on the first floor, ten steps and one pavilion; the waist of the corridor is back, and the eaves and teeth are pecked high; each holds the terrain and fights heart and horns. The hustle and hustle, the water vortex of the bee house, I don't know how many tens of millions of fall. Long bridge lying wave, not what dragon? If the road is empty, what is the rainbow? I don't know whether it's high or low. It is said to describe the majestic and complex appearance of Qin Shihuang Xiu Afang, but today he looks inside. Hey hey, it's not much." - Maybe Cao Muwen is a little ignorant, but he still thinks so. In this main hall, the emperor of Dongyue and the queen are worshipped. There are also thousands of statues of large and small gods in the temple, with different shapes and vivid and vivid. In addition, Dongyue Temple also has many unique buildings such as Yude Hall, Yuhuang Hall, Zhenwu Hall, Doumu Hall, Wenchang Emperor King Hall and so on. Cao Muwen's legs were sore before he finished shopping. Looking up, there happened to be a large garden not far away for people to come to rest. Hey hey, it's really humane at this time. I'm tired of visiting the free resting place. Cao Muwen couldn't help sighing at the wisdom of his predecessors. It seems that the more developed in modern times, the more backward it is. Although he didn't want to admit it, the facts still seem to prove it.

Looking around, some of the flowers in the big garden have withered because of winter, leaving only branches stretching straight around. But there are still a large number of flowers blooming. Many colorful flowers and plants that Cao Muwen didn't know were competing for beauty, such as cuckoo, camellia, Lamei, etc. After resting enough in it, Cao Muwen came out and returned to the street. Before leaving, he didn't forget to put on the incense. Oh, Dongyue Emperor, I'm not an ordinary person. You should also know the details, but you can bless me a smooth life, get promoted and make a fortune, and have a big silver ticket. If it really doesn't work, it's okay to get an emperor just now. I came here hundreds of years later, and I have no scruples about this mess. As long as you can do it, don't let this~~~er, who is it?" Cao Muwen suddenly remembered who the emperor was at this time, "Uh, Zhengde? Or Hongzhi? Forget it. Anyway, just don't let the emperor know. After thinking about it, I felt shameless for a while.

There are many temples in Beijing, such as Tanzhe Temple, Guanghua Temple and so on. At the Zhengyang Gate in the inner city, there are also the Emperor's Temple, the Capital City God Temple, the Nanyaowang Temple in the Outer City, the Capital Land Temple, and the Maju Bridge Bixia Yuanjun Temple in the suburbs.

There are four Chenghuang Temples in Beijing: Duchenghuang Temple, Jiangnan Chenghuang Temple, Daxing County Chenghuang Temple and Wanping County Chenghuang Temple. At the beginning, Zhu Yuanzhang, the great ancestor of the Ming Dynasty, built a foundation in the south of the Yangtze River. At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, the capital was set in Nanjing. In order to honor the birthplace, the city gods in the south of the Yangtze River are not tied with the city gods in various places, and a special city gods temple in the south of the south of the Yangtze River will be built in the capital. However, the Daxing City God and Wanping City God Temple are not in the county seat in the capital. It's really tragic." Cao Muwen was infected by the cheerful atmosphere here and couldn't help but diverge his thoughts.

Among them, the City God Temple City and Deng City located in the inner city are the most prosperous, and are known as the two cities of temple lanterns. Now it is the Lantern Festival, and the lantern market is set to be colorful and decorated with brilliant lights. Even compared with modern cities, it is not at all.

Cao Muwen is planning to go there to have a look. Just arrived in the inner city, as soon as he stepped into the famous city God Temple Street, Cao Muwenton had a feeling of returning to the line of Jianguomen-Xizhimen in Beijing, but the car was replaced by a carriage and people.

Looking at the bustling crowd around, many of them were with their families, and the whole family went out to see the lanterns. Cao Muwen came to a stall and sold all kinds of goods, including fireworks and firecrackers. It seems that it is also very appropriate. There are also many New Year pictures, Fu characters, hanging thousands and so on on the side of the stall. There are also many clay figurines and puppets on the shelves behind the vendor. At this time, many children had gathered beside him, looking at the clay figurines and dolls one by one, holding his parents' hands and shouting to buy them, which annoyed the adults and had to buy some cheap ones to prevaricate. A child just took a big-headed doll clay figurine from the vendor and jumped up and down happily. The other children beside them were more noisy and noisy at first sight. Cao Muwen also sighed in his heart when he saw it. I only think of my childhood. Those things when I was a child are still impressive now, such as "sports" such as yo-yo and slingshots, and more advanced "skills" such as buckle plates. They belong to the "advanced goods" transformers and robots that everyone envy as soon as they are taken out. Now the memory is already vague, but that mood has been retained. Sometimes when I recall it, I feel very warm. Seeing that these clay sculptures are also very exquisite, I plan to choose one.