Ming Diary

Chapter 26: Reasoning 1

As soon as Wu Zheng heard this, he quickly ordered Cao Muwen to make a detailed judgment.

Cao Muwen said righteously: "If this person dies from poisoning in his diet, he will generally know at a glance. If other parts of the body are injured by a sharp weapon dipped in poison, the wound should also show symptoms of poisoning, which the Li family may not know. But in today's situation, the villain thinks it is different from the above. Cao Muwen swallowed his saliva and motioned Wu Zheng to take a closer look.

Wu Zheng is eager to make contributions and can't take care of any taboos. He also bent down to look at the bruises that Cao Muwen was pointing at with a sharp stick.

"If the villain guesses correctly." Cao Muwen tapped softly. Carefully prick every place in the middle of the lump with a sharp stick and bow your head without saying anything.

Sure enough, in the middle of the swelling, under the touch of Cao Muwen's sharp stick, a very small pinhole appeared between the skin. If you don't check this lump carefully, you can't see it with the naked eye alone. Wu Zheng was also slightly shocked and took a breath.

Cao Muwen checked the needle with a sharp stick and found that the green purple here was the thickest. After touching it many times, even a little green-purple blood oozed out of the needlehole.

This time, Cao Muwen's vision was confirmed. He looked up at Wu Zheng and found that the other party was also looking at him, hoping to give himself a detailed explanation. Wu Zheng has served as Jinyiwei at any time. He is very familiar with interrogating and tortured prisoners, and even uses a variety of torture tools in the Jinyiwei prison. Moreover, compared with many hundreds of households who do not know a basket of calligraphy, he can be called a person who can read and break words. But the autopsy was black in both eyes.

"The villain believes that the murder weapon should be a slender needle, which is dipped in poison that can cause sudden heart disease. Under this puncture, the needle went deep into the muscles and even penetrated into the heart, causing Li Gui to die of heart disease. This technique is very exquisite. After the death of the deceased, there will be no traces of poisoning on the surface of the body. It is impossible for this Langzhong to detect it from the pulse. When the little man came to the autopsy in the afternoon, it was also because the deceased died only a few hours ago, and there could be no signs in his back heart, and he could not detect it. Cao Muwen said that he was a little guilty here. Because he was tested at that time because a class of government officials and themselves were perfunctory, and they had never checked the back of the body at all. However, now you can't show your timidity, so as not to let Wu Zheng blame you.

Wu Zheng suddenly realized as soon as he heard it. So that's it! It seems that I have finally gained from this hard work.

Since Li Gui was killed, it must have something to do with many unusual actions before. I thought about it carefully.

Cao Muwen carefully examined the body and found no other strange places. It seems that Li Gui must have died here. Since the cause of death is still clear, it is difficult to stay here.

Several people became busy again, making this unlucky. After his death, Li, who was also uneasy, dressed neatly and carried it back to the coffin. The coffin board was buried in a hurry. However, many green bricks were damaged after being dug up when the grave was dug, and there was also many damage after being covered. Fortunately, the winter wind is strong, so let others think of it as the wind blowing and falling.

When several people returned to the village, Wu Zheng took out a piece of broken silver and delivered it to Cao Muwen. Cao Muwen was overjoyed at first sight. Although silver had been circulated and on the market as a currency in the Ming Dynasty, China has always had fewer silver mines, and the mining level of industry and mining was low at that time. Even if there was silver, it was difficult to popularize it. At that time, the "*" on the market was copper and banknotes. This banknote is equivalent to the current*. The forehead of this banknote is divided into 6 types: consistent, 500, 400, 300 and 100. After that, 5 kinds of small banknotes were issued from 10 to 50. There are dragon patterns around the treasure banknotes, with 6 words "Daming Passing Treasure Banknotes". For example, in many modern TV series, the protagonists often take out white silver ingots, which is really harmful. For example, after the Hongzhi Dynasty, because the Spaniards mined silver mines on a large scale in Peru and then used it to buy a large amount of Chinese goods to return to China, silver poured into China. It seems that the heroes and heroines of these TV series have to thank these Spaniards and the Indian buddies with silicosis in the Peruvian silver mine on the other side of the ocean.

Of course, this silver is definitely hard. The two small pieces of silver that Cao Muwen got this time were four taels. It has been enough to earn nearly two months' salary at the level of firewood and soap. This cent of silver is enough to buy three catties of rice at the price at that time, and you can eat it for a few days according to your own amount of food. This kind of "large denomination*" is rarely used for daily expenses, and you can go to the place of the bank to exchange it for banknotes and copper coins.

The next morning, because it was the 16th of the first lunar month, the government office should also open its doors. Cao Muwen went to the government gate early in the morning to report. At the thought of seeing Wu Zheng, he was worried. I already know his true identity, and I don't know if there is any danger and whether he will be "sealed".

As soon as I entered the gate and bypassed the corner door of the front hall, I suddenly heard bursts of voices behind the tree. Cao Muwen was curious for a moment and walked closer to have a look. He saw two people standing under the tree. One was whispering something to the other, and the other lowered his head to listen and nodded. Because Cao Muwen was close to them, he saw that the man he heard was facing him with his back and looked at him in detail. Cao Muwen was shocked. This person turned out to be Wu Zheng, and it was the man opposite who surprised Cao Muwen so much. The man was dressed in casual clothes, about 40 or 50 years old, and his specific appearance was not clear. The man he saw nodded submissively and then turned around and left. When the man turned around, Cao Muwen left his appearance and turned out to be the county magistrate Huang County magistrate. Cao Mu's diploma could not talk to him, but when the county magistrate was close to the New Year, he sympathized with the miscellaneous servants in the county government and brought them together to make a family. Because Cao Muwen took Wukui's class at that time, the Huang County magistrate separately mentioned Cao Muwen. It was nothing more than some scenes. Cao Muwen did not take it to heart after he agreed, but after all, he had met him.

Today, the county magistrate turned back to the inner courtyard. Cao Muwen clung to the wall for fear of being seen. I was very puzzled. How could this county magistrate be so humble to an official?

Hi! Cao Muwen suddenly patted his forehead. How stupid. I just learned about Wu Zheng's identity yesterday. Why did you forget it today? This Jinyiwei 100 households are the official level of the sixth grade, and the county magistrate is the seventh grade. In fact, Wu Zheng's official is really bigger than that of Huang County. Sometimes, if Jinyiwei goes abroad, he will issue a "post" equivalent to a modern "arrest warrant", which is to meet the official level. Even if he is not bigger than him, he doesn't let these officials sweat coldly when he sees the three big words "Jin Yiwei".

"Then this Huang county magistrate knows Wu Zheng's true identity." After all, this Jinyiwei is an open institution. It is reasonable for the chief officials in the government to know it. It is estimated that the county magistrates and the master books should also know about it. However," Cao Muwen thought as he walked, "If a little person like himself hadn't had a 'special effect', he wouldn't have been kept in the dark!"

However, it will be embarrassing to bring back Wu Zheng if he meets him. Because Wu Zheng was facing him just now, Cao Muwen was not sure whether the other party saw him or not.

Wu Zheng saw himself.

When Cao Muwen approached the courtyard of the sixth room, he saw Wu Zhengzheng standing there. When he saw himself coming, he looked at himself and motioned him to enter the house with him. It's still early. There are few people in the government. Only a few firewood and miscellaneous servants do some work to chop wood and boil water in the corner door of the courtyard. No one noticed Cao Muwen.

Cao Muwen sat down in the house and felt worried.

"Uh~~" Wu Zheng said first, "Well, you did a good job yesterday. I just want to see your opinion when I come to you today."

"Ha?" Cao Muwen didn't expect to just ask this. Even if you are relieved, the original intention of coming to the government today is to come to the government. Since the official in this government is looking for himself the most now, how dare he excuse himself?

"Well, the little man revealed all the thoughts in his heart." Cao Muwen was very excited. When he returned home yesterday, he was very excited about this 'adventure'. Although it was not a big deal, it was exciting enough to go out in the middle of the night to cooperate with the agents of the "National Security Agency" to solve the case.

I fell asleep all night and had nothing to do, so I had to start my "old business" and lie down in the quilt and reasoned carefully.

Although Li Gui's death is very strange, he is not nowhere to find a clue. First of all, Li Gui himself sensed that Wu Zheng's surveillance and was afraid of exposure. He could rule it out by himself. No one was so powerful that he could insert a slender needle straight into the heart behind his back. It is even more impossible to use the "classic method of sandwiching ice"; the needle is different from the sword, let alone such a slender needle; and now it is winter, and it is impossible for the ice to melt and disappear. If he had an accomplice, he would not have committed suicide.

"It is inevitable to kill him. And it was done by acquaintances.

Cao Muwen thought for a little and told Wu Zheng all his thoughts last night. After listening to this conclusion, Wu Zheng was slightly amazed and motioned Cao Muwen to continue.

"According to the room where Li Gui fell ill and the performance of the Li family after his death, it is very normal. There is no trace of fighting in the room. If Li Gui has been working for a lifetime, why can't he fight? Even if he is old and weak and doesn't have the ability, he should keep his sense of resistance. But judging from the results, Li Gui still died in an exquisite poisoning. I think I can get the following three points." Cao Muwen paused, took a look at Wu Zheng, and continued, "One, Li Gui can resist but does not resist, so there are only two possibilities for the murderer. First, the murderer's martial arts skills are so high that he can kill Li Gui with an unexpected blow, but if it is true, why do they use a complex method? Second, the murderer's martial arts skills are not high enough to kill with one blow. Even if he can kill Li Gui, he will make more or less movement or leave traces.