Ming Diary

Chapter 27: Reasoning 2

So from this point of view, the murderer should be in line with this point. Second, the murderer was done by acquaintances; if it is difficult to solve Li Gui neatly, it can be poisoned, but the murderer did not use this method. What is the reason? Cao Muwen answered his own question, and the language became more and more fluent and powerful. "The suspicion of poisoning is the greatest." Cao Muwen said the answer himself. It's very simple. It's very difficult to poison a person in the diet, because if the murderer is an outsider, how difficult it is to poison a specific person from a large family. This should take into account the living time of the poisoned people, their daily eating habits, and avoid the eyes of many family and servants. In case of the wrong person, or any other bad pool, it will also alert the victim. And if the murderer is an acquaintance or a family. At this time, Cao Muwen suddenly used powerful words and said firmly, "My suspicion is greater, because only I have the advantage of poisoning in this way, and using it will make me more exposed." Cao Muwen said proudly, "However, he exposed himself without this 'killing method'."

Wu Zheng was stunned when he heard the 'killing method'. He had never heard of this, but it was used to show that the current way of killing is good. Thinking of this, Wu Zheng was more curious about this strange young man. I'm sad when I'm young. It seems that even the crown is weak for less than a few years. Why~~"

"In order to 'avoid suspicion', the murderer did not use the method of direct poisoning, but proved that he was a 'inner thief' from the reverse side!" Cao Muwen looked at Wu Zhengdao with bright eyes, and his heart was full of confidence. It seemed that the feeling he had not been there for several years suddenly came back.

"Finally, after the above investigation, there are few qualified people. Let's count it in detail. It is extremely difficult to accurately prick a slender poison needle in the heart of a martial arts person. Maybe no one in Li's house has such a possibility. Speaking of this, Cao Muwen sold a barrier and wanted to adjust Wu Zheng's appetite.

Sure enough, Wu Zhengguo really showed a trace of disappointment when he heard Cao Muwen's words, and his face was stunned. It seemed that he had not reacted to Cao Muwen's words.

"Hey, although this guy is an official of Jinyiwei, that's all! I didn't expect to be hooked as soon as I caught it. Cao Muwen smiled secretly in his heart. But he knew that in the Ming Dynasty, because many brocade guards were hereditary positions and work types in peacetime, most of the ordinary brocade guards were illiterate a basket of big characters, and they knew the whips and sticks in the prison, the ropes and the knife they were wearing. For example, Wu Zheng has been promoted to this 100-family position because he has read several books and has been promoted over the years. It's not that Wu Zheng has any great ability, but just a "general from his son". Of course, there is still experience. After all, there is more experience.

"Well, the adult must have known what Li Gui was doing before he fell ill, right?" Cao Muwen asked. Since Wu Zheng has sent someone to keep an eye on this for a long time, he must know Li Gui's daily routine.

"Li Gui died of heart disease in the room while resting after lunch. This is what the housekeeper of Lifu said to Zhang. Wu Zheng listened for a moment and took a meaningful look at Cao Muwen. At that time, the housekeeper was planning to send milk tea to his master. After saying that, Wu Zheng was happy. This is the habit he raised after staying in Datong for a long time. After staying in the closed place for a long time, he doesn't drink much tea. He should like the tea with the tarit. That's a lot of fun. I can't get used to it. After the old guy came back, he had to drink this after lunch every day and told his family that it would sleep peacefully and take a better nap.

"Oh. So that's it." Cao Muwen thought for a moment after hearing this. It is also after the reform and opening up that Chinese people began to drink milk. Although some people have developed the habit of drinking milk before, most of them are rich people and full people who come from the north. Ordinary people don't have spare money, and they can't drink it themselves, and they can't digest it. Chinese people have always been a farming nation and attach great importance to grains. The diet structure is also dominated by carbohydrates and vegetable vegetation. Ancient people rarely ate meat, so they lacked the ability to digest protein, especially dairy products, which contain lactose, which requires lactase decomposition and absorption, while more than 80% of Chinese people lack lactose. Enzyme. Even many modern Chinese will have diarrhea when drinking milk, not to mention the ancient people with a more simple food structure! Fortunately, I have an international stomach and strong digestive ability, that is, the Mayan cassava bread, and my buddies can eat it.

"The milk Li Gui drinks is usually sent by the housekeeper, so his family also raises a cow. Seeing that this guy is getting fatter and bigger, I guess that's what happened.

After hearing this, Cao Muwen immediately alerted, "This housekeeper is the biggest suspicion." He immediately said, "Your Excellency, I think the suspicion of the housekeeper should be the biggest. Because it is most convenient for the murderer to be poisoned when the victim is asleep. If the housekeeper is the murderer, he is the most suspected of using the general poisoning method. But if it is used to disguise the heart disease, it can just cover it up. So the villain thinks that the housekeeper is the most suspicious.

"Oh, according to what you said, it really makes sense." Wu Zheng was overjoyed after hearing this conclusion. I was also thinking last night, feeling that Li Gui's death, even if the housekeeper was not the murderer, must be implicated. But after thinking about it, I just can't figure it out. It seems that although I have been working as a brocade guard for many years, I am humble and unthinkable! No wonder I have only done this 100-family job for so many years. At present, he is envious of Cao Muwen, who has only been weak for a few years. This guy is a plastic talent!"

"If it's true as you expected, then I will carefully investigate the housekeeper." Wu Zheng seems to have determined that the housekeeper is the murderer. The upper meaning is that there are many strange things at this time, and it is better not to catch them so as not to scare the snakes and scare away the big fish that have not yet appeared. So I still decided to secretly inquire about the housekeeper, lift him off, and then catch him. Wu Zheng suddenly felt excited for a moment and had said too much about Cao Muwen, a little work, which should not be what he should know. But I don't know why I especially appreciate this young man. When I think about it, even if he knows this, it doesn't matter.

Wu Zheng patted Cao Muwen on the shoulder with a smile. "Ah?" Cao Muwen felt that the other party patted him gently on the shoulder, but his heart was also calm. Hey hey, it seems to have won the favor of this hundred households in brocade.

There is a small row of townhouses in a dark corner close to the government office, which is a place to rest when all kinds of firewood and miscellaneous workers, including two jobs, are not alive, and is also used as a utility room. Cao Muwen is also in a small room here. Without a wound examination task, Cao Muwen stayed here to read books and fiddle with tools and so on.

Now it is the morning. Most of the handymen and servants use some work to do, but they are happy and comfortable. They sit in the small room and pick up a book about the autopsy and read it with relish.

I don't know if someone can't see that they are stealing their leisure. Not long after sitting down, Zhang Fang, the little devil, came in again. It was said that the old man Zhang in the north of the village was beaten by the famous ruffian Xiaohu sledgehammer in the west of the village. The old man was so angry that he raised his hand and punched Hu sledgehammer. Unexpectedly, Hu sledgehammer was really shameless. Suddenly, he had to say that old man Zhang relied on the old man, maliciously beat people and made himself "severely injured".

In desperation, I had to find a test for the injury.

"Alas," Cao Muwen listened and sighed. Now that I know the "beast" of Wu Kui at that time, I put down the book in my hand, got up and followed Zhang Fang. I'm thinking about how to "play 50 big boards" and don't provoke both sides!

"Alas. I'm exhausted!"

In the evening, Cao Muwen dragged his tired body back home. With a bang, it hit the broken ** heavily. The dilapidated bed board creaked. Cao Muwen gently moved his body. It's better to be lighter so as not to break it and have to sleep on the floor at night.

It's really annoying to be "tossed" by those ruffians this morning. In the morning, I went to the old man's tea stall in the west of the village. At that time, many villagers had come to watch. I saw a five-three thick man falling to the ground, covering his eyes with one hand and moaning. The names of the surrounding villages looked at the man pointedly, with disdain in their eyes.

When Cao Muwen arrived, many of the officials around him had been driven away by the government officials, and only a few people were still wandering. Zhang Fang took Cao Muwen to the two government officials. One of the two officials is Wang and the other is Li. The long ones are all stingy. A big horse's mouth and a pair of shrimp eyes look like a hippo. Li's servant is slender, with a pot waist and a thin head, like a "big shrimp". These two people seemed to play double reeds. Wang Yushi only did a lot. Seeing him sitting by the table, he grabbed a pot of tea with one hand and drank it. Neither the "beshing" old man Zhang nor the "injured" Hu sledgehammer who fell to the ground. Li Yan sat on a low stool with a "serious" face and asked the two people.

"Ah, official, you have to make the decision for the old man!" As soon as Cao Muwen came, he saw the old man bending down and arching his hand, looking at the Li Yan with a pleading face. Li Yan also looked disdainful. It seemed that he didn't care about the old man at all, but there was a "routine business" without a match.

He looked at the sledgehammer still lying on the ground and didn't bother to pay attention to him. He raised his eyes and looked at the old man Zhang, "Why is it nothing? Why did you hurt people?"

"Oh, my lord, I didn't deliberately hurt people. Yes~~ It's this Hu Dachui, he~~ he's a scoundrel." Old man Zhang stammered and accused Hu Dachui of the process of drinking "overlord tea" in his tea shop.