Ming Diary

Chapter 54: Chasing 1

Looking for it is also a person who lived up to Huang Tian's will. Khan finally found a "confidant", and suddenly Bo Yan, the famous leader of this person, also heard about it. I heard that this man is infinite and a little resourceful, and he is also one of the few fierce generals under his subordinates. In particular, his pastoral place is the place that Beyan Monk value the most.

Not far to the south is the entrance of Xifeng, an important pass for the Ming people. Xifengkou is an important pass on the first line of the Great Wall. To the southeast is the same line of Xuanfu University, and slightly to the south is Taiyuan, an important town. Boyan had a plan brewing in his stomach.

In the past few years, winter has been getting longer and longer. Slowly harsh winter, it's hard to endure. It's better to do a big job, plunder cattle, sheep, property, and countless women~~~ In the Ming Dynasty, officials are now corrupt, the military discipline is scattered, the military is not prosperous, the military spirit is depressed, the generals are punished at will, and even Bo Yan knows about the oppression of soldiers. How can a tofu-like army compete with our grassland warriors!"

Bo Yan's eyes seemed to be burning, and her eyes seemed to be imagining. Imagine how vast and glorious the Great Mongol Empire was more than 100 years ago.

Bo Yan has secretly contacted suddenly many times, hoping that he will "abandon the secret and return to the embrace of "Dayuan" and promise the benefits of others. But this suddenly is not stupid, and he is not a person who is overwhelmed by interests. Now he and his tribe belong to Duoyan Sanwei. They not only have great prestige, control and influence, but also have not weakened. Suddenly, they have an official position appointed by the Ming court in their name, although he doesn't even care about himself, so that he can't remember the official name clearly.

Bo Yan also knew that just letting a 10,000-family tribe defect to him would not help him much. On the contrary, it would make him and Huadang turn against each other and make the Ming court vigilant. He only hopes that the cloth can play another role~~~

"Dear Huerbu, you have finally come back, but let Mu Chijia wait for a day and two nights!" Mu Chijia saw the sudden cloth and greeted him with a smile on his face. He also said, "The 'good play' you showed me is really wonderful, but it's inevitable that the eagle flying across the snowy mountains can't catch its prey. Don't pay too much attention to it. Just ask someone to arrest them back. Mu Chiga brought a wine bowl, poured a large bowl of horse milk wine in person, and handed it over to the once-named "Bayan" for a day and two nights.

Suddenly, the cloth was also unambiguous, and I took the wine bowl and drank it all. Oh, thank you. Mu Chijia, we have met many times. It's an old acquaintance. This time, I also made a mistake for a while and let the sheep know in advance~~~" Suddenly, Bu said sadly, and he was still upset.

turned around and said, "I don't believe they can run out. I have sent someone to chase them. Try to live, especially the hundred households in Jinyiwei. Suddenly, Bu looked at Mu Chiga, and his eyes seemed to be proud. Again, "This Jinyiwei is different from other official positions of the Ming people. Hundreds of Jinyiwei even know more than ordinary thousands of households." After saying that, Bu suddenly burst into laughter.

"Oh! So that's it. Lord Wanhu, what an embodiment of wisdom and courage! Well, haha." Mu Chijia's horses are also wonderful.

At this time, he was thinking, "It seems that the person Khan is looking for is really a person on the grassland."

What Boyan Khan expected, even if this Yan Sanwei, including the sudden cloth, even if the part is used by himself, should not become an obstacle to his actions in the near future.

Soon, Khan will lead tens of thousands of iron horses and swing his army south to let those weak wise people see the power of Genghis Khan's descendants. I hope that at that time, the three guards of Uliangha can remain neutral. As long as they don't send troops to help the Ming Dynasty, they will be worthy of immortality and the great Genghis Khan.

Wu Zheng and Cao Muwen still have some advantages. They have guns.

Although the fire is loaded with the fee, it is necessary to use the fire rope to ignite the fuse and then use the trigger to reflect. But the night helped them.

Wu Zheng and his party of four are now fleeing around in the camp. Far away, they can still hear the noise and noise in the middle square. It seems that Hu Hufu has not yet mobilized the whole battalion to treat us.

If it is most appropriate to describe these four people now, Wu Zheng shouted before: "Go to the stables and grab the horses!" Immediately point out that the rest of the people, the horse they rode when they came before should have been suddenly disposed of. Now I can only take advantage of the time. Suddenly, Bu only ordered people to search for himself, and did not send anyone to guard the stable. Fortunately, Wu Zheng had just passed by the stable and recognized the way.

On this vast grassland, if there are pursuers riding after you, you can't escape from their hands even if you can run out of this camp. Mongolians are excellent in equestrianism, and it is difficult to escape from horseback, but if you escape on foot, you will not escape this disaster.

Four people have re-examined all four hand-handed in a secret tent and filled them with gunpowder and bullets. Only then did he scatter the duck and run all the way, hoping to seize the opportunity and run away from the horse.

Wu Zheng and Wei Bingwen first ran into the stable. Cao Muwen and Zhou Gang held knives and guns in the other and guarded the door vigilantly. They faintly heard messy footsteps and bustling shouts. Although Cao Muwen can't understand Mongolian, he knows that these are pursuers.

The pursuers are approaching!

It's started!

Wu Zheng took the lead and fled first.

There are more than a dozen horses in this stable, one of whom rode on. Before leaving, Wu Zheng and his party stabbed the buttocks of these horses separately. All the horses walked away in pain, their voices roared, their four hoofs ran wildly, and the green grass flew, and the brown soil was exposed like a burst of flowers. More than ten horses formed a miniature horse array, roaring and roaring forward.

As soon as the frightened horses turned around the corner, they met a pursuer head-on. It was also more than a dozen big men who were searching around with knives and suddenly saw this group of stunned horses. Although they were all skilled in riding, they were helpless when they saw the shocked horses running in front of them. It is because they know the temperament of the horse that they know the power of the horse. If the horse is frightened all the time, if an experienced rider drives or appeases it, it will soon calm down, but the horse is also an emotionally contagious animal. A horse can affect other horses, thus spreading, causing a frightened situation.

Of course, more than a dozen horses were shocked by the pain and hissing. It's not a big deal. These more than a dozen three-wei warriors have grown up with Ma since childhood, and they are close to Ma. Seeing the horse rush forward randomly, you should not encounter it head-on. If a living thing suddenly appears in front of the horse when it is frightened, it will make it feel more dangerous and aggravate its fear. These more than a dozen skilled horse riders seem to have avoided the horse's head.

Batu, the leader, saw an adult male among them, "This may be the head of this group of horses." Batu only needs to think about it, and there is no need to say anything else. Immediately three steps and two steps, the body cleverly moved to the side of the tall horse. Fortunately, these horses have not had time to unload their saddles when resting in the stables, so it is not difficult for them to jump on and run, especially for these skillful grassland riders.

Batu grabbed the horse's mane with one hand, grabbed the other side of the saddle with the other, and jumped. One foot firmly stepped on the horse pedal. At the same time, the other leg violently exerted force and twisted his waist. With the strength of rising up, he easily stepped on the saddle, and the other foot also stepped on the horse pedal. He gently stroked the horse's neck with one hand and grasped it tightly in the other hand. The reins were gently tightened, and soon, the shock of the horse was calmed down.

At this time, the other riders also found their own horses and rode them. They were gradually quiet and tamed by Batu, and the rest of the horses were also settled under the dual role of this influence and their drivers.

Batu turned around and looked in the direction of Wu Zheng and the others fled, and saw that they had indeed fled. However~~~, Batu smiled and wanted to compete with the warriors on the prairie, but you are not half enough!

It happened that the remaining person was not tamed by Marco. Batu waved his hand, called him over and said loudly, "Try to Lord Huerbu, I, Batu, led people to the northeast to chase him first, and let the others chase him quickly. Haha." Batu was the size of a horse with his legs and grabbed the reins. "Let's go! Let's catch up!"

These more than a dozen shocked horses became these warriors** and their assistants to chase Wu Zheng's four people in a short time. More than a dozen knights ran forward and left a string of horseshoe marks on the dusty grass. Dozens of iron-footed horses' hoofs rumbled on the grass, inspiring echoes of the earth.

Wu Zheng immediately turned around and looked at the black spots behind him. There are more people than us. If we catch up, we will definitely finish it!" Wu Zheng's scalp was numb.

"Where are we going!" Cao Muwen followed closely. He felt that he was flying up and down on the bumpy horse, and he was about to rise into the air.

"I'm so fucking glad I didn't eat much!" Cao Muwen didn't know whether he came up with this or shouted it. He just looked at Zhou Gang with difficulty in the wind blowing by. The sound of the wind made him hardly hear what others said. He saw that Zhou Gang, who was on one side, was much worse now than him. Zhou Gang's voice seemed to rise and fall violently with the rise and fall of the horse's hoof. Cao Muwen knew that he was now suppressing his words. Zhou Gang, your stomach must be upside down now!" Cao Muwen laughed loudly.

"Haha, damn it! It's true." Zhou Gang didn't care when he heard it, as if a few jokes would play an unexpected role in this situation.

"Fuck, we still have fire! How can I touch it!" Wei Bingwen shouted at this time.