Ming Diary

Chapter 55: Chasing 2

"After putting this thing once, it will take a lot of effort to fill it, and it will be troublesome on the ground. If we ride such a fast horse and do it again, we have to fall off the horse!"

"You can't slow down now anyway!" Wu Zheng pointed to the horse randomly and shouted.

"Then our horse won't run for long!" Cao Muwen thought that there was no way to do this, and hurriedly asked, hoping that anyone would come up with a way in a hurry.

"Anyway, now we can't load it as soon as we finish it." Wei Bingwen pointed to the fire in his arms and said loudly. Ouch! Damn, I almost fell down!" Wei Bingwen shook his left and right branches, and finally grabbed his neck and fell to the ground to avoid falling from the horse.

"It's too dangerous. Our riding skills are not as good as those who chase us. They can control the horse with only their legs and free their hands to pull bows and shoot arrows. Let's fuck! Can it be?" Zhou Gang couldn't take much care of it and shouted.

Cao Muwen cautiously turned around and looked at the gradually growing black spot. Now he can clearly see the human face. Cao Muwen was very dishearted.

Cao Muwen is particularly sober now. I don't know whether the fierce wind has made him sober or his state is still going on tonight.

"They still have some distance from us! I can't see how many of them are, about a dozen!" After Wei Bingwen took another risk to look back and observe, he came to this conclusion.

"Turn your head and go south! Hurry up!" Wu Zheng shouted loudly!

Cao Muwen knew that it was difficult for him to escape as the pursuers approached. From here, he has run out of a few miles to the east, and now it is difficult to turn to the south and return to the mouth of Xifeng, but from here, Cao Muwen can see a black line in the sky in the south.

The Great Wall!?

"How far do we have to run to get to the Great Wall! I can't fucking look south and see anything, either grass or a fucking semi-black sky!" Wei Bingwen was already angry at this time. No! It should be frightened.

"The more we go to South Vietnam, the more chance we have to survive!" Wu Zheng shouted loudly, hoping to stimulate morale.

Cao Muwen suddenly had hope as soon as he thought about it. "If you get closer to the border defense of the Great Wall further south, you may encounter the border pass to patrol and scout the cavalry. If we really meet them, we will be saved!" Cao Muwen knew that this was unlikely. Because although the border garrison has the responsibility of patrolling and detecting the northern grassland, this responsibility has only been written on paper over the years. The military discipline of the Ming Dynasty is decadent, the army is lax, and the combat effectiveness is low. Although it is not absolute, it has become a trend and has become more and more intense. Although the number of border troops on the nine sides is large, the military discipline and management are relatively strict and regular. Generals rarely engage in favoritism and fraud, but it's good to be able to keep an acre of land. Then let them run to the grassland they are not familiar with for a walk. Even in the suburbs, few people have this "leisure".

"It's almost impossible! The horse can't run anymore!" Zhou Gang shouted out at this moment. Even if he doesn't say these words, Cao Muwen can feel it on the horse. Now the horse does not have the running speed at all, and Cao Muwen can clearly hear the breathless roar of the horse while running.

Forgive this Mongolian horse has excellent endurance, Cao Muwen and others are light and simple, and no horse can run with all its strength for such a long time without taking a break.

"Fuck, what's going on?" Zhou Gang roared and suddenly hit the horse's buttocks with the back of the knife. The horse ran a few steps and returned to its original speed, which seemed to be a little slower than the previous speed.

"Zhou Gang! We have too many extra actions!" Cao Muwen turned his head. Just now, he looked back at the pursuers behind him and found that their riding method was really smart. There is no superfluous action that distracts the horse; the useless beating of the horse once will not frightening the horse. It consumes physical strength, but does not let the horse walk much; their bodies are kept to the lowest, minimizing the air resistance, and both legs try their best to swing back.

"I can't even let go of the air resistance of my legs! Fuck!" Cao Muwen scolded viciously in his heart that he couldn't do this action of forcing his leg muscles to cramps even if he wanted to.

"If it goes on like this, we will soon be caught up! They are getting closer and closer to us!" Cao Muwen looked at Wu Zheng, hoping that the leader could play a leading role.

"Why don't they shoot arrows!" At this time, Wei Bingwen suddenly reminded a group of people who were running around.

"Yes, if they are so powerful, why don't they have a few arrows? Why haven't the arrows been flying so far?"

"Fuck, why did you forget to bring the arrow out!" Batu cursed angrily and spoke loudly, which can be said to be a long rainbow. Although the horse's hoofs were trampling and noisy, his words were still heard by more than a dozen people.

"Yes, why did you come out and carry a knife, but the most important bow and arrow were forgotten." Everyone couldn't help sighing and visually measuring the current distance. The " fugitives" in front of them can already see the big figures, although they are all together.

Batu's arm strength was amazing. Although he lost to him in a sudden wrestling with Bubi at the Nadam Conference many years ago, he has always been conceited with his archery. Suddenly, the force was infinite, and Batu knew that he could not compare with him. But bows and arrows are not only about strength, but also about skills. No matter how you pull the bow of the big stone, it is still your "hit rate" that measures your archery level!

For example, the famous archer Zhebie's archery is amazing and is respected as an "arrow god" by the Mongols. What makes him famous is also the archery of "one stone and two eagles". On the contrary, he can open the five-stone bow, but it is less noticeable.

Batu was also a clever woman who couldn't cook without rice. He was ordered to lead more than a dozen warriors to search for Wu Zheng. He only wanted to capture him in the camp, but he didn't expect that the other party recognized the stable when he was "walking" here and robbed the horse and ran away. The people chased out in a hurry. Everyone only held a Mongolian saber, but no one carried the bow and arrow.

"Hmm! Let's catch up with you, and I want you to feel good!" Batu was angry, and his ability could not be exerted, which made his blood rise. However, seeing that the four horses in front of him run wildly from the original hooves and the four hooves roared to the current mess, Batu knew that they were already tired.

"Drive!" When Batu saw it, it was a good opportunity to catch up with them. His hands urged the rein, and the horse's hoof immediately accelerated his pace. The leader must be captured alive, and the rest must be killed!" Batu shouted and crossed out of the pursuers first.

Later, everyone also hurriedly urged the horses, and the hiss of the horses suddenly increased, and the speed of the pursuers on the road immediately accelerated.

"They are about to catch up! What to do!" Zhou Gang shouted.

"There are 18 of them, and the leader is at the front." Cao Muwen can now clearly see the faces of those people, although they all seem to come out of a mold, full of flesh and a beard.

Cao Muwen could feel the hand that was lying in his arms, and the iron handle was tightly attached to his abdomen, which gave him great comfort.

"If you hit the right point, it is guaranteed that there will be only 14 shots. Ha ha." Cao Muwen raised his voice and laughed.

"It's better to do the leader! Haha" Zhou Gang said in a very timely way.

"They seemed to be chasing in a hurry without bows and arrows. But they can't just send such a wave of pursuers. There must be more behind. We must be fast. It's difficult for us to run any further! The horse can't run anymore!" Wei Bingwen, who had fallen at the end, said breathlessly.

Cao Muwen was helpless. Now his life is on the line. He just looked at the dozen fierce gods behind him, and he was bound by his four people three or two. Now I can only think of other ways to get out!

How to deal with it! Death was behind, and Cao Muwen's usual thinking began to run at high speed again. These four times~~~~

There is a lake not far away~~

It is said that the lake is not worthy of its name. It should be said that it is a wetland.

The terrain here is slightly lower, and the soil is hard. Under the land, there are mostly rocks and hard sand, and unlike other places, it is mostly soil. Therefore, every summer, because of the heavy rainfall, water will always accumulate in this lowland, and because the ground is rocky, which is not conducive to rainwater seepage, thus forming a seasonal lake because of the water accumulation. This spring is a pool, summer is a lake, autumn is a swamp, and in winter it returns to its original state and becomes a weed-grown reeds. Local shepherds gave it a veritable name - Tannuma Lake because of the frequent changes in precipitation throughout the year. That is to say, sometimes it is a pool, sometimes a swamp, and sometimes a lake.

It is summer now. Although the previous days of rain have not been great, it has still turned the pool into a lake. The water is not deep, and there is no head in the deepest part, just to the neck.

Now is the time for the abundance of water and grass. Several wild gulls flew on the lake, and their alert eyes stared at the calm lake. The underwater prey is unknown, as if they are immersed in the rare lake water. This is just a seasonal lake, with no real fish, only some toads, mud turtles, and some messy amphibians living in this "temporary housing" for only a few months. Even so, the threat from heaven still exists from time to time, and an inattention will become a Chinese meal.

The east has already revealed its white belly. The sunset and the lonely birds fly together, and the autumn water is the same color as the sky. That's the scene, right? It's just that Luoxia will be replaced by Chuxia.

The glow of the first day was obliquely shot on the high bunch of wormwood, and a gust of wind blew by. The green water grass swayed left and right, and there were ripples on the originally calm lake. The wind on the grassland can be said to be in a hurry to come and go. The "horse's continuous" wind rushed to the distance, stroked the grass in the distance and bent down in one direction, and then returned to its original state.