Ming Diary

Chapter 39: It is difficult for feudal officials to do 1

After this incident, it has been a few days since Cao Muwen reported to the governor's office. Fortunately, the time stipulated above is relatively generous. I was a few days late, but it didn't matter.

On that day, Cao Muwen was a little nervous. The day before, Cao Muwen dressed up carefully, hoping that there was no trace of brocade guards on Zhou's body. When his flying fish suit was put into the box again, he sighed. The stingling skin would fade again after a few days. It seemed that he could not even bring a knife. The Xiuchun knife of Jinyiwei is also blinking. It is impossible for Wang Shouren to recognize it.

The identity written on the ultimatum can be self-evtained. As long as you remember it in detail, there will naturally be no omissions. Wang Shouren can't make it clear. Wang Shouren has a psychological shadow.

The governor's official residence is naturally very different from secret institutions such as Jinyiwei. Jinyiwei is on a hill on the edge of the Gan River in the north city, while the official office as the governor of Nangan is in the city, with people coming and going, which is slightly lively. Maybe this is also the reason why Wang Shouren likes to communicate with ordinary people? Wang Shouren is now the governor of Southern Jiangxi. I remember that he arrived at the time of the handover in the New Year last year, and it didn't seem that he had much time. After all, the governor in the Ming Dynasty was different from the governor in the sense of ordinary people, and even more different from the future governors. However, it is also true that he is a feudal official in Xinjiang. He is in charge of a kind of major event in one province or even many provinces, which can be said to be a high-ranking position, and the position of governor has similarities and permanent institutions. Both the Northern Zhou Dynasty and the beginning of the Tang Dynasty sent officials to various places, which was a temporary dispatch, and the "gul" did not become an official name.

When the governor was first set up, he often worked with the governor in the province. After Jingtai and Tianshun in the Ming Dynasty, governors in various places opened mansions one after another. In the former dynasty, when Emperor Hongzhi was the governor of the Southern Jiangxi government, made the following description: five front and back halls, two corridors, several gates and porches, a dormitory was built in the east and left, and a reward hall in the east. Outside the gate, there is a second archway of Fu'an and calming. In the south of the screen wall, there are three departments, which are used as a white place for patrol and military preparation meetings. The dome is majestic, high and majestic, and the regulation is magnificent, which is unprecedented in the town. All the decrees and rewards and punishments are here. The commanders sent troops, received the law, and contributed, and were also here. Hundreds of governors in the county are relaxed, and they must come to this white, and then dare to stop.

The name of the governor began in 24 years when Hong Wu sent the crown prince to the governor of Shaanxi, and it is recorded in the Code: the name of the governor comes from Prince Yiwen, the governor of Shaanxi. In the 19th year of Yongle, 26 members including Shang Shuyi were sent to patrol the world to appease the army and the people. In the future, there will be no official, such as Shangshu, Shilang, Du Yushi, Shaoqing, etc., and they will be restored after the matter, that is, they will be suspended. The governor originated from a temporary mission; the name of the governor is derived from its special mission of "touring the world and appeasing the army and the people". Unlike the general imperial history patrol, the governor "appeases" rather than the master's "monitoring", and the system is very heavy, known as the "minister's patrol". However, it is easy to create an illusion that the governor of the Ming Dynasty has been stuck in the stage of temporary dispatch of "resuming life, that is, or suspension of dispatch".

In the fifth year of Xuande, Zhao Xin, Zhao Lun, Wu Zheng, Yu Qian, Cao Hong, Zhou Zhen and other six people were divided into governors in Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Huguang, Henan, Shanxi, Beizhi, Shandong, Nanzhi Su Song and other places. The establishment of governors began to become a regular measure.

The setting of the governor in the Ming Dynasty has its obvious stage, and the general trend is gradually localization and institutionalization, that is, the transformation from the sent by the central government to the local military and political officers, and from a temporary dispatch to a permanent institution.

In the Xuande and orthodox period, governors generally took a special task as a transition, and there was a certain blindness and overlap. In the fifth year of Xuande, Zhao Xin and others were divided into provinces, and their direct mission was to tax the governor's grain. The Record of Emperor Xuanzong of the Ming Dynasty wrote: "In the ninth day of the fifth year of Xuande, first of all, it was said that the line was in the Ministry of Household: 'Each department's tax and grain is mostly slow. Few people can do their best. The treacherous people are very cunning. The people's expenses have not been fully charged. It is appropriate for an important minister to go to it.'" So Zhao Xin and others were ordered to go to various places, "the governor's tax grain". However, in the process of supervising grain, it is inevitable to encounter a series of problems, such as cheating, the recruitment of rich households, and the burden of farmers, so they have to "act cheaply" and "procity with the governor to comfort one side". This is the case of having a special responsibility and serving as a governor first. Nevertheless, there have also begun to have clearer regulations on the basic duties of the governor. This can be seen from the edict given to the governors of Xuande in eight years: "I ordered you and other governors and counties to preach morality, comfort the people, and foster good deeds. All taxes and grain, from what you try to do, will make people not work hard and lose later; the guards are planted, compared with you, and the paddy fields are also from the admiral, so that cultivation is sometimes free of water and drought. There should be something convenient for the people, and I have heard about it. In addition to the governor, there was also a guard, which began at the beginning of the reign of Emperor Yingzong. Therefore, there has been a situation of governor and guarding in many places. For example, in Shanxi and Henan, Xuande has ordered Yu Qian's governor for five years. Xuande asked Yu Qian to guard Henan in May of the year, and he was also a governor. Wenchen guards were set up on all sides of Ningxia, Gansu and Liaodong, and together with the governors, they were called "town inspectors".

The Minghui Dictionary regards the town and the patrol as a governor: "the first name is the governor, or the name of the town guard", without distinction. Because later the town and patrol returned to the road. But this does not mean that there is no difference between the governor and the guard. Generally speaking, although the governors of Xuande and orthodox times have actually been stationed in one place, the Ming government still regards it as a temporary dispatch, and the town code has a tendency to be customized from the beginning. In the six years of orthodoxy, the system of guarding and vige began to be implemented, stipulating that "year-to-old". For the localization and institutionalization of governors, the setting of guard is undoubtedly an important step. However, the governors and guards overlap, each holds edicts, does their own things, goes out of politics, and is harassed, which often makes local departments at a loss.

Jingtai to Zhengde is a period of comprehensive localization and institutionalization of governors. The overlapping situation between the guard and the governor changed in Tianshun. After the restoration of Emperor Yingzong, he went to various towns and patrol officers at the request of Shi Heng, Cao Jixiang and others. In April of the second year of Tianshun, he was very embarrassed because "each side changed to the minister and governor", and at Li Xian's suggestion, the governor was reinstated. However, due to the consideration of "the garrison has both the chief soldier and the internal minister", the literary minister went out of the town "no longer known as guarding, but called the governor". Since then, the town and patrol have been unified, and the principle of long-term stationing in one place has been retained, which has taken a big step forward in the localization and institutionalization of the governor. ; The guard Wenchen set up in the orthodoxy is also a department or court, and has not been unified. In this way, the governor often has disputes with the imperial historian and the inspectors who are responsible for reprisals on issues such as moving documents and welcoming gifts. At the time of Xuande, Zhao Xin, the right servant of the official department, was the governor of Jiangxi, and the inspector refused to cooperate because he was not his subordinate. To this end, Xuande specially stipulated the cases of governors, patrols and departments in April of the seventh year. In the fourth year of Jingtai, Geng Jiuchou guarded Shaanxi with the right servant of the Ministry of Criminal Justice. Xu Zi, the political envoy, proposed: "When the servant comes out of the town, he is not unified with the imperial history of the patrol, and there are many things that are stagnant. Please change to a constitutional position." In order to further solve the contradiction between Fu and Press, the Ming government accepted Xu Zi's suggestion and transferred Geng Jiuchou from the right servant of the Ministry of Criminal Justice to the right deputy capital, and still guarded Shaanxi. Since then, the town inspectors have successively transferred to the system of the Metropolitan Inspectorate, all known as the "Povernor of the Capital". After the examination, the governor is expected to "go back to the hospital" to preside over the affairs of the two Kyoto inspectors. The qualification of the governor has also been gradually institutionalized. Zhao Yi pointed out: "In Xuande, Yu Qian worshipped the right servant of the military department and governor of Henan and Shanxi. This is still the case of unqualified at the beginning of the country. Until the qualification is established, the governor will use the imperial history of the capital, or be promoted by the political envoy. Although this statement is too absolute, it inadvertently reveals the principle of the combination of internal and external officials of the governor of the Ming Dynasty. Generally speaking, after Chenghua and Hongzhi, the governors are all the ministers and Shaoqing of the temples in the two capitals, and the prime ministers of Dali Temple. They are more experienced in the affairs, the imperial history, and Langzhong, as well as the political envoys, inspectors, and political participation in the outside, and the senior military and deputy envoys and senior magistrate. The former high-level person is the imperial historian of the deputy capital, called the governor's right deputy imperial historian; the former humble person is the imperial historian of the capital, called the governor's right-hand imperial historian. The relationship between the governor and Beijing has also been relatively weakened. This can also ensure that they will have less impact on the DPRK.

During the Jiajing period, the localization and institutionalization of the governor has been completed, and the governor is above the three divisions and is the highest authority in the provinces. All 13 political envoys in the Ming Dynasty were set up as governors, and the three divisions were under their jurisdiction. Strengthening the jurisdiction of border areas is the beginning of the establishment of new provinces and regions. This kind of governor is mainly located in the border area, and most of them are developed on the basis of the original capital command and envoys, taking Liaodong, Ningxia and Gansu as examples. Form a special area. This kind of governor is mainly located in mountainous areas with weak ruling power at the border of several provinces, typical of Nangan and Yunyang. There are two situations for this kind of governor to form a war zone. First, it is set up in the original border towns, such as Xuanfu and Datong, with relative stability. Second, it will be temporarily added according to the development of the war.

The reason set by the governor of Southern Jiangxi is one of the above: Hongzhi's seven-year Ting and Jiangxi treacherous people were bandits, and the beginning was very small, and the dog and rat stole the ears. The county has no far-reaching strategy, and it is not in a hurry to catch it, and its momentum is blazing. However, those who did not succeed in Cennan Lake and Hunan made peace with it, plundered rich families, burnt houses, plundered houses, killed officials and soldiers, and coaxed them into the southeast county. Some divisions began to refute and map it, and its east was sent to the west, and in the south, it rushed to the north. At that time, Deng Gongyuan, the eunuch of Jiangxi, and the patrol supervised the imperial history and Bu according to the two departments, thought that the theft was not flat, and the decrees were different, and some neighbors refused to cooperate. It is appropriate to set up a governor and a constitutional minister, set up a key place to control it, and if you cut off the neighboring counties to control it, you will steal Yiping. Therefore, the court promoted Jin Ze, the governor of Dongzuo, as the governor, and was promoted to the right deputy capital imperial history. He set up the division in Ganzhou, ceding the two prefectures of Nan'an and Ganzhou in Jiangxi, Tingzhou in Fujian, Shaozhou, Huizhou and Nanxiong in Guangdong, and Binzhou in Huguang, and established the government office managed by the governor at the border of Fujian, Guangdong, Hunan and Jiangxi provinces. Wang Shouren's governor of Nangan came here. His position is high and powerful, and he also has a deep responsibility.