Ming Diary

Chapter 40: It is difficult for the officials of Xinjiang to do 2

Since Jingtai, with the comprehensive localization and institutionalization of the governor, the governor has become the highest local military and political chief above the three divisions, and the governor's government has become a provincial power agency. In fact, the three divisions have been reduced to departmental institutions. Because the governor was a temporary agency and became a permanent institution. In the 11th year of orthodoxy, Li Kui, the governor of Zhili, asked the governor to help the hungry people in Yongping and Luanzhou, and reinstated the governor in Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Huguang and other places. Yingzong believed that the governor was set up because of the matter and was not his own person, which was suitable for increasing the disturbance and vetoed Li Kui's proposal. In the sixth year of Jingtai, Yu Shiyue, the secretary of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, was far away from the capital from Fujian, facing the sea, and asked the governor of the important minister. Wang Zhi, the secretary of the Ministry of Public Affairs, believes that the responsibility for theft is in the three divisions, and there is no need for governor. Emperor Jing also believed: "If there is no big deal, you are not allowed to send courtiers lightly." It can be seen that the governor is regarded as a temporary task in orthodox and Jingtai fashion. He Mengchun, a court minister at the time of Hongzhi, pointed out: "Today's governor is Wei's comfort ambassador, Sui's ambassador, and Tang's comfort and appeasement envoy. Song also had a destiny. Now it's important. The border side has the right to take the position of transshipment in the abdomen, holding the edict paper, and acting cheaply. The three divisions are under its jurisdiction, and several counties are miserable. To Jiajing, Guiqi, the minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, clearly pointed out: "It's all up to the governor and the military and reserve officers to sort out." Shizong believes: "Those who use this position must have good officials to protect our people."

The scope of responsibilities of the governor is mainly in three aspects: Fuxun, inspecting subordinate officials, and admiral military affairs, that is, governing the people, officials and the army. Fuxun is the basic responsibility of the governor. All the affairs of corvée, Lijia, Qianliang, post, warehouse, city, fort and pass, soldiers and horses, military salaries, as well as the review and editing of large grain chiefs, Minzhuang Kuaishou and other places, are all at the disposal of the governor. Naturally, all related to this and derived from the recruitment of the people, the persuasion of farmers, the investigation of disasters, the supervision of taxes and grain, the equalization and exemption of military service, the resolution and suppression of civil changes, the construction of water conservancy, the opening and closure of mines, etc. are all responsible for the governors.

Inspecting subordinates is another basic duty of the governor. For six years, his famous person was Tianshun. Li Kan, the governor of the imperial capital of Shanxi, inspected his officials and dismissed more than 160 political envoys Wang Yong and Li Zhengfang. However, unlike the local governor, the inspection of subordinate officials is carried out jointly by the patrol of the governor's committee. The Ming Dynasty officially participated in military affairs with literary ministers, which began in Yongle. At that time, Annan was appointed as the general officer of Zhengyi, and Liu Jun, the minister of the military department, was the counselor of military affairs. Since then, the military has flourished, for example, literary ministers have praised military affairs. And military acts inevitably involve the raising and supply of military supplies and local public security. Therefore, in the future, Wenchen and military officials have served as governors, or served as the original governors and admirals to serve as military affairs. With the intensification of social contradictions, the military functions of the governor have been gradually strengthened. The rectification of the army, the appointment and removal of generals, the deployment of the army, and the supply of military wages are all presided over by the governor or participated in the decision. At the beginning of Jiajing, under the auspices of Yang Tinhe, Zhang Wei and others, the garrison officials in various places withdrew one after another, and the status of garrison generals also declined day by day, and the governor became the actual head of the garrison in various places. Whether it is the "confeditors" in the north, the "laws" in the southeast, or the "thieves" in the interior, the governors are responsible for command, and the generals are all under their command. The governor was also the first to blame for the mutiny that occurred in various places after the middle of the Ming Dynasty. However, until the death of the Ming Dynasty, the governor and the admiral's military affairs were not fully united. When the Ming Conference Code was re-revised in 15 years of Wanli, 25 members of the governors were customized in various places, 24 of whom had military functions, the mainland and the military rank of admiral, and the border town had the rank of general and the military affairs. While having the above common responsibilities, local governors often have their own special missions. Su Songjiangnan is the place where the wealth of the Ming Dynasty came from, so the governor should have the responsibility of "premier's grain storage". Xu, Chu and Subei are located in the middle of the canal and adjacent to the south of the Yangtze River. They are the hub of north-south canal transportation, so the governor of Fengyang has the responsibility of governor of canal transportation. Henan and Shandong are in the lower reaches of the Yellow River, and the second governors are also in charge of the river. The common politics in the mainland are numerous, and the governor is mainly to inspect the officials and the people; the border military affairs are numerous, and the governor is mainly to control the army and control the "combusters".

Fuxun local affairs, inspecting subordinate officials and admiral military affairs were respectively in charge of the political department, the inspection department and the command department in the early Ming Dynasty. The formation of the governor system and the concentration of the powers of the three divisions to the governor undoubtedly changed the power of the three divisions at the same time. While the powers of the three divisions were centralized to the governor, the patrol Various constraints have also gradually formed.

Before the provincial governors set up special governors, there were already generals in border towns and some provinces in the mainland. Less than two years after Chengzu ascended the throne, 13 provinces and towns such as Shandong, Yunnan, Zhejiang, Liaodong, Ningxia, Guangxi, Guizhou, Gansu, Datong, Jiangxi, Guangdong and Shaanxi successively set up generals. Xuande and orthodoxy sent governors to various places. Moreover, in the middle of the Ming Dynasty, the power was under the dictatorship, and the princes were powerful, so in addition to guarding the literary ministers, they gradually sent officials to guard the town. Therefore, a new triangular relationship has been formed in some areas where the general soldiers, middle officials and civil servants are side by side. For this reason, after Tianshun, Wenchen went out of the town and were renamed governors. The governor was often controlled by the generals and middle officials, and was hit twice in Tianshun and Zhengde. After Jiajing, the status of the general officer declined and the central officer was withdrawn. However, in terms of the system, the general officer and the governor were still at the same level, and the border town was restored from time to time. The edicts of the general soldier, the middle officer and the governor were also different, with their own departments. Therefore, in the border areas, the generals and middle officials are still holding the governors. In addition, although the three divisions have been subordinate to the governor, they are still nominally legal provincial institutions and maintain relative independence from the governor. In the fourth year of Xuande, the eleventh year of Jiajing and the second year of Wanli, the Ming government also asked the governor three times in the form of a decree that "do not allow the governors, cloth, according to the three divisions, military guards, prefecture and county officials, and seal officials". If there are employees of the three departments who are not in office, the governor can't deal with it by himself, but can only "retreat". In October of the first year of Wanli, it was also stipulated that those who inspect subordinate officials and were promoted to the capital for a term of three years, "listen to Nanjing science and Taoism and impeachment, and do not refer to other provinces." The governor committed illegal acts, and the three chiefs also had to participate in the central government. In this way, on the one hand, the governor controls the three divisions, and on the other hand, the three divisions also restrain the governor.

The appointment of the governor must be recommended by the court. The appointment of the governor of the mainland is presided over by the Ministry of Public Affairs, and the border is presided over by the Ministry of Military Affairs. The governor's examination course, deposed, and changed the adjustment, and was practiced in the second division of the Ministry of Public Affairs. After Jingcha decided to stay, he had to listen to Kedao's impeachment and pick up the relics. Those who have not completed major local affairs will also be investigated by Kedao. Throughout the Ming generation of governors, there are few people who are not impeached by science and Taoism. The agricultural and mulberry service affairs within the governor's subordinates must be guided by the household department, be in charge of military affairs, and have to be ordered by the military department. The governor's handling of major local issues generally has to be exposed to the cabinet before being formally neglected.

In addition, the separation patrol of the imperial history of the Ming Dynasty began in the tenth year of Hongwu. Since then, the imperial historian has gradually become the main monitoring force of the central government and the dispatching agency of the Metropolitan Inspection Institute in various places. At the time of Zhengde, Hu Shining, a courtier, pointed out: "Those who are close to the people in the world are also the order of the county; those who are the governor's county, the two divisions of the vassals; those who inspect the order of the second division are also patrol the imperial history." Four years later, Jingtai, the governor wore the title of imperial history and determined the general relationship of the patrol. However, the governor still maintains independence when performing his duties, and the governor shall not intervene. It can be seen that the patrol is not responsible to the governor, but to the central inspector. Jiajing's 11th year was re-determined and in charge of the position more clearly stipulates: "His liberal arts martial arts, execution re-enactment, trial of unjust punishment, participation in the official scriptures, discipline examination and merit rewards, is the exclusive subject of imperial history, and the governor is not allowed to interfere." However, the governor's politics can be checked and impeached. In May of the 18th year of Chenghua, he was ordered to listen to the political achievements of the garrison and governor every year. Jiajing reiterated in 11 years: "Local affairs are at the disposal of the governor. The reasons for the disposal of the three divisions will be prepared for the inspection. According to the imperial history, he went on a tour. According to what he has done, he examined the gains and losses and corrected the evils. When there was an exchange between the governor and the general, the middle officials, the three divisions, and the county officials, it was also heard by the inspector and the imperial history.

In this way, the governor, on the one hand, takes charge of the military and government of a province and is regarded as a "great official of Xinjiang", and on the other hand, he must accept the pick-up inspection on behalf of the central government as a local governor. In addition, the governors successively set up in Jiajing, the inspectors appointed from time to time, and various tolerances have also played a role in restraining and even controlling the governors to a certain extent. Therefore, although the governor of the Ming Dynasty gathered the power of the three divisions into one, it is impossible to become an independent political force, let alone develop into a local force against or discredited with the central government like the governors of the Tang Dynasty and the governors of the late Qing Dynasty, but can only be closely dependent on the power of the imperial court. Specifically, although the governor is a title with real power Xinjiang officials, but they were still taken to death by the imperial court.

From the setting of the governor to its comprehensive localization and institutionalization, the whole process of becoming the highest local authority was carried out and completed unconsciously and passively. From the beginning, the court tried to maintain the original three divisions and stand-by-side system and adhered to the principle of temporary dispatch of governors. The dismissal and reinstatement of some regional governors before Chenghua illustrate this point. However, the development of the objective situation has continuously impacted and eventually changed this.

In the middle of the Ming Dynasty, the problem of exile has gradually become serious. The resistance of farmers in various places has occurred from time to time, and the source of government service has also been affected. It was set up in this situation. The original intention of the Ming government is to rely on courtiers to deal with it. The above problems can be solved quickly, and the governor can resume his life and no longer be dispatched. However, although the governor can, as an important minister of the imperial court, open a warehouse to relieve the people and recruit exile in the disaster-stricken areas to solve the urgent need; he can also urge local authorities to calm the people's struggle to restore normal ruling order; he can also punish some gentry and rich households in the countryside and eliminate people's harm. However, it can only ease the momentary class contradictions, but cannot fundamentally solve the intensification of social contradictions. Since Jingtai and Tianshun, especially after Chenghua, the exile, disturbance and even uprising of peasants are no longer individual regional problems, but a general global problem. Therefore, not only can the governors not "restore their lives", but some of the withdrawn governors have also recovered one after another. Moreover, the admiral's military affairs of the mainland governor are mostly due to the military power given to the governor by a large number of exiles and mores.