Ming Diary

Chapter 41: It is difficult for the feudal officials to do 3

Since he is the servant of the governor, he will be close to his subordinates in the future. Perhaps from the perspective of some outsiders, the servant is also a confidant. Just like some father-in-law, in fact, they don't have any positions, but because of the "imperial order", even the first-class officials can be restrained. Of course, this is only theoretically.

is the governor, and he will also walk close to him in the future, so naturally he is required to check it. Cao Muwen thought so, Wang Shouren probably already knew who his new servant was? The name Cao Muwen is expected to surprise him. As soon as the government office comes today, it is estimated that it will be put into intense work.

The official office of the governor of Nangan seems to be not small, because the space behind it is Wang Shouren's residence. Since the governor lives, it's better not to be too stingy.

Cao Muwen came to the gate, but the main door was not opened, but the side door was open. The gate is only opened when the governor goes out to look for it and other formal occasions. Cao Muwen also saw a soldier standing guard at the side door. I searched all over the place and said hello.

"This brother..." Cao Muwen came forward to talk. But he didn't expect that the soldier looked at it, but said, "You are..." He looked up and down Cao Muwen and said, "You are the servant of the new adult. Come on in." As soon as Cao Muwen heard curiosity, he asked, "Brother, how do you know?"

"Hi! There are no outsiders these days, but they just know that Lord Wang has been missing a servant. I guess today is the day. Looking at you as a new face, you will naturally know?"

Cao Muwen also laughed when he heard this, "Then I will be familiar with each other. We are all working together, but the brothers are good advice." Cao Muwen said with a smile.

"Oh, where is it! I'm just a pawn on duty, but you are the governor's servant, and you have to turn it upside down for guidance. However, don't worry, we adults don't have to be adults from other families. Although we are senior officials, we are very good. People are not only easy-going, but also easy to get along with. The soldier said, "And if you have nothing to do, you often chat with our men and talk to each other!" This man introduced Wang Shouren like a treasure.

"Ha ha, I heard it before." Cao Muwen replied, "I just heard that our adult is famous and a great person."

"That's natural. Well, I won't tell you more." He said, "You should also go in quickly."

Cao Muwen nodded and suddenly asked, "After saying so much, you still don't know your name, brother?"

"My name is Jin Zhi. The name is very ordinary, and I forget it inattention, haha. He said so.

"I'm going to Cao Muwen. Let's talk about it later." Cao Muwen said goodbye with his fist.

After turning around and entering the door, I felt much more relaxed. At this point of view, it is much easier to work under Wang Shouren. The only thing I worry about is that his true identity may be exposed, but what puzzles Cao Muwen is why he wants to monitor this highly virtuous and famous Wang Yangming? Cao Muwen shook his head, perhaps because of this. After all, this is the most fearful thing in the court. Wang Shouren and his doctrine seem to be a little "dangerous".

After a few steps, you will be discharged from the hospital. It is really clean and there is no one here. Maybe it's because of the current time. In front of Cao Muwen was the front hall, which was also like an ancient living room. Cao Muwen faintly heard a voice inside. At this time, a figure came out, and I guess I heard the voice in the courtyard.

The person who came out was Wang Shouren. Cao Muwen was looking up and looking inside at this time, just as he saw Wang Shouren lifting it out and crossing the threshold. Cao Muwen was shocked and didn't expect Wang Shouren to be here at this moment. Facing Wang Shouren, he forgot to say anything for a while.

Wang Shouren smiled first and said, "I guess you came here at this time today. I remember that the last time we met seemed to be at this time." He looked up and saw that the sun in the sky seemed to recall the last time he met Cao Muwen at the dock.

Cao Muwen said, "Your excellency, it is different from the last time." After saying that, he said, "I am humble, so that I can be your servant, and I will walk close to you in the future, all depends on you."

"Haha!" Wang Shouren is happy. I haven't seen you, but you talked a little bit. Last time I talked to you, it was interesting. Every time there will be a boring feeling. It seems to be lucky. In the future, with you by my side, I will have a good friend. Wang Shouren said that there was no airs.

When Cao Muwen saw it, he was not restrained. After all, he would have to stay in the same room with Wang Shouren for a long time in the future. If you are too constrained, you will be exhausted!

"This, my lord, humble position..."

"When there are only you and me, there is no need to restrain yourself. In the future, since you walk close to yourself, you have to live in the house, and you just have the right to be your own home. There is no need to be so restrained. Wang Shouren said so.

"Bbe... I understand." Cao Muwen replied.

"by the way, you should have just come here, but some identity ultimatums have not been explained. You can go to the back yard to find 'documents'. He is an old man and seems to have been doing 'documents' for most of his life. When I first served as this governor, I sometimes asked him, 'Disciples don't have to be as good as teachers, teachers don't have to be A virtuous disciple.' Right?" Wang Shouren answered what Cao Muwen wanted to ask in advance.

"I see."

"Come back here to find me when the matter is over. In the afternoon, you should be familiar with the government office and the government office behind. In the future, you will inevitably run around in it. If you are not familiar with it, it will be inconvenient. There is nothing to do today." Wang Shouren explained that Cao Muwen nodded after hearing this and went to find the old "document" first.

"Document" is really old enough. Cao Muwen estimated that he was also in his 60s, but his eyes were strong. Although his hands were skinny, he still grabbed the pen and walked away. After Cao Muwen gave him the result of the ultimatum resume, he quickly turned over a few times, then grabbed the pen and wrote it on the other side, and it was finished in less than a minute or two.

The old man smiled faintly, "It's all formal things. I've been doing it all my life and I'm familiar with it. In this way, the personnel have been registered, and you will officially be the servant of Lord Wang in the future. From now on, you have to rely on this..." The old man pointed to the person's ultimatum and said, "Come and get the silver."

"I understand." Cao Muwen replied.

"And this." The old man took out a smaller waist plate from a locked drawer beside him, which was made of brass, but at a glance, he knew that it was very early and had been used for decades, and now it seems that the original edges and corners have been worn out. The old "document" put this on a small ultimatum and gave it to you, Cao Muwen, who reached out to take it.

The old man finally explained that the handover was completed, "One is your servant waist card, and you have to rely on him to walk in the future, and the other is your new identity ultimatum, in the future! You get the money and in case you die, just rely on this and that waist card..." The old man pointed to the two objects on Cao Muwen's palm, "I got the money. Got it?"

Cao Muwen smiled when he heard this. Originally, the old man should have said that he was a little "kind" and acted quickly and skillfully. It was just so normal, but finally came to this sentence.

"Hey, take a look. The old man talked nonsense again, which scared the descendants, hehe. After saying that, the old man laughed, revealing the gums with few teeth. Young man, not to mention that my old man is strange, he also wants to tell you. This man's servant sounds good, but it's actually good, but sometimes he has to sacrifice himself to protect the superior. So, these two things." He pointed to the waist card and ultimatum again, "But it's an important object to prove your identity. Put the ultimatum well and take the waist card with you.

"The younger generation... Got it. Thank you for your advice." Cao Muwen said respectfully.

"Don't say 'senior', the old man is just lucky enough to live a little older. There is nothing else to be proud of." The old man said so.

When Cao Muwen said this, he suddenly noticed that he was obviously a servant, but he had never noticed anything like "danger" before. "Ban! What if the emperor doesn't like Wang Shouren one day and lets Jinyiwei assassinate him? Is it possible that I have to sacrifice my life to protect it? Wait!" Cao Muwen suddenly felt that his problem was worthless. If there was really that day, wouldn't it be most convenient for Cao Muwen to do it?

Say goodbye to the old "document". Cao Muwen went back to the front hall, and Wang Shouren let Cao Muwen know about the matter before coming back to him.

As soon as Cao Muwen entered the front hall, Wang Shouren was standing behind the steps and looking at some flowers and plants in the back courtyard. Cao Muwen went there. Wang Shouren heard the voice and turned around and said, "Is the business over?"

"The business is over. I don't know what else I need to do." Cao Muwen asked.

"It's nothing. Go to the study with me first." Wang Shouren said, "In the future, you will live in a place with me..."

The two walked through the front hall to the backyard. On the left and right sides is the flower hall. There are particularly rich flowers and trees on the road, including Komatsu and plum blossoms, but there are also many other flowers. Now that spring has started for a period of time, the temperature has risen, and these withered flowers and plants have also made a lot of branches.

Through here, there are several slightly larger townhouse rooms behind. As soon as you enter here, the governor's residence is facing the sunrise. After a moment of sideways, there will be a room. This should be the place for Cao Muwen to stay.

Wang Shouren pointed and said, "There are many empty rooms here. You can choose one. I'm also free these days. Maybe after a few days, after the really warm weather, there will be more things to do. Take advantage of these days to get familiar with the people here and in the house. If anything happens, I will call someone to find you. In the future, I will find you to call someone else.

Cao Muwen nodded and said yes.

It seems that my new job has begun.