Ming Diary

Chapter 54: Dragon Boat Festival 8

"Haha, the governor's words are right! Just like me, I go to bed on time and eat on time every day. Naturally, it's good to eat, drink and sleep well! Although it's harder to get on the horse sometimes, it's really not cold in winter. Wang Bisheng put down the cup and said with a smile. The people around laughed. It seemed that the governor's "health lecture" was very fascinating, and the adults present naturally listened carefully.

Yu Fu thought about it and said, "How to supplement this way can be said to be very important. If you don't do it well, the effect of the tonic will be much worse. If you want to make up, you should stew the tonic directly or stew it with water. Generally, stew with purple sand or ceramic stew. The taste of these ingredients will penetrate into the food of the ceramic liner evenly, and the taste of the food will not be lost due to overheating. It is really a unique taste when stewed in this way. As the saying goes: winter comes to make up, and fight tigers in the coming year. Although many people also take supplements, they don't understand the time. Sometimes they eat a lot of tonic things, but they make up too much. Not only is it not beneficial, it wastes money, but also hurts their bodies. Autumn and winter are the best season. After the Spring Festival, the weather will pick up. It's easy to get inflamed, but it's not good. If you take supplements in spring, you should mainly stew them directly and slowly supplement them. After saying that, Yu Fu swept the people present thoughtfully, as if he wanted to hear the opinions of the audience. At this time, Li Xuandong sighed and said, "I admire it, I really admire it! Lord, I have really been taught. If I could have consulted you earlier, I would have had less hardships in those winters. I wrote down what the adults said today. At the beginning of autumn, I will definitely take care of myself according to what the governor said. Li Xuandong looked at the monk's governor opposite and respected him. He picked up his glass and said, "Come on, governor, I'll give you a toast."

At this time, Liu pressed also picked up his glass and said to Yu Fu and others, "Today, I heard about the way of health care. Both Lord Li and I are all taught. Come on! Ladies and gentlemen, let's toast this glass of wine to the governor.

"Yes, yes..."

"That's right, that's right..."

For a while, all the people present were at peace and picked up their cups to pay tribute to Yu Fu. The same is true of Wang Shouren.

Everyone drank all the wine in the glass and laughed.

Yu Fu swallowed the wine in his mouth and looked at Li Xuandong and said, "When it comes to physical deficiency and cold, most of them are related to the kidney. In addition to congenital reasons, there are also some acquired reasons. Everyone should also be vigilant. The reason is not to go out; the external feeling is six**, and the body is injured by six climates: natural wind, cold, heat, water and dampness, dryness, and fire poison, causing various diseases, leading to kidney yin and blood deficiency. Internal injury seven emotions, seven emotions: joy, anger, worry, thoughts, sadness, fear, shock, emotional ups and downs or depression can not vent, resulting in uncertainty, qi and blood biochemical sourceless, so yin and blood loss also lead to loss. Trauma, injury caused by guns, knives and falls, leads to bleeding or injury to yin blood, resulting in yin and blood deficiency. Diet and rest, unclean diet lead to digestive system diseases, spleen and stomach injuries, resulting in reduced digestive function and nutritional imbalance. Overwork directly leads to kidney deficiency and blood loss. Overtaking dry and hyperactivity food, blindly taking deer antler, animal whips, and kidney-like drugs for dryness and hyperactivity, causing serious damage to the true yin and wind. Sometimes..." Yu Fu said again, "If you overtake health care, you will change the original yin deficiency kidney to the yang deficiency kidney. The difference between the two is that kidney yin refers to the yin qi of the kidney, which is the root of the yin of the body. It plays a role in cooling, moistening and restricting excessive yang and heat for the whole body. Kidney yang refers to the yang qi in the kidney, which plays a role of warming, promoting and gasification of the whole body. Both kidney yin and kidney yang are two aspects of the opposite and unified functions of kidney essence qi. The essence of kidney yin deficiency and kidney yang deficiency are the decline of kidney essence of kidney essence qigong. Therefore, kidney yin deficiency to a certain extent ** damage and yang make kidney yang also deficiency, and kidney yang deficiency to a certain extent will cause yang damage and yin, making kidney yin also deficiency. Kidney yin and kidney yang are all a combination of matter and function, and there is no pure qi. In fact, both are indispensable, so there is a saying that both yin deficiency and yang deficiency are not good health. Yu Fu said this again and finally stopped talking.

Wang Shouren also put down his wine glass at this time, but felt that Yu Fu was a believer and really gained something. However, up to now, there are not many common words and philosophy in all the Taoisms taught by Yu Fu, but there is not much about the knowledge of "reason" and "origative". Wang Shouren is naturally a good learner. In the past, he was also a man who was well shudged in the study of Huang Laodao. Since he can speak the common saying and drink happily today, and have such a good opportunity, he naturally wants to ask him for advice. This is also due to Wang Shouren's personal personality, and he will never let go of any opportunity for "learning truth".

Thinking of this, Wang Shouren straightened himself and turned to Yu Fu. The latter also noticed him and knew that Wang Shourenxuan seemed to have asked for advice.

Wang Shouren asked at this time, "Today, I learned that Lord Yu has health care tonic, which has benefited me a lot. Originally, I have heard for a long time that you are very well-known here. Since there is a chance today, I still want to ask for advice.

As soon as this statement came out, Liu pressed on the side immediately laughed and said, "Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful! That's wonderful! I said, my lords..." After looking at the people present, he said, "Today is really a worthwhile trip! It's worth the trip!" The rest of the people also understood a little as soon as they heard it. Wang Shouren has been established for ten years, especially in Jiangxi, Fujian, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Huguang and other places. Yangming Science has almost become a scholar in many enlightened places, so Wang Shouren was a leader in the Confucian "heart learning" school at that time. Wang Shouren can be said to be the same as Yu Fu. Everyone present has been known for their knowledge for a long time. Although they may not be a person in "heart learning" or "Huang Lao's learning", this does not affect the influence of their reputation in the hearts of all the people present. So when these people heard Liu's words, they first understood a few points and then suddenly realized.

Wang Shouren smiled gently and said to Liu, "Where is it? Brother Liu, how much you love him. Naturally, I am a good learner. Since I have this opportunity, I have this elegance and wine. If you discuss some academic principles, it is also a good story to spread out.

Yu Fu also understood when he heard it, and he was also suddenly happy. Since Wang Yangming, a "learning" man, intends to consult with himself, he enjoys it. After saying that, he smiled and said, "That's great. Since Brother Yangming has something wrong, I naturally know everything! In fact, it is also my honor to have Wang Bo'an ask me for advice.

"Haha, Lord Yu is too modest." Wang Shouren thought for a moment and asked, "Since adults are dedicated to learning Huang Lao's study and seek the law of Taoism. So what is the highest level of health cultivation in this family?

"In a word, go straight to the point. Mr. Yangming really lives up to his reputation. Wait for me to think about it." After saying that, Yu Fu frowned slightly and remembered. After a moment, he said slowly, "'Pursuing Taoism and understanding the truth' is the highest level of Taoist health thought.

Taoism respects Laozi, and its highest belief is "Tao", which aims to believe, learn Tao, practice Taoism and obtain Taoism. Long life is the central idea of Taoism's health preservation, and Taoism must be cultivated. This Taoist practice and Taoism is the way to practice life, refine qi, refine qi into gods, and refine gods, so as to return to nature.

Yu Fu paused slightly, pressed his mouth, and said, "Taoist health care is mainly based on the 'natural way of heaven', which mainly lies in people themselves, emphasizing the method of personal experience of self-life. Taoism pursues the liberation of the essence of life and the peace of spirit, especially emphasizing the independence of the spirit's transcendance from personality, which is a kind of Tao Yuanming's 'picking chrysanthemums under the east fence and seeing Nanshan leisurely.' The artistic conception. There are many Taoist health methods, with distinctive and self-contained characteristics. Its principle goes up and down, up and down to the natural way, down to the human body's meridian qi acupoint. There are many sects and forms, including the natural method, the quiet method, and the virtual and impossible door. There are also the guiding health care method, the breathing and vomiting health care method, the Qigong health care method, the internal and external elixir health care method, the room health care method, the diet living health method, etc. It can be said that the etiquette is complete and ten thousand. All kinds."

Wang Shouren nodded slightly when he heard this and said, "What a complete etiquette and all kinds." The goal of this Taoist's health practice is like a lamp in the middle of the night. If it really implements many methods on adults, the so-called 'longing life' and even the 'natural way' is not impossible. Wang Shouren finally sighed.

Yu Fu laughed and said, "Mr. Yangming, you are too modest. I said that there are so many methods such as guiding health care methods, breathing and spitting health care methods, Qigong health care methods, internal and external elixir health care methods, room health care methods, diet and living health care methods, etc., is not to pursue the 'heaven', to put it bluntly way to become immortals. "

When it came to this word, everyone present was also happy. However, Wang Shouren did not ask questions, but the previous topic seemed to have caused Yu Fu himself to sigh. He seemed to say to himself, "Where is the so-called 'Year of Heaven'? How many years has it been?" This is what Wang Bisheng said again.

He asked, "Lord Yu, since you have mastered the Tao, I would like to ask how long a person's life expectancy is and how many years?"

When Yu Fu heard this, he blurted out: "The Yellow Emperor's Neijing believes that he is 100 years old, such as Su Wen · Ancient Naive Theory says: 'At the end of the day, you will go to spend 100 years'. "Records of Rites" calls 100 years old as "Yi". Shangshu also proposed that 'one day of longevity, one hundred and twenty years old' can be called living to the age that should live. Wang Chong, a master of Taoist monks in the Han Dynasty, also said: 'The 100th birthday is also a positive number of people's years. Things die in autumn, and it is also the right period of life. Ji Kang, a member of the Jin Dynasty, also believed that 'shou' could reach 120, 'the same as ancient and modern'.