Ming Diary

Chapter 53: Dragon Boat Festival 7

"Hey..." Wang Bisheng sighed, but said, "I'm just greedy and like to eat some meat. Why not?"

"Lord Wang's words are correct. I don't know if several adults have visited the barracks. After all, this meat is delicious. At this time, Zhang Han spoke. He smiled, drank all the wine in the general, and said, "When I was a general in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, I also spent a lot of time in the barracks. Soldiers, the most important weapon of the country, naturally can't relax, so the supply of food and fodder in the army has always been sufficient, but although they can eat enough, they don't have the strength.

"Yes! Yes! After all, Zhang Zongbing was born in the army. What he said is reasonable!" Wang Bisheng said at this time.

"Haha, Brother Wang, you have a helper. Today we are gathered here to be happy and happy. With this wine festival, it is natural to get it." Yu Fu said at this time, "This... is the so-called natural way. Since people seem to have needs, they are naturally useful. Soldiers in the army are like a war, and it is naturally laborious to fight. If you don't eat meat and just eat some green tofu, how can you have the strength to kill the Japanese pirates! Let's say yes!" Yu Fu looked at the people present and said with a smile. It takes a lot of effort to fight. Naturally, you want to eat meat, and you will naturally have strength. Therefore, whether it is appropriate or not, you should naturally take into account everyone's needs. The so-called 'natural'! If there is a need, naturally, don't restrain it. If it is restrained, it is not natural. Let me say so, Lord Wang.

"Oh, the governor is still well-eduled, but this monk is highly cultivated, but he has been taught." Wang Bisheng was also happy. He smiled at everyone present and said, "The governor is a knowledgeable person. He doesn't want me. Although it is a character, it is different from profound knowledge. Some people can read the article, but they can't understand the profound mystery. Some people can not only understand it, but also wave it by themselves. Naturally, it is difficult for us who have shallow knowledge to compare.

"Haha, you can say it."

At this time, another person wanted to ask and said, "I have also heard that the governor is a believer, and he is even more proficient in the way of health care. In fact, he has many problems. Although it was common for adults in the past, there was no good time to ask for advice. Today, I will borrow this good day and ask the adults for advice. Li Xuandong, the deputy commander, said this. I had been listening before, but now I also ask. At a glance, this person can understand why he asked. This person's figure is slightly shorter, which is exactly the opposite of Wang Feisheng, who has a fat head and big ears and a fat brain. He looks not good. Although the temperature is already sultry in May, he still looks like a lack of vitality in the winter. His body is also slightly ricke, his face is dark, and his image is not good. The only thing he can talk about is his eyes. Although he is not big, he is shrewd and capable. Otherwise, based on their appearance alone, most people can only regard them as ordinary malnourished old farmers, not as local officials of Sanpin.

Yu Fu looked at it and said with a smile, "It turned out to be Deputy Li. If you have any questions, it's important to be happy today. I'm teaching each other!"

Li Xuandong bowed slightly, and his already short figure was even more inconspicuous. Through him, "Your Excellency, my lord, although I am a deputy envoy of command, I have always been an official clerical position. I can't ride a horse in winter. Sometimes, if there is a strong wind, it can follow me. Blow it right away..."

At this point, Wang Bisheng interrupted, "What he said is true. His body is really not tight. When it's cold in winter, his hands and feet are so cold that he can't even move. I had to stay in the government office to bake a brazier. Hey hey, it's me. My skin is rough and thick, but it's not cold in winter!" After saying that, the commander became complaous.

Li Xuandong said, "I have been like this since I was a child. I was better when I was young. Now I'm too old, but I'm even more powerless."

"Oh? In this case, let's talk about the symptoms, and I can refer to them in detail. Yu Fu asked.

Li Xuandong slowly said about his physical problems, so that when everyone heard it, they suddenly realized that this brother was no wonder that there were not many business contacts and his sense of existence was not strong! It's not that people don't want to, but it's 'lack of strength'! If you don't have a good body, you can't work hard as an official.

Li Xuandong said, "Sometimes when I deal with it at night, I feel a little dizzy and tinnitus, and my hands and feet are even cold. When the cold wind blows hard, my back and legs are sore. If it's long, sometimes even my legs will have no strength. Previously, I also asked too much about Langzhong, and many of them were still a little famous. Although some warm drugs were prescribed, sometimes when these diseases are severe, they can also work. But after all, these are a moment's work, and they are poisonous. Naturally, this is not a long-term solution with medicine alone.

Yu Fu said at this time, "Then you should also have this disease from urinating. Because many people are born with a yin deficiency constitution, and some people are born with a yang-hot constitution, which are recorded in medical books.

Li Xuandong nodded and said, "Your excellency is right. My disease was brought out of my mother's womb, and it was like this when I was a child. When I was a child, I was not in good health, and my parents had been worried about whether I could support me or not?

"Oh, I didn't expect Lord Li to be so bitter in his childhood..."

"Haha, no, the adults laughed." Li Xuandong waved his hand with a smile and asked again, "The men of my disease have also said that the disease brought by this mother's womb can naturally be cured, but it can be cured. When it comes to recuperation, it is inevitable to consult the governor. After saying that, Li Xuandong bowed very respectfully.

"Lord Li, although your disease is a 'disease', it is not a disease. It's just that the physique is like this, so there is no need to worry so much. It's just that I can't stand the cold and my body is weak. In fact, some people, contrary to your physique, some people born in Lingnan and even Hainan Qiongya are hot by nature. The temperature there is not low all year round. Maybe sometimes, it is a snowy season in the north, and it is still as warm as spring. These adults also know it." Yu Fu said, "Actually, these physique is not good or bad. People there are afraid of heat and cold. Maybe when we feel very cold, they feel very cool and comfortable. In the warm and comfortable temperature, they are sweating profusely. So as the saying goes, 'How can you be blessed if you lose your horse', Lord Li, you don't have to worry about your physique. You are suitable to go to the southern land, but when you get there, you can be comfortable all year round.

"Haha, adults are joking. However, in this season, I feel very good at the temperature, and I feel the best at this time every year. But in another two or three months, you will be weak again.

"Then let me talk about these dietary prescriptions for nourishing the body in autumn and winter. Let's talk about it for Lord Li and all of you. Yu Fu first saw that the cold dishes on the table had almost been eaten, so he ordered the deacon standing beside him to ask the slaves to withdraw and prepare to serve the hot dishes. Wang Shouren saw that Yu Fu was in a good mood today, but the topic was continuous. The banquet was very harmonious and he drank a few more cups. Of course, although he was not a drinker, he was already drunk.

Yu Fu said: "The basic principle of dietary tonic in autumn and winter is to conform to the potential of yang in the body, with the collection of yang and protection of yin as the foundation. Adapt to changes in nature. Winter tonic should be based on tonifying the kidney, benefiting the essence and strengthening the yang. However, it doesn't mean that you want big fish and meat. If you eat this thing, it will hurt your body if you eat too much. After saying that, he also looked at Wang Bisheng, who only drank and turned a deaf ear...

"I think that cold is evil and easy to hurt yang. In the severe winter, if you want to keep out the cold, the first thing is to nourish your kidney; Lord Li is born with yin deficiency, and he has been injured internally for a long time due to fatigue of business, which damages kidney qi. Therefore, spleen and stomach deficiency and cold should be your source of symptoms. This is mostly manifested as waist acid, cold limbs, weak legs, tinnitus and other symptoms; winter diet should be based on tonifying the kidney and consolidating yang, nourishing blood and solidifying sperm. For people with kidney deficiency, in winter, they should eat more fish, shrimp, oysters, leek and other foods that are warm, especially those that can warm and nourish the kidney yang. Meat should also be supplemented by an appropriate amount, such as mutton, which can replenish the deficiency of the body and benefit the kidney qi. In addition, there are many good turtles in Poyang Lake, which is also a good choice for tonifying the kidney. You can also eat warm fruits, such as dates, to replenish blood, kidney and essence, and resist cold evil. In autumn and winter, the temperature is cold, the spleen is cold and sleepy, the spleen is in poor, or the body is weak. You can eat more foods that are warm and strengthen your spleen, such as japonica rice, lotus seeds, goromi, etc., as well as eels, silver carp, carp, belt fish, shrimp and other aquatic products. We are indeed a good place to go. It is beautiful and beautiful, and the scenery is pleasant. It is just a treasure of aquatic products. Yu Fu said with a smile, and his expression was full of joy. Looking at the window, you can see Poyang Lake from here.

"Yam, dates and lotus seeds have the effect of strengthening the spleen and qi. Drink more yam porridge, jujube porridge, crucian carp soup and carp soup. Naturally good. If Lord Li is short of breath, he should also make up for it. In winter, the climate is dry and easy to hurt the lungs. In winter, pear, honey, tremella, rice lily porridge and wolfberry porridge should be selected as tonics, which can moisturize the lungs and full of vitality. It can also moisten the lungs and clear heat, relieve cough and dissolve phlegm, and nourish the lungs. It is also a good product for tonifying the lungs. Li Da is weak and thin, but he should also pay attention to tonic. He can eat more sweet things, such as some sweet pastry food; eat less and more meals; eat more mutton and beef. Yu Fu paused, picked up the glass and took a sip. He slowly tasted it and said, "Every day's sleep should also be regular. This is the sunrise and the daily life, and it is also the law set by the ancestors. Naturally, it is said that after the sun goes down, don't work hard. Even ordinary farmers don't go to work after dark, right?