
Chapter 35 Both fell into the water

At this time, Locke and Shirrie are drinking in the cabin of the Queen. The shiny figures on the metal disk overhead show that today is June 13, that is to say, they have been away from Atlantis for three days. At present, this huge fleet is still wandering on the sea, surrounded by a vast white water without even an island.

Locke is not in a hurry, because the logistics work of Atlantis is quite good. Each ship has stored enough military supplies in the cargo compartment, which is enough for them to use for a year. Moreover, all the equipment and facilities are automated. You can do whatever you want, and you don't need to worry about it at all.

It's really easy for me to be the commander-in-chief. In order to pass the time, the two often drink and play some self-created games.

"You lost again, you lost again!" Xue Lie shouted while smearing oil paint on Locke's face. Now, Locke's face is like a big cat, greasy and quite uncomfortable. He plans to get up and wash his face.

"Dudu", there was a strange sound, which came from Xue Lie. Locke peeked and saw that Xue Lie took out something from his arms. What he had seen was a metal box similar to the bodyguard's hand.

"Hey! What's going on? Say it again!" Xue Lie is talking to the metal box.

When did he have such a talking thing? Locke looked at Xue Lie doubtfully.

"If there is a situation, let's go out and have a look." Xue Lie held the box in one hand and pulled Lock with the other. Locke didn't care about washing his face and followed Xue Lie up.

Two people came out of the cabin and boarded on the deck to watch. The duty officer on duty was also looking around. When he saw Locke, he gave a deep salute. Xue Lie waved his hand at him and ignored him.

The sea is calm, not to mention boats, not even a gull bird. The white water is like a mirror, and you can clearly see the shadow of the ship reflected in the water.

"What's going on in such a good weather? Are you mistaken?" Locke thought it was windy or rainy. Anyway, people were hiding in the cabin. What are they afraid of?

"No mistake, my lord, our search engine has detected an obstacle ahead." The official on duty replied.

" Obstacles?" Locke frowned puzzledly.

"Sneeze! Ah sneeze! Ah sneeze!" At this moment, Xue Lie sneezed several times in a row.

"What did you smell?" Locke knew that Chery's nose was better than the mouse Turin, and he must have smelled something.

"A fishy smell, strong fishy smell, like the smell of stinky fish." Xue Lie frowned, and the smell made him sick.

"Oh? It seems that there is really a situation." Locke raised his vigilance.

Several pairs of eyes stared wide and stared closely at the front.

Sure enough, a dense water vapor floated in. It was fog. First, it was very thin. Gradually, it became thicker and heavier, and the color was also from light to dark. It was a gray color, mixed with a faint fishy smell.

"Note to the main control center: take your positions! Turn on the stealth system!"

Locke turned his head in surprise and found that it was Xue Lie who was talking. Xue Lie is talking to the metal box. Xue Lie blinked at Locke, smiled cunningly, repeated what he had just said, and then said, "Start the purification device! Start the purification device!"

Looking at Xue Lie calmly giving orders, he seemed to be a captain. Locke suddenly realized that it was that Shura called Xue Lie that day just to play with this thing.

An inexplicable sense of melancholy surged up from the bottom of his heart, and Locke suddenly felt very lost and thought: Shura, Shura, you still can't trust me after all, so why should you let me bear the false reputation of the commander?

Seeing that Locke's face was not good-looking, Xuelie came over and punched him on the back: "Don't think nonsense. The queen said that you are only suitable for commanding on land, so I have the final say in the fleet!" His eyes flashed, which was obviously exciting.

What's the reason for this? Is he afraid that I will drown if I fall into the water? Locke smiled bitterly, and he still thought that Shura did not trust him.

"Look, what is that?" The shout of the duty officer attracted the eyes of both of them again.

The gray fog disappeared, but the fishy smell in the air became heavier and heavier, and the sound of "woo-woo" was faintly heard. Far away, Ma Haohao, a man, rushed over. Closely, when I look again, people don't look like people, horses, not like horses. They all drag their tails like fish, and they are extremely tall.

The three people widened their frightened eyes.

After a sound, a giant golden carriage horse-drawn by eight fish horses rushed over. It was extremely luxuriously decorated with colorful ribbons drifting in the wind. They flew on the sparkling water, but they did not splash a water flower, as if they were flying in the air, and they were obviously on the waves.

"Diving! Hurry up and dive!" Xue Lie's panicked shouts suddenly in his ears. Other ships that were still some distance behind the Queen quietly dived into the bottom of the water after receiving orders from the mother ship.

Locke suddenly woke up, but it was late, and the plut had arrived in front of him.

There was a loud bang, and the Queen trembled violently. Then there were two "Puntong" and "Puntong", and Locke and Shirlie fell into the water at the same time. Xue Lie still held the metal box tightly in his hand.

There was only the duty officer on the deck. He stamped his feet in a hurry, but he didn't dare to shout, because the hull was so big that even if he shouted above, the people in the water may not hear him. In addition, the official on duty at this moment couldn't shout even if he wanted to shout. He opened his mouth like a fool and stared at his frightened eyes.

Locke was about to dive down as soon as he fell into the water. Xuelie grabbed his arm and motioned him not to move. The two buried their heads in the water, close to the hull, and did not move.

The man stopped. Locke, hiding in the water, saw the reflection, which were strange-shaped tails, covered with thick scales and colorful. Those golden wheels are not far ahead. First, there was a quiet above his head, and then there was a shocking roar: "What's going on? Why did you stop? If it's auspicious, I'll behead you!" Then, "lala" set off a wave, and the plut adjusted its direction and went away like a whirlwind.

Two people who were wet all over got out of the water awkwardly. Xue Lie wiped the sea water on his face with his hand, pointed to the direction of the plut's horse, and asked, "Do you know what that is?"

"Let's go up first." Locke shook the blonde hair.

Xuelie pressed the box in his hand and slowly lowered a metal ladder from the top of the boat. The two people held hands and climbed up the ladder. When passing by the duty officer, Xue Lie pushed him hard: "Are you scared to death? Look at your courage!"

It took a long time for the official on duty to return. Three people went down to the cabin. Locke poured three glasses of wine, each took a big sip, and then his heart calmed down.

"What did you see?" Xue Lie asked the duty officer, because he and Locke were buried in the water and only faintly saw all kinds of strange tails.

The official on duty's eyes were dull and his lips moved several times. After a long time, he finally jumped out two words: "Monster!"

"Damn it!" Xue Lie patted the table and said, "Who doesn't know it's a monster? All those who don't look like are monsters. I'm asking you to tell me more about what your eyes, nose and mouth look like?

Eyes? It's so big, so big, so big." The duty officer circled a circle with his two arms. Xue Lie was so angry that he really wanted to beat him.

"Ye, in more detail, does it look like a human?"

"Like, like, of course, like people, and eyebrows, green eyes, green hair..." It is estimated that the duty officer is completely soulless at this time. He was afraid of angering the officer and being killed, and hurriedly continued, "The monster's eyes are in front of the tip of my nose. I was afraid of being found by him, so I desperately held it. Breathing, I was almost suffocated to death..."

"Fra, so stupid!" Xue Lie cursed, "You must have been really scared, right? Haven't we turned on the stealth system? He can't see you."

Xuelie has already remembered these mysteries. They were all told by the queen herself, and the queen also taught him to control the ammonium buttons. At that time, Xue Lie was so excited that he almost fainted. From then on, he secretly made up his mind to follow the queen to the death.

"That's like watching a 3D movie. It's quite horrible!" The official on duty whispered his defense. Xue Lie couldn't wait to rush up and beat him up.

Locke gritted his teeth and said with hatred in his heart: Shura, Shura, you treat me as an outsider at all. In your eyes, am I not even as good as Xue Lie?

"Chief, what kind of monsters are they?" The officer on duty turned his poor eyes to Locke, because he didn't think the officer looked very fierce.

"Well, if I guess correctly, it should be Poseidon or his son." Locke said with anger in his heart.


"Sea King?"

The two opened their eyes wide. Xue Lie asked puzzledly, "That's God. I thought it was a monster. How did it grow into that? Like a monster. However, isn't it said that mortals can't see them with their naked eyes?

"Why did we all see it?"

Now it's their turn to be two idiots.

"Well, this..." Locke pondered and then said, "It used to be like this. The thick fog we saw before is their blindfold. After the thick fog was dispelled, they appeared."

"Oh, that's it. I see. It's our purification device. Xue Lie took the lead in reacting, "The Queen said that this purification device can not only purify the air, but also..."

"Can, can, can you!" Locke suddenly felt very annoyed, "I'm going to take a shower! It smells like fishy all over the body, disgusting!" I don't know whether Locke's words were for himself or for those two people. Xue Lie moved his nose, and he smelled a sour smell.

Alas, I blame myself for being too complacent. Why didn't I think of it? Xue Lie made a grimace and waved to the official on duty. The duty officer retreated knowingly and rushed to take a shower. He was also afraid of being disgusted by the officer.

Locke soaked in the golden bathtub and closed his eyes to think about things. He recalled the scene just now and listened to the description of the duty officer. He estimated that the eight floors were Poseidon. When he was a child, he once heard Mr. Piero say that when the sea king went on a tour, he must ask his princes and grandchildren to open his way. Looking at today's situation, Zhang Hong was colorful, and he heard the roar and said, "If you delay the auspicious time, behead you!" I guess he went to get married. As we all know, Poseidon, like the flower-hearted Zeus, is picking flowers everywhere.

"Oh, I don't know which woman is going to suffer again!" Locke sighed.

Why don't I follow up and have a look? Locke suddenly opened his eyes, and he came up with a bold idea. Staying on this ship all day, he was almost crazy. Coupled with the sudden situation just now, he always felt that Shura seemed to be on his guard everywhere. When he thought about it, his heart felt like a stone, and he felt particularly blocked. Anyway, there is Xue Lie on the ship. He knows how to control this fleet better than himself. Just go out and breathe.

After made up his mind, Locke quietly left the cabin. He chanted the spell of "cloud drive", hid himself in the clouds, then appeared, spread his wings, and flew in the direction of the horse.

Locke flaps his wings. The huge wings drive the surrounding airflow and form a strong hurricane. He found that he was much more powerful, and now he remembered the spells that he couldn't remember before. Is it the blood lotus? Did the earth mother give herself strength? Locke suddenly became happy, and the previous unhappiness also ran out. As soon as he raised his breath, his speed accelerated. It is no exaggeration to say that he is now an arrow off the string.