
Chapter 36 Emerald Prince and Rose Princess

On this day, a country on the Atlantic coast, Yukatan, is holding a grand coronation ceremony. Their new king, Rhe, officially ascended the throne and became the new king of Yukatan, Katan II.

On this day, Yucathan's neighbor, Poks, the old king, Pokharto, is sitting on the throne with a sad face. He is only 40 years old, and his excessive sadness makes his already gray hair whiter. Ten years ago, he lost his beloved queen, and now he is going to lose his baby daughter. Can this not make him heartache?

"Father, you don't have to be sad. For you and for Ports, I am willing to marry King Richt on behalf of my sister."

It is a tall girl wearing a light blue inlaid robe and a pink veil on her face.

"Alas!" Pockhato sighed for a long time, "Although you are not my biological daughter, you and Ruoya are sisters, and I have already regarded you as my own daughter. I... How can I have the heart to let you marry the tyrannical Lihe instead of Ruoya?

"Father, if you really treat me as your daughter, let me go!"

"Russ, you are such a sensible child. Alas, I'm old. If ten years ago, how could we Ports be afraid of a Yucatan? As he spoke, Pokharto burst into tears.

Ten years ago, when Polkharto was in his prime, a sudden disease took the queen's life. From then on, Pokharto was depressed. His inability to manage the government, coupled with the corruption and corruption of some officials, his national strength quickly weakened. At the same time, Yukatan, a country adjacent to Polks, quickly became stronger. The old king, Ritter, is nearly 50 years old and has a son named Rihe. Richt was born and scared his mother to death, because he had an extra eye on his face, and the extra eye was born in the middle of his forehead and was green. Therefore, people gave him a nickname to call him the Emerald Prince.

The emerald prince speaks as soon as he is born, and is born with divine power. At the age of six, he can lift a cow, capture tigers and leopards alive at the age of ten, and at the age of 16, he can lift an elephant.

Originally, Pokes and Yucatan were friendly neighbors, and the two countries had good relations. When he was young, Pokhato and Ritter once hunted together and worked together to deal with the invasion of foreigners... Since Rihe was born, he was like a disaster star falling from the sky. As long as there is his place, there will be chaos and people will definitely die.

As he grows older, Rihe's heart becomes more and more cruel. If he doesn't kill a person a day, he will feel uncomfortable and his means are extremely cruel. As he grew older, Richt's ambition also increased day by day. Finally, he focused on his old neighbor, Pokes. At the age of 17, without the permission of King Ritter, Richt sent troops to provoke the war and set fire to Polks.

That day, in the royal city of Pokes, tens of thousands of people, including the old king, were taken to the execution ground. Rakh threatened: As long as Pokharto kowtoed to him and admitted that he was the king of Poks, he would spare the people of Poks, otherwise he would burn all the Poks people in one fire. Just as Pockharto was about to bow down, Princess Ruoya stood up. How could she see her elderly father being humiliated by the tyrant?

Princess Ruoya is 16 years old and a famous beauty on the shore of the ocean. She is tall, wearing a black veil, and a light blue robe perfectly sets off her exquisite curves. Rihe stared at Princess Ruoya's evil eyes.

Under Princess Ruoya's harsh words, Rihe finally promised to let Pokes's people go, but on the condition that Ruoya must marry him.

After Ritter learned about this, he was so angry that he died soon. As a logical way, as Ritter's only heir, Richt ascended the throne. The first thing that Richt will ascend to the throne is to marry Princess Ruoya.

At this time, Ruoya was sitting alone in the boudoir, crying secretly. Ten years ago, her mother died. Only she and her father depended on each other. Now her father is getting older and older. She wanted to stay with her father to do filial piety. Who would have thought that the cruel Lihe wanted to occupy Porkes? In desperation, Ruoya had to take risks. She wanted to exchange her happiness for the survival of the Polks people.

"Sister!" This "sister" is as crisp and pleasant as a silver bell.

Ruoya hurriedly wiped her tears and said, "Oh, sister, why are you here?"

"I miss you. Come and see you." Ruo Si hugged Ruoya and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes with a silk scarf. "My sister is so beautiful that first-class tears are not good-looking. Come on, laugh, laugh!"

As soon as Ruo Si said, Ruoya's tears, which had stopped, flowed even more fiercely. She sobbed and said, "Ruos, after I leave, you must take good care of my father for me... Whoo-woo..."

"Silly sister, why do you want to leave? Wouldn't it be better for you to take care of your father?" Ruos said anxiously.

"I... I have to marry that King Richt."

"My good sister, why do you have to marry her? Can't I get married?"

"Oh, no, no, no! I heard that Richt's brutality is famous, and he will torture you to death. You can't go. Although you and I are not your own sisters, in my heart, you are more intimate than my own sister.

"Sister! I know you are good to me. You and my father are my closest people. Three years ago, if you hadn't bought me back from the slave market, I might not have been in this world. I'm worried that I can't repay the kindness I owe you. Just give me this opportunity!"


"No, has that King Rich ever seen your face?"

"No, it shouldn't be. My veil has never been removed.

"That's easy to do. Tomorrow, I will marry in your place. You have to take good care of your father and the people of Ports.

" are really my good sister! Why are our sisters so miserable! Whoo-hoo..." Ruoya hugged Ruos and cried loudly.

On this day, Rus got up early. She sat in front of the dresser and took out a short blade from the brocade box. It is similar to a dagger, except that there are sharp barbs on both sides. She looked at it and became fascinated for a moment, and then she immersed it in a green **.

She took off her long twirling nightgown and walked into the bathtub.

In the water vapor, the young and beautiful body exudes a seductive atmosphere. She held the water and splashed her body with her delicate and white hands, and the rose petals flew up from the water and circled around her. The long pink hair is young and beautiful, and the green eyes are deep and blurred, which all show her different characteristics from human beings.

After bathing, she sat back in front of the dresser. There is an extremely beautiful face in the mirror, and the skin is white and delicate, without any flaws. The eyebrows are as curved as the moon, and the lips are as red as red. Without applying any lead, it is already like a man.

Rus, who removes the veil, is never beautiful under Ruoya.

She first applied a layer of rose dew to her face and neck, and then put some rouge powder on it. Then, she began to wear those tedious palace clothes one by one, hung a crystal necklace on her neck, put a pair of emerald jade bracelets on her wrist, and finally put on the pearl-filled corolla. The pink veil hanging from the crown covered her beautiful face.

Rus, who wears a wedding dress, is more beautiful and noble than a queen.

After dressing up, Ruos stood in front of the mirror and looked at himself in the mirror. Is this yourself? It looks so strange, like a new bride who is about to get married, but also like a lamb to be slaughtered. Maybe this is fate, it's time to end. She took the short blade out of **. Its body emits green light. She looked at it and put it in her sleeve.

A bleak smile appeared at the corners of his mouth, and Ruos walked out. She sat down in the gazebo in the back garden. In front of her is a pond, and her reflection in the water is beautiful and hazy, like a fairy. She threw the fish food in her hand into the water. After a while, there were circles of ripples on the surface of the water, and fish floated up to fight for food.

"Fish, fish, I can't feed you anymore..."

"Who said you can't feed them anymore?" A lazy and mellow male voice, like the sunshine in spring, suddenly dispelled the early morning chill.

"Who are you?" Russ looked up and saw a blonde teenager. The teenager is leaning on the guardrail, and his eyes are full of jokes and charming smiles.

Who the hell are you? Why are you here?" Rus questioned loudly.

"I'm here to save you."

The blonde teenager bullied his body. Russ smelled of danger. She retreated nervously.

"Go away, don't come here! If you don't leave, I'll call someone, help..." Before the word of life came out, one hand had covered her mouth.

"Shh! Don't talk, you will be seen."

A slender hand lifted the veil on the girl's face.

Russ' eyes widened and watched the evil face stick up. She had to admit that this was the most charming man she had ever seen. Those eyes are flying and domineering, cold and deep. Although he looks so young, he has a king-like strength and domineering. Moreover, he also has a very good smell.

In an all of an ass, Ruos had a feeling of collapse, her eyes gradually blurred, and she collapsed softly in the arms of the teenager.

The teenager's chest touched two towering soft places, and his heart couldn't help shaking. He bowed his head and kissed the two delicate red lips...

"It's auspicious time, please get in the car!" A shout stirred up a good thing. The teenager reluctantly let go of the fragrant and soft jade-like body and whispered in her ear, "It's better to marry me than marry the tyrant." Hahaha..." He laughed presumptuously and turned around and left.

" can you just leave like this?" The implication: You are responsible for me!) Ruo Si was so angry that tears rolled in his eyes, "You men are not good!"

Ruo Si looked at the faraway back, and the elegant blonde hair was flying freely in the wind, and a huge sense of loss surged in her heart inexplicably. She was suddenly looking forward to his kiss. But who knows? Later, the teenager became a disaster in her life, and she couldn't wait for his kiss until the moment of death.

He was in a trance for a long time, "Alas!" Ruos sighed, trimmed his long hair, straightened the crown on his head, and walked forward. This step is to step into hell. Fortunately, it can save hundreds of thousands of people. It's worth it!

The girl cheered up and walked towards the float. As soon as she walked around the corner, a hand stretched out and brushed it in front of her eyes. Before she could open her mouth, her whole body softened.

Russ collapsed in a person's arms. The man looked at the wonderful man in his arms, raised the corners of his mouth and pulled out a beautiful arc, which was an evil smile.