
Chapter 37 Substitute

At the gate of the palace, the old king Pokharto, Ruoya, and all the subjects came to see Rus off. The two sisters were inseparable and hugged each other and cried bitterly from time to time. Finally, under the urging of the palace people, the two sisters finally stopped crying and waved goodbye.

The heavily armed guards escorted the luxuriously decorated convoy and gradually faded away.

Although Pokes is a small country with a population of only hundreds of thousands, its territory is very large. Looking at the vast hilly areas, it seems to extend to the sky. It is estimated that it will take a long time to reach Yukatan. Ruos chatted with the maid sitting next to him.

Those evil eyes glanced at the little girl's body, which made the little girl embarrassed.

"Princess, why do you always look at me? Is my face not clean?" The little girl's face turned red.

Ah? No, no. This...this...I'm thinking, is Polks rich in beauties? Even you are so handsome."

"Oh, princess, look at what you said. On the shore of the whole ocean, who doesn't know that Princess Ruoya is as beautiful as a goddess, and how can a maidservant compare with the princess? The little girl can talk.

When those evil eyes saw that there was no opportunity to take advantage of it, they made up their minds again. Thinking of the soft jade-like body and the fragrance of virginity when holding Ruoya just now, Ruos's heart couldn't help shaking.

It's a pity that the palace man urged him again and again, or he could hug him a little longer. Rus thought evilly. Suddenly, she frowned and thought about it.

Ruos stretched out, covered her mouth with her hand and yawned: "I got up too early this morning, sister maid, can you lend me your shoulder? I want to sleep for a while. The two colored eyes stared at the two towering parts.

"Of course." The little girl readily agreed.

Ruos was secretly happy and heard the little girl say, "I'd better get out of the car, so that the princess can lie down and sleep and sleep comfortably."

"No, don't get out of the car. I'll be afraid alone. I'll just lean for a while."

"All right!" The little girl moved her body over.

Hee... A flower bloomed on the evil face. Rus smiled in his heart.

So, there was such a scene in the carriage: a gorgeously dressed princess fell asleep with her head on the maid's chest. Did she really fall asleep? Of course not. He is intoxicated with the girl's fragrant body fragrance and has a beautiful spring and autumn dream.

Along the way, there were not only good wine and delicious food, but also beautiful girls, Ruos almost surpassed the immortals.

One day, I suddenly heard my guards report: "Princess, we have entered the Yukatan country."

"Then take a rest and let the bodyguard come to see me." Ruos raised his head from the little girl's thigh, stretched out, and pretended to rub his sleepy eyes.

Along the way, the little girl has been thinking: the princess has never been like this before. Why is she particularly sleepy as soon as she got on the carriage? The little girl shook her head, rubbed her numb thighs, and staggered to stand up.

"Princess, look, we have come to the seaside!" The little girl shouted excitedly.

"Okay, let's go to the seaside later." Rus said.

"Great! Great!" The little girl also forgot her sore thighs and couldn't help clapping her hands. She only accompanied Princess Ruoya to the seaside when she was a child. At that time, Pokes and Yukatan were still friendly neighbors.

Soon, the bodyguard riding a tall horse was summoned.

Russ ordered, "Go and send a messenger to tell that Rhe to come to see me."

"This...this..." The bodyguard suddenly stuttered.

"What, didn't you hear me?" Ruos said harshly.

"My subordinates... received an order to escort the princess to the palace of Yukatan and personally hand over the princess to King Rih."

"This won't bother you. Just do as I said. If he doesn't come, we will meet each other!"

"I'm afraid this...isn't it appropriate?" The chief bodyguard's face changed greatly when he heard the words, "I angered King Richt, we, Pokes..."

"What's the talk about? If you do so, I will bear all the consequences. Rus is impatient.

"Yes, I'm going to do it!"

Helpless, the bodyguard sent a messenger while sweating. He did not dare to offend the princess. This is the queen of Yucatan, the future queen of Poks.

"Let's go play!" Russ carried his skirt and took the little girl's hand and ran to the seaside. She ignored the long sluing palace and was covered with dirt. The guards looked at the distant backs of the two people and looked at each other in con's face.

Two people sat on the reef and soaked their sore legs in the sea.

"Oh, it's so comfortable! I have never soaked in the sea. Do you want to go down and take a shower?

"Princess, don't you remember? When you were a child, the king and queen accompanied you to swim in this area. The little girl seems to be very afraid.

"Oh? Oh, remember, how can you not remember? At that time, you swam as stupid and ugly as a duckling. Rus laughed.

"No, the princess is so forgetful, don't you remember? I can't swim, and I almost drowned. Are you going to be the queen and forget everything happily? The little girl was not satisfied and pouted and said annoy.

"Yeah, yeah, look, I'm happy." Rus hurriedly shut his mouth. Going on, she had to leak her mouth. She really wanted to slap her two mouths.

"Oh, princess, do you really want to marry that Lihe? I heard that he is extremely cruel and kills people every day. Aren't you afraid?" Ruos closed her mouth, but the little girl talked endlessly.

"What can we do? Let it be up to fate. Forget it, let's go. Let's take a walk and see the scenery!"

Russ was silent. She took the little girl's hand, and the two walked slowly along the soft beach.

The sea gently stroked the soft beach and made a gentle brushing sound. The waves surging on the beach kissed their toes and calves. It was cool, numb, itchy and comfortable, and Russ' heart was indescribably excited and happy. In the distance, the ships floating on the sea look like small dots. They float on the edge of the sea and the sky. The people sitting in the boat may reach out and touch the clouds in the sky.

Russ suddenly stopped and looked at the ships. She remembered the building floating on the sea, the luxurious water palace, and the man who rotated the wine glass with three fingers.

"Princess, why don't you leave?" The little girl asked curiously when she saw that she was silent.

"Let's go back. There are still a lot of things to do." Rus took the little girl's hand and walked back silently.

The princess is thinking about something. The little girl was so smart that she stopped talking.

This day was the day of the wedding of Rih, the new king of Yukatan. He made an exception and promised not to kill people today.

On this day, the whole country was full of joy. People were afraid of tyrants and fear that bad luck would come to them one day. As soon as they heard that the king was going to marry the queen and promised not to kill people today, every family was decorated with lanterns and warmly celebrated. They planted branches of fig trees and some other green branches in front of their door, saying that the new king preferred green.

There is even more joy in the royal city. Lihe also attaches great importance to this wedding. After all, Princess Ruoya is a famous beauty on the shore of the ocean. I don't know how many royal nobles are proud of marrying Princess Ruoya.

At this time, Rihe wore a crown inlaid with night pearls and a luxurious green brocade robe. In the past, the king of Yukatan wore a golden dress for weddings, which was the color of grain and a symbol of harvest, but the new king ignored the laws of his ancestors and wore whatever he wanted. However, who dares to say that an old man who spoke last time was dragged out and unloaded eight yuan because he said something that didn't go well with him. Now, who dares to say anything? They don't even dare to speak out.

According to the messenger, it is said that the princess has entered the country. Why wait and wait for no one? Rihe couldn't sit still. I heard that the border is not peaceful recently, and some important towns along the coast are often attacked by unknown people. I don't know who did it. After the wedding, you must personally go out to eradicate those disasters.

Could you have met a robber? Richt's eyebrows twisted into a ball.

"The Chief of Guard!"

"My subordinates are!"

"You take my guard and pick up the princess immediately, if anything goes wrong..."

With a click, Rihe broke the night pearl he was playing into powder.

"Yes, yes, yes, my subordinates obey!" The bodyguard's face turned white. He felt that what Lihe crushed was not a bead, obviously his own head.

The bodyguard hurried down.

After more than half a day, there was still no news. The thousands of people sent out disappeared like mud cattle into the sea.

So, didn't Ruos also send a messenger? Why haven't you arrived? It turned out that the messenger was not a fool. Richt's cruelty and violence were famous on the shore of the ocean. No country didn't know it. If he spread this word, he probably wouldn't know how to die. Therefore, the messenger took a path and slipped back to Polks and fled to a landlocked country with his family.

Finally, Rihe lost his patience. He got up early and couldn't wait to throw Ruoya into the bed immediately and do that** thing. Unexpectedly, waiting left and right, looking at evening, there was no beautiful bride.

Lech finally jumped like thunder, with a "shud" sound, and his robe flew apart and became fragments all over the ground.

"The old man must have repented. If I don't flatten his Pocks, I'm not the sea..." Rite suddenly stopped, "Prus, transfer all the 100,000 soldiers and horses stationed in the royal city. I'm going to go on an expedition in person to flatten Polks!"

"Yes, my subordinates are obeying!"

The Pruss was the commander of the 100,000 guards of Yucatan. As soon as he heard the king's order, he dared not delay at all. He took the order and went out tremblingly.

Soon, 100,000 praetorian guards were urgently recruited, including 80,000 infantry, 20,000 cavalry, and 5,000 chariots with four horses.

Katan II, King Rhe, dressed in armor and sitting in chariots, led hundreds of thousands of troops to Pokes. The people didn't know what had happened, and they were all frightened.