
Chapter 41 Straight to the King City

Facing the rising red sun, another day began to run around. After running for most of the day, they entered a hilly area. At a glance, there are rolling hills everywhere, sometimes with short zygomine trees. This place is so desolate that there is no one's home.

Looking at the shadow of the sun and going west again, Xue Lie couldn't help but be anxious.

"How far is Box? Why haven't you arrived yet?"

"It's not far, not far." The guide wiped the sweat on his face, "After crossing this area and climbing over another mountain, you can see Pokes. At our current speed, we should be able to enter the Border of Ports before dark. If we hurry overnight, we will reach Wangcheng in the middle of the night.

"Let's take a break, let's take a break, I'm dying of thirst." Xue Lie turned over and got off the horse and took the water bag handed by the guide. He took a few sips in a row, then wiped his mouth with his hand, and complained in his heart: I really don't understand how the injured man came from so far away? How could you hook up with the princess named Russ?

He still dared to disobey the commander's order.

After a few breaths and almost rested, the two turned over and continued to hurry. Recently, the weather has been very dry. It hasn't rained for a long time. The dust on the road is very thick. After stepping on the horse's hoof, the dust has not dissipated for a long time. Xue Lie's silver armor has long turned gray.

Non-stop, dusty. When the two arrived at the foot of the mountain, it was already evening.

"Sir, you see, the horse is hungry. Do you want to take a break?"

The guide is a 50-year-old man with a strong body, perhaps too hard. His temples have produced a lot of gray hair, and the years have left deep and shallow gullies on his face.

"Okay, then take a break and feed the horse." Xue Lie couldn't bear to let the guide continue to bump. After all, he was young and strong, and the guide's physical strength was much worse.

"Give it, let's eat something first." Xue Lie handed the dry food to the guide. The guide has always brought him dry food and pulled out the plug of the water bag and then handed it to him. How can the guide receive this kind of treatment?

"Thank you, sir! Thank you, sir!" The guide was flattered. He hurriedly saluted, stretched out his hands, took the dry food, and thought: This officer is young and knows how to be a man. In fact, how did he know that Xue Lie was the most violent and difficult to serve.

"Sir, please take a rest first. I'll see if there are any water plants nearby and drink horses by the way." After eating the dry food, the guide asked Xue Lie for instructions again.

"Go ahead, don't go too far. I'll sleep for a while."

The guide took the horse away. Xue Lie sat under the tree and dozed off. I don't know when "Wang" there are mosquitoes singing small songs very impolitely.

"Papa", bowed left and right, and Xue Lie kept beating the mosquitoes. The mosquitoes didn't hit a few, but most of the slaps fell on his face. How could he still sleep? Xue Lie stood up impatiently and looked up. A round of bright full moon hung high in the night sky, and the silver moonlight poured down and shone out the shadows of trees on the ground.

Have I slept for a long time? Xue Lie looked at the moon, and it was very late. Way! What about the guides and horses? He suddenly remembered that in the evening, the guide led the horse out. Why hasn't he come back yet?

Xue Lie tiptoed and looked around.

There are several strange smells in the air, and it is difficult to say whether they are fishy or smelly. Xue Lie moved his nose a few times and shouted, "No, there are beasts!" With a point of force, Xue Lie rushed out in the direction of the smell. He has a bad feeling that something may happen to the guide.

From afar, there were several horses' hiss.

"Stepping..." That's the sound of the horse running fast. Xue Lie accelerated his running speed and met his mount head-on. The horse's hair stood up, thinking that it was frightened by something. Xue Lie raised his foot, followed by two vertical jumps and jumped on the horse's back. Fortunately, this time the power was just right, otherwise, he had to go behind the horse's buttocks.

As soon as Xue Lie lifted the reins, the horse raised its head, hissed, and then lifted its front hoof to fall him down.

The horse must be so scared that it doesn't even recognize its owner. Xue Lie held the reins, gently touched the horse's stomach with his feet, and stroked its head with his hand. He was comforting his mount. Finally, the horse snorted a few times, turned around a few times, and calmed down.

Xue Lie looked around for a while and found nothing. He put his hand on his mouth and shouted loudly, "Guide! Guide..." No one answered.

Xue Lie is not afraid of any beasts. Even if a tiger jumps out, he can peel off its fur and wear it as clothes. At the beginning, if it hadn't been for the chain in his hand, the lion might have died in his hand.

Xuelie rode his horse and looked forward. A strong smell of blood drilled through the nostrils, and the sound gradually faded away.

"It's not good, it must be exported. Drive!" Xue Lie roared, clamped his legs hard, and the ** mount rushed out with a long hiss.

On the edge of a lake, Xue Lie saw the guide and the horse, and they all fell to the ground. He hurriedly jumped off his horse and rushed over. The guide turned his back up, his whole face was buried in muddy water, and his legs were also immersed in water. Xue Lie pulled the guide's face to see if he was still alive.

The guide's face was already white. There was a big hole in his neck, but there was no blood flowing out. As soon as he touched his body, there was only a pair of skins left, and then ran to see the horse. The situation was the same. The snow was shocked. He glanced at the lake, which was very clear and reflected the shadows of hazy mountains and trees. Are there monsters in the lake? Xue Lie didn't dare to think about it anymore. He rolled and climbed over his horse and left in the direction he came. Xue Lie didn't know how many eyes were staring at him in the jungle from the time he appeared until the horse left.

The people and horses were frightened and fled all the way. When the summer light tore off the veil of the night and the fish belly was white in the east, one person and one horse finally rushed out of the mountain. Far away, a city came into sight.

Look behind you, there are no monsters chasing you. Xue Lie breathed a long sigh of relief. He took off his helmet and shook off his wet black hair. Sweat made his whole body wet, and **'s mount was the same as taking a shower.

"I'm exhausted. I have to take a breath." Xue Lie rolled down from the horse's back, fell back in the grass and breathed heavily, and his chest also fluctuated violently. In fact, the horse is more tired than him. Can he not be tired of running for his life with a big living man?

After a long time, the nerves that had been tense were relieved. Xue Lie couldn't help complaining again: "I really don't know how the person who was killed came so far away. Don't die. If you die, even if you catch up to hell, I will ask. Well, you don't know anything when you close your eyes. Let me save your princess. Then who will save me? Fortunately, I ran fast, otherwise, even nine lives would not be enough to lose.

However, after complaining, he was really worried that the man who was ** would really fall asleep.

Xue Lie scolded enough and had almost rested. He looked up at the sky, and a round of red sun was about to spit out.

His stomach also began to coo, and his running around in the past few days made him very tired. His stinky sweat was sticky and felt particularly uncomfortable.

You can't save the princess like this. When you enter the city, you have to find an inn to rest, eat something, and then take a shower... Xuelie thought happily. After made up his mind, he went straight to the city.

At the gate, Xue Lie was stopped by guards.

"He chattered, chattered, chattered." The guard guard of the city said a large number of words that he didn't understand to Xue Lie.

"Damn it, what kind of bird language is this? Shit!" Xue Lie patted his thigh and said, "The guide is dead. No one will be a translator. How can you get into the city now?"

Xue Lie turned his eyes and thought to himself: I heard that money can make ghosts grind, it should be gold. He reached out and touched his arms, and the pieces of gold were given to the shopkeeper couple. Looking at the horse's back, the burden is gone. It must have been exhausted last night and lost the burden.

What can I do? If you can't enter the city, how can you find out the news of the princess? Xue Lie was so anxious that he turned around like a headless fly and didn't know what to do.

The guards on the wall saw the signs. They estimated that the foreigners did not understand, so they all poked their heads and looked down curiously. The leading guard went to Xuelie and drew it with his hand. First, he stood his right palm in front of his chest, bent down, stood straight, then drew a circle in front of him with the same palm, then closed the two palms in one place, bent down, and stretched out his right hand.

Damn, I'm not a gang or a gang. What secret words? The snow is on fire. If this is in Yucatan, whoever dares to stop him may be stabbed through a transparent hole. But now it doesn't work. In other people's territory, the situation is still unknown, and he dares not act rashly.

Xue Lie turned his eyes and thought to himself: I should still ask for money. He looked at himself and found that his body was covered with dust. The originally bright silver armor was covered with a lot of dust, and he didn't look like a rich man at first glance. He caught a glimpse of the sword around his waist. Why don't you use it as a mortgage? As long as you enter the city to save the princess, are you afraid that there will be no gold? It will be fine to redeem it at that time. Thinking of this, he untied the sword. There is a huge ruby on the hilt, which is still shining. It is estimated that it should be worth a lot of money.

As soon as the guards guarding the city saw Xue Lie's sword, they immediately became nervous. They all pulled out their weapons and suddenly rushed up and surrounded him. A smell of gunpowder spread.

Oh, it was a misunderstanding. I thought I was going to fight with them. It was not until then that Xue Lie found out what a stupid thing he had done.

However, the sword has been lit up, and then taken back, or abandoned the sword and waiting to be captured, which is not his style. Thinking about being called a great hero yesterday, how can there be no reason for a great hero to be captured? It's better to break in.

With a choking sound, Xue Lie pulled out his sword. "Swipe," he danced a sword light and waved his sword at the soldiers. Of course, those were all false tricks. He didn't really cut them. Because the queen once said to him: "No matter which country you go to, you should avoid bloodshed as much as possible. If you can solve it peacefully, don't use force."

Although Xue Lie's swords were all false moves, the cold light really scared the guards. As the guards retreated, they thought: Looking at the sword in his hand, which is bright, and the gem, it is also expensive enough. I don't know which country's prince or nobleman. In case of offending, he will lose his head. The guards made a few fights and retreated from the door. There was still a "gurg" in his mouth. Xue Lie only said that they were afraid. How could they know that they were releasing water? He took a look at the opportunity, flew on the back of the horse, carried the reins in his hand, clamped his legs hard, and shouted, "Drive!"

** The mount hiss and rushed in to the city gate.