
Chapter 42 A Dream

Soon, the patrol guards found someone breaking into the city and chased after the horse's buttocks like a swarm of bees, shouting while chasing. Soon, more and more guards joined the pursuit, some blocking in the front and chasing in the back.

"Damn it! Fortunately, they are all human, which is better than being chased by monsters. Xue Lie cursed and ran wildly. He suddenly ran east and west, either stepping over the vegetable stall or stepping on the basket selling eggs... Well, the whole city was stirred up by him.

It's not a way to chase them like this. We have to find a way to get rid of them. Looking at a wall not far away, Xue Lie raised his breath and jumped into the wall. Then he hid in the wall and listened sideways.

"hui", the hissing of the mount came from outside, followed by a burst of birds and the sound of messy footsteps. Gradually, the horse hiss and footsteps went away. I guess the guards couldn't find anyone and took the horse away.

Alas, I finally got rid of their entanglement. What should I do now? Xue Lie looked around and saw a garden with flowers, trees and grass, and a sparkling pond not far away. As soon as he saw the pond, he couldn't help but feel a burst of joy in his heart: he was about to take a shower when the water came. I guess it was transferred now. He looked up at the sky. The sun was still high, so he couldn't go into the pond naked in broad daylight.

Alas, it's a relief! He was exhausted for several days and lost dozens of pieces of gold. When he went back, he must let the boy compensate for the loss. Xue Lie complained in his heart. Now he can only wait until it's dark to take a shower, and then get something to eat. He is already so hungry that his eyes are green.

Xue Lie hid at the root of the wall and felt uncomfortable. He carefully moved towards the flowers and tree shadows, and then he lay down so that he would not be found. His stomach cooed and protested, but he could only stand up.

Alas, the most unfortunate thing in my life has happened to me. Xue Lie complained in his heart. Thinking about it, he fell asleep in a daze and soon woke up to a burst of hunger. He was really hungry. As soon as he stretched out his hand, he took off the petals in the flowers and chewed them in his mouth. The flower was quite sweet. He chewed and chewed with relish, and fell asleep.

In the haze, he heard the sound of "papa" from far to near, and a fishy smell penetrated into his nostrils. Soon, a huge dark shadow dived down from the air. The dark shadow was blurred and could not be seen clearly, and only a pair of wings could be faintly seen. Xue Lie turned around and ran away. "Wow," the dark shadow fanned a gust of wind and followed him closely.

Isn't that the strange bird coming to take revenge? Xue Lie accelerated his running speed and ran. He staggered and didn't know what he had stumbled. He fell to the ground. At this time, the dark shadow was already in front of us. Xue Lie stretched out his hand to touch the sword, but he couldn't touch it. He opened his mouth to shout, but he couldn't shout.

Just as Xue Lie was in a hurry, a pair of sharp claws shining with black and cold light came to his eyes and were about to pierce his chest. Suddenly, an arm stretched out and pushed Xue Lie away with one palm. No, it's not a human arm, but an animal's forelimb covered with golden scales. The palm is not a human hand, but a claw with sharp nails and golden hair on it.

Xue Lie was saved, but the sharp claws shining with black and cold light pierced a person's chest. No, it was a monster covered with golden scales. The red blood gushed out of the monster's chest with a "bang" and fell heavily to the ground.

"Ah!" Xue Lie screamed and sat up.

"Ping" is the violent beating of the heart, and it hurts when you pinch the back of your hand! It turned out to be a dream. He stretched out his hand and wiped his forehead, full of fine cold sweat. I think it's because I recently encountered a monster and was frightened. I had a nightmare. Xue Lie was thinking about it when he suddenly heard a "crustling" sound above his head.

Is it raining? Xue Lie looked up and looked at it with a stunned face. Yes, it's raining, but it's not ordinary rain, but golden rain. They fell down one after another and fell into his palm. Xue Lie was shocked to see that they were golden scales.

Those scales rotated in Xuelie's hand and quickly combined, forming a golden shield. In the center of the shield is a head with hair, which is the head of an unknown beast.

"Oh, my God! What is this?" Xue Lie's eyes widened in horror, "Is it for me?" He remembered the dream he had just had and the monster covered with gold armor.

Why did it save me? While Xue Lie was puzzled, a huge dark shadow flashed in front of his eyes with a "brush".

Who? Who is there?" Xue Lie shouted loudly and stood up to catch up. The dark shadow shook and jumped out of the wall, but by the bright moonlight, Xue Lie still saw that it was a golden curly tail and the hind legs of two animals covered with golden scales.

Xue Lie stood there in a daze, looked in the direction of the shadow disappearing for a while, and then looked down at the shield in his hand. He was confused: Is it the monster that saved him in his dream? But how could it break into its own dream? Is this a dream?

Is that right? Feiye? He doesn't understand either.

After being stunned for a long time, Xue Lie looked up at the sky. The night was completely dark, and only the eternal moon hung in the sky like a jade plate.

Xuelie glanced around: not far from the left side is the pond, half of which is hidden in the shadow of the building, and the other part is presented in the moonlight. The silver-white moonlight poured down and shone on that part of the water, shining like a mirror. And on the edge of the pond, there is also a hill.

Where is this place? How can there be mountains in the city? What the hell, let's take a shower first.

Xue Lie carried a shield and approached the pond along the wall. When he turned to the shadow of the building, he saw that the opposite was a rockery with some holes on it, and there was a pavilion on the mountain. There is a passage at the foot of the mountain, which bends and turns to the other side of the mountain.

Xuelie put down the shield in his hand, removed the helmet, took off the sword at his waist, and then kicked off the boots on his feet. After three or five, he took off the armor, and then looked at this outfit. It was so ugly, and his boots were smelly. He couldn't run around like this, right? He found a place with stones, squatted down, soaked the dirty things in the water, and washed them up.

Soon, the costume glittered. He salvaged them one by one and hung them on the branches to hang. Then, he put the sword on the shield.

"Washing the breath on the body, it's time to transship!" Xue Lie became happy. "Whisw", he shook his arm a few times, and there was a backflip.

"Wow! Poo!" Xue Lie spit out his mouth full of mud, "Damn it, I thought it was a transfer. It turned out to be a decaying possession!" He forgot to test the depth of the water, and as a result, he fell into the mud.

"What a fucking bad luck!" Xue Lie shook his head a few times and shook off the mud all over his face. He scolded, straightened up, "waded" and walked inside. The water is getting deeper and deeper, and he has come out of the shadows. Soon, the water did not cross the waist and flooded the neck. Xue Lie swam up.

"Wow, it's super cool!" A cool feeling penetrates into the pores, spreads to the whole body, and the whole body is comfortable. Snow is swimming happily. He shaved the dog for a while and suddenly breaststroked, which was really enjoyable. Unconsciously, Xue Lie swam to the foot of the rockery. He raised his head, shook the black hair, climbed the rock with his hand, turned his head and looked at the opposite side. He could faintly see the outline of some buildings and the sparse lights.

"Cum coo", and the stomach sang the empty city plan again.

I think people in the city are having dinner. Alas! I don't know when I will return to Pocedia. Xuelie thought of those magnificent buildings, extremely rich dishes, and fragrant wines. After a gust of wind, he moved his nose a few times and felt as if he really smelled the vegetable fragrance.

When I think of the food, my stomach screams more happily. Forget it, you can't soak it any more. You have to get something to eat. The most important thing is to fill your stomach. Xue Lie is planning to swim to the opposite side.

"Gigling" came a messy bird song. Xue Lie was shocked and looked up, secretly crying in his heart. It turned out that a team of guards holding torches turned out from behind the rockery. Before he had time to think about it, he waved his arm and rowed to the opposite side. He wanted to get ashore quickly so that he could put on his clothes and escape.

The crackling sound of water attracted the eyes of the guards. Soon, the torches approached, and their ears were full of messy birds.

Xue Lie climbed ashore in a panic, put on his boots, and forgot to put on his underwear. Before he finished wearing his underwear, those sounds had come behind him. He grabbed a few things randomly, a little to the tip of his foot, and rushed out.

"Whw" and jumped several vertically in a row, and he jumped up the rockery. He didn't dare to jump out of the wall. He was afraid that there would be an ambush outside. In case a big net fell from the sky, wouldn't he become a turtle in the urn? This is called "the more dangerous the place, the safer it is." Xue Lie smiled cunningly, followed by several vertical jumps and fell into a yard.