
Chapter 58 Magic Sea

Xuelie hurriedly came to Sprite's car.

"My sister, sister, come out soon. It's not good. There's something wrong!"

As soon as Sprite heard that something had happened, she hurriedly lifted the curtain and asked in horror, "What's wrong?" She thought there was an enemy coming to attack.

"Come up quickly and go and have a look with me!"

As soon as Sprite woke up, she saw her brother's panicked look and thought something big had happened, so she jumped on the snowy horse. The brother and sister rode their horses up the slope. They came to the intersection.

"What did you see?" Xue Lie pointed to the front.

"The sea! How can we get there? There is no boat. Will you let us swim there?

Xue Lie is really dumbfounded. Since her sister has seen it, it means that there is really no problem with her eyes.

Xue Lie took out the "command locator" from his arms and lit up the button on it. After a lid was opened, a square screen appeared on it. Xue Lie quickly manipulated the button, and he raised the topographic map. There is a clear march route marked on it, and the flashing brown text shows that this area is called "Franz", and there is a green jungle in front of it to the right, and the left front of the jungle is Ogo City. However, there is no ocean. If there is an ocean, it will display blue text. Xue Lie looked at the terrain on both sides and recalled the places he had walked yesterday. It was the same as shown in the image. Xue Lie is confused.

When Sprite saw Xue Lie fiddling with the thing with the image, she was very curious and couldn't help asking, "Brother, what is that?"

"Don't ask, we have encountered a strange thing. I came up yesterday to see it. It was obviously a hill. Unexpectedly, it turned into a sea overnight. It's really strange!"

"How could such a thing happen?" Sprite wondered, "Are you sure we haven't gone the wrong way?"

"No, definitely not. The thing the Queen gave me is the most advanced instrument, and the Queen said that all the topographic maps can be searched from it. Our march route has been marked. You see, we are in this position now. Xue Lie stretched out his hand and pointed to the flashing text on the screen.

Sprite stretched out its neck and looked at it for a long time, but didn't understand it, so she had to say, "Why don't we go down and have a look!" I haven't been swimming for a long time. With that, he jumped off the horse.

"Wait!" Xue Lie suddenly shouted, "Wait a minute, I'll ask again. I think this place is really strange."

Xuelie continued to push the button again, and he wanted to contact the chief bodyguard. Soon, he got a reply. The bodyguard's answer is: You are now in the "Franz" hilly area, with a wide official road in front of you. Accelerate the march and be sure to reach Ogo as soon as possible and occupy it. ( At this time, Locke was still in the depths of the ocean, chatting with Heweistos.)

"Damn it, damn it! Is there something wrong with both of our eyes? Xue Lie was completely thundered down.

Do you want me to swim across the sea with this 100,000 army? Damn, isn't this going to kill me? Xue Lie cursed in his heart. However, after complaining, with the military order, he still dares not disobey.

"Go! Bring our weapons and go down and have a look. Xue Lie crossed his heart and thought: Even if you die, you have to break through.

Two people galloped to the seaside.

Yes, this is a sea, because they see flying gulls and ships almost as small as dots on the sea.

When he arrived at the seaside, Xue Lie jumped off his horse, holding a shield in one hand and Sprite in the other. The two brothers and sisters walked into the sea. Xue Lie picked up a handful of seawater with his hand. It was cool and indeed seawater.

"Yes, it's seawater." Sprite also picked up a handful of seawater, and she also washed her face.

The two brothers and sisters looked at each other. Forward or backward? It seems that there is only one way to do it now, that is, to go back home and back to Boks shipbuilding.

"Brother, maybe there is something wrong with your instrument, it's broken, and we've gone the wrong way?" Sprite asked with her little head tilted.

"Well, it's possible." The current situation makes Xuelie have to say that this "multifunctional, all-round and most advanced instrument" (this is what Queen Kathy told him herself.] Doubt arises.

"I don't care so much. I'm going to swim. I haven't soaked in water for a long time. It's too uncomfortable."

Sprite took off the armor she was wearing and exposed the long pink skirt inside. This dress is made of the best satin. In order to make this skirt, Sprite went to almost every store in Yukatan and Pokes. Finally, she found the silk from her hometown, the eastern continent, with big roses on them, which were very bright red, just like the real thing. Based on her own memories, Sprite drew a style based on the dress given to her by the flower fairy, and then asked the tailor to make it according to the graphics. She wanted to dance to Locke in this dress, but before she could dance, she set out with the army.

"Tut, sister, your skirt is so beautiful!" Xue Lie couldn't help praising, "Yes, you said that people call you Rose Princess. Your rose dance is the best. I haven't seen it yet. Can you show me a dance?"

"No, I'm going to show it to Brother Locke first."

"Bad girl, is my own brother not as good as your brother Locke?" Xue Lie picked up a handful of water and poured it on Sprite's face.

"Brother is bad and ignores you." Sprite pouted and turned around and ran into the sea.

"Hey! Come back." Xue Lie shouted in a hurry. However, the girl ran so fast that she had already thrown herself into the water.

Xue Lie stamped his feet in anxiety. He was really worried about his sister's safety. Before he had time to think about it, he threw off the armor three or two times. Suddenly, his hand touched a hard thing in his arms. He looked down and saw that it was a "command locator". He wrapped it in his armor, threw it on the beach, and then jumped several times in a row, chasing his sister's figure and jumped into the water.

"Poutong", Xue Lie jumped into the water. As his body floated, he got out of the water, but there was no Sprite on the water. Xue Lie was so anxious that he wiped a handful of drops of water on his face and hurriedly dived into the water.

Finally, he saw Sprite. Sprite's body is slowly spinning in the water, and its long pink hair seems to be alive, floating in wisps. She seems to be asleep. Then, he saw big roses, which were rising from Sprite's body, no, it should be on the skirt.

Wow, it's so beautiful, my sister is like a flower fairy! Xue Lie couldn't help admiring in his heart. He swam to Sprite. He wanted to pull his sister out of the water. He was worried that his sister would faint. Besides, he couldn't hold his breath for too long. He needed to breathe on the water.

Xue Lie stretched out his hand. Just as he was about to reach his sister's arm, there was a loud noise, and a pair of big hands with long fins and scales stretched out and wrapped around his waist tightly. This is a sea monster with three green eyes, covered with brown scales, long green hair dancing with teeth and claws, and a huge fish tail still swaying left and right in the water, not to mention how horrible it is. Xue Lie suddenly remembered that this sea monster looked exactly like the sea monster that was killed by the Queen last time. Is he the prince of the sea? He is not dead? However, he clearly saw that he was blown to pieces.

Xue Lie's eyes widened in horror. He looked at his hands empty. Just now, he was in a hurry to chase his sister without a shield or a golden sword.

It's over, I'm dead today! There was severe pain in his waist, and after a burst of dizziness, his eyes became hazy.

Xue Lie thought of the queen. He seemed to see the figure of Pingting again, and the soft voice seemed to ring in his ear again. "It doesn't matter. Do it again. You must be able to do it." The queen once taught herself how to control those ammonium buttons. Even if she pressed the wrong button, she never blamed herself. She always took the trouble to explain to herself and always encouraged herself so patiently. However, she lived up to her expectations and was about to die without doing anything for her, and she couldn't even see her last time. He suddenly wanted to see the queen. In a moment, bitterness, sweetness... all kinds of tastes surged up from the bottom of his heart.

I know, I finally know what "the taste of missing" is! It turns out that the "taste of missing" is not only found in wine! Xue Lie's tearful eyes were full of a smile. Now, he finally understands what "the smell of missing" is. Even if he dies immediately now, he will no longer feel regretful.

At this moment, Sprite's hair brush flew up, like vertical steel needles, followed by the turquoise eyes suddenly opened.

Sprite saw the sea monster and saw his brother. His brother was pinched in his hand by the sea monster. As long as the sea monster exerted his strength, it was estimated that he would immediately break his waist. Wow," Sprite suddenly rushed over and rushed to the sea monster. Her body drives those petals, like a pink whirlpool. Sprite opened her mouth and bit the hand of the sea monster. She had only one purpose: to let the ugly sea monster release its claws and let go of her brother.

The back of the sea monster's hand is covered with thick scales, which are rough and thick. Sprite's teeth were loose, and blood gushed out of her mouth. In the face of Sprite's attack, the sea monster not only did not let go, but also seemed to be working hard. Sprite was anxious. She thought of the "hook thorn", and at this time, it was still stuck in her waist. With a brush, Sprite pulled out the "hook" and raised it high. She was like an angry lion, no, more like a pink whirlwind. She rotated and slammed into the sea monster.

"chi�", the "hook thorn" aroused a stream of water, like a long snake letter, breaking through the water. The hook thorn has become longer, and a gorgeous rose is attached to the sharp barb, which looks like a long flower branch. Sprite pierced the sea monster's eyes, and it was the one in the middle of his forehead.

With a scream, the sea monster loosened his hands and covered his eyes with his hands. Then there was a loud noise, and the sea rushed away into the distance and soon disappeared. With two snaps, the two brothers and sisters fell out one by one and fell to the ground.

There is another hilly area in front of us. Sprite rubbed his eyes. Yes, it was hills.

"Brother! Brother! How are you?" Sprite ran over and called anxiously.

Xuelie's head was still lying in the soil, and Sprite hurriedly pulled him over.

"Ah, poo!" Xue Lie spit out mud all over his mouth, "Is I still alive?" He asked strangely, thinking he was dead.

"Of course you are alive, which made me almost scared to death by you. How's your injury? Let me have a look!" Sprite hurriedly helped his brother sit up and lifted his underwear to check the injury.

"What did you see, sister? The sea has disappeared! Is this true?" Xue Lie was so surprised that he couldn't believe what he saw and wiped his eyes hard.

"It's true! I beat the sea monster away. Sprite said as she helped him knead his waist.

"My sister is very straightforward!" Xue Lie jumped up happily and then fell to the ground with a "pop" sound, "Oh, it hurts me so much!" He was so happy that he forgot the injury on his waist. Not long ago, his waist was almost cut off by the sea monster.

"Brother, are you all right? It's all my fault. What kind of water did you get hurt? Sprite helped her brother while blaming herself.

"It's okay. It's okay. If it weren't for you, how could we get out of this area? Fortunately, we can finally start now." Xue Lie stood up with grin.

Now, he understands that the sea monster should also be the prince of the sea. He remembers Locke once said that it was a god, and they would blind him. He thought that the previous sea was the blindfolded by the sea prince. He picked up the armor on the ground, wrapped the "command locator" and returned to the car with his sister step by step.

Xue Lie sat down. Sprite took out the wine from the carriage. As she poured wine for her brother, she wiped the potion on her brother's waist. Although Xuelie's waist hurts, fortunately, he didn't hurt his bones, but his skin was damaged in many places.

Looking that it was almost noon, the two brothers and sisters ate something more. Xue Lie held the "command locator" and got into the carriage to sleep. He felt that his sister was very powerful, so he left her sister to keep watch for him.

It was safe at noon and nothing happened.

Fortunately, Xue Lie's injury was not very serious, and his body was already very strong. After applying some potions, there was no big problem.

In the afternoon, the team set off again. Now, it's Sprite's turn to sleep. Because of the war with the sea monster, she put a noon wind for her brother. A sense of fatigue came. She was sleepy and got into the last carriage to sleep.