
Chapter 59 Jungle Arson

In the evening, they still did not walk out of the hilly area.

Sprite woke up. She poked her head out of the car window. After not seeing the sun for several days in a row, the air seemed very dull. She felt a little uncomfortable. She looked up at the gray sky and felt more depressed. She really wanted to get out of the car to breathe, so she asked the driver to stop the car against the roadside for convenience.

Sprite quietly slipped out of the car, slid down the slope, and sat down behind the bushes. She didn't have time to change her clothes and was still wearing the pink rose skirt.

"Alas! I don't know if Brother Locke is in good health. Why hasn't he come yet? The girl sighed. Since he met the tall and handsome teenager in the back garden of Ports, Sprite's heart has never calmed down. The teenager's long golden hair, cold eyes, and evil smile filled her mind all the time. However, since he came to Yukatan, the man has changed, ignored himself and even refused to care about him.

He loves their queen, and he and his brother love their queen. Alas, he has also been a princess. What can't compare with their queen?! The more Sprite thought about it, the more sad it became. She couldn't help sobbing.

Gradually, a strange smell came from far to near. When Sprite woke up, a soft, arm-like thing had wrapped around her neck. Breathing, the girl fainted.

Although the distance of ten carriages is not long, it can't be said to be short. If no one reports it, no one knows what will happen. Xue Lie carried a metal box in his arms, and occasionally it would beep. It was the bodyguard who was asking him about the march, and sometimes he had to look back and forth. Now Xue Lie, one person does the work of two people, so he has no free time at all.

When it was dark, the team stopped. Although the biochemical soldiers did not need to rest, the ten drivers were human beings. They wanted to eat and the horses also ate grass. After Xue Lie finished arranging many things, he was already hungry. He rushed back and planned to have dinner with Sprite. It was not until then that he found that a carriage was missing, and it was the carriage his sister took. Xue Lie immediately panicked. He asked the driver one by one, and the drivers said they didn't see it.

Xue Lie's eyes were originally experienced in the dark. There was no difference between walking at night and during the day. He galloped back. Finally, he found the carriage on the roadside. He lifted the curtain and there was no one in it. Sprite, the driver, and the horses are gone. Xue Lie moved his nose a few times, and he smelled a strange smell.

No, there are beasts! Is Sprite taken away by a beast? Then why didn't she call for help? There are wild animals in such a place. Xue Lie feels really weird.

It was not until then that Xue Lie thought of Locke, and he couldn't help saying to himself: "If only Locke was here!"

He really wants to catch up with the taste immediately.

However, the ten carriages (now there are only nine left) carrying life-threatening military supplies, and the 100,000 soldiers are all the Queen's property. If you ignore the army only for the sake of her sister's personal safety, how can you be worthy of the Queen's trust and cultivation? Xue Lie was so anxious that he only looked forward to Locke's early arrival.

He is not in the mood to eat either, just urging those drivers to eat faster. Finally, the drivers finished eating and the horses finished feeding the forage, and Xue Lie immediately led the team to start.

Xue Lie picked up the reins and galloped the horse, because the smell was right in front.

A team of 100,000 people rushed down from the official road. They ran, and their pace and speed were the same, neat but not messy. This is a pain for the engineers, because they were input with acceleration instructions, so they used both hands and feet to move stones, cut trees, and pave roads... I'm too busy. If that scene is seen by human beings, it is strange not to be scared to death.

In the middle of the night, Xue Lie chased to a jungle, and the smell disappeared.

Is Sprite taken into the forest? But why did the smell disappear? Xue Lie sucked his nose hard. He smelled many kinds of smells, which were the smell of beasts. He was very familiar with them. Xue Lie sneered and thought: I was born to hunt beasts. This time, you fell into my hands.

Xuelie hurriedly ordered the team to stop.

At this moment, the metal box in his arms sounded, which was conveying the Queen's order to him, saying that there was something strange in the forest, asking them to pay attention to safety, and ordering him to adjust the march route and occupy Ogo.

Adjust the march route? How is that possible? You don't know my sister is here. Xue Lie decided that even if he disobeyed the military order, he would fight desperately. He couldn't leave his sister alone.

Xue Lie looked up and saw that the jungle was so lush and large that it could hardly be seen at a glance. It seems that only by removing those beasts first can the engineers make their way. So he ordered the first group of biochemical soldiers to search in the jungle.

Soon, a bright light flashed in the forest, accompanied by a wailing, and a strong smell of blood permeated.

When the team was closed, nearly 1,000 soldiers sent came back a lot. They were simply magic soldiers. Xue Lie was so happy that he worshipped the queen more and more. But where is Sprite? Looking at the wild jungle, Xue Lie locked his eyebrows again.

At dawn, the smell decreases. The engineers began to open the way, and Xue Lie also rode in.

Xue Lie was shocked. He saw that those dead beasts were not ordinary lions and tigers. Some of them had human heads and beast bodies, and some of them were actually human beast heads. They were really strange and omniomed. Their death is extremely horrible, some have their heads cut off, some have been split in half... and they all have burned marks. That's the result of the biochemical soldiers shooting with a crystal beam).

What kind of monsters are these? Xue Lie's face was stunned, and he had never seen it.

The strong smell of blood made Xuelie nauseous. When the engineers moved the bodies of the monsters, they splashed a lot of blood on their bodies and stained their armor.

The forest is big and dense. When will it be moved? Xue Lie's heart is burning.

What should I do? He frowned again and thought: Has his sister been captured by a bird? Where can I find such a big forest? Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in his head, and he came up with a good idea: arson. If the human-headed bird hides in the forest and once the fire starts to burn, it can only fly out of the jungle. At that time, it can shoot it down with one arrow. In addition, as soon as the fire burns up, the bodies of those monsters will be burned, and the engineers will not have to spend time to carry it. Isn't this killing two birds with one stone! Xue Lie was very proud that he could come up with such a good plan.

Soon, thick smoke billowed in the forest, and the dead branches and leaves burned first, followed by thatched grass and short shrubs. In the evening, the whole forest burned.

Shura saw the red warning signal from the satellite scanning system, and he hurriedly asked the chief bodyguard to inquire. Soon, the chief bodyguard and Xue Lie got in touch.

"Nonsense! Why is he still there? Why didn't he adjust the marching route? Shura was furious after knowing that Xue Lie's arson was furious. He ordered the bodyguard, "Enable the fire extinguishing system immediately!"

"But Your Highness, the fire extinguishing system can no longer be enabled. The rainy season comes earlier, and our energy use is more tense."

"It's really messing me!"

"Bang" Shura punched on the table.

"Just burn it, isn't it just a forest?"

"You say it lightly. That forest belongs to Ogo. If they find out that we did it, isn't it?

The bodyguard stopped talking.

"Let them be careful and get to Ogo as soon as possible!"

"Yes, Your Highness!"

Just when Xue Lie received the Queen's order, Locke arrived. Locke saw the firelight and ran to the firelight.

"You're finally here. I'm waiting for my hair to be gray." As soon as they met, Xue Lie gave him a warm hug.

"Okay, brother, it's really hard for you. Fortunately, my injury is finally cured." Locke bent his hazy two-headed muscle. "If you don't believe it, am I stronger than before?"

"Okay, okay, you're fine. However, I'm very bad." Wow, Xue Lie burst into tears.

"What happened?" Locke looked at Xue Lie doubtfully, "Why did this forest catch fire?"

Xue Lie choked and talked about the encounter with the prince of the sea, the disappearance of Sprite, and the experience before and after the arson.

"So that's it. But you shouldn't burn the forest either!" Locke was heartbroken by those green creatures. "It seems that the sea prince is following you. He is looking for revenge."

"Revenge? Isn't he dead? I clearly saw with my own eyes that he was blown to pieces by the Queen. Xue Lie was surprised.

"You don't know that there are ten sea princes in total. They are five pairs of twins. You killed one, and now you should find another one."

Ah? Ten!" Xue Lie's eyes widened in horror, "One almost killed me. In case nine of them come, can I still die?" His face immediately turned into a bitter gourd.

"At this point, it's useless to be anxious and afraid. You have to find a way out of the jungle first. If I guess correctly, Sprite may have fallen into the hands of the Ogo people."

"Isn't she dangerous? No, I have to save her!" This reckless boy's mind is hot again.

"It's not necessarily true. At least they won't kill her. At most, they will take her as a hostage and threaten us to retreat."

"Hey, where did you get here?" Xuelie suddenly found that Locke didn't even ride a horse or a car, and a person suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Ha ha, of course I'm running forward! I'm born with Scud. Don't you believe it? Let's have a comparison?"

"Forget it, in the future, I'm not in the mood now. It's important to get out of the forest." Xue Lie pouted, and he had no time to care about anything else.

So, the engineers went out again. In Locke's surprised eyes, they emitted thick smoke, waved their robotic arms and began to clean the road.

"Are they biochemical soldiers?"

"Yes, if you hadn't been ill, maybe we would have arrived in Ogo by now."

"It's not too late now. Are you afraid that you can't beat any Ogo people with them?"

"That's right, the queen is a victim who can create so many magic soldiers."

One of the two people immediately and the other got off the horse, walking and chatting.

Locke looked at the strange limbs that had been charred and felt puzzled. He thought: Where did these monsters that are also human and beasts come from?