
Chapter 89

"Old patriarch, you are biased!" Xiao pouted discontentedly, "Why did you give it to him but not to me? Who cares about this piece of broken wood!" With a "bang", he threw the thing called "yao" on the ground and almost stepped on it.

"Oh, this stupid child!" The old patriarch sighed and said, "You are too young. You don't know yet. When you grow up, you will naturally have it."

Locke leaned over and picked up the "yao" and brushed it with his hand. He injected magic into the "yao", and the "yao" immediately shined. Then, he cast a spell and removed a few shining stones from the stone wall.

A glittering sword was born.

Xiao jumped up immediately when he saw it. He took Yao in his hand and was so happy that he no longer paid attention to Locke's necklace. Locke and the old patriarch looked at each other and smiled.

"'yao', why is it called 'yao'? It's so bad! What should I call it? Cut down the demons!" Xiao shouted, "Yes, just call it 'Demon Cut'! What a beautiful and domineering name!"

The xiao cheered and jumped.

"It's better to call it 'Demon Removal Sword', and it's better to call it 'Demon Removal Sword'."

Locke felt uncomfortable when he heard the word "repel the demon". Who made him the devil? As soon as he heard the word "remote demon", he immediately felt chilled. Who let him be a demon?

"Cut the demon!"

"Exorcination Sword!"

"Cut down demons! Demon chopping! Kill the demons..."

"Demon-killing Sword! Demon Sword! Demon Sword..."


The two teenagers argued endlessly. They chased and fought, and quarreled again, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"What a child!" The old patriarch twisted his beard and shook his head. Suddenly, as if he remembered something, he hurriedly straightened up, closed his palms, and stood up to worship in the air, "My ancestor, please bless these two children!"

The two teenagers chased each other from the cave to the outside of the cave until they came out of the ground. They argued endlessly. I pulled your hair, and you pulled my collar and quickly rolled into a ball.

Suddenly, there was thunder in the sky, lightning and thunder, as if it was about to rain heavily. The two hurriedly stopped. Locke turned his head and looked at it. He immediately realized something and immediately laid the boundary. At this time, the chain on his necklace suddenly faded, and even Pluto's tears - the shining stone, lost its glory.

After a while, the clouds above his head dispersed, and the roaring thunder gradually faded away. Locke withdrew from the boundary and said, "Okay, it's okay."

Locke looked at the chain on his neck, and it did not return to its previous shining appearance. A feeling of loss invaded his heart, and Locke couldn't help but be at a loss.

"Is it going to rain? However, I always feel something is wrong. Xiao asked puzzledly.

Xiao**'s nerves and super nose have smelled the strangeness in the air, but his demonic power is still too shallow, so he can't say why.

"It's okay, nothing." Locke comforted Xiao. In fact, he knew in his heart that it was a strong murderous spirit, and that murderous spirit came to himself and the xiao.

Did you expose your whereabouts and attract the attention of the divine world? Locke was confused, so he restrained his breath more carefully.

Why did you say that? It turned out that Zeus came out to look for flowers and ask willows. Zeus happened to pass by, and he suddenly saw a flash of light in the desert, and then he smelled two breaths: a faint divine breath and a strong demonic spirit. Zeus thought that which god was controlled by the demon clan, so he rushed over angrily. Why? Save the scene. When Zeus came, the two breaths disappeared, so he had to brush his sleeves away.

The two teenagers were so tired that they fell on the sand and fell asleep one after another. After they had enough rest, they got up from the sand and headed east.

Along the way, Xiao's mouth hardly stopped, and he kept telling his own embage.

Locke listened quietly. Suddenly, he asked, "Xing, have you ever killed Qiu Bai?"

"Alas, I grew up in this desert. Don't talk about Qiu Bai, even an antelope is rarely seen." Xiaochang sighed and said, "The old patriarch always nagging endlessly, saying, 'You are too young, you are just a child, how can you be Qiu Bai's opponent? When you grow up... 'Oh, it's so annoying. I'm more than a thousand years old, and he always says that I'm a child. Obviously, I'm older than him.

Xiao pouted and whined, pulling the "yao" out of his waist and waving it in his hand.

"The old patriarch is worried about you, and he is also for your own good. You should understand his mood. You know, you are the descendant of Yihe. You have a life span of 3,000 years, and the old patriarch is Wufu. He only has a life span of 1,000 years!"

"Well, of course I know. It's just a few Qiu Bai. If I meet them, none of them will want to live!" Xiao said viciously.

"It's been ten thousand years. Maybe the twelve Qiu Bai have already died?"

"No, Cooper is our sworn enemy. As long as I live, they will live. I can feel their existence."

"Oh?" Locke looked at Xiao with a doubtful face. Although he also knows that most demons have immortality, having an immortality does not mean having the right to immortality.

"So, do you know how many Qiu Bai are in the world so far?"

"Well, from the story I heard, it can be roughly estimated. Legend has it that the ancestor Yi lured and killed one Qiu Bai with his own blood, and then there were eleven left. There is also the one with a broken tail, that is, the one hanging on the stone wall. The second one was beheaded by the ancestor, and then there were ten left. Legend has it that the ancestor was besieged by ten Qiu Bai and almost died. That time, it is said that one Qiu Bai was killed by a strong beam of light. After that, there should be nine left, but that was almost 10,000 years ago. In the past ten thousand years, has Qiu Bai died? I haven't heard from the old patriarch.

"Oh, so, Qiu Bai should not exceed nine."

"Well, don't say nine Qiu Bai, even if there are 90, I will kill them all!" Xiao gritted his teeth, and the originally dark pupils were filled with a layer of murderous blood.

Hate, alas! It's all hatred. Are we born to take revenge? Locke was lost.

With a sound of "Dang", Locke was shocked. He looked up and saw that the two walked and chatted unconsciously out of the desert. Just now, Xiao's mood got out of control, and "yao" got out of his hand and fell into a huge stone wall.

"What is this?" Locke jumped over.

"Is it a boundary marker?" The xiao brushed away the sand and dust covering the stone wall with his hand.

"What does it say?" Locke asked curiously, and he saw something curved, character-like on the stone wall.

"I don't know. These characters are strange. I seem to have seen them somewhere." Xiao stroked the characters on the stone, thought for a moment, and said, "Oh, I remember. When I was a child, in order to chase a group of antelopes that stray into the desert, I once came here with my people. At that time, there was a ruined city."


"Yes, there are many shining stones in that city."

"Shining stone?"

Yes, although they are large, none of them is complete. I didn't expect that after a thousand years, the change here would be so great that the city disappeared.

A city will disappear in a thousand years, so 10,000 years ago, the oasis, on which countless carved beams and painted buildings, water pavilions and platforms... fell in an instant. At that time, it was covered by desolation and eventually turned into a desert. So, in another 10,000 years, what will it look like here? Gradually, pain and melancholy covered the red eyes again.

"Oh, I'm hungry. I have to find something to eat to fill my stomach." Xiao stretched out his hand to pull out the "yao" into the stone wall. Huh? Why can't you pull it out?" Xiao was shocked. He used his strength to pull out the milk, but he didn't pull it out. He used his demonic power again and increased his power to ten layers, but he still didn't pull it out. A thin layer of sweat flowed down his forehead. Brother, brother, come and help!" Xiao's eager shouts interrupted Locke's memory.

Locke stepped forward and saw that Yao had completely submerged into the stone wall. He could only see a shiny thing, which was an emerald embedded in the handle of Yao.

"Eer, get out of the way! Look at me."

Locke knew that he couldn't pull it out by hand, so he carried out his magic. A mass of light burst out of his palm, and the mass of light slowly moved towards the shiny green.

"Boom" "clattering", there was a loud noise, and the stone wall cracked into pieces.

"Wow, big brother is awesome!" Xiao applauded excitedly.

How could this happen? Locke looked confused. He knew very well that he just used a layer of magic and just wanted to push the "yao" out of the stone wall. Unexpectedly, it was so unexpected that such a large boulder was cut into pieces.

With rising smoke and sand, the ground collapsed. Yao rolled down from the air and disappeared. The two teenagers widened their eyes and saw a broken wall appear in the ground, and a black hole appeared next to the broken wall.

"What's going on? Did Yao fall into the hole? Locke looked at Xiao in surprise.

"Is it the buried city?" Xiao also looked at Locke.

"Let's go in and have a look." The two said almost with one voice.

The two teenagers looked at each other, smiled, and jumped into the hole one after another.