
Chapter 90 Underground Maze

"Wang", there are debris and sand dust constantly falling, and the more you go inside, the darker it becomes. Neither teenager is mortal. Although the ground is dark, they can see clearly that this is an ancient city buried underground.

Locke took the crow's hand, and the two walked forward by bypassing the dense cobwebs, stepping on the potholed ground.

"hoo" "papa", a group of dark shadows flapped their wings from the top of their heads and flew away quickly into the distance. The air is filled with bird droppings and the smell of moldy metal and rotten wood.

"I... I seem to smell death. I'm a little scared." Looking at the broken walls, Xiao felt Sen's death.

"Don't be afraid, with the eldest brother, what are you afraid of?" Locke cheered up Xiao. He had a feeling that he seemed to have been to this place, but he couldn't remember whether he had been here or when.

As you walk, the road is getting wider and wider. Although there are burn marks on the road and look potholed like scars, it can be seen that this is a road paved with marble.

"Look, there is a bright light in front." Xiao shouted excitedly.

Is it 'yao'? Strange, how did it fall here? Locke is very puzzled. Because he knew that he and Xiao had walked at least a few miles away.

The two teenagers accelerated their running speed. They walked into a doorway and saw something shining.

"What is this?" The xiao picked up something with a shining green light.

"It seems to be a gemstone, no, it should be metal." Locke said.

"Go in and have a look. Maybe you will find some treasure. I heard that in the human world, treasures can be exchanged for a lot of things. Xiao said with big cunning eyes.

Entering the doorway, the two found that there were many shiny green metals on the ground. Locke looked up and understood that these metals should have fallen from the tower. He thought that there had been a war here.

"Pa", the xiao threw down the metal in his hand, and the two continued to walk in. Step up a step and turn over a piece of ruins. After a broken wall, they saw a snowy light.

"Shining stone!" Xiao shouted again, "Yes, this is the color of the stone I saw a thousand years ago."

Rock took the horr's hand and ran to the light. He squatted down next to piles of stones. He thought it would be those diamonds that glowed, because diamonds are a common gemstone in Westland. There were many diamond jewelry in the palace where he lived when he was a child, and he was not unfamiliar with diamonds.

However, these shiny stones are not diamonds, but transparent crystals. Some of them are indeed large pieces, but more are broken and irregularly shaped, which looks like falling from the sky and then falling into fragments. Locke suddenly remembered the crystal ball, the sacred object of the universe. He thought that Prometheus's mistake led to the destruction of the sacred object. At that time, this should be the situation. However, the fragments of the crystal reshrine floated in the sky and turned into stars all over the sky. However, where did these crystal fragments come from?

"Who? Who is there? The trembling voice interrupted Locke's thinking. A chill came to his face, and Locke suddenly raised his head. At the same time, with a "brush", a black shadow flashed in front of him.

"Chasing!" Locke took the xiao's hand, rubbed his toes, and rushed out. "Swipe" and "brush" and the two of them jumped like flying. Turn east and west, turn left and right, "bang" and "bony", and the two of them rolled down a slope.

"Ouch! It hurts me so much. What's going on? There was a burst of Venus in front of him, and the xiao sat up with grinning teeth, touched his forehead, and bled.

"Yes, what's going on? Ouch, it hurts so much!" Locke only felt a stream of heat gushing from his forehead and wiped it with his hand.

"Hahaha", the two first looked at each other, and then laughed at the same time. It turned out that they bumped into each other.

"What did you see before?" Locke asked Xiao.

"A... a man wrapped in a black robe." Xiao's voice trembled again, "Brother, do you think it's an undead?"

"No, how can it be an undead? If it is an undead, it must be concentrated in the underworld waiting for judgment. Locke knew that if the shadow just now was not a human, it must be an animal. It could never be an undead. If it was an undead, he would definitely feel that he had been a death for 10,000 years, and it would not be in vain.

"But how can there be anyone in such a ghostly place?" Xiao still has a face of fear.

"Yes, maybe there should be no one in this kind of place, but won't the two of us come too? Are we human beings?"

"Hey, that's right." Xiao smiled shyly. He was a little shy and thought to himself: When did he become so timid?

"Well, it's strange that the 'yao' given to you by the old patriarch has disappeared. How can it disappear out of thin air?" Locke sighed and thought: "Yo" is an artifact that can kill Qiu Bai. The old patriarch gave Yao to Xiao for him to protect himself. However, now that he has lost Yao, isn't it dangerous? What should he do?

"Brother, do you think 'yao' will be taken away by the man wrapped in black robe?" Xiao asked with a frightened face.

"Well, it's possible. Who is it? It's strange that neither of us can catch up. Locke looked confused.

"Forget it, let's go out. I'm starving to death. I don't want to stay in this ghostly place anymore." With that, Xiao stretched out his hand to pull Lock. Locke was about to stretch out his hand, but he was stunned. He found that Xiao's hand brushed his hand and reached behind him.

"Oh, what is this?" Xiao looked surprised and surprised.

Locke turned his head and found that Xiao picked up something from the corner of the wall.

"Sword!" The two shouted almost at the same time.

The xiao holds a bright sword in his hand. However, this sword is definitely not Yao. It is much longer than Yao, and it is snowy all over. The sword is carved with exquisite patterns, and the silver hilt is inlaid with a huge ruby.

"Wow, treasure! If you sell it in the human world, you may be able to exchange it at a good price. The xiao is full of praise.

"Show me." Locke took the sword in his hand, which was not light or heavy. He took a few sword flowers and felt very easy to use, as if the sword was specially made for himself.

"It seems that your ancestors are blessing you. Well, as soon as the 'yao' was lost, he got the sword. Just keep it for self-defense. Don't always think about changing money. What do you want money for?" Locke ridiculed, and he handed the sword to the xiao again.

"But big brother, you don't know that if there is no money in the human world, you will have to be hungry." As he said, he took the sword and looked at it carefully, "Brother, don't you think this sword seems to be missing something?"

"What's missing?" Locke looked at the xiao puzzledly, looked at the sword, and then he understood. It's not easy." Locke carried magic, condensed the aura around him, and a halo enveloped the sword. The sword floated in the air and rotated "huh" When Locke withdrew his magic, the sword also came to rest.

When Xiao looked at it again, his eyes immediately sparkled. This was already a complete sword. It not only had a silver scabbard carved with the same pattern, but also a silver belt that looked exquisite and magnificent.

"Oh, my God, it's perfect!" Xiao was so excited that his eyes were shining.

Locke wore them all on the xiao's body.

"Hehe, it's really energetic!" Locke couldn't help praising, "Why don't I make another set of armor for you, so that you will be like a general."

"No, what armor do you want? I'm not a real general. Besides, it will affect my transformation. OK, thank you, big brother!" Xiao declined Locke. He was used to wearing his upper body, and he would feel uncomfortable if he wore too much.

"Well, let's go out. I'm hungry, too." Locke touched his shrivelled belly.

The two held hands again and began to look for the exit. As they walked, a light appeared in front of them.

"Hey, I walked out of the hole so soon." Xiao shouted again, "Brother, let's go quickly."

Two young people jumped over. When they arrived at the light, both of them were dumbfounded. Why did you say that? It turned out that the two walked into the pile of crystal ruins again.

"Are we lost?" Xiao looked at Locke's eyes full of fear.

"Don't be afraid. I'll take a look again." Locke squatted down. Yes, it's here. When I squatted down to look at the crystal fragments just now, a black shadow flashed in front of me. Locke looked up again and looked around, but he didn't see anything.

Locke didn't notice it. Just as he squatted down, a pair of cold eyes were hiding behind a broken wall and peeping at them.

"I think this place is a little strange. Let's not rush out and look carefully. Maybe we will find some clues." Locke said, because he felt that the man in the black robe he said should still be nearby.

Does that person live in this abandoned dungeon? Or did he follow him halfway? If it's followed, why did he follow us? Locke's heart set a big question mark.

Locke stood up and took Xiao's hand to search carefully. They stepped on the crystal fragments on the ground, bypassed the pile of crystal ruins, turned into a passage, and then came to a seemingly complete palace.

Two teenagers stopped in front of the huge palace gate.