
Chapter 120 Wangchuan Riverside

On this day, Locke finally had free time and decided to go to the city that didn't sleep.

He wore Pluto's invisible helmet and hid his figure. He wanted to secretly investigate Cologne's political achievements and whether there was any corruption and bribery.

When you come to the world, it is the season of cold wind and snow all over the Middle-earth continent. Those snowflakes flying all over the sky are like dancing white butterflies in the eyes of mortals. In fact, they are all naughty snow elves. They rotated and danced around Locke, blinking their shining eyes and following him curiously. The snow elves were attracted by the breath of the gods, but Locke ignored them and let them follow.

Soon, Locke came to the city that never sleeps. Thinking of seeing Qier soon, his heart pounded wildly.

Locke came to the back garden. A melodious but extremely sad song came out from the building, accompanied by the music, and a woman's song. It's Qier. She still sings the song she sang before. Locke leaned outside the garden gate and listened quietly. Listening, he burst into tears. He didn't know why Qier played and sang such a sad song.

Is Qi'er very unhappy? Locke opened the garden door and walked in uneasily. The first thing that came into sight was the small building, which was covered with a layer of ice and snow. He saw the lotus pond with thick ice and a layer of snow.

Alas! I'm too busy to watch the lotus bloom, and now there is only ice and snow left. Locke sighed in his heart. After decades of hard work as Pluto, he missed many blooming seasons.

Locke floated into the small building. At this time, the sound of the piano stopped abruptly, and a slender figure stood up in front of the piano platform. She turned around and looked out of the window with sad eyes. The clear ** was gushing out of her dark eyes, wet the pair of slender eyelashes, sliding over her delicate face, and falling on the purple shawl.

It's Qier, but her eyes... That look made Locke's heart twitch violently.

What happened? Why is Qi'er so sad? Locke was about to appear to ask, when the door suddenly opened and Tri came in from the outside.

The old man walked to Qier's side, patted her on the shoulder and said, "Silly child, are you thinking about your brother and that demon baby again?"

"Grandpa..." Qi'er threw herself into the old man's arms and cried bitterly, "Grandpa, grandpa, why? Why have I been looking for him for so long, but still can't find him? Doesn't he like me and deliberately hides and doesn't want to see me?"

"Alas! Silly child, how many times have I told you that you must not be affectionate with that demon child. We Hobbit people only have a life span of more than 600 years, but that demon child has tens of thousands of years, or even an immortal life. He and he are simply people in two worlds.

"I don't care, I don't care! I have waited for him for 200 years. Even if I wait for another 200 years, I am willing, as long as he is willing to come to see me. Even if I can't find him in my life, I will find him in my next life... Whoo-hoo..." Her shoulders trembled, and Qi'er cried extremely sadly.

"Alas! I shouldn't have brought you to the earth at the beginning. The old man sighed and said, "When we find the magnet, let's go back to the planet Hobbit. You can't be with the devil. If you are with him, the end will be very tragic. Child, you have to listen to Grandpa.

Locke was stunned. He didn't understand why the old man said that Qi'er would be miserable with him. He really wanted to rush out and ask.

Qier stopped crying and asked in surprise, "Grandpa, why are I miserable with Brother Locke?" Say it quickly, say it quickly!" She shook the old man's arm and begged.

"This...this...this, I'm talking nonsense, nothing, nothing." The old man's words flashed.

"No, Grandpa, you said, you must have something to hide from Qier. Oh, Qier almost forgot that you are a soothsayer and the teacher of her father. You must have divinationed something. Tell me, please tell me why I can't be with Brother Locke? Qi'er's hand holding the old man's arm shook more violently.

"Alas!" The old man sighed and said, "I don't know why my spiritual power has disappeared a lot. My divination is not very effective, so I can only make a rough idea."

"Grandpa, tell me quickly, even if it's a general, I want to know if Brother Locke will encounter any danger? Tell me, tell me quickly!"

"Okay, then I'll tell you." Te Li was really unable to resist Qi'er and had to say, "Actually, I'm also very strange. I'm not even sure whether the result I divination is correct. That demon child is not a person in this world. He comes from the future world - the earth 100,000 years later, and his memory seems to have been partially lost. This It doesn't matter. The important thing is that he... he will die in this world.

"No! I don't believe you lied to me! You said that Brother Locke has an eternal life. How could he die? No, absolutely not. You must have been wrong!" Qi'er retreated in horror.

"This is also what I don't understand. Maybe I made a mistake, and I also hope it's a mistake. However, grandpa really doesn't want to see you so sad. If the Hobby Star King sees you like this, he will not only be sad, but also blame me for not taking good care of you.

"What should I do? What should I do? Brother Locke will die. What should I do if Brother Locke dies? Qi'er muttered, and her beautiful face was full of panic.

"Silly boy, this is all fate, and no one can change what is destined to do. Alas, why do you have to think about that demon baby? There are many good men in the world, but Tanatos is good. You should look a little farther away.

"No, I don't believe it. I won't believe it even if I die!" Qi'er muttered and fell into the corner of the wall, and the bright ** gushed out of the dark eyes again.

Locke was stunned. He knew that although he was the prince of the demon clan, he could also be said to be the devil now, but he would not have an eternal life and would die. Although the weapons in the mortal world can't hurt themselves, the weapons of the gods will hurt themselves and kill themselves. In addition, if they want to die, no one can stop them. If you die, there are only two possibilities: either die in the hands of gods or die in your own hands.

Can't you avenge the tragic death of your father and mother after all? Locke suddenly thought that when he left the Crystal Palace, he seemed to have gone to heaven and was hit by Zeus's thunder and lightning shield, otherwise how could he be injured? And one injury is a hundred years. Locke looked at the Pluto ring on his finger again. It turned out that those were not dreams, but true. Are you destined to die in the hands of Zeus? Locke's heart suddenly cooled to the extreme.

Do you really come from 100,000 years later? Maybe you have really lost some of your memory? Or why do you always have a familiar feeling when you see some people or scenes? Oh, I see, that man, he... He didn't completely unsealed me.

Locke's heart suddenly stung. Why? Why do you have reservations? Is it because I'm worried that I will take revenge on you?

A feeling that seemed to have been cheated invaded the nerves. For a moment, Locke only felt that his nose was sour. He had an impulse to cry, not because the man had deceived him, but because he did not expect that this crystal girl would have such a deep affection for himself.

I can't, I can't involve you! Locke closed his eyes in pain. He said to Qi'er in his heart: Qi'er, I'm sorry, I can't see you. In this world, I'm destined to betray you! Afterlife, afterlife, if there is an afterlife, I will go to your world to find you!

Locke turned around and left sadly. There seemed to be a great force on his shoulder, which made him breathless. He only felt that his footsteps were so heavy and heavy...

Locke came to the underworld. The water in the Wangchuan River is still flowing quietly. He stood on the river bank, and his figure looked so lonely and lonely.

In the distance, a huge white petal fell into the water. It rotated several times in the black whirlpool, as if it were struggling, but it never escaped the fate of being swallowed up. Two hundred years have passed, and Manshu Shahua's spiritual power is diminishing. One day, the soft light will disappear in the darkness, and that person will never wake up again, and he may turn into dust in the universe with him.

"Why? Why didn't you completely untie my seal?" Locke roared at the people in the stamens, "Are you afraid that I will avenge you, aren't you?"

Actually, Locke didn't know that the dying Pluto was no longer able to completely untie his seal.

Wine, I really want to drink! Locke raised his hand, and a golden wine pot appeared in his hand. This golden wine pot was the pot he had poured wine for Pluto. At this moment, he only felt particularly bored in his heart. He simply raised his neck and directly lifted the wine pot and poured it down his throat.

A clear spring poured into the abdomen. At first, it was as light as water. Soon, it was sour, sweet, bitter and spicy... All kinds of flavors surged into my heart, and that feeling was simply mixed. Locke suddenly cried loudly, and he thought of his parents and clans who died tragically; suddenly, he burst into tears and laughed, thinking of the teenager he met under the starry sky. Suddenly, Locke became furious. He saw the god king who killed his parents and was sitting proudly on the golden throne, looking at himself with mocking eyes, as if laughing at his incompetence. After a while, there was another colic in his heart. He saw the beauty who was close to each other but could not be touched...

Sudon, the very magnetic voice sounded in my ear again, "You know, eternal life is like this cup of wine. One day you will taste it. I hope you can understand me at that time."

"I don't understand! How can I understand?" Locke roared, raised his hand, and toss the wine pot in his hand. The golden wine pot drew a beautiful arc in the dark and fell on the eternal stiff soil.

"Puto, you are too selfish, you are too selfish! Since you care about the world, why do you end up here? Do you know? How lonely I would be if the world didn't have you..."

"Bang", Locke fell heavily on the bank of the river and let tears flow freely. At that moment, he only felt so uncomfortable, as if his heart had been hollowed out.

I don't know how long it took. When Locke woke up, he suddenly felt much more relaxed. He lay on the bank of the river, closing his eyes and meditating.

He thought of Xiao, and he seemed to hear Xiao's cry again: "Brother, help me!" Xiao disappeared so inexplicably, and I don't know if he will be in danger. And Miller, the teenager who control the dragon, has passed so many years and doesn't know how his brother Micah's injury is. He should really go to the East Land to save Micah. There is also the curse of the goddess, the feud between Qiu Bai and Wufu. Up to now, he has not done anything.

With a "hoo", Locke turned over and sat up. No, I can't be decadent anymore. I still have a lot of things to do. Even if I die tomorrow, I will finish what I haven't done before I die. I should go to Cologne first to see if the people and things they are looking for have been found.

With many unsolved problems in his arms, Locke decided to go to the city again.