
Chapter 121 Missing

Locke did not wear a helmet. When he stepped into the city that never sleeps again, his eyes were either dodged or frightened. Locke suddenly had an ominous feeling.

In the back garden, next to the rockery, the antique building still stands there. The wind and snow have stopped in front of the building, the pond has also melted, and the lotus leaves have covered the pond.

Next to the Falling Flower Pavilion, the tall tree has also been full of flowers. Locke was very surprised and thought to himself: What season is this? Is it spring?

He stabilized his mind and floated into the small building.

There is no one in the building, and the lyre is lying on the platform by the window. Locke sat down in front of the piano table, and he remembered the song Qier had played and the song he sang.

I hope Qier won't play and sing that song in the future. It sounds too sad. What kind of music will be played in your mood at this moment? Thinking about it, unconsciously, Locke stretched out his slender fingers and brushed the strings.

With a bang, the string was broken. The sharp string was like a blade, cutting Locke's abdomen, and bright red blood immediately gushed out. Locke was shocked and thought: Is he too hard? I think this piano must be Qi'er's favorite. What should I do? In a panic, he retreated, inadvertently, and his arm swept the piano body again. With a bang, the harp fell from the piano platform.

This is dead. Qier's impression of Pluto is already very bad, and she is worthless in her heart. Locke complained secretly. He hurriedly bent down to pick up the lyre and was about to put it on the piano platform. Suddenly, he saw a purple-red thing on the piano platform. It was only revealed when the piano fell to the ground. Locke picked it up and looked at it and was shocked.

This is a silk scarf, which exudes a light fragrance and smells the same as Qier's body. Locke suddenly blushed and his heart pounded, and the sweet smell seemed to surge between his lips and teeth.

He calmed his mind and looked at the silk scarf. On the silk scarf is a painting painted with rouge. To be precise, it is an unfinished painting. This is a teenager's head with a pair of pointed horns and long fluttering hair. He looks very similar to his own appearance, but he doesn't draw eyes. Locke guessed that either Qier went out temporarily before finishing the painting, or drew it by imagination, because she had never seen her adult self. Locke's nose was sore again, thinking: Qi'er was so infatuated, but he didn't even have the courage to see her, so he could only hide in the dark to peep at her. He was simply... He was blaming himself, and there were messy footsteps outside, as if many people came upstairs. Locke hurriedly put the silk scarf and lyre back in place, and he sat down in front of the piano platform.

"Bum", the door was knocked open.

"Qier, you..."

When he saw Pluto in a black robe standing up from the piano platform, Cologne's originally surprised face shook stiffly a few times before squeezing out a few words from his mouth: "Big...Lord, why are you? Why are you here?" As he spoke, the sweat had already ticked down his forehead.

"Can't I come?" Locke turned around and faced a large number of people. In addition to Cologne, there were more than a dozen guards who came in.

"Why, my subordinates are so rude that they broke into the girl's boudoir without even knocking on the door?" Locke's tone is so cold that it makes people freeze.

"Ah, no, no, my lord..." Cologne stammered and couldn't speak.

"Say, what's going on?"

Colon hesitated for a moment. As soon as he heard Locke's tone, how could he hide it any more? He said tremblingly, "Your Excellency, my subordinates are not doing things well, Qi'er... Qi'er is missing..."

"What? Is Qi'er missing? Unexpectedly, the ominous foreboding became a reality so soon, "I want you to take good care of her, but you have lost her for me. Why don't you look for her?" Locke was furious.

"My subordinates have been looking for three years. Not to mention the city and outside the city, they have searched thousands of times. Even the Middle-earth and the Westland have sent people, but... there is no news at all." Looking at the angry Locke, Cologne thought to himself: Now he is dead.

"What? Three years! Qi'er has been missing for three years? Why don't you tell me?" Locke roared. Whew, his black hair flew up with his robe.

"My subordinates... I can't find an adult." Cologne's tongue trembled.

Alas, it's all your fault! Locke blamed himself and didn't expect that the pot of Ming wine had made him fall asleep for three years. Can this be blamed Cologne? He can't enter the underworld again.

Locke was regretting it. He broke in from the outside and asked as soon as he came in, "Is there any news from Qi'er?"

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, looking at each other in congrue. Everyone stood there and finally turned their eyes to Pluto.

"So, have you found the people and things I asked you to look for?"

"Your Excellency, no... No, I didn't find the eldest brother, the prince, and the stone." Cologne's face turned white with fear.

"Well, I have my own mind!" Locke felt so annoyed that he waved his hand and said, "Please stay and wait for the rest to leave!"

Everyone hasn't closed their eyes properly for three years, and the continuous running has already exhausted them. Pluto's words are no different from an amnesty order. Suddenly, in a blink of an eye, everyone has dispersed.

Well, it doesn't matter if he lost a xiao, and now even Qi'er is gone. It's really a headache for Locke. Naturally, what he is most worried about is Qi'er's safety.

As soon as the old man sat down, Locke hurriedly asked, "Have you had a grudge against someone?"

"No?" The old man held a cane in one hand and wiped the sweat on his forehead with the other.

"In the past few decades, Qier and I have been looking for Magneto Stone and the prince while searching for the whereabouts of the magic baby. In addition, we have stayed in the city that never sleeps and have not offended anyone. Now I haven't found it, and even Qi'er has lost it. This... This makes me go back and meet the lord!"

"Old man, don't worry, think about it again." Locke pondered and said, "At the beginning, Qi'er was unconscious in the city at night because she was sealed. Do you know about this?"

"Qier has been sealed?" The old man opened his mouth in surprise, "No way? When I found Qi's child, I was very happy. Later, I also asked her, but she didn't know how she got to the city without sleep. From my point of view, I think it should be the accident that happened when space-time was distorted that caused her to lose part of her memory.

"Lost part of memory?" Locke was confused and thought to himself: If he also loses part of his memory, then Qier's situation is the same as himself. What's the difference between being sealed? It seems that the situation between the two is the same.

"Ah, not good!" The old man suddenly shouted and scared Locke.

"What happened? Do you remember something?"

"Is it possible..." The old man seemed to be frightened and his eyes widened.

"Old man, take a sip of water first. Don't worry, take your time." Locke handed a glass of water to the old man. Perhaps because of excitement, nervousness, or some other reason, the old man's hand holding the cup trembled a little. After a long time, he finally calmed down, but there was still a trill in his tone.

"I think there are two possibilities. One possibility is that Qier was held hostage by someone to get the 'key of time and space'. Another possibility is that Qier has gone to the future world.

"Ah!" This time, Locke was surprised. If it makes sense to say that Qier was held hostage by bad people. If she went to the future world and didn't even tell her grandfather, it doesn't make sense. Besides, what is Qi'er going to do in the future world?

Locke said, "I'd rather believe that Qier was held hostage by bad people."

"I hope so, too. As long as she is still in this world, we may find her. Alas, if we go to the future world, it will be troublesome. How can we find it? The old man sighed. This reminded Locke that he suddenly remembered Xiao, who had been missing for 200 years, but there was no news at all. Isn't he in this world? However, he should still be alive, because there is no soul of his death in the underworld. This is the only thing that makes Locke feel comforting. As long as he is still alive, there will be a day to meet, otherwise won't he fail the old patriarch's trust in him?

"Why should Qi'er go to the future world? Is she not doing well here? Or do we have a place to be rude and slow down? Locke asked puzzledly.

"Where, Tanatos took good care of our grandparents and grandchildren. The little boy hasn't thanked Pluto yet. It's really rude and rude!" The old man wants to get up and give a gift.

"Let's break the king." Locke hurriedly stopped the old man. The old man sat down again.

"According to my speculation, this stupid child is for that devil boy again."

As soon as he heard the word "Magic Baby", Locke's face became hot again. Unexpectedly, his existence would cause such a big trouble to Qier.

"Oh no..." The old man suddenly screamed and startled Locke again.

"Old man, shouldn't Qier be in any danger?"

The old man was shocked and made Locke jump up.

"I'm not worried about her safety. What I'm worried about is that Qi'er will be impulsive to change the future."

"Change the future?" Locke was confused.

"Everything in the universe develops in a certain direction, which is a law. If you interfere artificially, it will destroy the law of time and space. Disrupt the order of the universe, and the consequences will be unimaginable.

Locke was shocked. He had been a god of death. He also knew that there was an order in the underworld, the rules of the heaven, and the laws of the human world. Well, the whole universe naturally has its order.

"However, hasn't the magnet hasn't been found yet? How can Qier go to the future world again? Locke analyzed with a fluke mentality, and he only hoped that the beautiful girl would not do anything stupid.

"There are two possibilities, either Qi'er has recovered the magnetic Ou stone and went to the future world without telling us; or the magnetic Ou stone has fallen into the hands of others, and that person has taken Qi'er hostage."

"So, getting Qier is equivalent to getting the key of time and space, getting the key of time and space, and you can go wherever you want?"

"Well, that's the reason, but you still need to know how to operate."

"But who is so bold?"

"Well, it's hard to say." The old man twisted his silver beard and closed his eyes and began to meditate.

"Don't worry, the old man. I will continue to send people to look for it. If they are still in this world, they will definitely find it. Even if the girl goes to the future world and has the key of time and space in hand, she will come back at any time. Isn't it?" Locke comforted the old man.

"Well, that's true."

Locke is still skeptical of Tri's words, because he remembered that three years ago, the old man once said that he would die. According to reason, as a soothsayer, what is it difficult to find a person? It's enough to gossip.

So, Locke asked, "Old man, I suddenly remembered that you said that you are a soothsayer, so why don't you gossip? Maybe you can find out where Qi'er is, even if you know which direction she is, at least it's easy for us to find.

"Hunder doesn't know that I am indeed a soothsayer on the planet Hobby. I can tell a person's past, present and future, as well as the impending disasters in the universe. However, when it comes to your planet, my spiritual power is weakened, and it is not accurate to divination. Alas, now I is no different from ordinary people, and even this wand has lost its spiritual power.

"Why is this like this?"

"I don't know why. Maybe it's because of the distorted time and space that I lost my spiritual power."

"Oh, so that's it." Locke responded like this. In fact, he didn't understand anything. "In this case, old man, you can wait for the news in the city at night. I'm going out to do something. I won't bother you for the time being."

"Okay, this is the end of the matter, and I have no choice but to wait. Pluto, please.

It's dusk to come downstairs. The bloody sunset dyed half of the sky red, which was Apollo's tired face. He often left a bright smile on the world before leaving work. Although the charming man also has times of depression, no matter how much wind and frost there was yesterday, no matter how much rain and snow there is today, tomorrow, he will give you a bright smile and return a bright sky.

Locke went to the "Fatling Flower Pavilion". He sat in the pavilion for a while. Looking into the distance, I saw that the green and secluded mountains are connected with clear water. Where the water and the sky meet, there is a thin cage of smoke, and outside the water smoke, where are the Yi people? Thinking about it, I couldn't help but feel very melancholy. Locke withdrew his eyes and was about to get up and leave when he suddenly caught a glimpse of the snow-white flowers falling down one after another. Locke was shocked and shocked by the gesture of the flower sacrificing her life to die, which was so sad and decisive. He left the treetops and gave up the branches without any hesitation or attachment.

I don't know if they are chasing the sunset or the breeze? Locke looked at the white elves, and the song played and sung by Qier seemed to ring again. In an instant, his mind suddenly appeared...

"Qier is very infatuated with you. Have you kept hiding it like this? Are you so willing to watch her sad?

I don't know when Cologne has sat on the opposite side. After more than half a day of rest, he has regained his former spirit.

"Of course, I want her to be happy. Because of this, I can't let her know my identity. I don't want her to get deeper and deeper..."

"However, Qi'er has fallen into it. Thinking of me as a talented, romantic and jade forest wind in Cologne, Qi'er didn't even look at me any more. Alas, the sky has no eyes, the sky has no eyes!" Cologne complained sourly.

"So, I asked you to take care of her so that you have more opportunities to get close to her. Maybe one day she will forget me and only have you in her eyes? You didn't thank me, but complained instead?" Although Locke said this, there was an inexplicable pain in his heart.

"Well, what's the use of saying this? Now that she is gone, who do you want me to take care of? Cologne's eyes dimmed.

"Don't worry, she will come back." Locke patted Cologne on the shoulder and comforted him, "I have to go. I'm going to find your brother."

"My brother? Xiao, do you know where he is? Cologne asked in surprise.

"I'm just guessing."

"So, where are you going?"

"In the sea."

"In the sea? Oh, yes, you said before that you and your brother were separated in some crystal palace. Is your brother still there?

"I'm not sure if Xiao is still stuck in the Crystal Palace, but I have to go there. We can't wait any longer. We have to take action."

"But do you know where the Crystal Palace is?"

"I don't know. However, I can go to the Sea King.

"Posebion? Is this okay? You know, you are just a fake Pluto, aren't you afraid of being revealed?

Raising his left hand and looking at it, Locke said affirmatively, "No."

"What is this?" Cologne asked curiously, and he saw the ring on Locke's left index finger.

"This is Pluto's ring. Seeing this ring is like seeing Pluto."

"Oh, where did you get this thing?" Cologne looked envious.

"Maybe it's a coincidence."

Coincidence? Why did you run into such a good thing? Why can't I meet it?" Cologne curled his lips, but he didn't believe it.

"If you wear the ring of Pluto, you have to exercise the authority of Pluto. Do you think it's fun?" Locke remembered the days when he ran around and ran around to find ghosts. "The Pluto is not so good. If it weren't for the real Pluto in trouble, do you think I would be willing to be?"

"Is Pluto in trouble?..."

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about it. You won't understand after saying it. I have to go."

Colon wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Locke. He had to stand up and say, "Do you want me to go with you?"

"You stay here for the time being. You can't be taken care of by such a big city. I don't worry about you."