
Chapter 151 Lizard Man

Locke didn't know that he had been wandering in the ocean for three days and nights. On the evening of the fourth day, several fishermen on a whaling ship saw Locke lying on the back of a shark.

Those fishermen are curious. They throw and shoot at great white sharks with firearms and special javelin. The great white shark was frightened and left Locke and fled. Locke's foot injury is a masterpiece of those fishermen. After that, Locke fell into the ocean. At that time, a hurricane suddenly blew on the sea. He drifted with the waves and drifted to the coast of the Americas.

Locke hadn't eaten for a long time, and his body was already injured. Coupled with the sudden shock, he fainted.

A man who looks like a lizard is spinning around Locke. It is said that it looks like a human because it walks upright. It is more than two meters tall and its limbs are particularly strong. The skin is dark green, scaly and looks very rough. There are only three toes on each foot, and three fingers, and they are black, thick and long, with sharp nails at the ends of the fingers. It also has a long tail, with the end like a syringe. What's more frightening is its head, with large scales on its sharp and powerful head. Its eyes are big and round, red, and its pupils are golden, flaky, like a snake.

The lizard man stared at Locke with blood-red eyes for a long time, and then carefully stepped forward. Hiss," the lizard man's throat made a sound, and with the sound, a blood-red tongue stretched out of the wide mouth. It has a bifurcation at the top of its tongue, just like a snake letter.

The lizard man hissed for a long time. Seeing that the human on the ground did not respond, he stopped his waist and picked him up, and then carried him on his shoulder. The lizard man carried his "trophy" and went up the coast with a "hoo" and got into the mangrove.

"brush", the lizard man travels quickly, because it is in the woods, and it has to avoid the trees with crisscrossed branches. Nevertheless, its movements are still quite agile and responsive, even the branches have not been scratched. If it is running on the road, it is estimated to be faster than a car.

The lizard man passed through the mangrove and stepped into a swamp. It walked vigorously on the swamp. The soles of its feet did not sink into the mud, but pressed against the surface of the water and made a slight "pop" sound. If you have to use one word to describe it, there are only four words, which is "Lingbo Microstep".

The face was wet, accompanied by a burning fishy smell, as if there was something smooth rubbing against his face. Locke suddenly opened his eyes. He saw a blood-red tongue licking his face.

With a shout of "Ah", Locke's seven souls immediately lost three souls. "Bang", Locke rolled down from the "bed" to avoid the tongue.

"Sss", the lizard man spit out his blood-red tongue, tilted his pointed head, and looked at Locke with those red eyes.

Locke looked at the monster in front of him tremblingly. He suddenly remembered a "man", the "person" in a different world. His name is Katus, also known as snake dragon grass. Yes, it looks very much like snake dragon grass, the snake dragon grass that turned into a magic wand in a different world. However, its head looks like a lizard.

Have I returned to a different world and met the former clan again? Locke is confused. He doesn't know whether he is in the future world or a different world 100,000 years ago. If you are still in the 21st century, how can there be such a monster? What is this? Locke stared at the lizard man. He did not make a sound, but had doubts in his heart.

"Sss", a strange sound came from the lizard's throat. Locke actually understood. It was saying, "Don't be afraid. I'm a reptile."

It actually knows what's on my mind! Locke was stunned. Is it communicating with me with heart? What, are there any reptiles on earth? Locke thought of the legends of North American Bigfoot and Himalayan snowmen. Oh, I see. From a scientific perspective, lizard people may have evolved from reptiles, that is, lizards.

Locke is no longer afraid. After all, when he was a demon king in a different world, he saw his own people, who were many times uglier than lizards.

Locke looked around. It was a cave. There were many weathered corals on the ground and stone walls, and occasionally some green plants, which looked like seaweed.

Locke got up from the ground and sat on the bed. This "bed" is a rock covered with dry seaweed. He continued to communicate with the Lizard Man.

So, where are you from and have you been living here? Locke asked the lizard man with his heart.

The lizard man no longer hiss. It looks directly at Locke and communicates with Locke with telepathy.

When Locke and Lizardman ended their spiritual dialogue, he roughly understood.

It turns out that lizard people are not a species on earth. In a very ancient time, lizard humans were intelligent creatures created by Sirius people who mastered extremely high technology. Their bodies were mixed with the DNA of the Lyra people, and they were placed to live in the constellation Drus.

Lizards are made to have strong intentions and try to conquer or destroy all obstacles (other species). They are guided by group consciousness behavior to carry out activities (insect ideology, that is, unconscious or robot state) with ambitions that can conquer time and space.

Later, they began to "encroach" on the earth. They first built a hollow ball (later the moon) as a monitoring satellite or spacecraft and pushed the never-self-free and internally hollow moon into Earth orbit. Later, the lizard man landed on the earth and chose a continent "Remoria" to start living.

At that time, except for a small amount of land, the rest of the earth was covered with water and was in the second planetary orbit of the sun. There were only a few primitive and unintelligent amphibious animals living in the water. In order to solve the food problem, lizards artificially used dinosaurs as their food species, as well as other animals and plants. Later, colonists from other galaxies came to the earth one after another. Because they were threatened by a large number of dinosaurs, they began to slaughter dinosaurs and provoked a war with lizards on the "Limoria".

Because the earth is far away from the Draur base camp, lizards can hardly ask for help. As a result, he was soon pursued by the "Galactic Alliance", during which there was also a great scuffle between the Buiades, the Spendik, and the Tianqin.

The Speardic people who fled to the earth later had their own colony in the Gobi Desert. They defeated the lizard man guarding the earth on the moon and slammed the "Land of Lemuria" with high-energy electromagnetic cannons, resulting in the destruction of all dinosaur species on the earth, thus cutting off the main food source of lizard people. In the end, most of the "Remuria" plate sank to the bottom of the sea. Only a few lizards survived. The surviving lizards are hidden in underground caves. They have experienced the advent of the ice age caused by planets hitting the earth, and then encountered global disasters such as floods and volcanic eruptions. So far, there is only one lizard man left in the whole earth.

From the spiritual dialogue with the lizard man, Locke knows a lot about the conditions of the ancient earth and the reasons for the formation of the atmosphere and the north and south poles. ( Because the lizard man's description is extremely difficult to understand and boring, I will omit it here in order not to annoy the reader.)

It turns out that it is a creature on an ancient alien planet, and it is not easy to live to this day. Locke seemed to understand, but he just understood that the reason why the earth is more suitable for the current human survival is the result of the alien melee.

Locke suddenly thought of Shura and Pharaoh, Poseidians and Aryans in different worlds. They were all interstellar colonists. It was the war between them that led to the destruction of Atlantis, which led to the complete disappearance of civilization for a period.

So, it is unknown how many human civilizations have existed on earth. However, it is certain that almost every destruction of civilization is caused by war.

Locke looked at himself: he was a blonde and red pupil. In the past, he had a special ability to turn his hair red and burn all over his body. Locke thought of Zeus and Apollo. They are blonde and blue-eyed, both of whom are magical. They are very similar to the Lyra described by the Lizard Man. But what about yourself, who are you?

The lizard man said that Locke is indeed a descendant of the ancient Tianqin people and a mixed descendant of the blonde and red-haired Tianqin people. In fact, most of the various races now distributed on the earth are descendants of the Plaidians, the Speardians, the Tianqin people, and their mixed-race descendants. Due to various factors such as food, climate and environment, most of them have faded their specific abilities and intelligence, and only a few of them remain in the state of aliens in ancient times.

Oh, so that's it. Locke remembers that Darwin's famous Theory of Species Evolution once had the view that all species survive in evolution, and human beings evolved from apes. So, according to the lizard man, doesn't Darwin's Theory of Species Evolution have to be overthrown? What if I tell the words of lizard people to experts and scholars who study the history of human evolution? It's strange that people don't treat me as crazy! Locke laughed and thought: Even if he wants to say it, no one will believe it at all. Why don't you take the words of the lizard man as a science fiction story you heard?

The lizard man told Locke that the original apes were a giant ape, more than four meters tall, and were also animals made by alien colonists, and they would not really evolve into adults. There are no human beings on the earth.

So, what did you bring me here for? Locke continued to ask the lizard man. The lizard man said that Locke was a descendant of the quila people and hoped that Locke could help him return to the Dragon constellation. It had been away from the base camp for too long. In addition, the air pollution above the earth is too serious to be more and more unsuitable for its survival. Its original transformation ability has completely disappeared, its physique is declining, and its size is shrinking. If it does not leave the earth, sooner or later it will fade into a real reptile, a reptile without wisdom, which will make it worse than death.

Will you transform? Locke feels strange. Lizards said that it is not surprising that ancient earth aliens have mastered the method of transformation. Whether it is the Subaru, the Spear Dick or the Tianqin, they can change the shape and size of body molecules at will and reorganize them. The process of reorganizing body molecules is called "transmation". After completing the process of transformation, life exists in another form. However, usually they don't do this. They just choose their favorite life form to exist. For example, the stellar people like silver hair and blonde skin, which they think is the most beautiful. And we lizards think that we are the most beautiful like this.

Locke understands. He looked at the lizard man again and thought, "Is your appearance the most beautiful?" What a trap!

But how can I help you?

The lizard man said that the ancient Tianqin people mastered the way to open the path of time and space, and it thought Locke should also know it.

I know? Locke meditated for a long time. He thought of Pluto. Pluto's Ring could open time and space, and he also thought of Shura, that is, Miller, Miller's "key of time and space" can also open time and space. Maybe I can help you. Locke sympathizes with the lizard man. However, he lost contact with Pluto, and Miller didn't know where it was.

But don't worry, I will do my best to help you. Locke felt that the lizard man was pitiful and comforted it. But I'm hungry now. Do you have anything to eat?

The lizard man dragged out a metal-like box and took out several giant water rats from it. They squeaked on its three black and thick fingers. Er, it's disgusting! Locke almost vomited, and he shook his head in a hurry and said that he didn't like this kind of food.

The lizard man tilted his head, stared at Locke for a while, and then turned around and jumped out of the hole. Soon, it came in again, holding a pile of green plants with many red wild fruits on it, which looked like strawberries.

Locke put one in his mouth and felt sweet and refreshing. He ate it with relish. When he saw the lizard man looking at himself with his head tilted, he asked him if he wanted to taste it. The lizard man said that it does not eat plants, but only animals.

Locke ate all the strawberries, but he still felt very hungry. Because he has been hungry for several days, how can he be full just by eating fruit? He asked the lizard man if there were human beings living nearby.

The lizard man said that there was a port dozens of kilometers away, and it once saw ships loading and unloading goods there. Locke was happy as soon as he heard that there was a port. Then take me there! Locke jumped off the "bed" and tried to take a few steps, only to find that his feet no longer hurt. It turned out that when he fainted, the lizard man cured his foot injury with power. It also untied Locke's robe and looked at it. As a result, it saw "Manshushahua" on Locke's chest. It is more convinced that Locke is the Tianqin people, because this flower is the emblem totem of the Tianqin people.