
Chapter 152 Hummer in the Rain

The lizard man carried Locke on his back. Brush, brush, brush, brush, brush, brush, brush, brush, brush, brush, brush, brush, brush, brush There was a "huh" sound in his ear, and Locke felt like riding on the back of a Pegasus.

The night has completely darkened. It is a night without a moon, and it is almost invisible. Locke found that his eyesight was very good and he could see everything in the night. Thinking that his power has not completely disappeared, Locke is happy.

Locke saw large swamps, dense mangroves, tall palm trees and steep reefs. They retreated very quickly in front of him.

The lizard man is quite fast, sometimes jumping, sometimes climbing, and nothing can stop it, which makes Locke more convinced that it is a species on an alien planet.

When the lizard man runs down the coast and runs along the beach, it is faster. At this moment, the sea breeze is getting bigger and bigger, and the sky is dark, like a bottle of ink overturned on rice paper. Dark clouds rolled in the sky, and the overwhelming momentum scared Locke.

A storm is coming.

Locke regretted a little and thought: I shouldn't be in a hurry to run out, but if it's tomorrow, how can I spend this night? I'm so hungry!

The waves rolled on the sea, the huge waves surged, and the turbulent sea surged onto the beach.

The lizard man did not stop, but was still as fast as the wind. However, the soles of its feet stepped on the water and made a "pop" sound, as if it were sliding. Locke saw it and suddenly remembered the light skill "floating on the water" in oriental movies. Hey, I didn't expect that the lizard man could do "light kung fu". Locke was envious.

In fact, the reason why lizard people can glide on the water is that it is originally an amphibious reptile, and the second reason is that the surface of the earth in ancient times is almost full of water. In order to adapt to the survival of the environment, combined with its own power, it can adjust its weight at will. Although the lizard man looks bulky, it is lighter than the water bird when sliding on the water.

Soon, Locke saw a port. Suddenly, with a click, a flash of lightning cut through the black sky, like a snowy sharp blade cutting into the sea. In the light of snowy lightning, Locke suddenly saw a silver-gray, particularly large ship that seemed to be approaching the port.

Although the hull is very large, the sea is windy and surging, and the huge waves are dozens of feet high, which makes it look like a leaf. It drifted in the sea, floating on the surface for a while, and then fell into the wave valley. Locke suddenly became worried and felt that the ship would capitate at any time. If the ship capitated, both people and goods might fall into the sea. Such a big storm, once a person falls into the sea, it is difficult to be rescued.

"Rumble" and Urey rolled. Zeus was angry again, and he didn't know who annoyed him. The wind was wrapped in a rainstorm, and soybean-sized raindrops fell from the sky and crackled on the beach. Thunderstorms, lightning and thunder, the tall palm trees were blown upside down by the strong wind, and the deafening thunder sounded in his ears, almost stunned Locke. He hurriedly wrapped his head in a robe.

Hurry up and avoid the port! Locke told the Lizard Man. He didn't have time to look at the ship anymore. He was afraid that the sea would rise and swallow himself and the lizard man.

This is a natural port, or just a bay. In addition to simple docks and berths, there are metal roof sheds for people to rest, not even breakwaters and loading and unloading equipment. It seems that it has been a long time, but after a simple repair, it can barely stop the ship. The wind and waves around here are still very strong. Locke felt very strange and thought: This is not an urban port at all. Why does such a big cargo ship come to such a place?

The lizard man went to the dock. The rain was still heavy, hitting the metal roof with a crisper crackling sound.

Locke lifted the robe covering his head. At this time, he was surprised to find that the robe was still very dry in such a heavy rain, and there was no sign of getting wet at all. It seems that my death robe also has the function of rain protection. What a baby. Locke is very happy.

Locke searched nearby. He found that someone did come here, because he saw the "trash can", which was a wooden box containing cigarette butts, food bags, and other debris discarded by people.

Where can I find something to eat? Not at all. Locke suddenly became depressed and felt that he was in a situation like a stray dog. Alas, if it really doesn't work, take the method of drilling wood to make fire and roast the lizard man's water rat. It's important to survive first. He sighed in his heart.

Locke was thinking nonsense, and the lizard man told him that someone was coming.

Will there be someone on such a night? Locke looked around. Sure enough, there was a light approaching here in the distance.

I can't be discovered by human beings. Human beings will kill me. The lizard man said to Locke. However, there seems to be no place to hide here except this shed. Then hide in the woods first. I'll stay here. Locke wants to see human beings. He wants to find a chance to leave the coast by boat, so he doesn't want to avoid it.

Lock sat down in the shed, looked at the sea, and searched for the ship just now. The violent wind swept up thousands of huge waves and hit the coast ruthlessly, as if to tear up the whole world.

Zeus and Poseidon were angry at the same time. They were arguing about something, and they quarreled quite fiercely. In another way, they are likely to use force, one with a scepter and the other with a trident. They should be duel. Unfortunately, now that I have lost my magic power, I can't see anything.

Locke turned his eyes to the sea. Those waves as high as several feet expose the reefs hidden under the sea in the process of rising and falling. This is a complex sea area. If the ship touches a reef, it is very likely to cause damage and death. Locke's heart raised his throat. He felt that his current location was very similar to the American coast, which should not be far from his hometown of Florida. Maybe the sailors or tourists on that ship are their compatriots.

"Didi", there is a horn in the distance, which sounds like the sound of a car horn. Is there a car? Locke stood up boldly.

The light is getting stronger and stronger. Locke saw that it were two extended SUVs, one in front of which was black, the other in the back was silver gray, and behind them was a large silver-gray transport vehicle. They braved heavy rain, uphill and downhill, as strong as a few mechanical monsters. They are simply incredible. They not only easily climbed over the rugged mountain road ahead, but also climbed up the boulders.

As the distance shortens, Locke can see more clearly. The appearance of the first two cars is quite rough, similar to a Hummer.

What kind of people are they? What are they doing here? And brave such a heavy rain, aren't you afraid of accidents such as landslides or coastal collapses? Oh, I see. Locke suddenly remembered the ship he had just seen. The person should have picked up the goods. Why did he bring a transporter?

Those vehicles stopped 100 meters away from Locke. Some people came out of the car and walked to the coast with lighting tools.

Those people stood outside the shed, pointed to the sea, looked at the sea with binoculars from time to time, and talked in American English mixed with Spanish.

"Have you seen the freighter?"

"With such a big storm, it is difficult for a cargo ship with a large tonnage to enter the port."

"Yes, maybe it has hit the reef."

"Shut up and don't talk nonsense! Beware of being heard by the boss and cutting off your head!"

"Oh, it's really unlucky! This kind of ghost weather actually asked us to pick up the goods. It's lucky not to hang up here.

"However, we received reports that the freighter had sailed into the Caribbean, and did not say that there would be a storm at sea?"

"That is, this storm came too suddenly. I don't know if this batch of goods can arrive safely.

"Well, I don't know what the goods are. Even the boss has to go out in person. Just leave it to us. Aren't you worried about us?"

"Can't you say a few words and live impatiently?"


Locke speculated from the conversation of these people that they should be doing business and waiting for the ship to receive the goods.

Locke went out.

"Who is it?" Accompanied by a Spanish scream, followed by the sound of pulling the bolt.

Those people sent some Locke. They surrounded Locke. Eight of them, all wearing black ponchos, holding lighting tools and guns in their hands, seemed to be some kind of armed personnel.

Locke replied calmly, "I am a survivor of a sea disaster and was washed to the coast by the sea. I just saw a ship on the sea. I think it should be the cargo ship you are looking for. Locke also answered people's questions in Spanish.

"What should I do?"

"Tell the boss."


People came to discuss it.

Locke was taken next to the silver-gray SUV.

"Boss, we found this scar face in the shed. He said he saw the freighter." A rough voice spoke in Spanish.

Scarface? Locke laughed dumbly and thought to himself: It seems that his face is ruined, and he is actually called a scar face, so as not to be bullied by the bad guys again. Locke was not unhappy, but happy.

Shake the next part of the door. Locke caught a glimpse of the side faces of several people in black, wearing wide sunglasses.

Suddenly, a man in black raised his arm and wore black leather gloves with only five fingers on his hand. The action of the man in black fell into Locke's eyes like a slow-motion replay in the movie. Then Locke's eyes widened with horror and he saw a black hole pointed at him.