
Chapter 155 Fell. Nanke

Fell. Nanke is a legendary figure. His real name is Lang Nanke. He is a mixture of Chinese and Spanish. He is more famous than Carlo in the underworld. Danlai is much bigger. The gang he led was originally called the Flying Whale Gang. Speaking of the history of the Flying Whale Gang, it is simply a miracle. This has to start with Lang Nanke's father Lang Yunfei.

The original "Flying Whale Gang" is called Lang Yunfei. When he was young, Lang Yunfei was not only tall and handsome, but also had unique skills.

Lang Yunfei's home is located in Fujian Province, China, near a fishing village by the sea. His ancestors have been engaged in fishing. By chance, he learned a good kung fu from a wandering monk.

Later, 14-year-old Lang Yunfei met 12-year-old An Qiming, two teenagers who were unwilling to be fishermen for a lifetime, so they rowed a broken fishing boat into the high sea. An Qiming's shooting skills are quite superb, and Lang Yunfei's skill is very good. Coupled with the spirit of being young and not knowing what is dangerous, the two young people have traveled from Southeast Asia to the Caribbean Sea in North America to the Gold Coast in West Africa.

In ten years, they subdued several large and small pirate organizations and finally established the "Flying Whale Gang" with hundreds of ships and thousands of crew members. The Flying Whale Gang is a moral organization. For vulnerable groups, such as fishermen, women and children, and tourists, they will never loot these people. Their targets are mainly large cargo ships, especially cars, oil, rubber, etc. After robbing the cargo ship, they sprayed the cargo ship again, put it on the flag of other countries, and finally sold it abroad together with the goods.

As long as people are hit by the Flying Whale Gang, they will be rescued. In the eyes of fishermen who go to sea, the "Flying Whale Gang" is their savior.

At the age of 25, Lang Yunfei met the famous Spanish pirate queen Fair. Michel. At that time, both of them were fighting for an oil tanker bound for America. With superb oriental kungfu and intelligent mind, Lang Yunfei defeated the pirate queen with guns and easily grabbed the oil tanker. Phil. Michel looked at the oriental man with new eyes. In her eyes, the handsome young man who flew over his head with a motorboat was like a flying whale, so she gave Lang Yunfei an elegant name "Wave Flying Whale". Since then, the "Flying Whale Gang" has also been known as the "Flying Whale".

Soon, Phil. Michel threw himself into the arms of Lang Yunfei. Lang Nanke is the result of their ** overnight. Later, Phil. Michel was killed by the British navy while robbing/looting a British cargo ship. At that time, Langnanke was just two years old. Since then, Lang Nanke has been following Lang Yunfei all over the world. At the age of five, he learned kung fu from Lang Yunfei and also learned marksmanship from An Qiming.

Lang Yunfei is a relatively conservative and conceited person. He always thought that with his and An Qiming's reputation in the sea, he could dominate the sea territory. However, modern technology is becoming more and more advanced, and the international community is also stepping up efforts to combat piracy. In front of the powerful navy, the "Flying Whale Gang" gradually showed its decline.

Although the "Flying Whale Gang" is a moral Jianghu organization, it is a living by killing people and crossing goods. It ranks among the top three in the Interpol's blacklist. As the old saying goes, "Where are the shoes that don't get wet when you often walk by the water?" At the age of ten, the headquarters of the "Flying Whale Gang" in Southeast Asia was attacked by the Malaysian and Philippine Joint Coastal Guard. The Flying Whale Gang was severely damaged, and hundreds of ships of all sizes were almost destroyed.

Lang Yunfei was also killed by the coast guard. Before his death, he asked An Qiming to take care of Lang Nanke, but Lang Nanke disappeared inexplicably. An Qiming searched for him in many ways and never found it. After the disaster, An Qiming disbanded the Flying Whale Gang. After that, An Qiming met Pan Xiangtian. Under the persuasion of Pan Xiangtian, An Qiming abandoned the secret and embarked on the road of business.

Five years later, Lang Nanke suddenly appeared again. He was not discouraged by the tragic death of his parents and the departure of An Qiming. Lang Nanke, who was only 15 years old, reorganized his father's old department and raised the banner of the "Flying Whale Gang". With his intelligent mind, accurate shooting, strong cultivation, and personality charm, he was followed to the death of a group of fanatics. He has twelve hearts and abdomens, known as the "Four Heavenly Kings" and "Eight King Kongs". These twelve people are all the masters of the "Flying Whale Gang". Their shooting skills are extremely accurate and their kung fu is also very good. Among them are Europeans, Asians and Americans.

In the past ten years, the "Flying Whale Gang" has grown rapidly under the control of Lang Nanke. He has successively incorporated large and small maritime smuggling groups under his command, including rampant Somali and Caribbean pirates, which have also been included in his gang.

At the same time, Lang Nanke learned the lessons of his parents. While collecting pirate gangs, he also strengthened his armed his members. His headquarters is equipped with an advanced electronic reconnaissance system, and his members are all kinds of, including the world's top scientific and technological personnel, veterans from various countries, talented people in the world, and even fishermen and mercenaries. As long as you have the ability, you can occupy a place in the gang. In order to fight against Interpol and protect himself, he equipped his subordinates with the most advanced weapons. As for where his weapons came from, no one knows except himself and his heart and abdomen.

So, at the beginning of the reorganization of the Flying Whale Gang, for a 15-year-old teenager, did he really have the ability to support such a huge gang? In fact, the greatest credit for Lang Nanke's great "achievement" today is An Qiming. Because An Qiming is Lang Yunfei's sworn brother, he promised to take care of Lang Nanke for Lang Yunfei. When An Qiming tried to persuade Lang Nanke to give up secretly to do legitimate business, he was rejected by Lang Nanke.

Lang Nanke's bones have pirate blood. He has a poet and adventurer temperament, which determines that his life will be full of legend. How can he be a peaceful businessman? After many unsucceful persuasion, An Qiming had to give up. Therefore, he supported Lang Nanke with the financial resources of the Ann's consortium. Although An Qiming started as a pirate, his later money was earned by doing legitimate business.

Because of Lang Nanke's relationship, the "Flying Whale Gang" will never come up with the idea of "An's Shipping Group Company". Therefore, the bosses of group companies engaged in the maritime transportation industry envy An Qiming. Because except for An Qiming's fleet, which was not looted by pirates, almost all other fleets have been robbed. Of course, others think that the name of "Rubber King" is playing a role, and no one will think that An Qiming will have a relationship with pirates.

Today, the "Flying Whale Gang" has changed its face. It has evolved from a small maritime gang into a pirate group or criminal organization that shocks the Atlantic Ocean. However, it has two legal names, one is "Fernanco Shipping Company" and the other is "Milcis Airlines".

Lang Nanke's current legal name is Fair. Nanke, American nationality. His branches are all over the world, and Locke is now at Fell. Nanke is in charge of a branch on the coast of the Americas, and he is one of the "Four Heavenly Kings".

Fell. Nanko's headquarters is located on an island in Bermuda. To enter and exit the island, you must go through a vast sea, which is the world-famous Bermuda Triangle. People specializing in marine and aviation regard this area as a fearful road and talk about it. However, Fair. Nanke's private yacht and special plane were able to enter and exit the sea and airspace smoothly. This surprised the experts and scholars studying Bermuda.

Fell. Nanko usually exchanges arms with Canada, Mexico and Saudi Arabia in the Middle East for oil, and then sells oil to the United States, Japan, Germany and other world oil importers to make high profits. Sometimes, he will directly exchange crude oil with other countries for what he wants.

In the eyes of some warlords or heads of state, Phil. Nanke is a god-like figure. Because they want something, Phil. Nanke can get anything. Unlike ordinary arms dealers, Phil. Nanke's ability is amazing. He can not only get small weapons for customers, but also "large goods" such as planes, tanks and warships. Even the drawings in some national archives cabinets and cutting-edge weapons that have not yet come out, he can get the finished product.

via Phil. The weapons smuggled by Nanke Transportation Company can equip the army of at least millions of people. He has reselled planes, cannons, * and even nuclear materials. No one knows where his arms came from.

To this end, Interpol and the FBI have sent excellent agents to infiltrate Phil. Nanke's organization tried to investigate the source of arms, but it was fruitless, and the FBI also lost countless excellent agents.

Fell. Nanko's name has already been included in the United Nations' wanted list of global arms dealers. Interpol also tried to arrest him. However, he has been at large so far. With the deepening of the investigation, Interpol gradually obtained more information. Through investigation, they found that Phil. Nanke's ability is quite good, and even some world powers have become his shield.

Fell. One of Nanke's abilities is that he can guarantee "door-to-door delivery" no matter where the customer is in the world. Phil. Nanke's ability is partly due to his ability to make friends - his friends include senior U.S. government officials, Russian soldiers, African heads of state, as well as gang bosses and street gangsters, which makes him "very open" no matter where and on any occasion. On the other hand, there seems to be a more powerful figure behind him, who is providing him with arms. However, the FBI has not investigated who this person is for many years.

Fell. Nanke's other ability is that he is now a senior military adviser to a certain country's military, and he is also the guest of the crown prince of Saudi Arabia. He speaks many languages and holds at least ten countries*. His common name is Andre. Victor, Andre. Michel, Odai. Phil. Michel and others, in fact, are all alone.

Fell. Nanke's company has more than 10,000 employees and has nearly 1,000 planes and hundreds of ships. He never directly intervened in arms trading and trafficking, but leased planes or ships to individuals or other companies, which made it difficult for law enforcers to catch him.

Fell. Nanke often visits the banquets of some heads of state or crown princes, as well as casinos, where he completes one unknown transaction after another. Little is known about his private life. Except for the two female killers, there are no other women around him.

Why did such a big man turn his hands into the clouds and turn his hands into rain? Why did he personally pick up goods on the dangerous coast on a stormy night? And are you also interested in a "scar face" that claims to have been washed to the coast?