
Chapter 156 Soft grinding and hard foam

Fell. Nanko did not charge Carlo. Dan's 10 million dollars, he promised to give Carlo a batch of equipment free of charge. Dan. This makes Carlo. Dan was greatly moved, which saved him 10 million dollars. Can he not be moved? Carlo. Dan patted his chest at Phil. Nanke promised: "If it is useful to Brother Dan, you can open your mouth and go through fire and water!"

Fell. Nanke has always been very generous, which is his way of life, and in fact it is also a way for him to buy people's hearts. What's more, he and Carlo. Dan has always been in close contact with each other. Of course, the relationship between the two people is for their own interests. I'm afraid only God will know whether they can really take care of each other.

The two of them talked eagerly while calling them brothers. Soon, Carlo. After Dan finished drinking tea, he took another thing from the bodyguard. He put the thing on the table and lifted the lid.

Locke looked at it and understood that it was a laptop. What are they playing? Locke watched quietly.

The two gangsters pointed in front of the computer screen, and the two heads gathered together to discuss in a low voice from time to time. However, Locke couldn't hear what they were saying. His voice was too low.

Finally, Carlo. Dan said goodbye. When he passed Locke, he suddenly stopped and said, "Brother Nanke, if you don't like the scar face, why don't you let me take him away?"

"Oh? Brother Dan is also interested in my 'Flying Whale Gang'. Is this digging a wall? ..." Phil. Nanke joked. He speaks Malaysian.

Who is your 'Flying Whale Gang'? I didn't promise to join your club." Locke shouted in Malaysian.

The eyes hidden behind the sunglasses stared at Locke fiercely, and then said slowly, "You will agree."

"Oh, in this case, Dan won't force it. Say goodbye!" Carlo. Dan glanced at Locke and pulled an arc at the corners of his mouth, which was a strange smile. Surrounded by four bodyguards, Carlo. Dan ran to the door.

Locke was very surprised and thought: It's really inexplicable. Why did they keep an eye on me? Is it because my dress is too strange? Maybe my robe is too valuable to be taken a fancy by them. After all, this is something from the divine world.

Locke looked up and found that Carlo was. Dan's guy called "Brother Nanke" is still sitting on the head, holding a few pieces of paper-like things in his hand, bowing his head and meditating.

For a long time, Phil. Nanke waved to everyone and said, "Go down!"

The members of the organization in the hall retreated, and only the two Indians were still standing still. They are waiting for the master's order. As long as the master orders, they will immediately "repair" Locke.

Finally, Phil. Nanke raised his head. He saw the two bodyguards still standing still and immediately sank his face: "Why, didn't you hear what I said?"

The two bodyguards looked puzzled, and one of them said, "Master, do you want to drag this boy out and feed the wolf dog?"

"Bastard, did I say I would feed him to the wolf dog?"

"No...No." The bodyguard was so scared that he sweated coldly. He didn't understand his master more and more. Although the master has always been happy and angry, since the appearance of this "scar face", it seems that he has changed into a person. The bodyguard trembled involuntarily.

"Go out." The cold voice seemed to be a sharp sword, cutting through the skin and cold to the bone marrow.

"Yes, I obey." The two bodyguards dared to stay for half a second, raised their weak legs and quickly retreated.

Two beautiful women, black and white, are like two statues, always standing in Phil with expressionless faces. Behind Nanke.

"I want to talk to you." Locke saw Phil. Nanke said when he had free time. He really wants to leave this place earlier.

"What, have you changed your mind?" The corners of the lips rose, which was a sarcastic smile.

"No, I won't join your organization. I just hope you can let me go. My friend was killed, and I'm going to save my friend.

"Save your friends? You really can't get away from being willing to mind your own business. You should think about how to save yourself first!" Phil. Nanke suddenly sank his face, his wrist turned over, and a pistol suddenly appeared on his left hand. He pointed his gun at Locke's head and forced him forward step by step.

With Phil. Nanko approached, and Locke suddenly saw his hand with a gun. This hand is the left hand, and it is extremely white. There is a huge ring on the index finger, which is multifaceted and emitting a bright cold light. In an all second, Locke suddenly had a feeling of suffocation. This ring was very similar to Pluto's ring, but the color was different. The Pluto ring is black, but this ring is bright. I think it should be a diamond.

"You don't seem to be listening at all!" Phil. Nanke found that Locke was distracted. He forced himself to come forward and said viciously, "You actually refused me in front of so many men. OK, you have guts! Tell me, what's your name?"

Locke came to his senses, shook his blonde hair gracefully, and said proudly, "Locke. Benjamin."

"Locke. Benjamin, right? Phil. Nanke pushed the gun against Locke's temple, grabbed his collar with his right hand, stared fiercely, gritted his teeth and said, "If you hadn't saved me, I would have fed you to the wolf dog!"

"Did I save you?" Locke looked stunned. He really couldn't remember who he had saved.

"Hey hey, look at your young age, why are you so forgetful?" With that, Phil. Nanke removed the sunglasses on his face.

Locke understood. No wonder he said he had seen him. It turned out that he was a young man who was almost humiliated by the black man on the ship. Locke was very angry and thought to himself: I saved you, but you did this to me. It's simply ungrateful and ungrateful! Locke despises Fairer even more. Nanke.

"You'd better kill me. I don't need you to take my favor, and you don't think you owe me anything. I'm willing to save you. No matter what I do, I always ask for nothing in return, so don't think that killing me will make me feel uneasy. Locke looked straight at the amber pupils, and there was no fear in his eyes.

"You..." Phil. Nanke put away his pistol and pushed it fiercely.

"Puffing", Locke fell to the floor.

"Well, you think you are noble, don't you? The more you want to go, the more I won't let you go. Just wait to die here." Phil. Nanke snorted coldly, put on sunglasses, left Locke and went out.

"Kika", with the sound of leather shoes tapping on the floor, the white windbreaker swings rhythmicly as the body moves forward. Locke suddenly thought of a man, Miller, whose back was very similar to Miller.

"Miller!" Locke shouted. However, Phil. Nanke continued to walk forward as if he hadn't heard anything.

Alas, what's wrong with me? How could he be Miller? Locke shook his head with a wry smile. He stood up and walked out of the hall. As soon as he walked out of the door, two big men blocked his way.

Locke was placed under house arrest. His range of activities is only one or two hundred square meters, and it is a small building next to the lawn. There is a tall palm tree in front of the small building.

Locke stood in front of the window and looked at the tall palm tree. Under the tree is a diamond-shaped flower garden. A cluster of pink roses bloomed extremely warmly, and the fragrance of flowers floated in from the open skylight from time to time with the wind from the south. In the distance is the magnificent sea, and the sound of the waves hitting the reef can be faintly heard.

This is an extremely beautiful place. However, Locke was not in a good mood at all.

What's going on? You have to pull me into the gang. Shit, what a fucking freak! You'd better be hit by a car while walking; choked to death by rice while eating; choked to death by water drinking water! Locke cursed fiercely in his heart.

Locke suffered in the small building, and a long time passed. At noon, a maid brought food. Locke raised his elbow and swept the exquisite pastries, dishes, and a bottle of vodka on the floor, scaring the maid to roll and crawl out.

"Thieves, hooligans, ruffians, scoundrels, psychopaths..." Locke couldn't help cursing fiercely.

"What, have you scolded enough? It seems that you are really a highly cultivated person, even scolding people. I really admire you more and more!" A lazy voice came.

Locke looked up and saw the person leaning against the door with a bad smile. Who else would be if it weren't that master?

"What are you doing here?" Locke said angrily.

"I'm here to see you, tut, it's really violent!" Phil. Nanke looked at the food sprinkled on the ground and the broken cups and plates, and couldn't help frowning. "These foods are all small stoves that I ordered the kitchen to specially open for you, and the bottle of wine. It was given to me by the Arab crown prince. Well, it's all ruined by you. Are you so ignorant of respecting the achievements of the working people? Fortunately, you are still a college student!" Phil. Nanke curled his lips.

"Give good wine and delicious food to a prisoner is a violent thing! Thank you for your Italian pizza, French steak, Maciny chicken, Marseille fish soup, and Russian vodka. Locke squeed Phil fiercely with his eyes. Nanke said, "It's just that I'm strange. I don't know what the guy who gave me delicious food is. Therefore, I filially gave them to the land master.

"Ha ha, you know a lot about goods. It's not easy!" Phil. Nanke was not angry, but nodded approvingly.

"Sneer!" Locke sneered and thought: I don't know how many times more salt I have eaten than the food you have eaten.

"I said, Master Nanke, Brother Nanke, Uncle Nanke, let me go quickly. What's the matter with you imprisoning me here? I really want to save people!" Locke was anxious, and he almost called Nanke's father.

Fell. Nanke roared, "My name is Fair. Nanke, it's not your uncle."

"Clucked", Locke laughed, "Everyone is willing to be big, but you are actually willing to be small. Well, if you don't be my uncle, I'll be your uncle. Tell me, what's the matter with you? Are you going to remove eight pieces of me and feed me to the wolf dog, or Ling Chi, or five horses? You can use as many means as you can."

"You..." Phil. Nanke was so angry that he almost turned his back, and the amber eyes hidden behind the sunglasses glowed faintly red. "I really doubt my eyes. Did I see the wrong person? I found that your mouth is your real strengths. It's a pity that you don't become a diplomat. OK, OK, you can speak quickly for a while. For the sake of saving me, I don't care about you. You, come with me!"

Fell. Nanke barely suppressed his anger. He grabbed Locke's collar and "red" Locke into his office.