
Chapter 179 Hoshino Group

On the way back to his apartment, Sevey received a report from his subordinates that the major hospitals in the city had not received any casualties from the "Lanweika Fantasy Century Restaurant".

Fang Zhengtai secretly speculated: It seems to be Phil. Nanke should not be wrong. His subordinates are full of masters. Maybe he was not injured, but took a private plane. Anyway, he has to find a way to return the $90,000 he stayed here.

Don't take advantage, don't owe others, and don't be influenced by others. This is the principle that Founder has always adhered to as a human being.

"Sevie, you stay in Lanwika. If Xing Wei comes, write a check for 90,000 dollars for me."

"However, the loss of the restaurant..."

"What is this loss? Can hand it over to Phil. A friend like Nanke is better than making 900,000 US dollars.

Sevi lowered his head and said little. He raised his head again and said, "Well, let Meijizi go with you. I'm worried about you going alone."

"Mikiko? You'd better spend more time with her. Don't worry, aren't there Billy and Walter?"

"But, Chairman..."

Fang Zhengtai waved her hand, interrupted Sevie and said, "They are not as good as you, but I'm doing legitimate business and haven't had a grudge against anyone. Don't worry, everything will be fine."

Thirty minutes later, Fang Zhengtai boarded the plane to Europe with two bodyguards. Sevey looked at Fang Zhengtai's back until the plane disappeared at the end of the sky.

When Sevey returned to his apartment, he saw Mijiko rolling on the floor.

"Pa", he threw the "bitter" in front of Meijizi.

"Are all the people under you waste?"

"I...I..." Mijiko gasped with difficulty.

"Why, even you failed?" The cold and fierce tone made Meijiko tremble.

"I... suffer..." Meijizi fainted before she finished her words.

"You will also get hurt?" Sevey looked at the beautiful woman who fell to the ground.

There is a blood hole in Mijizi's chest, and an invisible force is pulling the blood out of her body. The speed is so fast that it seems that all the blood will be lost in less than a second.

Sevi hurriedly stretched out his palm, and his right palm drew an arc in the air, shooting countless golden red runes from the palm. As he chanted spells, he drove those runes. They rotated in a cross-shaped shape and approached Mijizi's chest, which was another invisible force. The two forces competed with each other. Gradually, the red light was getting closer and closer, and the blood gushing out was forced back to Meijizi's body.

The blood hole disappeared. Meijizi moaned and woke up.

"Who hurt you?" The same cold tone does not have a trace of heat.

"I... don't know. They seemed to be in a good way. First, the people hiding in the dark attacked me, and then their guns shot me. When I jumped from the 39th floor, I was chased by a man in black again.

"Isn't this kind of thing exposed?"

"No...should not be. Although the man in black is also very fast, he is still dumped by me.

Sevey's face was extremely ugly. He pondered slightly and said, "Ordinary guns can't hurt you. Could it be him?"

"Who is he?" Raising her pale face, Meijiko asked doubtfully.

"You don't need to know who he is. He is not a simple person. Since he is there, it is more difficult to get close to Ye Feng. Contact me, I need to know where Ye Feng is going.

"Yes!" Mijiko answered.

"Also, go to Alan. You must work together to catch Ye Feng and An Qi. However, don't hurt Ye Feng, let alone An Qi. I want to live. If anyone dares to hurt Anqi, I will immediately make him disappear from this world. Be careful and try to avoid that person. If I'm not here, no one can save you if you are injured.

Sevi turned around and walked to the door.

"Can you... stay?" Meijizi begged pitifully, "one night, just one night!"

Do you think it is necessary? I'm only interested in human women, and you are no longer human.

The indifferent voice was like an ice rain suddenly falling under the scorching sun, which extinguished the fire of desire that had been burning.

"Shasha", a slight foot sound disappeared outside the door. The body that had already sat up fell down on the floor.

Do you love Anqi? Why do you all love that woman? How on earth am I inferior to her? Why, why does no one love me? I don't know whether it was grievance or regret, and big tears gushed out of the faint red eyes.

Three years ago, Chiki Hoshino took Mijiko to Southeast Asia for investigation and moved in the "Blue Vika Fantasy Century Restaurant". At that time, Fang Zhengtai had just taken over the restaurant, and he came to inspect the restaurant. Mikiko and Fang Zhengtai met unexpectedly in the corridor of the restaurant. The gentle and resolute face, the slender eyes, the king-like strength and domineering, conquered Meijizi's heart in an instant. Meijizi fell hopelessly in love with Fang Zhengtai. After that, she stayed in Southeast Asia, approached Fang Zhengtai, and launched a passionate pursuit of Fang Zhengtai.

That year, Mijiko was 32 years old, for example, she was ten years old. She has had a series of boyfriends, but until now, she is still alone. It's not that she is not beautiful enough, but that she is too picky. Those boys in her country can't get into her eyes at all. She either thinks they are not handsome enough or that they lack masculinity.

Although Mijiko still looks as young and beautiful as a girl, Fang Zhengtai still rejected her. Because Fang Zhengtai is a relatively traditional person, he can't accept a woman ten years older than himself, not to mention that Meijizi is still a foreign woman, and his family does not allow it. On the other hand, because Fang Zhengtai already has a heart, his heart has long been given to the little girl who raised her schoolbag to chase him on the way to protect the "Prince of Flowers" after school.

After more than a year of hard pursuit and countless failures, Mijizi was finally discouraged. She made a last move and climbed to the "Lanweika Magic Century Restaurant" and threatened Fang Zhengtai to marry her, otherwise she would jump out of his restaurant.

Fang Zhengtai sat in the helicopter and shouted to Mijizi while hinting at his bodyguard, the man with dark blonde hair - Sevie.

Just as Mikiko was about to rush to the cement floor, a pair of cold hands wrapped around her waist. Then, a slightly hoarse but extremely charming voice sounded: "Miss Jizi is not only naturally beautiful, but also has an excellent temperament. Your beauty is unparalleled. Wouldn't it be a pity if such a beautiful person turned into a bloody corpse! Why don't you follow me?"

"Who are you?" Meijizi was shocked and inexplicably. She felt like a piece of ice close to her cheek, and even the gas she exhaled seemed to be frozen. The neck was chilly, and Mijizi thought she had met a ghost.

"Ah!" Meijizi screamed and tried her best to break free from those hands. The power of those hands can't be said how powerful it is. Even if Mijizi is a master of judo and kendo that has reached seven stages, she can't break away at all.

"No, no, no, I only love Zheng Taijun. I won't love any man except Zheng Taijun!" Mijizi shouted wildly.

"Look at me!" The cold hands forcibly pulled the beauty into her arms, and a quite gentle voice floated from her lips without a trace of heat. "There are many good men in the world. Why do you have to hang yourself on a tree? In my eyes, Fang Zhengtai is just a little boy. He is not suitable for you. And I, how old am I don't even remember myself. Although I am old, if you follow me, I will give you eternal youth and immortality.

" are..." Maybe it was the man's charming words that touched Meijizi's heart, or maybe it was the greedy secular world. Meijizi gave up the idea of jumping off the building and looked up at the man's face.

The man removed the gold-edged sunglasses on his face and looked at the beauty with a smile. This face is extremely handsome, and the skin is extremely delicate and fair. The red pupils are full of enthusiasm, like two red glazes embedded in a piece of white jade.

Wow! Meijizi exclaimed in her heart. Her heart beat wildly, and Fang Zhengtai's face quickly faded in front of her eyes, replaced by another face. This face is extremely young and well-defined, with a beautiful nose bridge, wide forehead, thick eyelashes, and sword-like eyebrows. His eyes, his eyes are actually red. This face is like a god in Greek mythology.

People are cold, but smiles are warm. For a moment, Meijizi's reason submerged in the hot sea. The originally frozen heart thawed in the man's smile.

"The resurrected god! The resurrected god!" Mijizi muttered. For a moment, her breath suffocated, followed by a blurred vision. Meijizi couldn't help kissing the two lips as red as fire, but as cold as ice.

Just when Meijizi was confused, the man hugged her, rolled into a room like a gust of wind, and rolled on the floor covered with Persian carpet.

"The promise I made will definitely be fulfilled. Miss Jizi, if you bear with it, it may hurt a little, but it is more wonderful and pleasant. I'm sure you'll like it." The man whispered gently and kissed his lips on the beautiful woman's white neck. Suddenly, the red pupils burst into light, and the two teeth at the corners of the mouth grew sharply. They pierced Meijizi's neck at a lightning speed.

"Ah...uh!" Meijizi frowned first, and soon, her body trembled, pain and pleasure intertwined, and waves of pleasure swept over her whole body. "Ah...ah...uh...uh..." She couldn't help moaning.

When Fang Zhengtai saw Sewei and Meiji disappeared from the roof, he was finally relieved, but he was still worried. He was afraid that Sevie would kill Meijizi on impulse. Meijizi's father was the team leader of the "Yamaguchi Group". If his daughter had an accident in his territory, would he still have a good life? So he came out of the helicopter.

When Fang Zhengtai walked into the corridor, she heard the woman's moan.

Oh, I didn't expect that Saiwei still had such a ability to get rid of Meijizi. Finally got rid of this big trouble. Founder was so happy that he paused and didn't stop. He took the elevator down to the third floor, his chairman's office, where he planned to wait for his bodyguard. He didn't want to disturb the good of the two people. How did Mrs. Founder know that his bodyguard, Sevier, also known as Will, was the blood prince who broke into the 21st century and was carrying out a "first hug" ceremony for Meijizi.

Half an hour later, Ville walked out of the room with Mikiko in his back. After that, Mikiko never pestered Fang Zhengtai again, and she became Will's lover. The two of them are in and out of each other, and they seem to love each other very much.

Mihimiko is the only daughter of Chiki Hoshino. Chiki Hoshino died in a private villa in Manhattan half a month ago. After Chiki Hoshino's death, Mihimeko took over the position of "Hoshino Group" of the "Yamaguchi Group" in the Americas. Mijiko has already fallen into Will's arms. In fact, the position of Mijiko's "Hoshino Group" team leader is just a false reputation. At present, it is Will who really controls the "Hoshino Group".

Although there are only a few hundred people in the "Hoshino Group", most of their ancestors were the ministers of the Hoshino family in the Japanese shogunate era and descendants of the Japanese ninja Hanehei school. Even today when firearms are widely used, some of them still master the making hidden weapons and unique killing and tracking skills. It can be said that they are ninjas lost in modern times and elites among warriors. Unfortunately, they were unlucky and met Phil. Nanke. Therefore, when they got out of the sea from the submarine and dived into the "Nanke" in an attempt to attack Ye Feng and Qier, they were ruthlessly killed and finally ended up buried in the belly of the fish.