
Chapter 180 Looking for Artifact

"Hurry up and change it!" Pluto, sitting in the aircraft, pushed Locke. The narrow shoes made Pluto's toes hurt and finally shouted.

"I'm wondering why I can't walk fast. It turns out that I'm wearing the wrong clothes. Change, change, change!" Locke hurriedly untied his shoelaces and the two changed their shoes back.

"What are you two cooing about? Can't you be quiet for a while?" Phil. Nanke gave the two people a white look dissatisfiedly. He is very angry now. The centipede was seriously injured, Pananya disappeared, and the killer who seriously injured the centipede...

"That female killer is not Pananya at all!" Phil. Nanke exclaimed.

"Of course, it can't be Pananya. Didn't you say that she didn't go to Greece until noon?" Locke said.

"If it weren't for Pananya, who would it be? I have never met a woman with such a strong kung fu.

Pluto has finished tying his shoelaces, raised his head and said, "Did Zeus send out another god? Two gods of war are enough... People can suffer. One more. Oh, my God, I won't die soon!"

"Yes, who would that be? If it's a god, do you think the 'high-energy electromagnetic gun' can kill her? Locke asked.

Fell. Nanke shook his head and said, "I'm not sure that there are too many life forms in the universe, some of which can't be killed at all. So, I doubt..."

"Brother, do you suspect that the Big Horn has come to the earth?" Qi'er asked in surprise.

"No, no, no, no, it won't be a bighorn. The bighorn is also flesh and blood, and it is impossible to escape my 'high-energy electromagnetic gun'. Besides, if it's a big-horned star, I can't feel it."

"Why, isn't the female killer dead? I obviously saw you shoot her!" Locke asked strangely.

"I did shoot her, but she didn't die. The brothers guarding downstairs saw that she jumped up to 30 feet and ran at a speed of more than 300 miles per hour, faster than the fastest sports car on earth. Such a speed can never be achieved by human beings on earth.

"So, it can only be a god." Locke pondered, "But why is the target of the god Ye Feng?"

"Yes, Ye Feng, do you have any treasure maps on you?" Amber eyes looked at Ye Feng.

"Are you kidding?" Ye Feng looked stunned, "Except for a watch, everything else on my body is your 'flying whale gang'. Where can there be any treasure map?"

"That's strange." Phil. Nanke shook his head. He was thinking about it. Suddenly, the signal on his mobile phone flashed. He answered the phone. After that, he frowned and his face was extremely solemn.

"Head, what's the matter?" The scorpion asked without worry. He thought the centipede was dead.

"It's Dulo. Peres, he said Tom. Hills was assassinated and Billcha was chasing Carlo everywhere. Dan."

"Is it Carlo? Hills killed by Dan? unlikely." The scorpion's face was full of disbelief, "Hills's men are all over the world, Carlo. Dan dares to touch Hills' moldy head. Is he tired of living?

"Who knows? It should be caused by romantic. Whoever makes him dare to do it. Recently, it has been an eventful time. First, Uncle An's fleet was found to have hidden arms, and then it was rumored that someone offered a reward of 100,000 US dollars to take Ye Feng's life. Then, Chiki Hoshino, the leader of the "Yamaguchi Group" in the Americas, died in a villa in Manhattan, and now even Tom, the leader of the 'mafia'. Hills was also assassinated.

"Head, I'm worried that someone will be angry with you?" The scorpion said worriedly.

"Looking for my anger?"

"Yes, have you ever thought that maybe the female killer came to you?" Locke, who was drooping his head, heard Phil. The dialogue between Nanke and Scorpion.

"Female killer, are you coming for me?" Phil. Nanke hesitated for a moment and said, "Usually, FBI agents usually come to me. Ha ha, who made me famous? It is possible that some people want to pull me down, but at present, no force can compete with my 'flying whale gang'.

"Head, I heard that there is a newly rising organization in Greece called the 'Blood Wolf Society'. According to the brothers below, it is an assassination group. Do you think the death of the underworld boss has anything to do with them? The scorpion said.

"Blood Wolf Club? Well, it's possible. I heard that their president is a woman. For a long time, I have not paid attention to the small private forces. When I have free time, I will go to visit this unusual woman. Maybe she is the one who kicked me.

It seems that it will be difficult to save the ancestors. Locke and Pluto looked at each other and were speechless. They are very distressed now because they have lost their divine power and don't know how to resist the gods.

Fell. Nanke looked at the two depressed guys, smiled and comforted, "Even if you can't beat her, don't be discouraged. If we find the 'key of time and space', we can protect your ancestors, such as sending them to four degrees of space. In this way, the god can't find him.

"Yes, this is also a good way. With the 'key of time and space', you can send your ancestors to any planet or space. Locke agreed, "But where on earth is your 'key of time and space'?"

"I don't know." Phil. Nanke frowned, "At the beginning, when Will came to grab the 'key of time and space', I was seriously injured by the blood-hunting sword, and then the 'key of time and space' disappeared."

"Do you think it is possible for the 'key of time and space' to be taken away by Will?" Locke asked.

"When I was in a coma, I seemed to feel that someone had taken something from my hand, but I'm not sure that the man was Will, maybe it was a blood hunter."

Locke's eyes immediately faded, and he thought of Xiao. The spirit of the eagle was attached to the blood hunter, but he died in his own hands. Locke muttered, "Blood hunting, oh, no, he is a eagle, and he is also your silver armor military officer - Xue Lie, he is dead. I met him when I went to college in Athens three years ago. He was chasing you. He thought of me as you, but I accidentally killed him. At that time, I thought I had met a ghost because he disappeared. It turned out that he was dead. I'm sorry, Xue Lie, it's all my fault. If I had..." My heart was sad, and my eyebrows were stained with thin tears. Locke burst into tears again.

"It's over, don't think about it anymore. This period of fate is over." Phil. Nanke comforted Locke. In fact, he was also very uncomfortable. After all, it was he who used Xue Lie to deceive Xue Lie's feelings.

"I think the 'key of time and space' is likely to be in Vir's hands. Also, the sword that stabbed me to death should be an artifact. Yes, it's the one I found in the dungeon.

"Ao?" Locke's eyes widened with tears, and then shouted, "I remember that three years ago, the sword that blood hunted at me had a green gem on its handle. Yes, it's 'yao'. It's made by me. It's the relic of King Wufu, which can kill the gods.

Fell. Nanke said, "I think we should find 'yao'. With 'yao', we can defeat the gods. Also, we also need to find Will. Maybe the 'key of time and space' is in his hands.

"Alas, the human world is so big, and I have lost my magic power. Where can I find it?" Pluto sighed.

Fell. Nanke's eyes lit up and suddenly said, "Go to Athens, where you met blood hunting. The sword is probably still there.

"I was very scared at that time. I thought I had met a ghost, so I hurried back to my apartment and didn't pay attention to see if the sword was still there. However, it has been three years, and I don't know what that place will look like. Locke felt that it was more difficult to find something in a place three years ago than looking for a needle in a haystack.

"Don't forget that my 'flying whale gang' brothers are all over the world, and I have familiar people in all industries. I don't believe I can't find a sword." Phil. Nanke looks full of confidence.

"Okay, let's go to Athens. Besides, we are also looking for Pananya, aren't we? Locke's heart suddenly became clear again.

Ten minutes later, the aircraft suspended on the top of Likavitus Mountain in Athens. Ye Feng looked at the watch on his wrist, and now it is 6:13 a.m. Looking out through the string window, it was still dark.

"Let's sleep for a few more hours. I'm also sleepy." Phil. Nanke turned on the stealth system. The aircraft was hidden in a disk-shaped cloud. Everyone walked into the "rest warehouse" to rest.

Three hours later, it dawned. The group walked out of the hatch along the stairs.

Now the elegance is in winter. At a glance, there is a pale and ancient atmosphere everywhere, which makes Ye Feng, who grew up in Southeast Asia, feel a little uncomfortable.

Fell. Nanke said, "Athens is actually a beautiful city. Although it has few skyscrapers, this simple and graceful atmosphere will make you return to your true nature and find yourself. I dare say that when you return to Southeast Asia again, you will be tired of the smell of reinforced concrete. Let's go. It's time to find what we need.

A group of people got off the aircraft. Pluto shook his hand and threw the suitcase to the scorpion. He didn't want to carry the box of dead things anymore.

Locke identified the direction according to his memories, and then led everyone to the mountainside. Locke remembered the abandoned temple, the teenager who fell on the altar, and the red blood. The desperate and hateful eyes flashed in front of his eyes, and the voice full of resentment sounded in his ears, "You, you are all liars, I hate you! If I meet you again next time, I will definitely kill you!"

His heart twitched violently, and Locke closed his eyes painfully. He said in his heart: Xue Lie, we have been brothers for two generations, but in the end, I hurt you, and I'm sorry for you. For the sake of your and my righteousness, please give me a little enlightenment. Where is "yao"?

"Is it here?" Phil. Nanke saw Locke's feet step up the stone steps. In front of us is an abandoned temple.

Locke suddenly raised his head. He saw himself standing in a yard, no, to be precise, a temple. The temple looks like it has been around for some years, and part of it has collapsed. In the center is an ancient temple, with strange patterns and patterns carved on several stone pillars supporting the roof. Locke saw the old stone platform placed in front of the door. These scenes look so familiar.

"Yes, it's here, it's here." Locke was extremely surprised, "I clearly remember that after the blood hunt disappeared, the temple also disappeared. I also saw abrupt strange rocks and thick grasses around me. It's strange, it's so strange!"

"Actually, it's not surprising at all." Phil. Nanke said, "At that time, you were at the point where two time and space intersect, that is to say, your world coincided with the world where the blood hunter is located, so he saw you and you saw him. However, the time when space coincides is very short. When the two spacetimes are separated, you stay in one time and space, and blood hunting stays in another spacetime.

"Blood hunting, oh, no, he is Xue Lie and a slang. The xiao is dead, he must be dead. We are righteous brothers, and I have sworn to protect him with my life. However, I killed him and killed him with my own hands!" Locke's tone was extremely desolate.

"You only saw the sword stabbed him, but you didn't see that he was dead. These are your imagination. What you see is just an illusion."

"I saw him pull out his sword and surge in blood. So red, so red..."

"No, that's not true!" Phil. Nanke pulled Locke's shoulder and shook violently. "It's over, and I don't think about it anymore. Why do you still think about it? The more you think about it, the more painful it becomes.

"Puffong", Locke knelt down in front of the stone platform, "Xuelie, Xuelie, forgive me! If you are really alive, will you come back to see me? I owe you too much. I owe you too much. My life is here. If you want, you can take it anytime..."

"Wake up!" Phil. Nanke picked up Locke and slapped him. Locke's mouth and nose immediately bled. This slap is heavy enough.

"Brother!" Qi'er said anxiously, "Brother Locke just lost his mind for a moment. Don't be so violent, okay?"

"I think there is something wrong with this place. I feel panicked. Let's leave here early." Scorpions are Indians, and he believes in witchcraft and so on. He felt that this place was evil.

"You can't leave in a hurry. Let's look to see if we can find the sword. Phil. Nanke ordered.

Look it up carefully. After a slap, Locke also woke up and looked for it with everyone nearby. The nearby barren grass is half-man tall, and there is a path outside the dilapidated wall leading to the bottom of the mountain.

Everyone looked for a long time and even checked the cracks in the stone, but nothing was found.

"Three years have passed. Maybe 'yao' has been picked up?" Locke didn't feel very disappointed, because he didn't have any hope.

"Well, it's possible." Phil. Nanke thought for a moment and said, "Maybe it has been exiled to the people. Why don't we go to Monastrar*i Square? It is said that there is a second-hand market there. Yao is an ancient sword, and the gems on it are very valuable, which is very attractive to modern people, especially antique lovers.

"Okay, let's find something to eat by the way. Anqi should be hungry, right?" Ye Feng's gentle eyes fell on Qier's pretty face again.

"Yes, I'm so hungry that my eyes are dizzy, and my chest is almost against my back. I have never tried to feel hungry. It turns out that it's really uncomfortable to be hungry. Pluto was chattering.

Alas! Locke sighed in his heart: You are the king of the underworld. If you don't lose your divine power, how can you have the opportunity to experience the suffering of mortals?