
Chapter 308 Soul Goes to the Underworld

The blood moon and the big-horned star looked at each other, and a mass of light gathered in their palms. Their injuries have not fully recovered, so the light masses are relatively weak.

"Shu" sounded a sharp roar, and the "shadowless ghost rope" broke out of the air, like a golden python, with a "brush" sound, which wrapped around Pluto's waist.

"Xiaoha, hold on! Brother Nan won't leave you alone!"

The left hand grabbed the "shadowless ghost rope" in front of him, and his right arm suddenly wrapped his back a few times behind him. He stepped tightly under his feet and carried his body, Phil. Nanke used ten layers of power, and he wanted to take down Pluto. Pluto's body moved down for a short distance and suddenly rose, leading Phil vigorously. Nanke's body soared up, and his feet had left the ground.

"Quick, let's go together!" The angry water is anxious. He came over and suddenly hugged Phil. Nanke's waist.

"Hula", everyone reacted and rushed to help. William. James jumped up and caught the "shadowless ghost" almost with Phil. Nanke came face to face. It's just that his right arm was injured, and it hurt when he tried hard, but he still gritted his teeth and persisted.

The lizard man hugged the waist of the angry water dragonfly. Everyone is like a tug-of-war, hard! Force it!! Force again!!! Everyone has used all their strength to breastfeed.

As the saying goes, many people are powerful. Finally, with a "sw" sound, Pluto's body fell down, but it was still in mid-air.

"Wow haha!"

"Wow haha!"

Two strange laughs sounded in the sky.

"Fun, fun, so funny!"

"The Shura, known as the most beautiful man in the universe, is really extraordinary!"

"I heard that Spee Dick people like to play with beautiful men most. Brother, we will catch him back and give him to Spee Dick stars, and we will definitely be able to exchange for ten crystal satellites!"

"Wow haha!"

"Wow haha!"


Two strange laughter, two dirty words alternately echo around. Although these two languages are not any language on earth, Lizard Man, Big Horn Man, and Phil. Nanke, Camus and Qier understood, because one of them is a common interstellar language, and the other is the language of the Hobbi star family.

Fell. Nanke's face turned blue with anger.

"Give up, you can't beat them." Camu said in a low voice.

"No! Never! Even if I die, I can't hurt my friends!"

"Well, knowing that you can't do it, you can only suffer!" Camu sighed helplessly.

"I didn't expect that the earth's bodies also have such powerful energy hidden, but it's a pity that they don't know how to use it." There was a deep sound.

"Brother, you are too kind-hearted. You really don't deserve the title of 'hunter'. Let me help you!" A crisp and tender voice sneered.


"Where am I? Why do you feel familiar here? Locke muttered and looked up. He saw a gray field. Between the fields, there was a big river, a big black shining river, which was rushing forward.

"Akejon River! Have I died and returned to the underworld?" Locke was very surprised.

"Gold coins! Did you hear that? Hand in the gold coins! Otherwise...hehehe!"


There was a roar in my ear, accompanied by a sad sneer and a sad scream.

Looking at the source of the sound, Locke was shocked. He saw the ferry, which was full of ghosts, and a team of dark ghosts were waiting to cross the river.

There is a magnificent building next to the ferry, with a golden plaque hanging on which three large characters "Toll booth" are engraved on the plaque, and a line of slightly smaller words are engraved under these three big characters: If you want to cross the river, you need to pay 1,000 gold coins!

When was the pavilion built here? Is there such a luxurious pavilion? The capital has increased by a thousand times! Looking down, Locke was even more surprised. There is an office hall in front of the building. There are three "people" sitting in the hall, and there are some "people" with guns in their hands and in black suits standing next to them, who look like "threwrights".

Locke took a closer look and suddenly found that the three "people" were the three judges: Minos, Ladamantis and Aikos. Unlike in the past, they all have short hair and each hang something on their chest, which looks like a work permit. These three guys are all wearing straight black suits, shiny leather shoes, ties around their necks, and dressed as government officials. Why did they dress like this and move their workplace to the front line? While wondering, "Papa..." "Wow...!" With a burst of beatings, there was a sad howling.

"Your Excellency, spare my life! I'm a poor man. My stock has been trapped, my family property has been photographed, my wife has run away with someone, and my son has his surname. I have no choice but to jump off a building and committed suicide..."

"Shut up!" Minos immediately interrupted the dead soul, "I don't care whether you jump off a building or wipe your neck, don't cross the river without handing over a thousand gold coins!"

"One thousand gold coins!"

"One thousand gold coins!"

Ladamantis and Iacos echoed together.

Thinking of the ghost that had fallen into the Styx River and turned into green smoke, the ghost trembled all over, so he hurriedly nodded and bowed and said, "I'll give it, I'll give it to you, can't I give it?" With that, he shook his right hand and touched his left finger. The ghost took off the ring in his hand and said pitifully, "Your Excellency, I only have this. This is an emerald wrench, worth 10,000 gold coins."

"Emerald? What is emerald? Minos took the wrench and looked left and right.

"Oh, my lord, you don't even know the emerald. This is a gemstone, which is very valuable!" The ghost explained eagerly.

Ladamantis and Iacos also came over, and the three of them cooed.

"Is there such a gem? Let me see. I heard that there are too many fakes in Yangjian, and I don't know if it's true.

"Well, it's good."

"There is still a dragon."

"It should be an ancient cultural relic from the East. Collect it and put it in storage!" Minos is attached to the underworld.

Immediately, he rushed forward and put the wrench finger into the brocade box.

"You can cross the river. Next!"

"Your Excellency, it's not one, it's a big group." A dwarf trotted forward and said.

Huh? What is a large group? Minos had a doubt on his face.

"Bring it up!" Bring it here!" Ladamantis and Iacos shouted in unison.

"Di Didi", there was a sound of siren in front of him. A large group of ghosts surrounded a young ghost and came out of the car.

The three judges stood up. Not only did they look surprised, but also their eyes glowed.

"S600 Pullman!"

"Bugadi Veyron!"

"Infiniti G!"


After the three judges laughed for a while, Minos sank his face. He patted the wooden and roared, "Bring up the dead soul!"

A group of underworld trotted forward and twisted more than a dozen ghosts.

"Bold! Dare to be rude to me, don't you want to live?" The leading ghost suit and leather shoes were full of style. His fierce shout made the people tremble a little.

"Young master, we are dead." One of the ghosts said.

"Hmm!" The ghost master glanced around and then snorted coldly, "This seems to be no different from life."

"Yo, where did the wild ghost come from? How dare you be so arrogant!" Minos was very unhappy. He turned his head and ordered the two assistants, "Check what the hell is and what crime he committed in his lifetime."

There was a strange sound. Locke saw that the two judges were actually operating the computer. Thinking of coming here is the underworld 100,000 years later, I didn't expect that the underworld has also entered the era of science and technology. Locke was very surprised,

"This ghost's name is XXX, the second generation of officials, rich and handsome... Well, his identity is very complicated, his father is ominous, and his mother is ominous. He should be born through abnormal channels."

"This ghost committed the crime of adultery/** young girl, drunk driving and crashing to death..."

The two judges reported while operating the computer.

Huh? This ghost is so bold that he dares to ignore the king's law!" Minos blackened his face and said, "The crime is unforgivable. Open a ticket first!"

"Swipe" and type a pin * in the printer.

Minos held * and recited loudly: "The rape/** young girl was fined 800 million gold coins, drunk driving was fined 80,000 gold coins, and the person killed was 80 million gold coins... A total of 88.88 million gold coins. Hurry up!"

With that, Minos turned his head and whispered to the two assistants: "This time we sent it!"

"Hey, why do you punish me so much?" The ghost young master put his hands on his waist and looked very unconvinced.

"Bang!" Minos patted the wooden, "It's just that I'm Pluto!" If you don't hand over the gold coins, you will be sent to hell, and you will never be born!"

Minos actually pretended to be Pluto. Locke was surprised at first, and Jier was very angry. Thinking that Pluto is not in the underworld and they are lawless, I would like to see how you guys will try the case. Locke continued to observe quietly.

As soon as he heard that he was going to be sent to hell, the young master of the ghost was afraid. He turned his head to the ghosts behind him and ordered, "Give them as much as you want!"

The ghosts were busy for a while, and everyone took out their private money. Two of the ghosts filled the collected * into two large boxes and handed them over.

"Pa", Minos knocked over two boxes* with one palm and said angrily, "No* is accepted here, only gold coins are accepted!"

*? This is obviously a US banknote. There are also RMB and euro. Look at it and see it clearly. It is still covered with stamps. It is produced by Tiandi General Bank. Besides, gold can't be burned. Where did I get the gold coins? The ghost young master hurriedly argued.

"Hey hey!" Minos sneered, "This kind of waste paper is my treasury. Don't talk nonsense. Don't think about the river if you can't hand over gold coins!"

"Do not want to think about the river!" Don't think about the river!" Radamantis and Iacos stared and echoed. Their voices were like rolling thunder, which made the ghosts' scalps numb.

"Your Excellency, let's go over! We didn't commit any crime!"

"Puptong", except for the ghost young master, all the other ghosts knelt down and kowtowed and begged for mercy.

Minus glanced at these ghost legs and sneered: "If you have such a master, you will certainly not be a good slave. Come and escort them all to hell. Torture waiter!"

"Yes!" The three goddesses of revenge came forward, raised their belly snake whips, and twitched the ghosts fiercely.