
Chapter 309 Capture the Ring of Pluto

"Hey, why are you unreasonable? Ah..." The ghost young master still wanted to play tricks, and the belly snake whip had poured out like hail.

"Wow..." The ghosts screamed sadly, "Lord, spare my life! Lord, spare my life..."

No matter how the ghosts shout, they are greeted with more and more fierce whips. A large group of ghosts were driven to hell by the three goddesses of revenge.

"This is the end of today's trial. Get off work! Let's go for a ride." Minos stood up. Ladamantis and Iacos also got up and walked out.

"Your Excellency, I've been in line for two days!"

"Lord, let's cross the river!"

"I'm so hungry, I'm starving to death!"

"Isn't you fucking dead? Can you still starve to death?"


The ghosts at the ferry shouted and complained.

"Wow", Minos fired a shot at the sky and roared, "What's the quarrel? What's the quarrel? If you are quarreling again, I will push you down the Styx River, and you will never be born!" His shout really worked, and the ghosts immediately calmed down.

It's messy, it's messy, everything is messy! I don't know where the underworld went, causing chaos in the underworld. Looking at the chaotic underworld, Locke's heart was entangled.

Seeing that the three judges were about to drive away, Locke rushed forward and shouted: " Stop! It's not time to get off work yet. How can you leave early?

"Yo, another horizontal one came!" Minos frowned and took back one foot that stepped into the car.

When the three judges saw Locke, they were stunned first. They looked at Locke and whispered to him for a while.

Minos said first, "What's your name?"

"I..." Locke looked at himself and found that he was wearing a black Western-style dress, and he was still blonde. His appearance was completely different from the previous appearance of Tanatos.

"Hey hey," Locke immediately smiled, "This... Lord Pluto, my name is Locke. I'm looking for someone. Do you think I can delay you for two minutes? I have this, and I'll give this to you." With that, Locke took off the ring on his finger, the magnetic European stone ring.

"What is this?"

"I haven't seen it."

"It's so bright!"

The three judges whispered.

"This is called a diamond." Locke was blind, because he knew that there was no word diamond in the underworld except for gold coins.

"It's a little smaller, but I don't know how many gold coins it's worth." Looking at the glittering ring, Minos was moved.

"It is quite expensive, priceless and priceless." Locke continued to fool.

"Really?" Minos glanced at Locke doubtfully, then took over the ring, weighed it, and said, "It's so heavy, heavier than my Pluto ring. I have been wearing theming wang shen jie for 100,000 years. Don't say that I'm really tired of wearing it.

What? He has been wearing the Pluto Ring for 100,000 years! So Pluto has been away from the underworld for 100,000 years. Shit! Locke exclaimed in his heart.

As Minos said, he took off the Pluto ring on his index finger. He put on the magno ring, nodded and praised, "Well, yes, it's just right. I'm satisfied, but it's a little smaller. Tell me, who are you looking for?"

Locke glanced at Pluto's Ring and said, "Your Excellency, I heard that there is a man named Tanatos in the underworld. I don't know if he is still there?"

"Tanatos?" Minos narrowed his eyes, thought for a moment, and said, "There is such a person who disappeared 100,000 years ago. Who knows where he has gone? Maybe he will live in a paradise with Pluto." Minos said the last sentence in a low voice, but Locke still heard it. I understand that since Pluto and I are both in the sun, there will naturally be no Pluto and Death in the underworld, and Minos has no choice but to pretend to be Pluto.

"Your excellency, this is the first time I have seen your Pluto Ring. Can you let me see it? I just look at it, just look at it!" Locke begged.

"Well, for the sake of your treasure." Seeing Locke's sincere look, Minos reluctantly agreed. He opened his palm.

A huge and dark polyhedra ring appeared in the palm of Minos. Yes, it is indeed the Pluto ring, but its color is very dark. I think he can't control this ring as a Minos third-class god, so he can't incarnate into Pluto.

His eyes turned rapidly, and Locke suddenly shouted, "Ah, look, Pluto is back!"

"Where is it?"

"Where is it?"


The three judges turned their heads together to look for it. While Minos was not paying attention, Locke suddenly grabbed the Pluto ring, turned around and ran away.

"It turned out to be a thief." Minos found that he had been fooled. He was so angry that he couldn't help roaring, "Chase me! Be sure to catch the little thief and feed him to the helldog!"

The underworld chased aggressively, and they chased and shot at the same time. Da Da..." There was a dense sound of gunfire on the riverside, and all kinds of bullets flew all over the sky.

Suddenly, the skeleton soldiers of the brigade were killed from the Styx River. They had rifles, large-caliber sniper rifles, and bazookas... They came fiercely and fired fiercely at Locke. Of course, these firearms are not metal products, but like them, they are all bones. However, what was fired from the bone gun was a real shell.

The undead guard!! Locke was so scared that he clutched the Pluto ring tightly and ran desperately.

"BANG", the shell fired from the rocket launcher exploded beside Locke. The shock wave from the explosion lifted Locke's body into the air.

"Oh, my God, help!" Locke screamed. Because he found himself falling into the Styx River. Once you fall into the Styx River, you will turn into green smoke and never be born, "King Pluto! Where are you? Help me!" Locke shouted loudly.

At the moment when Locke was about to fall into the water, a black wave suddenly surged up, and a huge white flower rose, which held Locke up.

"Manshu Shahua!" Locke was pleasantly surprised.

When they saw the flowers rising in the Styx River, the three judges were stunned and hurriedly issued an order to stop the pursuit. They suspected that Locke was Pluto, because they knew that Manshushahua was the patron saint of Pluto itself.

Manshu Shahua wrapped Locke in a flower/core and quickly disappeared into the underworld water. Locke hurried forward in a black passage of light.

So painful! Is my spine broken? Why does it hurt so much on your back?

"" There was an extremely sad scream in my ear. Accompanied by screams, there was a sharp and strange sound.

Locke suddenly opened his eyes and looked up. He saw an extremely strange scene: Pluto was suspended in mid-air, with his limbs stretched out, as if lying in the air. There was a golden chain tied to his waist, and several thick lights of red and blue were hissing, hitting his body violently. Perhaps it was too painful. While Pluto screamed, his limbs were still twitching violently.

Oh, my God, that light is like lightning! Did Zeus also come to modern times? Locke was shocked. Shaking his head and looking down, Locke saw several people hanging near the ground under the cable chain. It was Phil. Nanke, William. James and the angry dragonfly are pulling down the rope chain. Their bodies have left the ground, and only the lizard man is still on the ground. The lizard man exudes a shining green halo all over his body, and it still holds the waist of the angry water dragonfly.

The blood moon and four big-horned stars stood on the ground, and the beam emitted by their palms was entangled with the red and blue light. It looked like an attempt to remove the red and blue lines from Pluto, but the beam they emitted was much weaker.

Pluto's body is rising. Obviously, people on the ground can't resist the power from the air.

Hades, you can't be fine, you can't be fine! Do you know that the underworld is in chaos, and the underworld can't live without you! Locke climbed up, but his back seemed to be pressing a thousand forces. Even if he just raised his head, it was a heartfelt pain. There was a blackness in front of his eyes, and his raised head suddenly hung down again. Pluto, you have to return to the underworld! Gritting his teeth, Locke raised his head again. Suddenly, I heard a familiar voice in my ear.

"Hunter, show up! He is not the person you are looking for. I am Shura, the real cold-blooded Shura! The person you are dealing with is me. There is no need to deal with innocent human beings.

Hunter? Who is the hunter? Locke's eyes widened, and he saw Phil. Nanke's head was shrouded in a faint halo. At this time, Phil. Nanke's back just fell into Locke's eyes. His right arm was behind him, and there was already red blood oozing at this end of the rope chain, dyed red and snow-white sleeves, and the blood was ticking down his wrist.

First, there was a burst of emotion in my heart, and suddenly tightened, followed by an inexplicable pain. Brother Nan, Locke is useless. He can't help you. Locke was so sad that tears swelled in his eyes.

"Wow haha!"

"Wow haha!"

Two strange laughter sounded in the air.

"As we all know, Hobbits are the best at lying. Have the earthlings learned it?" There was a thick and mocking voice, which spoke English.

Locke tried to find the source of the sound, but he couldn't see anyone. In doubt, another crisp voice sounded.

"Sura, why is it so bad? Let us two see your Shura blood blade so that we can trust you.

"Good! But you have to let him go!"

"Livive him?"

"Gone him?"

The two armored men looked at each other and said with one voice, "Okay!"

"Brush", they withdrew the beam at the same time, and the red and blue whirlpool in the clouds suddenly disappeared, and the gray clouds also dispersed, and a silver-gray disc-shaped luminous body appeared. Two armored men appeared, one black and one red, and they floated in the air.

"Oh", the exhausted parents took a breath, let go of their hands and sat down. The bighorns also put away their powers. Everyone gasped heavily. Someone raised his head and looked curiously at the two armored men.

At the moment when the red and blue beam retreated, Pluto's body began to fall, Phil. Nanke took back the "shadowless ghost rope" and poked out his left hand. Seeing that Pluto was taken into his arms.

"hoo" and "hoo", two figures appeared out of thin air. They were as fast as electricity and suddenly held Pluto's arm.

Oh my God! It's Panaya and Panris, who actually restored their divine power! When he saw the two people suspended in mid-air, Locke was surprised and his heart suddenly rose to his throat.

"Sister Naya, brother Rees!" Qi'er exclaimed. Originally, Qi'er wanted to help, but because she was weak and couldn't help, Camu protected her in the light and shadow. Hearing Qi'er's shout, the two puppets floating in the air looked at each other with a confused face, and then there was no response.