
Chapter 310 Battle Hunter

The sudden change shocked everyone. The people who had already sat down stood up again, and everyone opened the frame, as if facing a big enemy. Kakaka", angry water dragonfly and William. James was assembling firearms, and they pointed their guns at people in the air. The weak bighorns began to concentrate again, and the light in their palms became weaker.

"President, we..." The bighorns looked at their king with sad eyes.

"Alas!" Xueyue sighed tiredly and lowered her hands. She had exhausted her energy.

"Despicable!" Phil. Nanke was very angry and said angrily, "It turns out that there are a lot of people lying!" Hunter, come here and let you see the real means of this prince!"

"Wow...", there was a roar, "snoring", and the sharp airflow stirred/sounded through the sky. "Shadless Ghost" is like a golden lightning, no, more like an angry python. It pierces the sky, rushes up the clouds, and then suddenly separates from the middle, forming two tips with inverted thorns, like two sharp arrows, no, more like two snake messengers, which rushed straight to two armored people.

"I'll help you, Shura!" Camus turned into a mass of light and shadow, turning Phil. Nanke was in the middle, and he gave his energy to his brother.

The lizard man saw it and rushed forward to give his energy to Phil. Nanke.

"You guys, go!" Blood Moon raised her slender finger and pointed to Phil. Nanke.

"Yes!" The big-horned stars answered in unison.

Now, Phil. Nanke is surrounded by three lights of gold, green and snow, but these three lights are weaker from the inside to the outside.

Angry Water Jiao and William. James watched anxiously. Although they knew that the bullets on Earth might not cause harm to the aliens, they still held their guns.

"Brother!" Qi'er couldn't help, but she was very worried, so she could only stare in horror.

"Swish...", "Shadowless Ghost" sounded angrily. Two armored men jumped in the clouds, and they were avoiding the pursuit of "shadowless ghosts". However, their bodies are not very flexible, perhaps because the armor hinders the speed. Finally, "bang" and "bang", there was a sound like a cracking sound in the air. The two armored men were hit by the "shadowless ghost rope", and their armor flew apart and dispersed.

"Ji Jie Jie!"

"Hey hey!"

There were two kinds of strange laughter. A teenager in a black robe suspended in mid-air, holding a strange weapon, shaped like a burning flame. Another teenager was dressed in a red robe and suspended in mid-air, holding a ball in his hand. The streamer inside the thing rotated, and the sapphire blue glow flashed outside.

Wow, is there such an alien? William. James was surprised.

These two teenagers are not only young, but also quite handsome. The teenager in a black robe has red hair like a flame. They are curly and quite long, like undulating waves hanging down to their legs. The teenager in a red robe had long silver hair, which poured down like the moonlight and hung down to his legs.

"Oh, my God, who are they? Is it a god?" William. James muttered.

"Who knows, maybe it's a devil with an angel appearance." In the heart of the angry water dragon, he went up and down to William. James winked and whispered, "Let's take a chance to sweep their shuttles, even if it's okay to divert their attention."

"Hmm." His lips were squeezed, William. James nodded vibly.

"Hunter, take it!" With everyone's energy, Phil. Nanke's voice has increased several times.

"Swish", it was another turbulent sound of airflow, and the "shadowless ghost" adjusted its direction and rushed to the two teenagers. However, it is no longer completely a rope chain. The top has turned into two golden blades. They flash with golden light, shuttle through the clouds like long eyes, tracking the two young figures jumping like flying, and cutting off their vitals.

"The Shura Blood Blade really lives up to its reputation!"

"It's a pity that you met a hunter!"

The thick and crisp sound sounded at the same time. Just as the blood blade was about to touch the bodies of the two teenagers, it suddenly settled down and could no longer move at all. Red and blue rays burst out from the weapons in the hands of the two teenagers. The two lights gathered together and sparkled and swayed down the blood blade. The original golden blood blade turned into a strange red and blue.

"Gone! Let go!" Locke shouted in horror, because what he saw was lightning, and the lightning falling from the sky was rapidly pressing the people to the ground along the metal chain. However, Locke's voice is so weak that people who are more than ten meters away can't hear it at all.

"Shem!" Ah!" Sure enough, as soon as Locke's words fell to the ground, everyone screamed. Blue and red light broke through the triple light and shined on people. "Pangbang", the bighorns first flew out, and then the lizard man. The lizard's tail almost swept Locke's face as it flew out. Then, with a "sw" sound, Camu pops out, and he returned to his human form.

"Puff", a mouthful of blood shot out. With the shrinking of the blood blade, the light was dim, and the "shadowless ghost" shrank into a bracelet and returned to Phil. Nanke's wrist. Phil. Nanke fell to the ground.

"Brother!" Qi'er screamed and rushed forward.

"General handle!" Angry water Jiao exclaimed, "Dad..." He raised his muzzle and shot at the sky. "Almost at the same time, William. James also frequently buckled the board machine.

"A ridiculous earthman!"

"Since I want to die, I will fulfill you!"

The two teenagers looked at each other and smiled evilly, highlighting the light and shadow barrier of red and blue from the strange weapons in their hands, like a shield. The two light and shadow shields blocked the dense bullets and shot back.

"Putong" and "Putong" sounded two muffled, angry water dragon and William. James was shot and fell down.

"Ji Jie Jie!"


The two teenagers laughed.

"Yes, you are indeed Shura. Your Highness, please come with us!" The red-robed teenager said with an evil face.

"Battle puppet, go and invite the prince up to me!" The young man in black ordered.

"Yes!" The two puppets let go of Pluto and flew down. Pluto hung his head and seemed to faint. When the two puppets let go, his body fell straight to the ground like a broken kite.

"Adult!" Locke stretched out his arm. How he wished he could catch Pluto. The movement of raising his hand was pulled to his back again, and there was a sharp pain in his back. Locke suddenly closed his eyes, and he couldn't bear to see the tragic situation of Pluto.

"No, you can't take my brother away! Sister Naya, Brother Reis, Anqi, please let my brother go!" Qi'er is in the way of Fernan. In front of Ke, he pleaded bitterly.

Some messy pictures flashed in their brains like watching a movie. The two puppets looked at each other and said with one voice, "I don't know you. Get out of the way, don't affect my mission!"

Oh, my God, they have turned into the god of war, and they are no longer sister Naya and brother Reis. Qi'er was so frightened that she fell on Phil. Nanke held his brother tightly, but he didn't let go.

"No, you can't take your brother away! Absolutely not!"

Hearing the girl's almost desperate voice, Locke suddenly opened his eyes. Qier, do you remember Brother Locke? The sad brother Locke with a pair of golden horns. Brother Locke is so useless that he can't help you. Bada, bright tears slid across their cheeks, fell down and melted into the soil.

"Take them all away!" The young man in black ordered.

"Yes!" The two puppets answered to pull Qi'er's hand. Qi'er struggled desperately, but her strength was so small and her body was so delicate, how could she be the opponent of the two puppets? Qi'er was forcibly dragged up by Athena.

Athena jumped into the air and ran to the luminous body.

"You need my help. You must need my help very much, just like Atlantis 100,000 years ago." Locke muttered, "Wait, I'm coming!" Ah..." Suddenly, there was a long roar between the clenched teeth, and the Qianjun force on his back was removed. With a sound of Huo, Locke stood up. At this time, Ares has already put Phil. Nanke dragged up and leaned up.

"Put down my friend!" Locke roared and cheered up, and he tried his best to chase him up. Suddenly, there was a rain of blood in the sky, which plunged into the barbed branches on Locke's back and burst out. The pain became more and more severe. Locke clenched his teeth and stood up and stood up. With the blood rain all over the sky, Locke's body burst into a snowy light, and a pair of black wings quickly stretched and opened from his back. The pain like a cone suddenly disappeared in an instant, and Locke suspended in the air.

With a shake of his body, Locke stopped in front of Ares and shouted sharply, "I'll say it again, put down my friend!"

Locke raised his palm, his left palm. A mass of light gathered in the palm of this palm. There is a black bright spot in the center of the light mass.

"Tianqin Star, this matter has nothing to do with you. You'd better not interfere!" The young man in black dodged over and shouted harshly.

"Who said this has nothing to do with us? I'm in charge of this!" There was a majestic and magnetic sound. Locke is very familiar with this sound.

"Puto! You... You have finally regained your divine power!" Locke's voice trembled with excitement, "God's ring, I found the God's ring!" Locke hurriedly opened his clenched right hand. He was surprised to find that the palm of his hand was empty.

"Don't look for it. The divine ring is here." The extremely magnetic sound sounded again.

When Locke raised his head, he saw Pluto wrapped in a soft halo. The halo is golden and in the shape of a blooming flower. It's Manshu Shahua, the patron saint of Pluto! Locke was pleasantly surprised.

Pluto was suspended in the air and was slowly raising his left hand. A huge ring shining with dark light fell into his eyes, which was on Pluto's index finger.

Yes, Pluto has recovered his power and still has a beautiful face and long hair like a waterfall, but he is not wearing a black robe and still wearing the previous white Western-style dress.