Dark Moon Concubine

Chapter 166 Don't close your eyes

"Light of Dawn!" Reen roared again, and a brighter, wider, thicker and more powerful beam of light beam than just now bombarded towards the purple ice. At this time, the "light of dawn" had turned into a huge white giant and attacked the purple ice with the force of thunder.

I believe that those who know the Western gods can know when they see this white giant that it represents Titan, the powerful lord of the earth of the ancient Western mansion.

However, although the attack at the altitude Rion represented the most powerful Titan in Western mythology, it was so disdainful in Zibing's eyes. Seeing the attack at the altitude Rion, Zibing's face showed disdain.

"Rion, is this your strength as an ancient Western mansion? How could you use the same attack on me twice? Do you really think of me as a person who can handle it casually?"

"Hmm...just look at the effect."

"Then try it and let you know that you can't come to the demon world at will. Even if you are an ancient god, I will make you a fertilizer for the soil of the demon world, 'phoenix shield'..."

With Zibing's gentle drinking again, a fiery red shield that was thicker and brighter than the just talent appeared in front of Zibing, and on the other side facing the "phoenix shield" at the altitude, an energy phoenix that turned into substance also jumped on the shield, and a phoenix roared out of the "phoenix shield".

He was waving his weapon to coax Zi Bing's altitude. When he heard Feng Ming on the shield drawn by Zi Bing, he was shocked. He understood that this was the position where Zi Bing was telling everyone in the demon world to fight. Hearing this phoenix sound, Rion knew that he had to work harder, otherwise he might really have to stay in the demon world as fertilizer.

gritted his teeth, and Rion shouted again - "Light of Dawn". At this time, he had used twelve points of power, and the real Titan transformed by the energy bombarded the purple ice with a more violent force.


A comparable explosion sounded between Zi Bing and Rion. Even Yue Huaying, standing behind Zi Bing, couldn't help but close her eyes due to this strong light and explosion. If Yue Huaying hadn't been protected by the energy of Zi Bing, Yue Huaying believed that she would have been protected by the powerful energy of the two. The powerful impact generated by each other's collision flew out.

When Yue Huaying opened her eyes, the purple ice in front of her was no longer in front of her, leaving only a large pit with a diameter of one meter in front of her.

When Yue Huaying was looking for the "disappearing" purple ice, there was a fierce battle above her head.

Yue Huaying looked up and saw the fiery red purple ice and the white altitude Rion fighting fiercely above her head.

At this time, the two no longer attacked each other with energy attacks, but attacked each other's flaws with pure physical moves, turning into two red and white meteors colliding with each other in the sky, and each of their collision shines with red and white light in the sky.

"Mother, come on..." At this time, Yue Huaying shouted to Zi Bing in her heart. Only in Yue Huaying's heart did she dare to call Zi Bing "Mother".

Although Yue Huaying cheered for Zi Bing on the ground, she could not see the details of Zi Bing and Altitude Lien fighting with each other. She could only see two red and white meteor-like lights in the sky colliding with each other, which made Yue Huaying excited. At the same time, he also has an extremely worried.

The master's move is so far that the flaw can make people die. Although Yue Huaying believes that Zibing's strength is a little stronger than that of the altitude, Yue Huaying's heart is still extremely worried.

Looking at the sky, Yue Huaying's hands were tightly held together, and her eyes were full of worry.

At this time, when Yue Huaying was watching the battle between the two strong men in the sky, a figure slowly touched her and Yue Huaying, who was watching the battle.

"Be careful, Your Highness..."

When a white light representing death stabbed Yue Huaying's chest again, a black figure rushed to Yue Huaying's body.

"Zi..." A gentle tingling on her chest appeared in Yue Huaying's mind.

When Yue Huaying looked down at what had just happened at that moment, Yue Huaying was stunned in an instant.

I saw the face of a little girl who was younger than herself. Her big eyes were looking up at herself with a smile, and the corners of her mouth showed a lot of black and red blood at this time, spitting out one bite at her head. At a distance of ten centimeters between the two, a white sword pierced the little girl's chest from behind, and the tip of the sword pierced her clothing. A trace of blood that only cut her skin was slightly moved out by the little girl with her last strength to prevent the weapons in her body from hurting Yue Huaying. In front of Yue Huaying's eyes.

"You..." Looking at the little girl who sacrificed herself to save herself, Yue Huaying was really speechless, because she really didn't know the name of the little girl who looked like she was less than 16 years old who saved her life, and Yue Huaying didn't know what she should say at this time.

"Your Highness, welcome home. Fortunately, you are not humiliated. Be careful..." The little girl didn't say much, and her eyes were full of smiles when she looked at Yue Huaying.

And when the little girl finished speaking, her beautiful big eyes were closed forever, and her hands lying on Yue Huaying's shoulders also drooped.

"Sister..." When she didn't know the little girl's name, Yue Huaying could only call the little girl sister, but no matter how Yue Huaying called, the little girl's body still slipped to the ground.


Although Yue Huaying was constantly sending her strength to the little girl to make her answer herself again, she felt that the person in her arms had really lost his life. Yue Huaying also half knelt on the ground and cried loudly. Throughout the day, Yue Huaying could not know the name of the little girl who saved her life. However, she lost her life forever, but she was lucky to survive, which made it really difficult for Yue Huaying, who grew up in the world, to accept the transformation of this identity.

"Princess, be careful..."

When Yue Huaying was in grief and pain, the worried warnings of the surrounding guards sounded in Yuehuaying's ears.

Although the surrounding guards want to rescue Yue Huaying, they are simply willing and weak, because the number of people brought by the guards at the altitude of Riean is larger than the guards, and these are the cronies selected by the altitude of the altitude of the defenders at the altitude. Although they are also very strong as the guards of Zibing, they are also very strong against the guards. We can only fight back to Yue Huaying. It is impossible to rescue Yue Huaying as easily as usual, because Rion's men are not vegetarian. They also want their companions to assassinate Yue Huaying.

Therefore, the guards can only watch the white light stab Yue Huaying again at this moment.

After a sudden change, Yue Huaying was shocked. At this time, she held the little girl who sacrificed herself to save herself, listened to the warnings of the guards around her, and watched the white light like the speed of light hitting her. Even Yue Huaying had seen the owner of the white light, who came with the white light Yue Huaying was still unmoved by the proud smile of the ferocious Western mansion, but looked at the approaching white light with her endless sadness and anger.

And as the owner of the white light that sneaked on Yue Huaying, he was very excited to see that Yue Huaying was no longer rescued at this time, and Yue Huaying did not take any action, because he knew that he was not far from the glory and wealth.

The white light continued to approach, and the warnings of the surrounding guards shouted more anxiously and eagerly, but there was nothing they could do. Yue Huaying still held the little girl in her arms and sat on the ground unmoved. Even the purple ice in the sky was unmoved by the sudden appearance on the ground. Moreover, there was a trace of panic... All this seemed to continue towards the scene of Yue Huaying that continued thousands of years ago.


Suddenly, at the moment when the owner of Baiguang thought that he could complete the great and his sword was about to pierce Yuehuaying's body, he suddenly found that his sword could no longer be stretched forward. At this time, his sword had touched Yuehuaying's coat, but it could no longer move forward. I felt that my long sword hit a powerful wall that I couldn't overcome at all.

Just when the owner of the white light was puzzled, he only heard Yuehuaying shouting loudly in front of him: "Ah..."

A powerful momentum burst out of Yue Huaying's body, and gusts of wind pressure rotated around with Yue Huaying as the center, and a rotating wind appeared around Yue Huaying's body.

"Ah..." Under this sudden power, at least the strength of the quasi-God King's men were blown up by the wind and flew away in the other direction.

However, his doom has not ended yet. Three seconds after he flew into the sky, a black wind circle rotated in the direction of protecting the moon and shot countless arrow-like energy at him from right in front of him. After a burst of black light, his body had already It turned into a leaky spoon dripping countless golden blood falling to the ground, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

Don't close your eyes...

At this time, Yue Huaying also slowly put the little girl in her hand on the ground and slowly stood up. At this time, Yue Huaying was no longer the weak and childish Yue Huaying who only knew worry and crying. At this time, Yue Huaying's face was full of endless coldness and murder, a strong The murderous spirit emanated from her body surrounded by black flames, and a momentum of staring at the world also enveloped the whole scene of the battle.