Dark Moon Concubine

Chapter 167 Captured

"Yinger..." At this time, Zi Bing also flew down from the sky and approached Yue Huaying, who had suddenly changed with a cautious and worried look.

However, when Zibing was also close to the black wind circle flying beside Yue Huaying, she also felt that she could no longer get close to Yue Huaying. Although Zibing wanted to use her energy to approach Yue Huaying to inquire about Yue Huaying's situation at this time, she could not go in at all. Feeling the power that Yue Huaying brought to herself at this time outside the circle, Zibing seemed to understand that she would no longer try, but quietly looked at Yue Huaying, who was already very different but felt very familiar with herself.

In front of Zibing and Yuehuaying, Altitude Lien also looked at the sudden situation in front of him with a wary face, and there was also a dazzling white light on his body to prevent Yue Huaying, who had become different, from suddenly attacked.

Yue Huaying turned around and looked at Zi Bing. With a stern face and a little warm look, she said, "Mother, leave this to me."

"Queen Mother?" Hearing Yue Huaying's sudden call to herself, Zi Bing was stunned and didn't react for a moment.

However, the next moment, Zi Bing seemed to remember something, and her eyes were filled with a layer of confused tears. She looked at Yue Huaying's trembling body and asked, " Yinger... What did you call me?"

"Mother... I'm Ying'er." Yue Huaying said to Zibing with certain words, and there were all the explanations in her eyes.

Zi Bing also understood everything from Yue Huaying's eyes. She had seen everything she wanted to see most from Yue Huaying's eyes. At this time, Zi Bing's heart was very happy. With Yue Huaying's eyes looking at her, Zi Bing knew that her daughter had returned at this moment, and her eyes were thousands Yue Huaying before the New Year.

Everything is in silence...

With Yue Huaying's eyes, Zibing also understood everything. She stopped saying anything and looked at Yue Huaying with a kind face quietly.

After Yue Huaying knew that Zi Bing had understood the information revealed by her eyes, she stopped saying anything and turned to face Zi Bing's former enemy - Reen.

Rion, isn't it? Humph... Unexpectedly, I saw that the people in the demon world were nothing and dared to sneak into the demon world with my own body. It seems that the Lord really didn't tell you the strength of my demon world. Now that you have come to the demon world, you don't need to go back. Yue Huaying looked at the altitude and said with a murderous face.

With Yue Huaying's words, the black wind circle around Yue Huaying also rotated faster to the altitude, and gusts of wind pressure spread around again, and the battle ground near Yue Huaying was gradually separated by the suddenly released power of Yue Huaying.

With the arrival of Yue Huaying, who suddenly didn't know why such a situation happened, the battle at the scene gradually stopped, and the people from the demon world and the Western divine world once again confronted their respective masters.

"You..." Looking at Yue Huaying's sudden change and fierce eyes, Alien didn't know how to describe his mood at this moment, feeling the power stronger than himself and the energy that shocked him. Altitude Alien looked at Yue Huaying solemnly, a deeper, stronger and more horrible prediction. The feeling appeared in the heart of the elevation Rion.

"Hum..." Yue Huaying sneered at the people in the Western divine world opposite and said, "You don't need to look at me with such innocent eyes. I can tell you very clearly that I am the Dark Moon Princess of the Demon World, the Dark Moon Dark Concubine of the Underworld, and the Death Yuehua who harvests your lives. Ying."

"You, you... do you remember?" At the altitude, Rion looked at Yue Huaying with a shocked face and stammed.

Although Lien pretended not to care and was innocent on his face before, he knew everything in his heart that Yue Huaying's previous identity and now, no, or what his previous identity was, and now he heard Yue Huaying's answer to him. At that time, there was everything about Yue Huaying in the memory of Altitude Rion again, and his heart trembled slightly.

I'd rather provoke the demon emperor than the little princess of the demon world!

This sentence is not only popular in the demon world, but also widely spread in the six worlds.

"Huh...you actually know everything? It seems that the spies placed by Jehovah in the demon world are so powerful that they even know the most secret secrets of the demon world and the underworld. It seems that I have to rectify them, otherwise the secrets of our two worlds will be stolen by those two villains. Yue Huaying's once little witch's smile appeared on her face, and there was also a sharp light in her eyes.

Seeing the emergence of the situation at this time, Altitude Rion thought about what choice he should make at this time, whether to retreat or continue to complete his unfinished tasks?

Continue? He and everyone have been in the demon world for a long time at this moment. Altitude Rion knows that the elites of the demon world are on their way here. Perhaps, in the next second, they will be overwhelmed by the sea of people in the demon world. Moreover, the most important thing is that although the strength of Yue Huaying, the little princess in the demon world and the imperial concubine of the underworld, is only superior to herself, although this is only a first-order strength, it will really let herself stay in the demon world, because Yue Huaying has the strength of the demon god, that is, the strength of the god king. Power, and the strength of the quasi-god king is not just a little different from the strength of the god king.

Withdraw? Altitude Rion doesn't think that it will have a good result if he returns to the divine world so desolately. If he goes back, he may only become the existence of the lowest divine mansion. Perhaps, he may not be suppressed to death by his political enemies. Moreover, Altitude Rion does not believe that the powerful little princess of the demon world opposite will let him wait. Everyone went back safely.

After thinking about it, Rion finally made the final decision.

As soon as he raised his hand, Rion shouted loudly: "Withdraw..."

With the order of Reen's altitude, only half of Reen's subordinates did not have any love war, and quickly retreated in the direction of the sun.

"Would you like to run? You all come back..."

In an instant, Yuehuaying turned into a white light and chased Rion, who wanted to escape, and the guards of the demon world around him also chased the residence of the Western gods who turned into white light. Even Zibing with an excited face chased after the Western mansion that fled.


The black half-moon-shaped wheeled weapon in Yue Huaying's hand was fiercely cut on the curved moon sword at the altitude, and the two energies of black and white were fiercely rubbing and shining between the two weapons.

"Would you like to run? You should also ask me if the 'moon wheel' in my hand won't let you go. With Yue Huaying's words, the "moon wheel" in her hand also shined again, putting down a lot of altitude.

At this time, Rion had kneeling on the ground with one knee and a hard look at the black "moon wheel" shining with a cold light less than ten centimeters above his head, and a trace of sweat dripped from his forehead to his face.

"Princess Dark Moon, you, you take big bullying and small as a gentleman." Feeling the power of Yue Huaying's weapons, Rion said with difficulty.

"Humph... bully the small with the big? Your old daughter, I have this hobby. What can you do? After saying that, Yue Huaying increased her strength with both hands again and pressed the altitude to the ground.

"Papa, Papa, Papa..." A sound of the ground cracking sounded. At the altitude, Ryan had knelt on the ground, and the weapons holding both hands began to tremble.

"Besides, I'm a little witch, not your so-called gentleman, but without your fancy intestines, you can die obediently, drink..."


The curved moon sword in Rion's hand was instantly broken, and the "moon wheel" in Yue Huaying's hand cut fiercely on Rion's right shoulder at altitude.

"Zi..." A puff of golden blood spread out from the shoulder of the altitude.

"Ah..." I don't know how many tens of millions of years of Rion, who hasn't tasted the taste of injury, shouted at the altitude. Instead of shouting that Yue Huaying made herself not know the feeling of injury, but for the magic energy that seems to hurt his body more from the weapons that hurt his body on his shoulders. Caught in the battle for energy in the body.

"Hey...how about it? It tastes good, doesn't it? This is the first wave, falling into my hand, hey..." Yue Huaying looked at Altitude Lien with a gloomy smile.

Hearing Yue Huaying's words close at hand, Altitude Ryan suddenly felt that his heart and soul were trembling. The prestige of the little princess in the demon world was not in vain.

Knowing what kind of experience he might encounter next, Altitude Rion said with an unknown tone, "You, you kill me."

"Kill you? Do you think it is possible? You are a good experiment for me. Western mansion? Hey... I really haven't properly dissected the bodies of you ancient gods. Maybe it's a little better research value than those things I dissected, hehe..."


Although Altitude Lien doesn't quite understand what the word Yue Huaying said represents, from the tone of Yue Huaying and the dangerous breath emitted by her body, Altitude Lien knows that Yue Huaying's word must not be a good thing for herself, maybe waiting Your own will be an endless abyss.

"You, you are the devil..."

"Devil? Don't you know where you are now? The place you are now is the demon world, which is what you Western gods call the land of demons. If we are not the devil, what else can we do? Hey... Don't think so much, you will soon know my means. Drink..."

With Yue Huaying's loud shout, Altitude Lien was bombarded out by Yue Huaying's domineering momentum, rolled down a few times and fell to the ground and spit out a few mouthfuls of golden blood. Then, countless weapons were mounted on the neck of Rion.