Fate Creator

Chapter 272 Pattern

After thinking carefully, Liu Yi became more and more afraid of his back to him. He has just entered the divine palace, but the man in front of him can't see through his cultivation. But Liu Yi understood that how could he be a mortal who could appear here? I want to avoid this person, but I can't.


, Liu Yi decided to try again from the left. As soon as his body moved, Liu Yi turned into a streamer and galloped to the left. After a while, this person appeared in front of Liu Yi again.

"It seems that I can't afford to provoke and hide." Liu Yi smiled bitterly, "Senior, what do you want to do!"

The man slowly turned his face and smiled, "I know you are looking for something. Why don't we gamble a game?"

Liu Yi looked at the man in front of him gloom, not because of what the man said, but because of the face of this person. This person's appearance is almost the same as that of Tu Fei, which can be said to be carved out by a mold. But this person's style is very different from that of Tu Fei. Those eyes are deep and boundless, and the stars are shining. At this moment, Liu Yi knew that the person in front of him was not a disciple.

Liu Yiwei smiled and said, "The younger generation doesn't like gambling. I hope the seniors can let go of the younger generation."

"Joke!" The man's face changed and he said indifferently, "You don't have this qualification! You can't gamble or not." After saying that, the popularity suddenly rose, and the clothes were windless and automatic. With one finger, a red vitality ejected out. After stirring on the void, it scattered like ripples into the void. Suddenly, the ripples scattered like ripples, and the sky was as dark as ink in an instant, from which countless silver-white energy beams spread out, and then spread like a net.

Liu Yi was less than two feet in this man. When he saw the man popping out a red beam with one hand, his heart was creepy. The body moved and turned into a streamer galloping into the distance, trying to avoid the energy beam network.

The breath from his fingers made Liu Yi feel unable to deal with it. Seeing the silver-white light net spreading away, he was sure that he had no power to fight back against this person. Without thinking, he wanted to escape to the distance, but the net had already landed on the four sides of the earth.

With a bang, the magnificent airflow was rolled up on the four sides of the earth and blocked Liu Yi across the four directions. The air around is spinning like this, making a roar.

Faced with this person, Liu Yi was very disgusted, but he couldn't take action, which would only make him die faster. Although I don't know why he trapped himself, there must be his reason.

Turning around, Liu Yi looked at the man indifferently and said, "Why did the seniors force the younger generation!"

The man smiled and said, "I have always liked to gamble. That kind of excitement makes people nostalgic. Whenever I see the face of the loser, my heart comforts me a lot. In this life, I have gambled on my life and fortune. Bet on everything in life." Instead, the man's face became indifferent again and said lightly, "Only once, I lost, I lost so miserably..." He raised his head and looked at the dark void, and his eyes were confused. It seems to go back to the past.

Gradually, Liu Yi felt the cold around him, the desolation of the bone marrow.

"Senior, don't be sad about the past or rejoice in the future. Only grasping the present is the most important thing." Liu Yi comforted in a low voice.

"Not bad." After a long sigh, the man slowly looked at Liu Yi and said, "You are right, so now accept the fate given to you by God!" The man's face changed and said indifferently, "As long as you can pass this pattern, I will let you go, otherwise, you know what will happen."

Liu Yi was shocked. He thought he would comfort him, but he let himself go as soon as his heart was soft, but his wishes failed and he couldn't help but be disappointed.

The force rolls and flows in the body, filling all the cells of the body. Liu Yi's face was cold and looked at the person in front of him indifferently.

"Let's start!" This man said indifferently. After the illusion of the body, it dissipates in this world.

With the disappearance of this person, the rotating gas around also disappears. It turned into a dazzling bucket-like thick beam. Countless beams are connected together, trapping Liu Yi in it like a cage.

The earth rumbled, and the red beams intertwined on the ground, forming a chessboard. Liu Yi's body moved, and his body suddenly jumped up and floated.

"It's not good!" Liu Yi was surprised. In any case, the power in your body can't break through the shackles brought by the sky. For a moment, the body was pressed to the ground by invisible pressure.

The night sky is deep and dark, cold and cool. Liu Yi turned around and ran to the West to see if he could break through the cage. When approaching the edge of the beam, the rolling pressure is like a tide, forcing Liu Yi to the origin.

Liu Yi's forehead sweated slightly and looked around nervously.

"Don't waste your time trying to escape from this world. Unless you break it, you are ready to stay here for the rest of your life!" Indifferent sarcasm came from the sky.

Liu Yi took a deep breath and turned to look around.

After a thorn, the dazzling beam quickly retreated, and then stopped as thick as a finger. This pattern of the world has been magnified to a terrible state. At this time, white fog began to appear around. It didn't take long to turn into thick fog.

Liu Yi looked around warily, and the power in his body was running crazily. At the same time, he also introduced the pure yang power in Yuhuang's needle into his body. The thick fog rolled and narrowed his sight to within three feet. Even the extremely moving pupil can't see through a single thing, which makes Liu Yi's heart nervous again.

Suddenly, there was a wave on the ground in front of him. A moment later, a whirlpool appeared from below and a soldier came out from the inside. The soldier was dressed in black armor and looked at Liu Yi with a solemn face.

This look suddenly shocked Liu Yi to the extreme. The soldier in front of him is the same as Liu Yi. If he hadn't been wearing armor, Liu Yi thought he saw himself in the mirror. Or I saw my brother Liu Ao.

Take a closer look, and Liu Yi found that the place where this person exactly like him appeared was the intersection of red light. The sudden appearance of this soldier made Liu Yi unable to face it. I can't understand the pattern of this world.

Liu Yi looked at the soldier coldly, and the soldier stood not far away and was still looking at himself. Liu Yi walked forward and looked at him warily.

"Hmm!" Liu Yi snorted coldly, and a dazzling energy mass suddenly appeared on his palm. A cold light flashed in Liu Yi's eyes. His body moved and turned into a streamer and ran to the soldier. When he approached the soldier, he pressed the energy mass in his palm fiercely to the soldier.