Fate Creator

Chapter 273 Fight against yourself

An energy ball floated in Liu Yi's palm and suddenly attacked the soldier not far away. With a bang, the dazzling energy ball pressed on the soldier. The soldier was smashed. As the smoke and dust slowly dissipated, Liu Yi breathed a sigh of relief. He thought it was difficult for the soldier to deal with, but he didn't expect to be vulnerable.

Such a simple soldier made Liu Yi frown and couldn't help but wonder. This world pattern is set by the man just now, and it shouldn't be so simple. While thinking about it, there was a sound of brushing not far behind him.

Liu Yi turned his head and stared, and saw a whirlpool formed, and another soldier emerged from the middle. The soldier was the same as the soldier just now, but his black armor was replaced with silver and white.

The soldier's eyes were empty and looked at Liu Yi in a daze. There is nothing in the hand. But there is a faint energy fluctuation on its body. The small energy electric light shuttled on the armor, as if there was a layer of streamer. The soldier stood still.

A trace of cold light flashed in Liu Yi's eyes and slowly walked to the soldiers. At the same time, the right hand is slightly grasped to form a claw shape, in which several energy stripes rotate quickly to form an energy photosphere in an instant.

When approaching the soldiers, Liu Yi gently sent the energy ball in his hand forward. The angry energy ball left Liu Yi and ran to the soldiers.

However, to Liu Yi's surprise, the soldier's face remained unchanged when the light ball approached. However, in the palm of his right hand, like Liu Yi just now, he actually gathered an energy ball equivalent to himself.

In an instant, the soldier pushed the light ball forward and hit Liu Yi's light ball.


After a loud noise, the soldiers remained the same. Liu Yi's face showed a trace of surprise and frowned again. I don't know what this world pattern is, but from now, the soldier in front of him has learned his own moves. Judging from the light ball just now, it seems that the cultivation has improved to the same level as myself in an instant. But there doesn't seem to be.

"Is this imitation or construction..." Liu Yi didn't understand.

Liu Yi moved again and turned to the soldier's side. Another energy ball gathered in his hand and hit the soldier.

As Liu Yi thought, when the photosphere approached, the soldier concocted it and smashed Liu Yi's energy photosphere with his photosphere.

As soon as the steel teeth bit, Liu Yi ran the yangjing. When the nine light balls rotated beside him, he suddenly stimulated the power in his body and burst out in an instant. The nine light balls formed a golden dragon, galloping towards the soldier and swallowed the soldier in a moment.

Then, the dragon dissipated with the soldier.

"What kind of world is this?" Liu Yi frowned and thought deeply. At another intersection, a whirlpool appeared, and another split emerged from the inside. But this time it is different from the first two.

His eyes were a little flexible. When his eyes turned, he found Liu Yi, and his body was full of energy, and a dull voice came from his body.

"Na.. Life.. Come on!" The soldier's armor is as black as ink, like a flowing water. After seeing Liu Yi, he said three words word by word.

Liu Yi couldn't help sneering. This soldier who was not as good as his own was not to say anything and wanted his own life. But in this pattern of heaven and earth, Liu Yi dares not be careless at all. Although ants are small, they can also eat elephants. A straw is very light, but sometimes this insignificant weight can crush people to death.

After looking at it, Liu Yi was sure that there was no danger. Then, he moved and took the initiative to attack the soldiers. However, before he reached the soldier's side, the soldier's figure also moved, and the seemingly heavy armor did not drag at this moment. The soldier arrived at Liu Yi's side in an instant, turned to one side, and then an energy ball of light.

At present, Liu Yi can't help but be terrified, which is a trick he just used. Such a subtle action was not expected to be reflected in the next soldier. This is enough to surprise Liu Yi.

Then, Liu Yi was even more surprised that the soldier also used the Great Sun Sutra. Although the Great Yang Sutra is not so easy to understand, the soldier's proficiency in the Great Yang Sutra is not weaker than himself.

Liu Yi pushed out a palm casually, and with the help of the energy impact explosion, his body turned back. After standing, Liu Yi's forehead sweated slightly. The soldier's cultivation was very low, but after taking action, it was very different from before, and his cultivation suddenly increased to the point of horror. This makes Liu Yi unable to understand.

But Liu Yi has guessed in his heart that this world pattern is made by his own destiny. No matter what he does, he will produce a weak man, and this weak man's cultivation is chasing himself step by step. When the last one appears, it can be said that the one you want to fight with is the other self.

Thinking of this, Liu Yi took a cold breath. This pattern of heaven and earth can't be broken in any way. Unless you die, you can end this undefeated reincarnation.

After taking a deep breath, Liu Yi suppressed the crazy thoughts in his heart. After a while, he abandoned all distracting thoughts and dealt with the soldiers who rushed at ease.

Finally, under the pull of the Jiupan God Bow, the soldier's body was torn apart and then dissipated into smoke. Black and white armor appeared alternately, and the soldiers fell one after another. But then a more powerful character will appear.

During the fierce battle, sweat soaked through Liu Yi's clothes. However, Liu Yi still did not give up. He gritted his teeth and tried to fight with him. Three hours later, Liu Yi's body was more than three feet away by soldiers in silver-white armor.

With the power of pure yang in Yuhuang's needle, Liu Yi barely stood up. The cold light flashed in his eyes and fiercely wiped off the blood stains from the corners of his mouth. Liu Yi stood not far away and looked gloomily at the stopped soldiers.

The thick electric light of the thumb shuttles on the armor and flows. The soldier smiled slightly at the corners of his mouth, looked at Liu Yi gloomyly, and then said lightly, "Today's battle is to fight yourself. If you can't even defeat yourself, then you don't have to stay in this world.

"Go to hell!" Liu Yi cursed in his heart, which was completely a trap. Within this trap, I can't jump out of it at present. It can be said that I have lost from beginning to end, and I have lost miserably enough.

"Do you have to force me to go that far?" Liu Yi's heart was dull, as if he were pressing a huge stone. This ant, this straw on the verge of death, gave itself a last heavy blow.

Looking at Liu Yi without saying a word, the soldier hummed, "In addition to me, there are two of you. As long as you can defeat us, you will pass the pattern of the world."

The soldier's appearance is changing, suddenly like his own soldier, and suddenly the flying stranger.