The Path of Immortals

Chapter 190 Just a mortal

Xuyun Island is an insignificant small island in the sea area of Fangzhang Xiandao. It is only more than a few hundred miles wide and belongs to Qianyun Island.

At the beginning of the night, in the coconut grove near the coast of the island, there is a bamboo house made of yellowed bamboo and some irregular wooden boards, and there are faint lights in the room.

A burning oil lamp flashed a bean-sized flame, shining a slight yellow in the bamboo house, and at the same time exuded a fishy smell.

"Gu Du Du", an old man who looks fifty or sixty years old is smoking a hookah more than a foot long, squinting and leaning against a little coarsely carved old wood** at the head of a bed, with a slightly moldy quilt under his body.

The old man's skin is dark and very dry. There are several cracks in his cheeks, forehead, etc., and there is a thick layer of cocoons on the big hand holding the hookah, especially near the tiger's mouth. The skin on the back of the hand is also divided into pieces by deep wrinkles.

This is a typical fisherman's palm. After experiencing too much wind and sun, ** the skin will be so dry, rough and wrinkled.

"This fish oil lamp has a fishy smell. It smells really bad. Let's change it to soybean oil another day." Holding a three-inch-long array by the lamp, the woman who hooked the fishing net with a hemp line said loudly. There were also traces of time on her face. I don't know whether it was because of her poor eyesight or the light was too dim, she had to squint for a while before hooking out a needle.

"Hon with it, we don't have much soybean oil. If I go out to sea to catch a few big fish, I can change some back." After taking a deep breath of hookah, the old man removed the bamboo pipe, comforted him, and then said in a illustrious tone, "When I was young, I went to Qianyun Island once, and the fairy masters on the island can be seen everywhere. These immortals never light oil lamps at night. They all use glowing gem pearls. The price of any gem is enough for all of us on the island for a whole year. Those immortals have great magic, and they fly faster in the sky than Peng birds..."

"Okay, okay, it's endless when I talk about this. I've listened to it for most of my life." The woman interrupted the old man's words and said strangely. The old man's words reminded her of her youth. At that time, she liked to listen to the young man talking about the fairy master, all kinds of strange fairy Zhudu made her obsessed. Thinking of this, a burst of warmth rose in the woman's heart. She looked up at the silent old man and found that he was smoking hookah in a daze, obviously still recalling the scenery of Qianyun Island. The woman smiled and shook her head to continue her work.

"Someone is coming" The old man who was leaning on the bed mountain and smoking hookah suddenly sat up and said to the woman with a strange expression.

They don't have many relatives and friends, and they come to them at this time of the night, but they can't guess who they are. Then the woman also heard the rustling footsteps outside the house, and it sounded like more than one person.

"Is anyone there?" The footsteps outside the house stopped, and the voice of a young man came in a rather eager tone, as if he had encountered some trouble.

"It doesn't sound like people from this island. Did it come from other islands?" The old man has lived on this island for decades, and the voices of those faces have been tossed and turned on the island. He muttered in his heart. Through the cracks between the door panels, he saw a pair of young men and women vaguely, but the light was slightly dark and he could not see clearly, but he did not look like any resident on the island.

Only on a small island with spiritual veins will there be monks stationed and mortals will survive under the protection of monks. Therefore, there are not many islands with mortals. Generally, their geographical locations are too far away from each other, so each island rarely circulates with other small islands. At the same time, due to the small mobility, most of them have lived on a small island for generations, which makes the atmosphere of the mortal world very simple and hospitable.

The old man opened the wooden door and saw a pair of twenty-five or twenty- or six-year-old young men and women all wet.

Both of them are ordinary in appearance, but they are absolutely not disgusted, and they look very well matched. Anyone who sees it at first will guess the relationship between the two.

"Uncle and aunt, our husband and wife are from Qianyun Island. We accidentally encountered a big wave near Xuyun Island. The boat overturned. We swam ashore and asked uncle and aunt to take us in for one night." The young woman bent down to salute the two people and said, and pulled the slightly dark-skinned young man next to her. The latter was slightly stunned and then quickly bent down to salute.

"Of course, it's no problem to be polite." The old man smiled and said, "It's just that our family is a little poor. There are only two rooms in total. If you two don't dislike it, let's rest here for one night. The old woman and I went to the inner room to squeeze the old woman with the children "

"Thank you, uncle and aunt, for your hard work," the young man and woman said happily.

In a while, the woman brought a brazier with some dry wood in it, and then soon sent two bowls of salted fish noodles.

The young man and woman were naturally very grateful, but the old man was very bold. With a big wave of his hand, he took the old woman to an inner room.

"I think this young couple probably ran away from home." After the old woman lay down with the children, the old woman suddenly whispered in the old man's ear.

"How do you see it?" The old man asked doubtfully.

"Look carefully at that young man. His skin is dark, but he has no calluses on his hands, and his words are sour and sour. He is probably a poor scholar who has never suffered. And the little girl, although she is average-looking, has a decent manner. She must be a daughter. The poor scholar met the young lady. The two of them must have been private for the rest of their lives, but they were opposed by the woman's family. As soon as they were hot-headed, they eloped out and thought about the year..." The old woman said here, but stopped with a little embarrassment.

"Hey hey, I think your mother thought I was not a scholar and didn't let you marry me. If your father hadn't persuaded your mother at the last minute, I'm afraid we would have eloped," the old man laughed softly.

"Boh, who would elope with you, a dead old man," the old woman spatted.

"I was not a dead old man at that time. I was also very handsome when I was young. How could you identify me at a glance?" The old man defended unconvincedly.


Although the voices of the two men were extremely small, they came to the ears of young men and women word for word, and they couldn't help looking at each other and smiling.

This young man and woman are Zhao Di and Yun Mengli after hiding their cultivation and changing their appearance.

There is also a reason why the two chose this island.

There is a small spiritual vein on this island, but the density of aura is extremely low, just the appearance of the lower spiritual vein. Therefore, all monks with slightly higher cultivation do not want to practice on this island. They would rather spend more spiritual stones or choose some smaller caves.

Slowly, this island has become a chicken rib. There are not only spiritual veins, but more than 10,000 mortals live on the island, but no one takes over. Qianyun Island also spends some spiritual stones every year to maintain the protective array on this island.

So Qianyun Island simply transferred the low-level half-rent and half-free island. Regardless of the cultivation, as long as it can afford the annual spiritual stone consumption of the Fazhen on the island, it can become the island owner without paying other fees.

After such "excellent" conditions were given, some monks who liked purity were finally moved, and the last monk in the refining period became the island owner of the island.

The island where the chemy monks sit on is naturally unlikely to cause any trouble for these two people, or to be seen through and covered up.

In addition, Qianyun Island, the nearest big island to this island, is controlled by the Qianyun Sect of the Confucian sect. This sect is somewhat similar to the Qianji Gate. The highest cultivation in the gate is only the late Jiedan monks, and it has always been settled here, and the relationship with the Zhengdao League, the Anti-Tian League

In this way, the safety of Zhao Di and Yun Mengli can be guaranteed.

Because Yun Mengli's beauty is too shocking, even as a mortal, it is inevitable to cause great ** annoyance, so both of them simply turned into ordinary young people and mixed into this mortal.

Zhao Di casually arranged an invisible shield, covered him and Yun Mengli, and then gently floated a layer of aura, and instantly returned to a beautiful young man. Naturally, his body revealed the unique dusting temperament of immortals, which was completely different from the black-skinned young man just now. Yun Mengli also returned to her usual appearance. The beautiful appearance made Zhao Di a little stunned.

"My husband still wants to look at Meng Li's face for a long time, and I hope that my husband will not get tired of it after a long time." Yun Mengli smiled, and her cheeks were slightly red.

"If there is really an insatiable face in the world, it must be a loving wife." Zhao Di stretched out his hand and gently stroked Yun Mengli's beautiful face, and his eyes were full of love.

Yun Mengli took the opportunity to lean on Zhao Di's chest and whispered, "Do you know why Meng Li chose this family and began to settle down?"

Zhao Di gently stroked his beloved wife's dark hair with his fingers and replied with a smile, "You said that my mother-in-law is from a mortal background. Does this have anything to do with my mother-in-law?"

"Yes, my husband guessed that my mother was the daughter of a fisherman. She grew up in this environment. It was not until she was 18 years old that she accidentally met her father who stayed in the mortal world for some reason. My mother often told me that the day she missed most in her life was the few years she spent in the mortal world with her father. At that time, although her father was ordinary, he was happy and simple. When she returned to Xixing Island with her father, her father was either busy studying the formation or retreating all day long. There were few leisure days, and the communication between his mother and him was getting less and less. Yun Mengli played with Zhao Di's clothes and said slowly.

"My mother often says that I have a spiritual root. I don't know whether I'm lucky or unlucky. Although I have the opportunity to practice immortality and have strong magical powers, it is difficult to experience the simple and happy happiness of mortals. At least in her opinion, her father's happiest time was also in those years in the mortal world.

Speaking of this, Yun Mengli sighed and continued to say quietly, "After my family suffered great changes, I had lost interest in the way of cultivating immortals. If it hadn't been for my father's revenge, I would not have had the motivation to continue practicing at all. In addition to revenge, my greatest wish is to experience the simplicity and happiness of the mortal world, as my mother said. I also need to thank my husband for letting go of his practice and spend the rest of his life with Meng Li.

"Yes, the reason why mortals are happy is that they are simple. As long as they can eat well and live well, they can be very happy. The trivial things in the eyes of the monks can be so excited for mortals that they can't sleep for a few days. Similarly, the persistent pursuit and explanation of mortals is still not worth mentioning in the eyes of immortals. What the immortals pursue, to mortals, seems illusory and unrealistic. Maybe they will also think that what we immortals pursue is a meaningless illusory thing. Zhao Di said lightly.

"Yes, perhaps in the eyes of mortals, we immortals are high-level. We can not only fly around, have great magic power, but also be disease-free, painless and live for a long time, but it is difficult for them to imagine how cruel and ruthless the immortal world is, and how heartless the immortals are, and there is little Sense. If it hadn't been for the mortal world, maybe my husband and Meng Li would never have been so in love. Yun Mengli said softly, looking at Zhao Di gently.

Zhao Di gently kissed Yun Mengli's forehead, but the latter buried his head in Zhao Di's arms and was extremely shy.

On the second day, Zhao Di and Yun Mengli, who were modified by Yirong, thanked the old couple and explained their intentions. According to their guesses, they said that they had eloped from Qianyun Island for life and planned to live on Xuyun Island in the future.

The old man looked at Zhao Di and suddenly said, "Brother Jane, look at you, you should have read a lot of books. Your body is too thin and not suitable for rough work like the old man and me. It's better to open a private school on this island to teach children to read books and read, so that they can make a living.""Teaching?" Zhao Di frowned slightly when he heard the words and looked at Yun Mengli.

"Yes, I often hear the old man say that as long as the children on Qianyun Island are not in poor family conditions, they will try their best to send them to the school to study for a few years. If you study well, you may even be favored by the immortal master, become a disciple of immortal cultivation, and even become a great immortal master in the future.

Zhao Di smiled. Probably what the old man and his wife said was about Qianyunzong recruiting disciples. As a Confucian sect, Qianyun Sect pays a lot of attention to reading and Taoism. If there is a breath of calligraphy in the process, it can not only use some powerful Confucian secrets, but also practice Confucian skills and get twice the result with half the effort.

Therefore, Qian Yunzong went to the school to select some young disciples who had spiritual roots and had a little breath of books. It was indeed normal to add the introduction.

"Husband, Uncle Li's suggestion is good. You might as well think about it." Yun Mengli said with a smile.

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