The Path of Immortals

Chapter 191 Teacher

The old man persuaded again: "There is a teacher on the island. A few years ago, there was also a teacher on the island, but he was too old and in poor health, and the library has been closed. In the past few years, there has been no second teacher on the island. Alas, this small island is too small, and those scholars don't want to stay here. They have gone to Qianyun Island, a large island that is tens of millions of times larger. Only we, who work hard, still make a living on this small island.

"Mr. Jane, if you are willing to open a school on this small island, it will also benefit the whole island. It's a merit." The old man's name has changed, and he is more and more respectful to Zhao.

"Although I have read some books, I don't know if I have the ability to teach in school. On the contrary, I don't have any other skills, so try my best." Zhao Di smiled and accepted the matter.

The old man was overjoyed and immediately took the initiative to contact some residents in the town to help Zhaodi build a good school as soon as possible.

Not long after, the old man came to Zhao Di with a large number of people and said "Mr. Jane" respectfully. It seemed that what the old man said was true. There were really few scholars on this island. After a scholar came to the island, these people were very happy.

Under the signal of "Mr. Jian", these people used the bamboo and trees on the island to quickly build several bamboo houses and wooden houses at the foot of a green mountain, and added a lot of bamboo tables and chairs. In just half a month, the book "Listening to the Bamboo Book House" of "Mr. Jane" was opened with the strong support of the

Because "Mr. Jane" only charged a symbolic fee, the residents of the island sent more than a dozen children between the ages of five and twelve on the first day of the opening of the school.

"The line in the mother's hand, the wanderer's clothes. Before leaving the tight cracks, I'm afraid I'll be late. On the first day of Zhao Di's teaching, he only taught the children to read this poem and briefly introduced the meaning of the poem. As for literacy, these children have different levels. Some of them have read books for a year or two and can read more than a hundred words, and some have not even caught a pen.

Moreover, most of these children have no names, only some nicknames such as "Dumb, Ergou, Nengzi". Zhao Di then gave each child who did not have a big name yet an elegant taboo and wrote it on a piece of paper for them to take it back.

Before long, more and more children were sent to Zhao Di, and Zhao Di did not refuse to come, and all of them were accepted. At the peak, he even had nearly a hundred schoolchildren. He had to expand the bamboo house and teach the children in three batches according to their literacy level. At the end of the day, it also made him quite busy.

In addition to teaching these children to read and read, Zhao Di occasionally tells some ways of heaven and earth, such as filial piety to parents, respecting teachers and teaching, respecting others, and being kind to yourself, etc. These things are often just a matter of the point. With his open-mindedness of cultivating immortals for many years, he will naturally not instill some so-called benevolent and righteous kings and ministers. This is also the difference between Zhao Di's private school and other Confucian books.

Occasionally, there are some smart and inquisitive schoolchildren who often ask "Mr. Jane" some unresponsical questions, and many of them can't be answered by Zhao Di.

"Outside the sea is the mainland, and what is outside the mainland?"

"There is a sky on the head, what is on the head of the sky?"

"There is the ground and the sea under your feet. How deep is the ground? How deep is the sea? What is the bottom of the earth and the sea?"

"Why do the sun, moon and stars rotate, and who is manipulating these? Is it the way of heaven?"

"Where is the way of heaven? What is the way of heaven? Is the reincarnation of life and death the way of heaven? Is the way of heaven a man, an immortal, or an illusion that does not exist at all?

"Is the way of heaven just? Why is there a difference between livestock and monsters, as well as mortals and immortals? If the way of heaven is unfair, who will the way speak for that day?

It is hard to imagine that such a profound problem will come from a teenager's child's mouth. These children's simple and simple ideas often make it difficult for Zhao Di, a great monk who has lived for more than a hundred years, to live on the spot, and sometimes it even makes him think about it for a few days.

Yun Mengli can't be idle. In addition to assisting Zhao Di to take care of the bamboo house, these children usually need her to prepare their lunch. For her, who has never been exposed to the way of cooking, this test is no less difficult than Zhao Di.

The couple revolved around the bamboo house book hall all day long, and the point is also in good order.

When a hairy child has been a professor for two or three years, he can not only read and write, but also be filial to his parents and treat others politely, which also makes Zhao Di quite gratified.

Gradually more than ten years have passed, and the name of "listening to the bamboo bookstore" has become more and more popular. Although there is also a second bookstore on the island, the residents of the island are usually more willing to send their children to Mr. Jane. Only when Mr. Jane's quota is full can they go to another bookstore.

After more than ten years of work, for Zhao Di in the past, perhaps a closed practice has passed, and it is difficult to understand the long flow of time. As a mortal, he spends every day in a real way. More than ten years of changes have even made him feel like he is separated from the world.

Zhao Di and Yun Mengli, who have been dressed up as middle-aged couples, have rarely talked about topics related to the immortal world for many years. Instead, like ordinary mortal couples, they are talking about which child is clever, which child is naughty, which child is honest and introverted, and whose family on the island has had a red and white happy event Whether there are disputes between neighbors and other trivial matters. For them at this time, perhaps the trivialities of mortals that these immortals disdain are real and real.

In the past ten years, the world of star sea cultivation is still bloody and rainy, which is not calm, especially in the alien world. Although the density of monsters has increased significantly, the rumored tide of beasts has not broken out for a long time, which is not good news for the Overseas Chamber of Commerce.

Because the later the beast tide breaks out, the more monsters will be accumulated during this period, and the destructive power of the beast tide will also be greatly increased.

This beast tide seems to be 20 or 30 years later than the previous records, but there is still no sign of an outbreak. It has been predicted that if this beast tide does not break out in advance within ten years, I'm afraid its influence will even affect Island 3.

However, for the foundation-building period and the elixir period monks who improve their cultivation by killing monsters and obtaining demon elixirs, the period before the outbreak of the beast tide is a rare golden period. All monks with certain strength come to the alien world, or alone or in teams to hunt monsters. As a result, the alien stars have become more lively and uneasy.

As for the inner stars, although the surface is calm, the potential power competition of the major forces has been surging under the calm surface. In particular, the Xueyi Gate, which has greatly increased its strength in the sealing space, has gradually replaced the status of Tianmo Sect and become the most rich sect in Yingzhou Xiandao.

And more than ten years ago, Zhao Di and Yun Mengli were wanted by the three major forces of Xingchenhai. The reward was so high that even Zhao Di would be moved when he saw it.

Zhao Di's name and appearance are also spread all over the sea of stars. Some monks who know Zhao Di also have different thoughts after seeing this highly wanted person.

Over the past ten years, Yun Mengli has changed the most. She has almost completely abandoned her identity as a immortal, and with the passage of time, even the hatred of her family, which has always been resentful, has gradually been released. More than ten years ago, she expected Zhao Di to make great progress one day and kill Tianhe Jushi for her to avenge her. But after more than ten years of mortal life, she suddenly brought up this matter one day and took the initiative to ask Zhao Di to give up the idea of revenge for her, only saying that this person has his own harvest.

Zhao Di did not agree with this point of view, but in any case, seeing that his beloved wife can untie the knot, put down the burden, and live a real happy life, he is also happy for Meng Li.

As for the Youlan Youruo sisters, they have been listening to the deep underground of the green mountains next to the bamboo book house, quietly cultivating. At the same time, they are also responsible for helping Zhao Di cultivate several treasures of the seven treasures of Buddhism, as well as feeding the spirit beast ice wind python.

The cave where the two women live is hidden by her skillful formation. Not to mention that there is only one chemist on the island, even if there is a master of the Jiedan period here, he can't see any flaw. And at such a close distance, even if there is wind or an accident, it can be controlled by Zhao Di.

Recently, the two girls told Zhao Di through divine consciousness that after refining several six-level dragonflies refined from six-level dragonflies, their breath became manic, and it seemed that it was possible to advance again.

Zhao Di, the master, had to comfort the python in person for several nights. As a result, the ice wind python entered a long sleep after his breath calmed down slightly. This is the omen before this python's previous promotion.

At night, Zhao Di put the ice wind python to sleep in the cave under the ground, and then returned to the bamboo book house again.

"Husband, how is the spirit beast?" Because no mortals would come to the bamboo bookstore at night, Yun Mengli also changed back to her original stunning appearance and asked Zhao Di with concern.

"The situation is very good. It has entered a long sleep." Zhao Di took his wife's jade hand and slowly strolled in the bamboo house. The bamboo under his feet made a creaking and cadence, which set off the silence of the night. The bright moonlight was faintly sprinkled on their faces, showing a little dust.

At this time, the expression and temperament of the two people make it difficult to connect with the scholar couple during the day.

"Is my husband going to refine a treasure in the near future?" Yun Mengli looked at Zhao Di with a smile, and anyone could see the strong affection contained in her eyes.

"Is that what this girl said?" Zhao Di smiled and stared at the other party. He also stared at the beautiful appearance of his beloved wife. For so many years, he never got tired of it. He reached out and gently hugged his beloved wife's waist, and the latter gently leaned against his arms.

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