The Path of Immortals

Chapter 501 First Painting Magic Pattern

"There is no one in ten thousand" Zhao Di's heart moved. The more difficult it is, the more rare it is, and the higher the value is.

"Not bad! In terms of the second solid magic pattern on my fine iron armor, I have tried it more than a hundred times, but I still can't draw it. Every time I go to the key place, I will lose control and make mistakes. The value of wasted materials far exceeds the price of this magic pattern!" The girl said sadly.

As soon as Zhao Di heard this, he immediately realized that the drawing of this magic pattern must have its difficulties, or it has high requirements for the cultivation of the painter, or has certain requirements for a certain talent. If it does not meet the basic conditions, even if it is tried many times, it cannot succeed.

Just like he experimented with Xianang's runes at the beginning, his cultivation did not reach that level at all, so he could never draw them.

But the power and requirements of the variant Xiangwen runes are much lower, but he can draw some.

He asked tentatively, "Oh, this magic pattern has so much attention. Is it that the production method of the magic pattern is extremely secret and never spread to the outside world?" "That's not true," the girl shook her head and said, "The basic magic pattern and production method are sold in many skill stores, and the price is not very expensive. But it is very difficult to make. Why do you also want to try the drawing of this magic pattern? I advise you to give up. You need to invest a lot of money to practice magic lines! And I don't know how many people tried and finally gave up!"

The girl seemed to be very interested when she heard Zhao Di's tone, so she kindly reminded her.

The old man smashed his mouth and said, "Oh, don't say that! Maybe this little brother has great talent in magic lines. If you don't try, you can do it. If such a good talent is wasted, you will be punished by God! Daughter, don't you have a basic magic jade slip? Why don't you sell it to this little brother cheaply!"

The old man turned his head to Zhao Di again and said sincerely, "Brother, if you want to learn magic patterns, don't go to the kung fu shop to buy jade slips. You are prone to loss in price. It's better to buy some jade slips that the little girl already has and only charge you half the price!"

Zhao Di was stunned. The old man looked burly and rough, and he was actually a careful person. Obviously, those jade slips had no effect on girls, and they could sell some.

"Okay," Zhao Di readily agreed and took out a magic crystal and gave it to the old man. In fact, it was one of the Chinese magic crystals given to him by the girl just now.

The table tennis girl also immediately took out a fan-shaped jade slip made of black jade and gave it to Zhao Di.

Zhao Di directly immersed a wisp of divine knowledge into the jade slip, and recorded this information in the divine consciousness in a moment." But he also pretended to stick it on his forehead, so as not to be seen by the two of them that his divine consciousness was too powerful to grasp the information in the jade slip in an instant.

The girl took out another gray pen, a few ink-colored vials and other things, and gave them all to Zhao Di. She said, "This jade slip alone is not worth a medium magic crystal." I still have some materials to draw magic patterns here, and I will give them to you."

"Thank you, both of you!" Zhao Di took it and put it in his arms, and then looked like a meditating face, as if he was reading the information about the magic pattern carefully.

Sure enough, it is somewhat similar to the Xianhang rune drawing he has tried, which is basically the same in principle, but in the process of drawing this magic pattern, a lot of magic gas must be injected, and there are certain requirements for magic pattern pens, magic sand and other materials.

Touch is bypassed. Zhao Di doesn't think there are many mysteries and difficulties in this. Presumably, like Xian Gongwen, you can only experience the difficulties when it is really made.

This jade slip is really basic enough. In addition to introducing the basic knowledge of magic patterns, there are only "sharp magic patterns" and "strong magic patterns", the two most common graphics and production methods of magic patterns. However, it is mentioned in the jade surface that these two magic lines have a high level, and only the first three layers are recorded in the jade slip.

"This magic pattern does not seem to be complicated and mysterious. Is it really difficult?" Zhao Di asked with some doubt. He looked at them carefully several times. These magic lines were much simpler than many of the runes he had drawn. Even if he really only had the cultivation of the Jiedan period, he should be able to draw them!

"The way of magic patterns is indeed easy to see and difficult to do! With your cultivation, if you can successfully draw the first layer of solid magic lines within a month, it will be very great!" The girl said with a smile.

At the beginning, she also had such an idea, so she tried to draw magic lines. As a result, even the second layer of strong magic lines could not be drawn. Rumor has it that even the magic pattern of the third layer can barely master the magic pattern of the magic period, which is not far from her cultivation!

"In this case, I'm really interested in trying it." Zhao Di showed his undisguised interest in the magic pattern.

This feather-shaped flying magic weapon is not suitable for multi-person passengers. Of course, the speed at this time is not fast. After flying for more than two hours, I finally saw a gathering point of the demon clan.

This is a valley that is not too wide, surrounded by mountains on three sides, and a stone wall more than a hundred feet high has been built on the side of the wilderness, but it looks particularly rough, which is completely different from the neat walls in the human world.

The buildings in the city wall are also simple single-storey stone houses, and even most of the stone houses have uneven surfaces. Obviously, they have not been finely processed and piled up at will.

For those who cultivate immortals with great magic power, it doesn't take much time and effort to deal with the residence neatly and delicately.

Compared with this place, any place where immortals gather is jade carvings, not to mention several extremely luxurious places such as the Undersea Dragon Palace.

As if to see the doubts in Zhao's heart, the girl said with some embarrassment, "We Liusha people generally have no fixed place. This is only a temporary residence for hunting and killing warcrafts in the wilderness, so it is a little simple."

"So that's it!" Zhao Di nodded slightly and said. He looked at it. There were only more than 10,000 stone houses here, and I'm afraid the number of people would not be too large. As a tribe, it was too small. If it's just a temporary residence, it's another matter.

At the same time, he simply scanned it with his consciousness, but he did not find that his cultivation was particularly high, and his heart was also relaxed.

With his current situation, it will take at least ten years to repair the injury, so he does not want to encounter a high-level existence.

"In the middle of the night in April, the Warcrafts here will become extremely irritable, and may even attack our people in groups, so it is safer to stay in such a temporary residence at night."

Listening to the girl's patient explanation, Zhao nodded and smiled at her with gratitude.

"Little brother, when you get here, the contract can be terminated. Are you looking for a place to live by yourself, or stay in my husband's stone house? I'm much better with a stone house. Of course, I have to charge a certain fee, but it's more cost-effective than looking for a place outside!"

The old man is indeed a calculating person, and he does not want to let go of the opportunity to earn a little magic crystal from Zhao Di.

Sure enough, Zhao Di agreed. He laughed and said, "Don't be in a hurry to cancel the contract. I'm very strange here and dare not act alone. Both of them are trustworthy people, and of course I am willing to disturb the night. But the cost..."

"What's the matter, you won't even give up a few pieces of magic crystals! You just earned several pieces of magic crystals from me!" I interrupted with dissatisfaction.

"Of course, that's not what the episode means." Zhao Di's mouth warped, showing a mysterious smile. He pointed to the girl and said, "I can help repair the magic lines on this armor to replace the borrowed cost. By the way, I would also thank you for your help in the way."

"Repair the magic pattern!" The girl, with a suspicious look, shook her head and said, "This is the second layer of strong magic pattern. Can you fix it?"

"Let him have a try. Anyway, the magic pattern drawing is not successful, and it's just a waste of magic pattern materials and won't damage the armor. If you can't do it, you can double the borrowing fee!" The old man sneered in his heart. He has really seen a lot of such a young man in his life.

"No problem!" Zhao Di seemed to say confidently, which made the girl more suspicious and couldn't help looking at Zhao Di a few more times.

The old man and others then took Zhao Di to a courtyard with three stone houses, and then took out a palm-sized plate-like treasure and put a few evil spirit into it.

After a while, a black light flashed in the courtyard, covering several stone houses, which seemed to have inspired a magic array.

Zhao Di noticed that this is just a simple isolation array, and the defense is very limited, and there are obviously strange magic tattoos on the array. It seems that the application of magic tattoos is very extensive here.

He also thought of some arrays used by the Warcraft side, as well as several arrays destroyed by him, which seemed to have similar magic patterns, but in terms of lines and textures, they were much more complicated and detailed.

Zhao Di then took out the gray pen and a small bottle containing a little ink crystal sand that the girl gave him, and put on a posture of drawing magic patterns.

"Do you really want to try it? The price of this cloud iron sand is not high, and the cost of drawing one time is also ten yuan for the magic crystal! And the amount of cloud iron sand in this bottle can only be tried three times!" The girl seemed to think that Zhao Di had suffered too much, and reminded him with some embarrassment.

"Well, I must give it a try. Thank you for reminding me!" Zhao Jidi mian smiled but his tone was firm.

The girl had to remove the fine iron armor and hand it over to Zhao Di at the old man's signal.

Zhao Di took it and found that the armor seemed thin and close to the body, but it weighed no less than a hundred catties.

Zhao Di took a closer look at the magic pattern of the armor damage, and then picked up the gray pen in a master's style, dipped in full of cloud iron sand, and then outlined the magic patterns on the armor, sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly, sometimes light, and sometimes thickly.