The Path of Immortals

Chapter 502 Talent

Chapter 5002 Talent

The father and daughter also stared at Zhao Di's every move, and their expressions were constantly changing.

"Wow!" The girl exclaimed, just now, when Zhao Di hooked a magic pattern, it passed very smoothly, and that stroke was the place where she had failed many times and never succeeded.

Every time she draws here, even if she injects more magic spirit and concentrates carefully, she will make mistakes like losing control. It is either a little crooked or the magic line is interrupted, and the result is a failure.

And Zhao Di actually outlined it very easily, as if there were no difficulties here.

When the magic pattern was about to end, the two of them had held their breath and did not blink. The expression was a little more nervous than Zhao Di, and at the same time, they were a little more shocked.

Finally, Zhao Di also finished the last stroke and smiled at the two.

The whole process was completed in one go. In less than half a column of incense, the completed magic pattern shone with a black light, and then it fell into the armor, and the dark light emitted by the armor immediately became brighter.

"One success!" The girl was shocked and stared at Zhao Di with a smile on her eyes wide open. She was not only unbelievable, but also very admired, and a little envious.

"Who exactly is Your Excellency? It must not be accidental to be able to successfully draw the second layer of magic lines at one time!" The old man was stunned and shocked. At the same time, he asked Zhao Di with his eyes shrank.

"You don't have to worry about who I am. As long as you know that I am not a local person, and I don't want to make a big fan. In addition, I can also let you practice worry-free in the future, and the magic crystal can't make money!" Zhao Di went straight to the point and moved the other party with the magic crystal that the old man missed most.

Sure enough, the old man's eyes flashed, and he said eagerly, "Inexhaustible magic crystal, what do you mean by this?"

"Not bad! From today's events, you should see that I am very talented in magic lines, and I also want to make more progress in this regard. But I don't dare to be too ostentatious in this strange place, so as not to cause trouble. Therefore, I need you to cover up for me, and I secretly draw magic lines and earn a lot of magic crystals. The magic crystals I earn can be divided into part of you. I'm afraid this part is dozens of times, or even hundreds of times more than you kill Warcraft! I don't know what you two think?"

Zhao's ground condensed and looked at the father and daughter with a serious expression.

The old man and the girl looked at each other and couldn't believe how such a good thing fell on him for no reason. A gifted magic tattooist's income is indeed much higher than that of their subordinates. Unexpectedly, there is a magic tattooist who is willing to cooperate with them. This is simply hit by a treasure falling from the sky!

"How do you want my father and daughter to cover up?" The old man asked in a low voice, and his tone was unconsciously respectful.

"It's very simple. Sell some finished products for me and help me buy some raw materials and classics, but I can't expose my existence at all, otherwise the cooperation will be suspended immediately, that's all!" Zhao Di replied with a smile.

"Sir, please wait a moment and let me discuss it with my daughter." After hesitating for a while, the old man respectfully asked Zhao Di for instructions.

"Of course, this is not a small matter. You should think about it carefully!" Zhao nodded, and then generously walked out of the stone house to show that he would not disturb the conversation between his father and daughter.

After Zhao Di left the stone house, the old man immediately clicked the array in his hand and arranged a small light shield to prevent the content of his conversation with the girl from leaking out.

But for Zhao Di, there is no need to deliberately eavesdrop at all. The words of the two came to his ears word for word.

"Daughter, our chance has really arrived! This person is mostly a magician of other demon clans, or he is really talented. In any case, just doing some errands can earn a lot of magic crystals, which is much better than killing Warcraft! And this person has signed a blood soul contract with us, which will not be unfavorable to us. What's more, our father and daughter are poor, and there is nothing worthy of this magician's coveted!" The old man's tone was so excited that he even said "adult".

Usually, the magic tattooist is a superior existence, that is, a half-baked magic tattooist who can only draw the second layer of magic patterns, and he is also extremely arrogant. Now there is such a genius who is willing to cooperate with him and promises to share part of his magic crystals. He really can't think of a reason to refuse.

The girl said thoughtfully, "If this is really the case, it would be the best. However, my daughter is worried that such a day will not last long. His talent is so special that he will definitely leave one day. My daughter wants to learn the art of magic pattern drawing from him. If she can really master the second layer of magic pattern, she also has a skill, and she can be self-sufficient in her future practice!"

"You're right! My daughter has a long-term vision, which is much better than my father. Let's ask him. He actually chose you, my father and daughter. Naturally, he doesn't want to see more outsiders. With such a small condition, he will certainly not refuse!" The old man said happily that he was already looking forward to a completely different practice life in the future.

Then he removed the mask, took the girl out of the door, respectfully welcomed Zhao Di into the stone house, and said very politely, "It is my father and daughter's honor to be willing to cooperate with my father and daughter. Of course, I will not refuse. It's just that the little girl is very yearning for the magic tattoo. Can the adult point out the little girl a little in his spare time? My father and daughter are very grateful!"

With that, both the old man and the girl clenched their fists with their right hands, crossed their chests, and then bent slightly to say.

Although Zhao Di didn't understand, he could also guess that this was the etiquette here. He waved his hand and said with a smile, "This is good to say. As long as you do your best to help me do things, I will naturally not treat you badly, and there will be no problem with your advice.

"Thank you, my lord!" The girl said again with great joy.

"You don't have to call adults so out of sight. I don't know what you call them?" Zhao Di asked.

"My name is Ghost Jade Orchid, and my father's name is Ghost Jade Copper. Ghost jade is a common surname of the Liusha people. I don't know what to call the adult?" The girl said with a smile.

"My name is Zhao Di!" Zhao Di replied without thinking. In the demon world, the name is just a code name, and it doesn't matter whether it's true or false.

"The adult's name is so strange!" The girl frowned slightly and said, and the old man nodded and agreed with the same feeling.

Zhao Di rolled his eyes in his heart. For the human world, it is obvious that the names such as ghost, jade and copper are much more strange!

"The name is just a name, why care!" Zhao Di said without hesitation, and then began to give the first order to the two: "I'm going to try the magic pattern of the third layer. Unfortunately, there are no raw materials. You can buy some for me. In addition, I don't know anything about this place. I also try to buy as many classics about the customs, customs, their own refineries and other basic common sense here. I don't want to be profound, but the more complete the variety, the better.

"If there is anything you don't understand, just ask me and wait. Why spend those magic crystals to buy classics? It's a waste." The old man is obviously a very qualified "assistant" and has begun to calculate for Zhao Dijing.

"It's a waste of time to ask and answer. It's better to read the classics quickly! Also, like the speech pill you gave me, you also buy one for each word, and you are prepared. Zhao Di said rudely in the tone of issuing instructions.

"Yes, my lord." The old man quickly said yes and dared not say too much for fear of causing the impatience of the future "money tree".

"However, there are very few things that can be bought in this gathering place. You have to go to the big city where the upper clan is located to buy the raw materials and other items that adults need." The girl added.

Zhao Di pondered for a while when he heard the words. Since the lower clan in the magic baby period can only join the upper clan and can only serve as non-core members, there must be a Huashen period or even higher in the upper clan. Zhao Di is unwilling to contact these people to avoid accidents.

However, if you want to have more information, especially the refining weapons, magic lines and other means in the magic world, I'm afraid you can't do it without going to the upper city.

So he said, "I don't like the bustle. Well, find a remote place near the big city, and I'll settle down there. I will live in seclusion and draw magic lines, and you two are responsible for everything else.

After the two said it was, they left the largest stone house to Zhao Di, and then left.

Zhao Di is still very satisfied with the performance of these two people. Although there is not much contact, it can be seen that the father and daughter have strong family affection, and they are not foolish fools. As long as he is willing to help them earn a lot of magic crystals, the two dare not risk betraying him in any case.

What's more, the blood soul contract is useless to him, but the binding force on these two people is not small, and the two dare not fight against Zhao Di.

After the two left, Zhao Di wore a sleeve robe and also offered an isolation light cover, but it was much thicker than the old man's magic array.

After Zhao Di's divine consciousness explored and confirmed that there was no high-level existence within a thousand miles, a wave of the sleeve robe, and a mini seven-story golden tower emerged. Then, a three-legged and two-eared small tripod flew out of the tower, which was the Qiankun treasure tripod!

As soon as the little tripod flew out of the Tongtian Tower, Zhao Di immediately found an abnormality.

The magic around Xiaoding, like being extremely afraid of Xiaoding, has been rejected by it one after another, and can't get close to Xiaoding at all.

Zhao Di played a pure magic spirit to Xiaoding. As a result, the same was blocked by intangible objects outside Xiaoding's feet, and it was inaccessible at all.

Zhao Di tried several more times without give up, all of which were the same result.

He frowned. After thinking for a moment, he put a magic crystal in the small tripod again. However, at the moment when the magic crystal was put into the small tripod, the pure magic gas contained in the magic crystal involuntarily escaped one after another, turned into a stream of black gas and disappeared in the surrounding air.

The magic crystal turned into an ordinary crystal again.

Zhao Di looked at Xiaoding carefully, put it in the Tongtian Tower again, and put the Tongtian Tower properly. He said in his heart:

"It seems that this little tripod is the most spiritual thing, which is very repulsive to magic! In the future, the practice of this magic body can only rely on strong talent!"

(First update, thank you for your support! Still in the top ten, I hope to stick to it for a few more days. This is a good publicity opportunity.) RO