The Path of Immortals

Chapter 545 Three Red Pythons

Jin Yu frowned and wrinkled his hands and feet. There was almost no magic spirit of heaven and earth here. Many powerful magic powers could not be used, and his strength was weakened a lot. He could only rely on his strong body and the only magic spirit in the [body] to fight against the enemy.

"Is this the spiritual world of the past? It seems to be much more desolate than the demon world!" Zhao Di asked doubtfully, but he was a little excited.

At this time, there was an endless dark yellow desert under his feet, which felt very hot. There were still many red rocks in the desert, and there was no life around him.

"Well, this place was indeed a spiritual world without a doubt." The old man said with a smile, "However, I speculate that most of this place is a desolate area of the spiritual world, similar to the wild land of the demon world. There are only some wild monsters that can't open their minds and transform human beings, and there are no human beings in However, those wild monsters may have some strange magic power, and you two should also be careful!" "Thank you, Lord Chen for your advice!" Zhao Di and others bowed their hands.

The old man waved his hand and signaled that the two of them did not have to be too polite. He continued, "You two are going to the depths of the small spiritual world to practice. Six months later, they are still gathered here. I and Brother Jin Ling will wait for you here." "However, just in case, the Holy King specially asked you two to sign a blood soul contract to avoid the stupid thing of killing each other!" The old man said with a smile and a condensed face.

As the old man said, there was an exquisite scroll several inches in his wrist, which unfolded slowly, full of more than a dozen very complex magic lines, and dozens of dark red rice-sized Jin Kui characters, to the meaning that it was the content of the blood soul contract was signed.

The material of this scroll is very special. It is definitely not an ordinary high-level warcraft. Zhao Di can't recognize it.

In addition, the magic pressure emanating from the scroll and the mysterious Aowei contained in the magic lines can show that this blood soul contract does have a great limiting effect on the existence of the god period level.

"Of course, before the official test with Jin Shi" is that someone wants to kill Jin Shi, and the younger generation will not agree! The younger generation will definitely defeat Jin Sa with his own hands on the stage!" Jin Yu said with the corners of his mouth and glanced at Zhao Di at the same time.

Zhao Di also smiled and said, "That's right." The younger generation also wants to fight fairly. Even if they lose, there is no regret!" The two bit the tip of their tongues, spit out a trace of blood, gathered into a ball of blood in mid-air, and then dipped their fingers in blood drops. On the scroll of the blood min.

After the blood magic pattern was completed, it emitted a faint layer of blood light, and then integrated into the scroll without leaving any traces, but Zhao Di felt that there seemed to be a little more foreign impurities and marks in the divine consciousness and blood, which could not be found out or destroyed.

Seeing that the two successfully completed the blood soul contract, he announced the start of this half-year experience!

Zhao Di and Jin Yu said goodbye to the old man and the young man" and flew to the distance.

"Brother Jinsha, the small spiritual world here is also open. Why don't you and I act separately and choose one direction to search for monsters?" Jin Yu proposed to Zhao Di to separate.

Zhao Di couldn't ask for it. Of course, he was full of promises. He chose to explore to the left. Jin Yu then flew to the right.

Zhao Di flew for several days in a row, and there was always a piece of hot yellow sand under his body. Except for occasionally seeing a few low-level three-tailed sand foxes and some strange insects, no trace of high-level monsters was found.

At this time, he and several other people such as Jin Yu were far away, and even their golden holy breath had not been felt for a long time.

Zhao Di's heart moved "to sacrifice the Tongtian Tower quietly in his sleeves, and a light green light flashed" was already a ten-level monster level of ice wind flying out of it.

The change of ice wind Jiao to the aura of heaven and earth is much more ** than his golden demon body, which is more helpful to help him find a place with strong aura, and in this place, it is much more likely to find high-level monsters.

As for his ontology, it has been a period of time since he stopped at the peak of the early stage of Huashen. The detection range is much larger than the ice wind in the general aura sensing of heaven and earth, but he does not dare to sacrifice the ontology easily. There are too many secrets involved in the ontology. In case

The ice wind is obviously very dissatisfied with the hot and dry desert environment here, and his eyes are extremely disappointed.

Obviously, the rumor that the small spiritual world, which originally belonged to the spiritual space, did not bring surprises to the ice wind.

The aura of heaven and earth here is far less than that in the Tongtian Tower, which is only equivalent to the level of medium spiritual veins in the human world.

The ice wind flew around for a moment, carefully sensing something. Soon after, it chose a direction, carried Zhao Di, and flew away quickly.

It will take a long time to stay here. In addition to refining the magic core to replenish the magic gas, there is no other way to restore the magic gas in the [body]. Therefore, Zhao Di should also save the magic gas in his [body]. It is most appropriate to let the extremely fast ice wind do this kind of thing.

More than half a day later, Zhao Di's eyes lit up, and a bright green appeared. This is an oasis with forests, grasslands, many rivers and hundreds of wide lakes.

The blue lake, the green grass and trees, and the bright and strange grass in it made Zhao Di's heart suddenly shaken up.

After arriving in the demon world, he has never seen similar brightly colored scenes except in the Tongtian Tower. In the demon world, almost everything is gray and gloomy.

Moreover, even the golden demon body of Zhao Di sensed that the aura density of heaven and earth here is much higher than that in the desert.

An oasis full of aura in such a vast desert. Obviously, it is much more likely to find high-level monsters here.

Zhao Di fully mobilized his consciousness and searched carefully from the woods.

Not long after, Zhao Di's expression moved and fell somewhere in the woods with the ice wind.

Zhao Di opened his mouth and sprayed, and a mini golden snake flew out, turned into a golden gun, and fell into Zhao Di's hand.

Zhao Di held a golden gun in his hand and waved it casually in front of him. A dark golden curved light cut out from the head of the gun and cut off the trees more than a hundred feet away.

After a while, with the loud roar, all the trees within a radius of more than a hundred feet were cut off and fell into pieces.

With a roar, a giant python forty or fifty feet long rushed out of the soil under the woods, wrapped in red and fire-like fine scales. The python's body was full of water tank thickness, and had one or two small three heads. The breath showed that the python had reached the cultivation of the transformation period.

Among the three heads, the middle one is about ten feet the size, like a boulder, and there is a foot long red meat crown on the top of the head, which is very strange.

The other two heads are separated from left to right, about half the size of the middle head, with a cyan meat crown and a dark yellow meat crown respectively.

The six huge eyeballs of this python were all staring viciously at Zhao Di and the ice wind dragonfly under his feet.

Under the order of Zhao Di, the ice wind dragonfly flew to one side by itself, leaving only Zhao Di's Jins magic body to confront the python.

Zhao Di has a try. After many and costly refining methods, how strong is his magic body? How does it compare with the monster that is also famous for its strong body?

Three red pythons and three heads opened their mouths one after another, and immediately sprayed out a cyan fog, yellow sand all over the sky, and a sea of blazing fire.

When the surrounding trees came into contact with the first cyan fog, they withered and decayed in an instant. Obviously, this cyan fog contains extremely domineering toxicity.

Zhao Di was not moved at all. In his method of quenching his body, poison immersion was a common means. No matter how powerful the poison gas ejected by the red python in the god period was, it did no harm to him at all.

The yellow sand that followed seemed to contain strong toxicity, which even made Zhao Di's consciousness a little drowsy, but for Zhao Di, who has a strong consciousness, it still doesn't have much harm.

"This yellow sand is somewhat similar to the fallen soul sand. It attacks the divine consciousness. If the divine consciousness is only at the later level of Yuanying, I'm afraid that in this sand, I will immediately fall into a coma." Zhao Di secretly said that although this sand was quite good, it was still of little use to him, and he did not mean to collect some.

In the end, the sea of fire was extremely warm, but it was still a little worse than the three dragons pure fire of the king of the human world. For the golden demon body, which has experienced countless red heat and cold tests, there is also no threat.

The red python saw that all three magical power had no effect on Zhao Di, so he jumped and rushed to Zhao Di.

Although the red python was huge, its speed was also very fast. It rushed to Zhao Di in the blink of an eye. The largest head in the middle opened its mouth, revealing two gloomy fangs several feet long, and bit Zhao Di.

Zhao Di shouted loudly and put down the golden magic gun. His fists suddenly waved out at the same time. The golden light flashed and "bamped". After two loud noises, the two poisonous teeth of the red python were actually shattered by Zhao Di's broken golden fist!

The red python was painful and shocked. Although it was not smart, it finally knew that the dark gold-skinned human in front of him was extremely powerful. He was by no means an enemy. Suddenly, he was timid and turned his head and wanted to escape.

Zhao Di did not give this python a chance. He held the golden snake magic gun again and suddenly rushed forward. Suddenly, he shot like golden lightning to the python in the middle of the red python. The golden gun in his hand struggled to stab down. Under the golden light, the extremely hard scales of the red python were easily pierced The hole suddenly flowed into a river of blood.

The manipulation of the golden snake magic gun concocted by Zhao Diru method stabbed back and forth on the giant python, which was unstoppable. After a moment, the three red pythons died.

Zhao Di groped for a while among the three python heads and took out one, two and three small elixirs, with different colors, all of which were translucent and very bright.

Zhao Di immediately sent these demon elixirs into the Tongtian Tower. For him, the victory or defeat of the test is not important at all. From beginning to end, he has never thought of winning this "comparity",!