The Path of Immortals


Later, his wife was "helped" by the street office and forced to divorce him for one reason, because he was a Dafa practitioner. Since then, it has been very difficult for the fellow practice to take care of himself, and the local fellow practitioners have been helping to take care of him.

Sitting up, Longlong carefully recalled the old man in the dream. His face was actually the same as that of this middle-aged fellow religious, but the old man was dressed up by the ancients. Long Long suddenly understood the reason. It turned out that this dream enlightened the grievances of the middle-aged fellow practitioners.

faintly, Zhenyin remembered that there was a crystal palace on the mountain. The palace was surrounded by many auspicious clouds, as if thousands of layers of apertures were shining on living creatures.

His family sent him to the hospital and found that there were injuries in many parts of the body, leg bone fractures, lumbar disc deformation, brain damage, etc. His wife saw that he was disabled and filed a divorce request, but he refused.

This is where the great virtue of the Dharma disciple is located, the future and hope of becoming a country, a nation, or the whole life environment. This is the virtue gods of the future universe forged by the fundamental Dafa of the universe. They are the masters, gods or Dharma kings of all life in different dome worlds.

In another cold and hot season, Zhenyin found that sometimes a few birds flew in the house. They were separated from the window, and Zhenyin observed them in the room.

Later, the grand scene in front of him disappeared. Zhenyin only knew that he had been falling in a collapsed space, drifting towards a little light. The feeling of complete vibration still remembers him vividly.

Among them, in the space where she once lived, there was a girl named Yinlan. She came here with Zhenyin and now she has become his best friend.

Most of the righteous disciples are practiced in the mystery. Although it is difficult to see the fate of some things, they will get an answer in the Dafa. As long as they understand the law and are firm in mindfulness, they will understand everything, including the grievances caused by their mistakes in history.

Occasionally, there are a large group of belly-pocket children of the same age as Zhenyin. They always run from the mountain down the mountain to play. It takes a long time to go back from the road of flowers all over the mountain.

Animals and plants cannot practice the fundamental law of the universe. They just hope that at this moment, they can form a good relationship with the main Buddha and the disciples of the Dharma, and become the guarantee of a better future!

The middle-aged fellow practitioners cried about their experience to Longlong, saying that the other fellow practitioners built the smoother the road, the more difficult it was. And he told Longlong a very strange phenomenon, that is, every time he listened to the Dharma, the master was talking about killing. Therefore, Long Long asked his fellow monk if he had ever killed a life. The fellow monk said that he had never killed a chicken in his life.

The tree is very tall and big. They decorated the mountain together. Standing at the foot of the mountain and looking at the sky is also very high, but the mountain is connected to the sky. At a glance, all kinds of color circles are prominent in the sky. There are no stars but endless light.

I would like to give this document to those future true gods who silently save all sentient beings. It is the mercy of Dafa that makes the disciples of the Dharma shoulder the responsibility of this God. Therefore, as a disciple of the Dharma, you should be more responsible for those who have no law! Tell them the truth so that they can be saved in the end.

After a long time, as more and more understood, Zhenyin knew that this was arranged by the master to surpass the time for a long time. Now, many people around Zhenyin feel that they are inextricably linked to themselves in a sense.

Zhenyin saw that the Buddha wheel kept spinning, so that the energy could fill his whole body in an instant. So, Zhenyin has been thinking, what will this be?

is such a sense of weightlessness, and I spent one childhood night after another with Zhenyin. But every time Zhenyin wakes up, he feels a huge, completely compassionate, golden Buddha wheel entering his body.

For more stories about solving grievances, please read the next chapter!

Zhenyin looked at them curiously, and they seemed to have known Zhenyin for a long time. No matter how unbearable they were after several futile collisions, they couldn't fly until they began to stare at Zhenyin again.

After sending mindfulness in the evening, Longlong lay in ** and soon entered a very clear dream. A very imposing mansion appeared in front of Longlong, and suddenly an old man came out of the house, dressed in ancient clothes, with a bun on his head and a long white beard.

In order to avoid evil, the middle-aged fellow practitioners returned to their hometown and lived in the homes of their relatives. On the way home, he already felt that he had a serious discomfort. On the surface, it was caused by the torture of the bad guys, and then his body deteriorated day by day. Two months after he came back, it eventually led to paralysis.

Unfortunately, Long Long left at that time and never had a chance to go to a middle-aged fellow practicer in the future. Later, I heard that the state of this fellow practicer was getting worse and worse, and his ears were deaf.

Therefore, only if the heart of true cultivation dares to face up to the expected life, no one can easily get out of his heart. Except for always using his own cultivation, kindness, and forbearance to warm every life around him, it is possible to take the road of cultivation, so that those gods who can't be saved in the end for the right Degree.

There is a pool at the foot of the mountain. Animals often come here to drink water, and birds often come here to play, but the colorful sky and earth are particularly distinct. Zhenyin often thinks, where is this place?

The next day, Long Long told this dream to his middle-aged fellow practitioners, but he seemed to be listening to the story, did not contact himself to think about it, let alone "explain" the grievances through his own mindfulness.

So Long Long asked the old man why. The old man sighed and said, "This was originally a maid in my house. In those years, I moved my evil heart to stain her, and then pushed her into the lake in the back garden to drown. No one knew, but she had become a fierce ghost for many years!"

In fact, the time of the earth cannot be compared with the unit world of the high-level divine world. After doing yourself well, Zhenyin will understand that the time of Zhenxiu is indeed very valuable.

Under the arrangement of the old evil forces, the evil factors and evil life of the whole universe have been suppressed by the human world, so that the human world has suddenly become evil and the demon flames soar to the sky.

Another time when he was walking, Zhenyin met a lot of ants. It was very strange. The actions of the ants also made Zhenyin very puzzled. They stop first and do the same thing, just like welcoming guests from afar.

When he was a child, Zhenyin, a disciple of the Dharma, often had such a dream: there was a very large mountain between heaven and earth, on which was full of flowers, with big leaves, small leaves, and many beautiful, but not famous.

When Zhenyin realized that he was the guest, he thought to himself, "You are fine, I will deal with this responsibility for you."

As the saying goes, it is a right to suppress all evils. As long as the disciples of the Dharma can think and do the right thing, the evil will be eliminated, completely denying the arrangement of the old forces. But if the disciples of the Dharma cannot wake up, they will not be able to extricate themselves under the persecution of the old forces, and even persecute them to death.

In December 2001, the middle-aged fellow religious, under pressure from all aspects, went to the place where evil gathered to prove the law, and was illegally kidnapped by bad people. While imprisoned in the magic cave, he was brutally tortured and finally broke out with kao mindfulness.

This is the reason why many righteous disciples are still persecuted. In addition to their own historical karmic debts, there is also their own lack of mindfulness, which cannot deny the interference and destruction of the old forces. In fact, as long as you have your own mindfulness and give up all the ordinary people's hearts, the master can solve all the grievances in history for all the disciples!

All sentient beings come for the Dafa, but the human body is very rare. Many gods finally come to become animals and plants in order to get the Dharma.

As soon as he finished speaking, the female ghost suddenly appeared again and grabbed Longlong's neck. Longlong shouted in the struggle, "Master, save me." At this time, he also woke up from his dream.

The evil life factor is attached to the back of all life, manipulating all life to the Dafa and the disciples of the Dharma, making the human world extremely vicious and cruel, which is a great sin for all sentient beings.

For those birds and animals, Zhenyin is now deeply ashamed, because when they first arrived at the three worlds, they became animals in order to stay with Zhenyin to the greatest extent possible and give up the human body.

So, they dispersed and began to be busy again. After the incident, Zhenyin always blamed himself for not doing his own things well. They were reminding him not to relax and learn the law, and they were still waiting for themselves to save them!

As he said, he let Longlong in. Longlong followed the old man to visit the mansion. Then enter a large garden. There is a large pond in the garden, and the rockery and pavilions on it are very beautiful.

Until one day, Zhenyin came into contact with the fundamental Dafa of the universe. It was strange that Zhenyin immediately had a unique sense of intimacy with Dafa. I'm ashamed to say that the truth is that I finished reading Dafa in a short time under the supervision of others. I felt that I had found something immediately. I was very happy, but I couldn't say it.

Longlong stayed in the middle-aged fellow monk's home for a few days. During that time, his eyes gradually blurred, so Longlong bought him an MP3 so that he could hear the master's words.

Finally, Long Long followed the old man into a hall. After sitting down, he talked with a candle. Suddenly, a black wind blew out the candle on the candlestick on the table. At this time, from the skylight of the hall, a female ghost dressed in white, with long hair and bloody eyes came in. She went straight to the dragon.

Let's explain this problem through a story:

It turns out that life in this world has formed a complete evolutionary relationship with the high-level divine world. Life and matter on the earth come from heaven, and life and matter on the earth can return to heaven after being ascended. The evolution of life matter is a complex, systematic and mysterious process.

The old man said, "I was originally the governor of Nanyang, but now I have resigned and returned to my hometown. This is my mansion."

Long Long was shocked and read the master's magic formula. With a "wow", there was nothing left at once, and the candle on the candlestick also automatically ignited.

In addition to telling the truth to the world and saving all sentient beings, the righteous disciples should also clear all the evil life factors behind all sentient beings through mindfulness, so that all sentient beings can control the evil life factors and wake up, so as to make their own correct choices and get salvation.

A few years ago, the Dharma disciple Long Long went to an outside city, where he met a middle-aged fellow practicer, who got the Dharma in August 1996. The many years of migraine suffered before middle-aged practitioners recovered after a day of practice. Since then, he has been practicing the Dafa for many years.

Under the arrangement of the old evil forces, evil life manipulates the bad people in the world and cruelly persecutes the disciples of the Dharma. The old forces seized the ordinary people's hearts that still existed in the righteous disciples, and used all kinds of grievances in history as an excuse to arrange many difficulties. It was said to be a test, but in essence it was persecution.