The Path of Immortals

Chapter 119 Down to the earth 3 Butterfly Change

Fairyland Chapter 119 Down to the earth (3) Butterfly Change [Three Updates for Recommendation Tickets]

"Husband, is this sword left for the delicate fairy?" Yun Mengli suddenly asked with a smile.

"What, does Meng Li know the whereabouts of the fiber?" Zhao Di asked in surprise.

"Meng Li doesn't know that since the last goodbye, over the years, I have never heard from her again." Yun Mengli shook her head slightly.

"If you can meet the fiber, your husband will give her another chance, but this cold hidden sword is not refined for her." Zhao Di whispered, and then turned the topic and asked, "Is that pair of snow shadow holy butterflies still with you?"

"It's there. Although this pair of snow shadow holy butterflies has been lifted by their husband, they still don't remember it. For more than a thousand years, they have been practicing with Mengli. Yun Mengli said, and the sleeve robe waved gently, and two cold lights flew out of its sleeves. Suddenly, the temperature suddenly dropped in the hall.

As soon as the cold light restrained, two palm-sized, transparent and gorgeous ice butterflies appeared. They circled slightly in the air and found Zhao Di. They immediately showed a jubilant state, flapping their wings and landed on Zhao Di's shoulders.

Although they haven't seen each other for more than a thousand years, this pair of Xueying Shengdie still recognized Zhao Di's breath and seemed very intimate.

Immediately, the pair of ice butterflies flashed their wings, and a piece of cold white gas, wrapped Zhao Di's figure in it.

The next moment, the white gas dissipated, and the cold power became empty, and Zhao Di and the ice butterflies disappeared out of thin air in front of the existence of the Mahayana period.

"It's worthy of being a snow shadow butterfly! The power of hiding magic power, even if we exist in the Mahayana period, it is difficult to crack it!" Ye Haolong was amazed.

"Ha ha, Zhao's original intention is to give this cold hidden sword to the two snow shadow holy butterflies."

With the sound of Zhao Di's words, the original place was white, and the figure of Zhao Di and the snow shadow butterfly appeared again.

"Give it to this pair of holy butterflies?" Everyone was shocked.

Wentian said, "The cold power of the Snow Shadow Holy Butterfly is indeed good, and the hidden magic power is also very amazing. However, after all, they are strange insects that have not been enlightened. I'm afraid they can't control the Xuantian Sword!"

"It's true that insects can't. But if this pair of strange insects can transform into a human figure, it will be different!" Zhao Di said with a slight smile.

"Illusion of human form?" Wen Tian was even more confused, "As far as I know, strange insects can't transform into humanoids."

Zhao Di shook his head and said, "It's not true!" It is said that in the ancient fairyland, there were also insects that became immortals. But later, the law of heaven and earth changed. The strange insects could no longer turn on the intelligent transformation into a human form, and naturally they could not become immortals.

"In fact, everything is born with a fairy road. Whether it is people, demons, demons, spirits, or grass, wood, stones, insects, they all have the opportunity to become real immortals. Not long ago, Zhao gradually realized that the power of limiting the law of insects to transform into humanoid figures is likely to be above the divine mind.

"In terms of Zhao's cultivation today, you should be able to cast a spell to see if it can help the pair of snow shadow butterflies transform into a human form."

"If I can, I will have another army against the fairy court in the future. I believe that those insects will not be willing to be of their own kind. They will always live in the lower world and can never become immortals!"

Zhao Di's words shocked everyone. They had always believed that the strange insects could not open the wisdom, but it was the way of heaven. Unexpectedly, today, Zhao Di actually wanted to go against the sky and break the law of heaven to help the snow shadow holy butterfly transform into human form and open the wisdom.

Ask the sky in his heart. I don't know what kind of cultivation it takes to dare to do such a move. At this time, Zhao Di is not only a real immortal, but has become a big man like the immortal king of Kyushu!

Of course, he will not guess that at this time, Zhao Di integrates the essence of the seven sword immortals, such as sword immortals, wine immortals and Lexian. In terms of the strength and profound cultivation, it is really unimaginable.

Even if it is only a divine mind body of Zhao Di who descends to the earth, it can also exert the power of the powerful divine law.

"It's not too late! Zhao is going to cast the spell.

Zhao Di held the pair of ice butterflies in his hand and said solemnly, "Is the way of heaven against it? Zhao is going to try it today!"

With that, a dazzling white light emanated from Zhao Di's eyebrows, forming a milky white mask about the size of a foot, wrapping the pair of snow shadow sacred butterflies.

As soon as he touched the white light mask, it was immediately decomposed into invisible, and his heart was immediately stunned.

Obviously, this white light mask is a special space arranged by Zhao Di with the extremely powerful power of divine thoughts.

This is a small field of divine thought displayed by Zhao Di's body. Even such a small space needs to consume amazing divine thoughts.

The snow shadow butterfly in the white mask was impacted by the power of the law in the field of divine thoughts and immediately fell into a coma.

In the light mask, two green butterfly shadows flew out, and the wings flashed aimlessly in the light mask. It was the insect souls of the two snow shadow holy butterflies.

Under the pull of the power of the invisible divine mind, the silver-like power of bondage flew out of the two insect souls and immediately collapsed and disappeared. Gradually, the two insect souls began to transform into a mini human form.

Ask the sky's heart is extremely shocking. I don't know how strong the divine mind is, so that like Zhao Di, he can change his life against the sky, cultivate his soul, and even modify the law of heaven.

More and more silver silks are extracted from the body of the insect soul, and then transformed into invisible by the power of the divine mind exerted by Zhao Di. The human form of the insect soul is also more and more specific, like two mini-babies a few inches in size.

After a few hours, Zhao Di finally completed casting!

At this time, he couldn't help but lose his mind because of the great consumption of his mind.

The white mask was removed, and the pair of snow shadow sacred butterflies have been transformed into two three-inch mini human babies, each with a pair of transparent butterfly wings, which looks very cute.

Zhao Di stretched out his finger and flicked, "Pu-p" sounded softly, and two strands of fairy spirit entered the body of the baby.

The baby immediately woke up and opened his confused eyes, with an ignorant look.

"It's done!" Zhao Di was overjoyed.

The limitation of worm's self-cultivation can really be overcome! As long as you overthrow the fairy court, it is really possible to change the law of heaven and earth, so that more monks can have the opportunity to embark on the road to immortality!

However, it is only to lift the power of the law limit of the two snow shadow holy butterflies. Unexpectedly, it needs such an amazing power of divine thoughts. I don't know what strength it takes to spread the power of this law in the three worlds, covering every insect's body, so that every insect can transform into a human form!

"It turns out that insect cultivation can really transform into a human figure!" Everyone opened their eyes and couldn't help but be more engmied by the fairy family's secret art.

Zhao Di waved his sleeve robe and put the baby turned into the snow shadow butterfly into the sleeve. At the same time, several other jade slips flew to Wentian and others.

These jade slips record some good sword secrets, which can help these people practice the Xuantian sword in their hands.

As for those fairy secrets, they are naturally very powerful, but they must be based on the cultivation of the real immortals or the spirit of the immortals to practice. They are not these lower-world monks and can be used.

Zhao Di also prepared some "gifts" for Ruo Zhen and several other deceased people, so that Wen Tian, Ye Haolong and others could hand them over.

Zhao Di said, "As for the sealed Cang'e fairyland, with the body of Zhao's current divine mind in the lower world, under the condition that his strength is limited and there is no help of immortal swords, the first release~~ It is difficult to unlock the boundary seal."

"If you and nine other sword-wielated monks join hands to use the Xuantian Nine Swords after success, it is possible to break a gap and use the resources in it."

Zhao Di got up and arched his hand and said, "My friends, Zhao still has something important to do in the lower world. I dare not delay. Say goodbye! If there is fate, I will gather in the fairyland again! I hope that the fairyland at that time has been in a new order and will regain its glory!"

With that, Zhao Di and Yun Mengli sacrificed the crane and wanted to go away.

Although Wentian and others were quite reluctant, it seemed that Zhao Di did not want them to participate in what he wanted to do, so it was inconvenient to ask more questions, so they had to send them off behind them.

As soon as they left the Xianmu Hall, Jin Kui Shengzu and others gathered around to see a group.

Zhao Di greeted several old friends one by one, and then passed on to Jin Kui's ancestor and said, "Jin Daoyou, Jin Yu is well-known in the demon fairyland. If you are lucky enough to fly to the fairyland, you can go to him. His kindness to the upbringing of the Jin Kui family is always remembered in

"What! Jin Yu has also become an immortal?" Jin Kui Shengzu's face changed greatly, and he couldn't believe what he heard.

The two first sons of the Jin Kui saint a few years ago actually became immortals thousands of years later. I'm afraid that such a strange thing will not happen in ten thousand years.

And his golden ancestor still lingered at the peak of the early Mahayana, and sometimes he could not find the opportunity to go further.

"Speaking of which, the Jin Kui clan has also had some cultivation gifts to Zhao. This physical training experience has not only the secret skills of immortals, but also some means, which may be realized in the lower world. Let's take it as a little intention of Zhao and Jin Yu!"

When the ancestor of Jin Kui was shocked, Zhao Di's voice came from the divine mind, and a powerful divine thought entered his own divine consciousness.

Suddenly, your complicated information was suddenly filled with the mind of Jin Kui Shengzu. In addition to the pain, he was overjoyed. These complex graphic information are absolutely cherished, and perhaps it is a great opportunity for him to wait for ten thousand years.

"Godfather!" At this time, a familiar girl's voice sounded, which made Zhao's heart move.

A five-color escape flashed, revealing the image of a naughty girl. Xiaoyu, who got the news, also came from the Hualong clan thousands of miles away. When the father and daughter met, they had their own warmth.

"Go with your godfather. Along the way, your godfather can also guide your practice. I'm afraid it will be difficult to see each other in the future. Zhao Di sighed and said.

"The patriarch of the Qiu clan is the master for me!" In the crowd looking up at the fairy's posture, there was suddenly a sad pleading, which was incompatible with the atmosphere at this time and seemed very abrupt.

Zhao Di followed the voice, but saw a former subordinate, the young demon king of the water ape clan.

(Third update, please recommend tickets)