The Path of Immortals

Chapter 120 Down to the earth 4 Black Dome

Fairyland Chapter 120 Down to the earth (4) Black Sky [Recommendation and Subscription]

There are many monks and many old friends here. Zhao Di did not want to delay for too long. His mind moved, and in a wisp of breeze, he and Xiaoyu and Yunmengli disappeared in the same place.

"Move with the wind and go with the heart, I'm afraid that the royal wind god and Taoist friends can't show such a mysterious wind escape skill."

Wentian sighed. He knew that today's Zhao Di was already beyond his reach, and the strength shown in every move was beyond imagination.

This is still in the lower world. I don't know how powerful this Zhao Daoyou is in the fairy world without the shackles of the law and the blessing of the fairy family!

The immortals have gone, and the monks are still reluctant to leave, or continue to express the rare spirit of the immortal spirit, or whisper and talk about the impact that the immortals have brought to them.

"There is really a fairyland, and you can really become a real fairy!" These two sentences are undoubtedly the most mentioned, the vague fairy road, which now seems to be more accurate for these lower-bounded monks.

Everyone was addicted to it. Only a few people, such as the old demon king of the water ape clan, noticed that at the moment when Zhao Daxian disappeared, the young demon king around them also disappeared.

The young demon king only felt an invisible breeze wrapping himself, and suddenly involuntarily floated up. The next moment, the inspiration flashed in front of him, and suddenly appeared tens of thousands of miles away, and Zhao Di and several others were beside him.

"What you just said, it seems that something big has happened to the ginseng ape. What's the matter?" Zhao Di asked.

The young demon king hurriedly bowed and said, "As a member of the clan, not long ago, a ghost ape suddenly came to my clan, claiming that it was close to the blood of my clan and wanted to serve as the head of my clan. Every year, I have to swallow a pair of male and female teenagers in the clan as blood sacrifices. Several Mahayana predecessors of the demon clan don't seem to want to pay more attention to them.

"Ghost ape?" Zhao Di was slightly stunned when he heard the words. Then he nodded with a smile and said, "Well, Zhao will follow you to the clan. But the position of patriarch. Zhao has already been unloaded, and there is no need to call him patriarch in the future.

"The so-called one day is long and the whole life is respected. The whole family has no protection and favor from the clan's elders. I dare not forget the original. The young demon king said respectfully, and he was overjoyed.

He was originally nervous. He didn't know if Zhao Daxian was still willing to pay attention to these subordinate affairs, but he didn't expect Zhao Di to agree so happily.

Zhao Di didn't say much, these ginseng ape demon cultivation. It's nothing more than to use his name to be in the four corners of the town, which is harmless.

It was the ghost ape. At this time, Zhao Di had already guessed his identity.

Zhao Di took a few people to perform the wind escape technique. He was almost traveling through the void, and the speed was very fast.

In the high air, their figures disappeared in a flash. The next moment appeared tens of thousands of miles away.

Not long. Zhao Di took these people and appeared outside the Tianxian Peak of the ginseng ape family hundreds of millions of miles away.

Tianxian Peak is where the patriarch's cave is located. Now it has been occupied by ghost apes.

Zhao Di is also very familiar with this place. He asked Yun Mengli and others to wait for a moment in the Tianxianfeng side hall. And he told the young demon king not to surprise other demon cultivation, so he casually broke directly into the main hall of Tianxianfeng.

"Ghost ape Taoist friend. Therefore, why don't you come out and see it!" Zhao Di is in the empty hall. He said with a smile.

His voice was not loud, but it implied the power of a fairy family, which was enough to ignore the prohibition and penetrate any corner of this cave.

"What kind of person!" A voice of great surprise came back, and it was the ghost ape.

There are many prohibitions set on the main hall of Tianxianfeng. Even if it can't stop the existence of the Mahayana period, it can at least have a certain defensive effect. However, some people actually entered it without moving at all. These prohibitions have not even made any reaction or changes!

In a moment, the black light flashed at the entrance of the apse, and a black gas gushed out and turned into a huge black ape about the size of a hundred feet. He could almost touch the top of the hall by raising his hand. The giant ape's white fangs are exposed, his eyes are like blood, and his whole body exudes a gloomy ghost, which makes people shudder.

"Master and servant, you don't recognize Zhao so soon?" Zhao Di said with a smile and continued to sit on the main seat without any movement.

As expected, this ghost ape is the soul of the god ape that had been used as his sun-killing gun and was later sent to the ghost world by him.

"It's you!" The look of the ghost ape changed greatly in an instant, and most of the fierce momentum was suddenly extinguished. He said in horror, "You, haven't you crossed the sky and the fairyland?"

The ghost ape looked up and down at Zhao Di in surprise, but felt a soft but still tough barrier around Zhao Di, so that his mind could not invade at all.

"What a mysterious power of mind! Powerful but not domineering. The ghost ape was shocked again. He couldn't help asking in a low voice, "This is the body of God! Are you dealing with me as an immortal and the lower world?

Zhao Di shook his head: "The identity of the immortal is true, and the lower world is also good, but it's not for you."

"However," Zhao Di paused, stared at the ghost ape with slightly narrowed eyes, and said, "You can recognize Zhao's divine body, and most of them have recovered a lot of memories, (Bookstore the fastest update Black Dome Taoist!"

Hearing the words "Black Dome Taoist", the ghost ape's whole body trembled unnaturally. At first, he was shocked, but then he paused his mind and said calmly, "You are indeed a fairyland figure. Since you can directly call out the name of the saint, there is naturally some basis, and there is nothing to deny. "

Zhao Di smiled and said, "Well, the true saint of the black sky, one of the three famous gods in the fairyland, as long as you check the classics in the fairyland a little, you can also know it."

"However, the records recorded in the classics are very vague. It is only said that in a war involving the two immortal realms of the true spirit and the true saint more than 100,000 years ago, four or five big names who were not under the fairy king, such as the true saint of the black sky and the true dragon clan, Luo Bing, were involved in it News. "

"After that, it was rumored that the Immortal Emperor even changed the interface law, making it more difficult for the real immortals to go underworld, and it was difficult for the ordinary immortal king to go under the world, unless he understood the power of the special interface law."

"The rumors are ethereal and nothing specific; but there are very few high-level existences, knowing that the lower world you entered at the beginning is the two world of spirits and demons at present."

"And the trapped island in the demon world is the place where you wait for the war. The Chaos Valley on the island should be a special space caused by your war!"

"Zhao even knew that the reason why you were in the war was for a treasure of heaven and earth!"

These words made the ghost ape's face change, but he never denied it.

Some of these contents are recorded in the classics, some are what Zhao Di heard from Jianxian and others, and some are what Zhao Di has seen and heard himself.

At the beginning, one of the important reasons for the lower world of Kyushu Fairy King came to the two realms of spirits and demons here, was also to find the original treasure of that day.

"You really know a lot! It seems that you are not an ordinary fairy. The ghost ape whose identity was revealed did not have a powerless rebuttal to cover up. He just looked at Zhao Di coldly and did not know the origin and intention of this person.

Zhao Di smiled and continued without hesitation, "Ha ha, when Zhao sent his Taoist friend to the ghost world, he didn't know that the Taoist friend had such an identity. Taoist friends also know that this is not what it used to be. As a ghost body, why is it not good to practice in the ghost world and come here to harm the family? What does it mean?

"Ask knowingly! Others don't know, isn't Zhao Daoyou still not clear? The ghost fairyland has long ceased to exist, and it is impossible to return to the fairyland. Even if you can fly to the fairyland, you can only fly to a ghost place like boundless purgatory. And in boundless purgatory, ghost cultivation is subject to special space restrictions, unable to become immortals at all, and unable to break out of the blockade of boundless purgatory!" The ghost ape said without thinking.

Zhao nodded: "So you have to keep sucking blood and food, trying to change your life against the sky, recast your body, and get rid of the identity of ghost cultivation. If it is in the fairyland, there are a large number of fairy treasures, and it is possible to do so, but in the lower world, if ghost cultivation wants to turn into a human or demon again, I'm afraid it is absolutely impossible! After all, this is not just a matter of physical body. The soul of ghost cultivation is very different from the soul of people, demons and other creatures!"

When Zhao Di said the pain, the ghost ape couldn't help sighing and said leisurely, "I don't know. It's just a glimmer of opportunity, which is better than no hope.

"It's not hopeless!" Zhao Di said solemnly, "If you can break through the seal power of boundless purgatory and rebuild the ghost fairyland, then you will also have a fairy road when you wait for ghost cultivation!"

The ghost ape shook his head: "It's not easy to talk about! The boundless purgatory is under the personal care of Asura, the right guardian of the Immortal Emperor. Asura's strength is much higher than my immortal king! Moreover, although the fairyland is big, everyone only wants to protect themselves. Who will rashly fight against the fairy court for those ghosts who are not related to themselves! If it were me, I wouldn't pay attention to such a difficult thing!"

"Black Dome Taoist friend, you are wrong!" Zhao Di suddenly stood up and said in awe.

"Wrong? What's wrong with me!" The ghost ape looked inexplicably.

Zhao Dilang said, "We, the immortals, pursue unrestrained and omnipotent all our lives, not for the heavenly bundle, not for the earth, free between heaven and earth, originally only to compete with the sky; however, there are always some monks, for personal ambitions or other purposes, indiscriminately kill innocent, bind all sentient Break off the hope of others. Therefore, in practice, we should not only compete with the sky, but also often fight with others!"

"If the ghost cultivation is extinct, if we regard it as having nothing to do with ourselves and indifferent, one day, when the fairy court orders the killing of us, I'm afraid that no one can respond to the request for help!"

(First update, two updates today) (to be continued) RQ