Mysterious Continent

Chapter 185 Hard Battle

Xuan Mo smiled with contemptuousness, and then said almost word by word, "That - is - will - you - all - kill - death."

"Let's go!" Almost the next moment, a Mingyan killing knife appeared in Xuanmo's hand, and the black flame swept up in an instant, and then rushed to the double-headed dragonfly.

In the face of this situation, in the face of them in the icy hell, if they stay for a long time, it can only be absolutely unfavorable to them. Therefore, Xuanmo chose to take the initiative to attack at the first time.

Feng'er and the evil shadow hovering in the air also quickly attacked the double-headed dragonfly at the same time.

On the ground, only the Titan ape stood still. It was not that he didn't want to fight, but this was Xuan Mo's order. Titan could only absolutely obey Xuan Mo's order.

"How dare you fool me! What a lifeless guy!" The fire-headed dragonfly seemed to be a little angry, but there was an evil smile on the corners of his mouth, "Lao Bing! Let me deal with them. Dare to deceive me. I hate being cheated on me the most.

The ice-headed dragon did not reply to him, but slowly closed his eyes.

"The underworld is killed!"

"Exhale in despair!"

"Phoenix Shadow split!"

One of the three beasts released their skills to the double-headed dragonfly at the same time.

"Hmm!" The fire head snorted coldly, then raised the arrogant head and suddenly vomited.


A huge fireball with a diameter of more than one meter instantly spit out from the mouth of the firehead and then flew directly in the direction of Xuanmo.

However, to Xuanmo's surprise, at the moment when this huge fireball appeared, the skills released by the three of them automatically began to gather towards the fireball, as if they were attracted by the fireball, and even Feng'er's phoenix shadow split couldn't help flying to the fireball.

And this is also one of the abilities attached to the fireball, which is called adsorption, that is, it can absorb enemies and skills within a certain range.

At this time, the huge fireball has completely absorbed their three skills, although it has absorbed three skills. However, the fireball still did not stop attacking and still flew to Xuanmo quickly, and while flying towards Xuanmo, as the distance approached, Xuanmo also felt the strong adsorption effect brought by the fireball.

Without stopping more, he immediately retreated quickly.


The scattered fire attribute exploded violently, and the raging fire burned all the surrounding trees.

"This boy!" The fire head frowned slightly.

Of course, Xuanmo was not attacked by the fireball. At the dangerous moment, Feng'er's phoenix shadow saved him. At this moment, Xuanmo is standing on Fenger's back, and the clothes on his left arm have completely disappeared. The black magic lines have crawled all over his left arm, and purple and black vertical lights are constantly flashing behind him. Xuanmo's whole body looks extremely gloomy.

Yes, while escaping, Xuan Mo has completely awakened the ghost crying soul.

Looking at the change of Xuanmo, Huotou Jiao showed another evil smile, "Interesting! It seems to have suddenly become stronger again!"

And at this time, the ice-headed Jiao also opened his eyes, "Why are you so stupid? Can't even these little ghosts be solved in one move? What a shame!"

"I said Lao Bing! You can do it! You use a trick to get rid of them!"

"Hmm!" The ice-headed dragon immediately snorted coldly.

Suddenly, with the ice-headed dragonfly as the center, a circle of cold breath quickly spread. Xuanmo and the three beasts felt a cold chill rushing into the bottom of their hearts at the same time, and their combat effectiveness began to decline at this moment.

Suddenly, the ice-headed dragonfly began to raise his head, but he did not spit out anything like a fire-headed dragonfly, but made a strange cry.

After more than a second, the cry stopped. A layer of white suddenly appeared on the sky. Suddenly, the terrible ice magic rushed to my face, and then a small iceberg began to fall suddenly.

"It's not good!" Xuanmo shouted. The dark moon guard immediately unfolded on a large scale, holding the underworld knife burning golden red flames, and constantly wielding to resist the falling iceberg.

However, the iceberg seemed to fall endlessly. Xuanmo is still stubbornly resisting, and several wounds have appeared on his body, but he is constantly thinking about how to deal with it.

"Xiaomo, this is a magical attack. The ice-headed dragonfly is actually still meditating some kind of spell. Only by interrupting his spell can you stop the falling iceberg."

Hearing Shupugas's reminder, Xuan Mo also suddenly woke up. The black light cut to the ice head at the first time, and it was the final kill of the underworld.

However, at the moment when Mingyan flew out, it had ushered in a falling iceberg.


It happened to be cut on the iceberg, the ice cubes scattered away, and the underworld's death and death disappeared.

"No! This won't hurt him at all!" Xuan Mo frowned.

Suddenly, Xuan Mo's slightly frown unfolded. At this time, the evil shadow flew to Xuanmo at a very fast speed, resisting the falling ice, and the evil shadow had flown to Xuanmo's side.

"Bum! Bang!"

After Xuanmo cut off two ice cubes, he quickly jumped on the evil shadow. At this time, at the moment when Xuan Mo jumped on the evil shadow, the change happened again.

Almost in an instant, the evil shadow disappeared together with Xuan Mo. Yes, it disappeared.

The ice-headed dragonfly and the fire-headed dragonfly frowned at the same time, and the fire-headed dragonfly said, "What? How can it disappear!"

However, at this moment, a gloomy voice sounded above their heads.

"Ghost Power - Death Tombstone!"

Suddenly, in the torn cloud, countless death tombstones began to fall from it. Of course, the death tombstone of Xuanmo, which has reached seventy-level, cannot be said on the same day. The huge power of death, the power of curse and the power of darkness enveloped the ice and fire at the same time.

Although the ice and fire double-headed dragonfly are two holy beasts, their bodies are not an absolute defense after all. Therefore, at the first time, the ice and fire two-headed dragonfly immediately flashed aside. While flashing away, the spell of the ice-headed dragonfly naturally could not continue, and the falling ice suddenly stopped abruptly.

"Damn it! How could they suddenly appear above our heads!" The ice-headed dragonfly asked angrily.

Xuanmo suddenly appeared on the top of the head of the ice and fire double-headed dragonfly, thanks to the evil shadow. The evil shadow and Xuanmo's soul are the same. Of course, he understood Xuanmo's mind, so he used a new skill that he realized after his breakthrough at the first time - teleportation!