Mysterious Continent

Chapter 186 Dance of Ice Prison

As the name implies, teleportation means teleportation, that is to say, it can instantly appear from one place to another place. Of course, the teleportation of the evil shadow cannot be a distance-free version of teleportation. The teleportation of the evil shadow is teleportation limited to 200 meters, and can only be used three times a day. However, don't underestimate these three times. With these three teleportation skills, the evil shadow is equivalent to having three lives. When he is in danger, he can easily escape. This time, obviously thanks to the teleportation skill, Xuanmo was able to interrupt the release of the ice-headed dragonfly's skill.

However, Xuanmo did not stop attacking. Judging from the escape of the ice and fire two-headed dragonfly, their defense is not very strong, but their attack power is stronger, and even their defense power is not as good as that of the Titan ape. I'm afraid the reason why they stay in the sixth lap is because of their strong ice and fire attack power.

The next moment, Xuanmo has turned into a white light and cut it to the ice and fire. It is the skill of ghost crying - ghost shadow flashing!

Obviously, because the ice-headed dragon has just finished the release of skills, there is no time to gather new skills to defend. However, the firehead is different.


Another huge fireball spewed out from the air of the firehead, and the fireball immediately met the mysterious ink that turned into white light.

"Hehe! You are still not dead this time!" The head of fire smiled evilly.

But how did he know that the ghost flash ignored all defenses?

With a "bang", the white light cut has crossed the huge fireball and cut directly to the body of the ice and fire double-headed dragonfly.

Suddenly, in the surprise of the ice and fire double-headed dragonfly, a huge white skull shadow has slowly risen from above their heads. Of course, the skull that devours life cannot kill the ice and fire two-headed dragonfly in an instant, but it is enough to hurt them.

However, what surprised the ice and fire two-headed dragonfly was that the Xuanmo, which turned into white light, turned around and cut straight at them. In fact, it is the upgraded skill of Ghost Flash - Death Ghost Flash. Using the skill of Death Ghost Flash was a temporary decision made by Xuan Mo, because he didn't want to give up this opportunity, so he used Death Ghost Flash at the cost of consuming a huge demon.

You know, the death ghost flash is different from the ghost flash. Although the Death Ghost Flash is more powerful, it has to consume more magic. This is also the reason why Xuanmo lost his magic power when he used the death ghost twice. However, of course, part of the reason was also caused by the low level of Xuanmo at that time, but it is an indisputable fact that the death ghost flash needs huge magic as support.

In an instant, Xuanmo turned into a white light and cut through the body of the ice and fire double-headed dragonfly, and the virtual shadow of the white skull that still devours life rose, but this time, it was obviously bigger than last time.

The flash of the death ghost is usually three flashes, but Xuanmo did not make a third flash after the two flashes, but directly ordered the evil shadow to spit out despair to the ice and fire.

In fact, it's not that Xuanmo doesn't want to make a third flash. It's really that the magic of the death ghost flash consumes a lot, and he obviously feels that the ice and fire double-headed dragons have not been greatly harmed. Xuanmo didn't want to lose his magic, but he didn't really hurt the ice and fire.

Although Xuanmo did not attack, he had ordered the evil shadow to release his desperate breath. Moreover, Feng'er immediately released the Fengying split.

However, the ice and fire double-headed dragonfly, who was cut twice, has completely fallen into anger, especially the ice-headed dragonfly. He never thought that he would be hurt by such a weak human in his eyes.

Suddenly, the ice and fire two-headed dragonfly shouted in unison, and the unpleasant voice was really not flattering.

At this time, when the desperate breath of the evil shadow and the phoenix shadow flew to their side, violent magic fluctuations began to appear around them. And at the moment when this violent magic fluctuation appeared, the desperate breath of the evil shadow and the phoenix shadow split disappeared like that, as if it had been evaporated, which was really strange.

Then, the earth began to tremble violently, and an indescribable magic of ice and fire began to move. Then, an energy mixed with ice and fire has begun to rise quietly. And the surrounding trees actually melted. Yes, it's melting!

Feeling the abnormality of the ground and the abnormal energy, Xuanmo couldn't help frowning, "This! What kind of power is this? What are they doing again?"

At this time, the ice-headed dragonfly and the fire-headed dragonfly opened their mouth at the same time, a cold sound and a fanatic sound, but in the end it merged and became a sound.


The next moment, the sound of cold and fanaticism sounded word by word in the air.

At the moment when this sound appeared, the ground shook violently. It's like a precursor to an earthquake. At this moment, Xuanmo finally realized the danger. Of course, the most important thing is the danger of the Titan ape, because after all, Xuanmo is in the air at this time, while the Titan ape is still on the ground, so at the first time, Xuanmo immediately let the evil shadow use the teleportation skill. Of course, the destination of teleportation is The location of Titan ape.

And when the last dance was finished, with the ice and fire double-headed dragons as the center, huge ice cones began to rise quickly. The ice cones were actually more than ten meters high, and there were red flames burning on the periphery of the ice cone, which was really surprising and even surprising. After that, the ice cone burning with red flames spread around like a spinning dance, spreading around, and the speed of its spread has reached a level that is difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

Almost in an instant, the dance of ice prison has spread to Titan. At this time, Xuanmo and the evil shadow also appeared beside Titan.



After two loud voices, Xuanmo, Evil Shadow and Titan ape have all disappeared.

High above the sky, Xuanmo still stands on the back of the evil shadow, but there is already a lot of blood on his body. Obviously, he was seriously injured and stood breathlessly on the back of the evil shadow. His upper body clothes had completely burned out, and even his hair burned a lot. The evil shadow is the same. The left wing has been broken a lot, and the blood has ticking. Obviously, it is hurt by the dance of ice and fire prison. The previous two sounds were obviously made by Xuanmo.