Magic totem

Section 033 Gopher

As soon as Mo Li flew to the periphery of the Mingxing Forest, he saw a long dragon composed of torches coming towards him. His face changed, and then he was relieved. He couldn't help but speed up and soon came to the front of the long dragon. He guessed correctly. The torch dragon was composed of a team of heavily armed soldiers, and Miller and Miffy were walking in front of the long dragon. Seeing Mo Li appear, everyone couldn't help but stop.

"Brother Mo Li, are you all right?" Miller saw Mo Li appear and walked to him with an arrow, looking up and down at Mo Li's body. The color of concern on his face moved Mo Li.

"I'm fine, Miller, don't worry." Mo Li adjusted his mood and said with a smile.

Miller sighed, "It's okay, it's okay."

"Miller, this is the magician you mentioned." At this time, the soldier who came over and thought he was tall and dressed in heavy armor asked angrily.

"Yes, he is Mo Li." Miller smiled happily when he saw Mo Li's safe return.

"Conan, the chief guard of Haixing Town, has met Lord Mo Li. I don't know what he has gained from following the bandits this time?" It turned out that the soldier was the captain of the guard of Haixing Town.

Hearing the words of the captain of the guard, Mo Li turned his inquiring eyes to Miller beside him.

Miller nodded with a smile and said, "I have told the captain of the guard everything we met tonight, because I was really worried to see you go deep into the Mingxing Forest alone. I thought that I couldn't help you alone, so I went to the mayor to ask for support."

"It turned out to be the Chief of Guards of Konan. I'm really sorry that everyone came here in person for Mo Li to work so late." Mo Li bowed his hand to Konan.

Conan quickly shook his head and said, "It's an honor to work for the magician. Besides, adults are also involved in danger in order to investigate the bandits in the town, and we should have come here. But what can you gain tonight?"

Mo Li sighed and said, "There is indeed a harvest, but because the other party has a high-level warcraft with the ninth level of the Unicorn King and went deep into the Mingxing Forest, he still let him escape."

"Ninth-order Advanced Warcraft?" Konan couldn't help opening his mouth wide. I don't know how our Haixing Town offended this evil star. If he let the Unicorn King make a scene in Haixing Town, then..."

"Also, I found that this person not only has a powerful unicorn king, but also has a strong ability, that is, the method of controlling beasts. The unicorn king should be controlled by him." Mo Li said in horror. Star Town, this time I want you to pay the price you deserve for your sins. Mo Li said in his heart.

"Animal Master? It turned out to be a mysterious beast master!" Miffy next to him said incredulously, "I didn't expect that there was such a thing in the world. I just saw it in the book before."

"Miss Miffy, what are you talking about? Is it awesome?" Mo Li asked deliberately.

Hearing Mo Li's question, everyone present turned their eyes to Miffy.

"The beast master, as the name implies, is a group of people who can control warcraft. Their own strength is not good, but they have a magical way to control beasts. Because of this, they can control a large number of monsters for their own use, so their strength is stronger than ordinary magic mentors. If they can control a large number of monsters, it is enough to destroy a city. Miffy said lightly, "But these are all said in the book. I don't know if it's really so terrible."

After listening to Miffy's words, Mo Li and Miller couldn't help looking at each other. Miller said, "So, there is nothing wrong with what is written in the book. The reason why so much food is lost in the town is not the position of bandits, but this beastman who controls a large number of strange animals to steal food. In this way, he is really the legendary beast master.

"Are those gophers really under his control?" Captain Konan asked. It seems that Miller really told him everything.

"Yes." Mo Li nodded and said, "Not only that, when I was chasing him, he blew the flute, and a strange red giant bird appeared out of thin air. It was its obstruction that made me lose it."

"It seems that things are serious. Lord Mo Li, I think we'd better go back and tell the mayor all this. Konan said seriously.

"Okay, it's not too late. Let's go back quickly." After saying that, everyone turned around and rushed to Haixing Town.


Just as the crowd didn't go far, a slight sound appeared in everyone's ears.

"What?" Mo Li was the first to shout. With his cry, everyone stopped and looked behind them with caution.

"Look, it's a gopher, a lot of gophers!" A soldier suddenly shouted.

Sure enough, a large number of gophers are rushing to everyone from the Mingxing Forest, almost filling the whole official road.

"Ready to fight! It must be a beast master who appeared. Mo Li roared, and the magic wand had appeared in his hand. The soldiers behind him surrounded Mo Li and Miller brothers and sisters in the middle. Anyone with common sense knows that although the magician has strong magic, his body is much weaker than ordinary people. One reason why these soldiers protect the three people in the middle is that the magician's status is detached. In dangerous situations, they have the responsibility to protect the magician.

Looking at the closer and closer gopher, Mo Li smiled happily on his face. Nick, you learned so fast. It seems that our plan is about to succeed. All the soldiers stayed where they were and protected the three of us, and we dealt with them with magic. If a gopher approaches, kill it directly!" Mo Li said loudly.

Where have you seen so many gophers? Although the attack power of gophers is not very strong, one or two gophers are nothing in the eyes of these soldiers, but now they are a large area. As the saying goes, if you have more ants, you can kill an elephant, not to mention the attacking gopher now? So these soldiers present had long been panicked. Now when they heard Mo Li's words, they finally reacted and immediately took out their weapons and looked carefully at their feet.

"Miller, Miffy, it's not too late. Let's start. Remember to use a wide range of magic and don't ask to destroy these gophers, just scare them away. Just stop them from entering the city." Mo Li turned to Miller and Miffy and said. At the same time, he also gave Miller a win

Miller was stunned and immediately understood what he meant. The three quickly took out the magic wand. The three lights of red, blue and green immediately lit up in the night.

"The elves who illuminate everything, please use your supreme light to clear the darkness in front of you and bring the dark things closer. Let's rise, the light of fire!"

"The source of life, the foundation of all things, please listen to my call, turn into a downpour, and clean everything dirty in front of you. Let's fall, it's raining heavily!" According to Mo Li's intention, Miller did not use magic to really attack those gophers, but died and caused a large range of low-level magic. This magic did no damage to Warcraft at all, but could use rain to stop them from moving forward.

"Green elves, please listen to my call and turn into countless sharp wooden thorns to destroy these dark creatures in front of you! Wood stabbing!" Unlike Mo Li, Miffy is obviously very bored with these dirty things crawling all over the ground, so she directly used her most powerful group attack magic.

In an instant, a dazzling light rose above the heads of the gophers. A wave of drifting rain fell on the head, followed by sharp wood thorns flying all over the sky.