Magic totem

Section 036 Fierce Mo Yan

"Ji-jiu!" A crisp sound of birds attracted everyone's eyes to the sky. A big fiery red bird was flying from the north at this time. During the flight, it kept spraying a long flame from its mouth. The whole northern sky had been stained blood red, as if the doomsday was coming, which looked extremely horrible.

"What is that?" I don't know who shouted, and then everyone panicked.

"The avenger of nylon is coming, the avenger of nylon is coming!"

"Quickly, open the gate. We're leaving. Let's not die here with the conscienceless mayor!"

The people gathered in front of the gate began to shout. Dozens of soldiers are about to be irresistible. Several people's hands have touched the huge bolts of the gate. As long as there is time, it is not difficult to rush out.

"Let's calm down!" By this time, the mayor Ruth had received the news and rushed over with a large number of guards. At this time, he was standing on a high platform next to the gate and said loudly. After all, Ruth has been the mayor for more than ten years, and he still has prestige. Just as he spoke, everyone stopped.

"Listen to me." Ruth stabilized his mood and said, "It's true that I can't manage this disaster in Haixing Town. Ruth is ashamed of the people of Haixing Town. But now that something has happened, please calm down and listen to me. Those rumors are indeed true. Some people want to wash our starfish town with blood. However, we have contacted the Magic Guild and other forces, and we will not sit idly by. I know everyone's thoughts, but it's too late to leave now. As you have just seen, those people have begun to take action. So now please go back to your home first and don't come out no matter what happens.

"Why do we believe in you?"

"That's right, you caused this disaster. Now you want us to accompany you to die. What's wrong with you!"

"If you still have a conscience, open the gate and let everyone out!"

"Open the gate! Open the gate!" All the people present shouted at this time. The whole scene is almost out of control. If the hundred soldiers brought by Ruth hadn't stood in front of the gate, these people would have opened the gate and left.

The cry of "Ji-jiu..." came from the sky again, and the red giant bird had reached the top of everyone's head. Constantly hovering on the heads of everyone. Always ready to attack the crowd.

"Quick! Everyone go home first!" Ruth said loudly that by this time, his whole face had turned extremely pale. He really didn't expect that the starfish he had been in power for more than ten years had made such a huge mistake because of a moment of confusion. He turned around and shouted to his subordinates, "Come on, go and invite Mo Lao and all the nobles!"

"The mayor, those nobles have..." A soldier said trembling.

"What do you need to say quickly!"

"All the nobles in the town left quietly last night..." the soldier said cautiously.

"Bastard!" Ruth suddenly pulled out the sword in his hand. "Don't let me see them again, or I will smash them to pieces!" What are you still doing? Why don't you invite Mo Lao!"

"Mo Lao has come..."

"Ruth, now you know that you are anxious. If you had known that you would regret it today?" Sure enough, Mo Yan has arrived at the edge of the city gate with a group of magicians. He said coldly to Ruth.

Rus saw Mo Yan and others as if he had seen a savior. He ran to Mo Yan and knelt on the ground with a "pop" in three steps and two steps. Mo Lao, Ruth asks you to save Starfish Town.

Mo Yan looked coldly at Ruth kneeling on the ground and ignored him. He turned to the people in the city and said, "Don't panic. With me here, everyone will be fine."

"It turned out to be the president of the Sorcerer's Guild."

"President Mo will definitely be fine."

"Mo Lao, you must save us."

All the people seemed to meet a savior, and they surrounded Mo Yan with a "hula". Strangely, since Mo Yan's arrival, although the red giant bird in the air is still hovering in the air, it has not really attacked the crowd.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you." Mo Yan said with a smile, "Now please stand in order. Let me show you a good play."

"Good show?" Everyone looked at Mo Yan and others doubtfully.

Mo Yan nodded, then turned his head and said to Mo Li in the crowd behind him, "Mo Li, when will you wait if you don't do anything at this time?"

Mo Li walked out of the crowd with a smile and shouted at the red giant bird in the air, "Firenu, it's over. Go and bring Nick."

A surprising scene appeared. The originally fierce giant bird nodded meekly to the seemingly thin child in front of him, and then rose to the sky with a "chig" and disappeared from everyone's sight in an instant.

"So this..." Ruth stood up in surprise and stared at Mo Li incredulously. "Is all this your masterpiece?"

"You're right." It was not Mo Li who promised him, but Mo Yan, who stood behind Mo Li, and saw him walk to Ruth. Ruth, do you know the sin?!"

"Mo Lao, what do you mean?" Ruth seemed to realize something in his heart, but he asked strangely.

"Don't you wake up at this time?" Mo Yan shouted loudly, then turned his hand and took out a golden token. He only saw a delicate orchid carved on the front of the token. Orchids are the symbol of the royal family of the Telang Empire. As soon as the token came out, everyone present knelt down.

"Hangtoray, my emperor!" Everyone shouted.

Mo Yan held up the token in his hand and shouted, "I, Mo Yanmeng, did not give up. I was awarded the post of Duke of the Empire and gave your majesty a token to guard the northern border of the empire. Now I will clean up the moths of the empire for your majesty. After saying that, he squatted down and looked at Ruth and said harshly, "I already know everything. Now I'll give you a chance to say everything quickly so as not to suffer."

By this time, Ruth also knew that her mistakes had been known by the Duke in front of him. Although there was a trace of luck in her heart just now, it seemed that everything was too late. He really regretted that he should not care about his evil son, otherwise the situation would not have happened today, but it has happened, and it is too late to regret it.

Ruth slowly raised his head, looked at the people of the town and said, "I, Ruth, am sorry to everyone. Now that things have come to this point, if I don't understand it again, I will be very sorry for my conscience. I said..." Then he said everything.

Things have to go back to three months ago. That day, Ruth sat at home looking through the town*. At this time, a subordinate came back to report that his son Luke had caused a big deal outside and flirted with a maid in Baron Sux's family. At this time, he had been imprisoned by Baron Sux. Ruth was furious when he heard this. He knows very well the nature of his son. Because he was born when he was 30 years old. So his wife has always loved this son very much. In addition, this son has been rampant with his own power. Although I beat and scolded several times, I didn't repent. Now it's better to offend the baron.

Rus really didn't want to care about this unfilial son, but when he thought about it, he only had this son, so he had to sigh and rushed to Baron Sux's house with his subordinates, hoping that the Baron could let his son go for his own face. If it really didn't work, let this evil son take that A maid married home.

But what he couldn't imagine was that the Baron did not give him any face at all and had to punish his son according to the laws of the empire. You should know that women in the Trans Empire generally have a high status. Molestic women are usually punished by the palace. I only have this son. If it's true... won't I break up? So Ruth finally put down his dignity for his son and begged Baron Sux.

At this time, Sux finally said his purpose. He asked Ruth to help himself and the nobles in the town get rid of Nylon, the owner of Nis's restaurant. As long as Ruth did what Sux said, he could not only let go of his son, but also promised to give the maid to Luke.

At the beginning, Ruth strongly opposed it. As the mayor of Star Town, Ruth did not do much, but it was still Qingming. How could he agree to let him do something against his conscience for a while? Sux seemed to know Ruth very well. With a wave of his hand, a group of family dins pushed Luke out and threatened Ruth. If he did not agree, he would punish Luke on the spot.

Looking at his son's pleading, Ruth finally softened his heart and agreed to Sux.

What happened later became simple. Ruth used his identity as the mayor to send his cronies to Nis's restaurant for routine inspection, and then took away the restaurant's owner Nylon by "using illegal food". Use all kinds of torture to ask him to plead guilty. But what Ruth didn't expect was that Nylon was a very stubborn person. He pleaded not guilty to the unnecessable crime, no matter how painful the torture was. However, the nobles and barons in the city forced Ruth to get rid of Ni's restaurant and nylon as soon as possible. In desperation, he had to kill Nylon in prison.

Originally, Ruth thought it was over, but when he happily went to take back his son, he got the news that the Ni family had been destroyed! Naturally, he understands who did it. However, because his son is still in the hands of others, it is not easy to delve into it, so he has to deal with this matter symbolically.

After listening to Ruth's account, the whole city was shocked. They never thought that the seemingly clean mayor would do such a thing.

Mo Yan nodded slightly and said, "Your conscience is not lost yet. But since you have done such a degrading thing to the official of the empire, I can't save you. It's up to you." With that, he threw a dagger in front of Ruth.

"President!" At this time, Mo Li walked to Mo Yan and said, "Although Ruth is guilty and knows how to break the law, can you forgive him for his death?"

"Yes, President." Miller also came out at this time and said respectfully, "The boy dared to plead for Mayor Ruth. At that time, he also took care of his son and incense. Now that he has pleaded guilty, I think it's better to spare his life."

"Looking at the contribution of the mayor of Ruth to the starfish, I beg the Duke to kill the mayor!"

"Please forgive the mayor!" At this time, all the people present knelt down and shouted loudly. As the mayor of Haixing Town, Ruth has not done much, but he is also a good mayor. He is not afraid of power and has done a lot of good things for the people. Although he did something wrong against his conscience this time, it was also for a reason, so everyone pleaded for him.

Seeing everything in front of him, Ruth's eyes were full of tears. She had worked hard to maintain her reputation for more than ten years, but she didn't expect it to be destroyed because of a moment of selfish desire. But even so, the people of the town will still plead for themselves. He is really ashamed now. He suddenly picked up the dagger on the ground and stabbed him in the heart! Ruth is sorry, but he has to pay for death.

"No!" Mo Li shouted and was about to save him, but to his shock, Mo Yan stood in front of him at this time.

"The law of the empire cannot be abolished, and the nylon brothers can't die in vain!" Mo Yan said coldly, "Ruth's death today is also deserved!"

"You deserve it!" Ruth shouted, and the dagger had pierced his heart, and blood spewed out along the dagger. Thank you, Duke... Your Excellency... to let... Ruth save the whole body..." A relieved smile bloomed on Ruth's face. Suddenly, he gritted his teeth and suddenly pulled out the dagger in his heart, and the blood immediately gushed out and dyed the marble floor red. Ruth, who has been the mayor of Haixing Town for more than ten years, finally finished his life.

"Alas..." Everyone present couldn't help sighing.

"President!" Mo Li stared at Mo Yan, and then ran to Ruth quickly and gently closed his open eyes. Lord Ruth, the past is over, so you can rest in peace.

"Ji-jiu!" At this time, Firenu landed beside Mo Li with Nick. As soon as Nick jumped off the back of the fire slave, he quickly ran to Mo Li's side. Mo Li, what's going on? How did things turn out like this? Nick stared at Ruth's body on the ground and asked. Nick, who spoke in Starfish Town, certainly recognized Ruth, the mayor. Although he increased his position, from beginning to end, he and Mo Li did not think of anyone to kill. At this time, they couldn't help frowning when they saw the situation in front of them.

Mo Li looked at Nick and shook his head helplessly without saying a word.

"Nick, are you the son of Nick, the Nylon brothers?" When Mo Yan saw Nick, the expression on his face changed. He held Nick in his arms and cried, "It's all my fault that I have made your family suffer such a great change."

Nick struggled to get out of Mo Yan's arms and said coldly, "Who are you?" I don't know you at all!"

"Bold, how dare you be rude to the Duke!" A soldier shouted. With that, he was going to arrest Nick.

Mo Yan glared at the soldier and said, "Don't be rude to him." Then he turned his head and said softly, "I'm Mo Yan, your father's good friend."

"Are you Mo Lao?" Nick looked at Mo Yan doubtfully. I heard from my father that you are the president of what kind of president you are.

"Yes, it's me. Nick is so good. Don't worry. Uncle Mo will avenge your father and family right away. Did you see that Ruth is dead? After saying that, he turned to the magician behind him and shouted, "Open the gate and bring in those nobles!"

"Yes!" Several magicians answered and quickly opened the gate. Outside the gate, there were already full armed soldiers, kneeling in front of the soldiers, kneeling in a row of well-known nobles.

Mo Yan walked to the nobles and rich, took out the token just now and said loudly, "I now deprive you of all your property and noble titles in the name of your majesty. As imperial nobles and merchants, you don't want to thank your majesty for your great kindness and colluding with the government to harm innocent people for your own personal gain. Now I will kill you all on behalf of the empire! With the dignity of the law of the empire!" After saying that, he shouted to the soldiers behind him, "Come on, kill them all! The family property was confised, and all the family worked hard to open the mine in Misu!"

A man dressed as a heavily armored general came up and said respectfully, "I will obey the order of the Duke." Then with a wave of their hands, the soldiers pulled the nobles out of the city. With a few screams, several nobles and rich people disappeared into the world.

Looking at everything in front of us, not only the people in the city were shocked. Even Mo Li couldn't help feeling cold in their hearts. This seemingly gentle Mo Yan is really too fierce. Unexpectedly, all the nobles were killed. It seems that in the Trans Empire, as long as you have power, you don't have to worry about anything. Mo Li thought to his heart. Then he looked at Nick, and Mo Li clearly saw from Nick's eyes that the granary was afraid, not the pleasure after revenge. Walking slowly, holding him in his arms and patting him gently on the shoulder, Mo Li felt that the weak body in his arms was trembling slightly.

"Nick, did you see it? Those who killed your father and family are all dead now. Now you can rest assured." Mo Yan returned to Mo Li and said softly to Nick. The smiling look was almost different from that just now.

When Nick heard Mo Yan's words, he got out of Mo Li's arms and knelt respectfully in front of Mo Yan and said, "Nick thanks the Duke on behalf of the whole family."

"Nick, you don't have to do this. You don't have to talk about the Duke or anything in front of me in the future. From now on, you will be my own son. Don't worry, I will take good care of you for your father. I won't hurt you at all." Mo Yan picked up Nick on the ground and said gently.

"Thank you, Duke."