Magic totem

Section 035 The arrival of the fire slave!

In front of the Wizards Guild of Haixing Town, the mayor gathered at the gate of the guild with more than a dozen nobles and rich people. At this time, it was almost evening, and it was supposed to be the end of work, but there were few passers-by on the whole street. And most of the shops on both sides of the street are closed.

"Why did the mayor and the baron suddenly come to my magician's guild?" When everyone was a little anxious, the president of the Starfish Magician Guild, an old man with white hair, slowly came out at this time.

"Mo Lao, you're out." The mayor went to the president and said, "I really have no choice but to come here with you this time. I hope Mo Lao can help the starfish overcome this difficult situation. Ruth, on behalf of the whole town, thank you for your great kindness."

"Sir Ruth, don't say that. Since our magicians' guild is in Haixing Town, we will definitely not watch the people of Haixing Town have an accident. Don't worry, please come in with me." With that, the president intinued the magicians' guild.

"Ruse, what the hell is going on? Is there something big going on in Haixing Town?" As soon as he sat down, the president asked Mayor Ruth.

"Mo Lao, something big has happened in Haixing Town this time." Ruth said anxiously, "We don't know how Haixing Town has offended a group of orcists. I heard that they are going to learn from Haixing Town. Mo Lao, now only your magician's guild can save everyone in Haixing Town. Ruth once again asks you to help us."

"Animal Master?" The president looked at Ruth in surprise and asked, "Are you sure you are an animal master?" And not one?"

Ruth nodded and said, "Does Mr. Mo remember the robbery case a month ago? Yesterday, a man named Feller's Mercenary Regiment has found out what's going on. It turned out that the food was not stolen by ordinary bandits. The deceased beast master controlled a large number of gophers, sneaked into the homes of nobles and rich people in the middle of the night, and then ate up all the food. Moreover, a magician named Mo Li in the mercenary regiment also saw one of the beast masters in person, and it was from the beast master that he learned all this.

"Mo Li?" The president's eyes lit up and then nodded. After pondering for a while, he said, "I also know this Mo Li. He just got the certification of a junior magician from me the day before yesterday. The 12-year-old junior magician didn't expect to find such a big thing as the beast master again... Town leader, I think so. I'll meet this Mo Li as soon as possible, and then mobilized the magician. Don't worry, as long as there is our magician's guild, we will definitely not let tragedy come to starfish.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Mo. In this case, we won't bother. Mo Li seems to live next door to the guild. After saying that, the mayor Ruth left the magician's guild with everyone.

"The beast master..." The president of the guild known as Mr. Mo whispered, "It doesn't make sense. Although the general beast master is arrogant and lonely, he is a very principled person and will not kill randomly. It seems that there must be a secret behind this matter. It's time to meet Mo Li." After saying that, he went straight out of his exclusive room, and his opponent ordered a few words and went straight to Mo Li's hotel where they were staying.

"Are you... the magician who assessed us that day?" It was Miffy who opened the door for Mr. Mo. She had just finished what Mo Li said, but she didn't expect that as soon as she entered the room, someone knocked on the door.

The president smiled and nodded. Are you Miss Miffy? Is Mo Li there?

Miffy didn't expect the magician to remember his name. He smiled and got out of his way and said, "He is talking to my brother. Please come in."

The president was also polite and went straight in. After pouring him a cup of tea, Miffy turned around and approached Mo Li's room. It wasn't long before Mo Li and Miller came out with Miffy.

"Do you always have something to do with me?" Mo Li sat opposite the old man and asked.

The president nodded and said, "First of all, introduce myself. I am Mo Yan, the branch president of the Starfish Branch of the Trans Magicians Association."

"It turned out to be the president." Mo Li suddenly stood up and said respectfully, "I don't know that the president is here. It's disrespectful and disrespectful."

"Okay, these vulgar gifts will be waived." Seeing that the Miller brothers and sisters were also going to salute themselves, President Mo Yan waved his hand and said, "Mo Li, I came here to ask you about the beast master."

came, and Mo Li was happy. Then he nodded quietly and said, "The president can ask, and the boy will definitely tell you everything he knows."

"Hmm." President Mo Yan nodded with a smile and said, "What I want to know is why those orcists washed Starfish Town with blood. As far as I know, the orcist is an extremely mysterious profession. They are generally very arrogant and lonely, but they are all very principled people, and it is impossible to do such a thing as slaughtering the city for no reason.

Mo Li nodded and said, "There is indeed a secret in the middle. President, I believe in your character, so I won't hide anything anymore. Here's the thing. As you said, these beast masters will not slaughter the city easily. Otherwise, they won't just let the gophers steal food from the nobles and rich merchants. Otherwise, I'm afraid civilians would have been out of food for a long time.

"That's true. I have also heard about bandits, but the food of the nobles and rich families in the town has been lost, and such a thing has not happened in civilian families. So the bloody starfish is just alarmist?"

Mo Li shook his head and said, "President, don't worry, listen to the boy slowly explain it to you. Among these or beasts, there is a child named Nick, who is the son of Nylon, the owner of the first Ni's restaurant of the starfish. These beast masters came here to uphold justice for Nick.

The son of nylon? He's not dead yet?"

"It seems that you also know about the nylon family." Mo Li said lightly, "Not only did he not die, but also worshipped an orcist as his teacher by chance. It was because of this that these orcists came to stand up for Nick. As you said, the beast masters are some cold and lonely people. They are very principled. If you don't invade them, they really won't do anything to you, but if you bully one of them, do you think the bloody starfish town is just alarmist?

After listening to Mo Li's words, President Mo Yan suddenly stood up. What do you mean by this sentence? Is the death of nylon the work of people in Starfish Town? Mo Li noticed that flames seemed to erupt in the president's eyes.

"President, what are you?" Miller asked strangely, "Do you know nothing about the Ni family?"

President Mo Yan shook his head painfully and said, "Listen to me, in fact, I already knew him when Nylon just set up Ni's Restaurant. It was because I liked to drink the hundred-flower wine he brewed that it didn't take long for us to become friends. Later, because the empire had something to deal with, I left the starfish. But when I came back, the Ni family had been..." A line of tears moistened President Mo Yan's eyes. But now I'm very gratified to hear that Nylon's only son is still there.

"So it is." Mo Li suddenly realized that after looking at Miller, he smiled and said, "President, if I tell you that the Nylon family, including himself, have been killed, do you believe it?"

Mo Yan slowly walked to Mo Li, stared at him for four or five minutes, and said, "You don't have to ask me these words. I have seen everything in your eyes. Now tell me everything you know. Remember not to lie anymore.

"You are..."

"Do you think your lies can deceive me? You must have reached some agreement with Nick. Also, if a large number of orcists really come, do you think they will only retaliate against those nobles with rats?

"I don't know what you're talking about. I have only met one of the orbeast masters. If you don't trust me, you can go to Mingxing Forest by yourself. Mo Li also stared into Chairman Mo Yan's eyes and said.

Looking at Mo Li's firm eyes, Mo Yan's heart trembled, which was too similar. How can it be that the child is not... He shook his head and got rid of his distracting thoughts. He said with a smile, "I know what you mean by doing this. But don't worry, although I'm not a good person, I won't do anything bad to the son of my old friend.

Mo Li looked at the president quietly. Mo Yan also looked at him. After a long time, Mo Li sighed. Well, I'll believe you..."

"Mo Li!" Just as Mo Li said this, Miller and Miffy shouted at the same time. Then he stared at him fiercely.

"Haha!" President Mo Yan suddenly burst into laughter. Nick should be relieved to know that he can have friends like you. Since you doubt my intentions. Saying this, Mo Yan suddenly bit his middle finger, drew a strange pattern in the air with his own blood, and then shouted, "Mo Yan, the golden magic mentor, swears by his soul that if I have the heart to harm Nick, I will let my soul go to hell in an instant and suffer all the punishment." As his voice fell, a dark gray light flew out of his forehead and suddenly penetrated into the strange symbol, and the blood light flashed in the air.

"Now you three little guys should trust me." Mo Yan said with a smile.

The three of them lowered their heads and didn't know what to say. Mo Li suddenly raised his head and said, "President forgive us. We are also entrusted by others."

"Ha ha, I can understand. Tell me everything now. I'm sorry for the nylon brothers. Now that his son is still alive, how can I sit idly by?

"Okay." Mo Li nodded, and then told him how he and Miller accepted the task of the bandits and how they met Nick during the investigation, and even all his plans.

After listening to Mo Li's narration, a terrible momentum suddenly appeared on President Mo Yan. He clenched his fist and said coldly, "How dare these bastards to treat the Ni family, nylon brother. Mo Yan is sorry for not being able to help you when you were suffering. Don't worry, I swear to God that I will clean up those bastards and avenge you and your family. Don't worry, Nick, I will take good care of it in the future.

"President, you don't have to be sad. Those nobles will pay for their crimes sooner or later!" Mo Li said fiercely.

Mo Yan walked to Mo Li, touched his head and said, "Good boy, I thank you for the nylon brothers. But remember, nothing in the world is absolute, not every noble fighter. If I guess correctly, these two people around you should be the descendants of the Mi family on the north coast of themingsea. They are also nobles.

"Hmm. The president is indeed well-informed. Our brother and sister are indeed descendants of the Mi family. Miller said respectfully, and then turned to Mo Li: "Brother, although many nobles have deteriorated, there are still many nobles who still maintain their previous essence. So I don't want you to be noble..."

"Brother Miller, don't worry, Mo Li knows." Mo Li rushed to say before Miller finished speaking, "President, what should we do now?"

"That's right, since you are a friend of Nylon, you won't let the Magician Guild participate in this matter, will you?" Miller looked at Mo Yan and said.

"Hehe, you don't have to worry about these, just do it in your way. I will cooperate well with you." Mo Yan said with a smile, "Don't worry, I will make those bastards regret doing this. I have something else to do, so I left first. Don't worry about doing your own things. No one can hurt you. After saying that, Mo Yan left.

In the exclusive room of President Mo Yan of the Magic Association. Mo Yan was sitting in his seat, with three magicians standing in front of him.

"Now you go to Misu City as soon as possible. This token allows him to lead 500 soldiers to come quickly and station 30 miles east of Haixing Town waiting for deployment. In addition, inform Lan Yan, the president of the Misu Magician Guild, and ask him to mobilization some magicians to come quickly.

"Mo Lao, do we really want to help the mayor of Starfish? Today, I heard that those who want to wash here are mysterious beast masters. And it's still because the mayor and nobles seem to have offended others. A magician on the left said respectfully.

"How can I get so much nonsense? I have my own opinion. Why don't you go quickly!"

Yes! Mr. Mo After saying that, the three quickly left Mo Yan's room.

"It's getting more and more fun. Take your time and wait for the good play. Mo Yan said in a low voice. That child..." Mo Yan shook his head. "It's impossible. Their mother and son have already... It seems that I thought too much. Mo Li, I hope you won't let me down. After saying that, Mo Yan walked out of the room.

Early the next morning, the gate of Haixing Town had not been opened, and a large number of people had gathered in the street in front of the gate. Everyone is almost the same, carrying a big bag and leading a group of sons and old people.

"Grandpa, why are you leaving?" At this time, a middle-aged woman in the crowd said to an old man.

The old man shook his head and said, "Don't go? Are you waiting to die here? The mayor and nobles have offended those who should not be offended. Now they are coming to slaughter the city, but the mayor hides the news. If my son's friend hadn't told us, how could we have known?

"Yes, the mayor has gone too much this time." The middle-aged woman shook her head and said.

"It's not just this time." A middle-aged man said at this time, "Actually, you don't know that those orcists are relatives of nylon who died unjustly a month ago. At that time, the mayor colluded with the nobles to kill all the Ni family, and even the children were not let go. Now they have come to seek revenge. Do you think the mayor will tell us?

"Is there such a thing?" The old man said incredulously, "The mayor has always been very good."

"Yes." The woman nodded and said.

"You are confused by his appearance. You all said hello, so I'll ask you, think about it yourself, has Ni's restaurant been open for so long and really used illegal food? Has everyone forgotten what nylon is? In those years, some people secretly used tricks to deal with others. How did nylon do it? Is such a person the kind of person who is mercenary? Besides, even if Nylon is such a person who commits suicide, what about his family? Killed all by the assassins, mayor, what did our mayor do? Now that so long has passed, what has he done? The man said angrily.

"That's right. If it is really a relative of the Ni family, since they dare to do so, there must be some evidence in hand. Another person said.

"Yes, it seems that there must be something fishy in this matter. But it's none of our business. Let's get out of this damn place quickly.

"Yes, we will leave as soon as the gate opens."



"Look, the escort is coming." I don't know who shouted at this time. Everyone turned their eyes to the tower. There was indeed a team of heavily armored soldiers who came down from the tower. The leader still held a golden sheepskin roll in his hand. When he came to the crowd, he opened the sheepskin roll in his hand and read it loudly.

"The mayor's hand: In view of the extremely dangerous situation around Haixing Town, from now on, all people are prohibited from entering and leaving the gate of Haixing Town. Martial law is carried out in the city. Folks, please believe in the mayor. We will definitely get through the difficulties. Now let's go home first.

"Don't open the gate? Do you want us to die with him?

"That's right, we don't want to die. Open the gate quickly!"

"We are leaving, don't stop us."

"Why do you let the people of the town die with the evil you made?"

For a moment, everyone shouted, and even hit the gate hard. Although these soldiers had weapons in hand, they were all civilian children after all. How could they take action against their relatives? Immediately became chaotic in front of the gate. There were endless shouts, and some people even shouted about the collusion between the mayor Ruth and the nobles to kill Nylon.

"Ji-Ji-Ji!" Just when everyone was in chaos, a loud bird song suddenly sounded, and then everyone saw an extremely horrible scene.