Magic totem

Section 262 Panic

"Senior Roman, how long is it from that night bright city?" Mo Li rode on the horse and asked uncomily that they had been on the road for a long time and were inevitably a little tired. Mo Li is still riding a horse for the first time, and naturally he can't stand it.

Roman smiled and said, "It's almost time. I guess I can enter the city before the sun sets. Mo Li, you are too anxious. Haven't you come a long way before?"

Mo Li lowered his head shyly. He really wants to tell Roman that you are right. But he didn't say so. He said with a smile, "Nothing, just a little tired."

Everyone walked for about half an hour. The official road slowly widened, and neat rows of trees appeared on both sides of the official road, which seemed to have been carefully taken care of. Mo Li looked at the fast- retreating trees on both sides and knew that the night bright city was coming. He was right about what he expected, and soon a tall city appeared in front of everyone.

But to everyone's surprise, there were neat rows of soldiers standing in front of the gate. Every soldier looked serious, as if facing a big enemy. Without knowing the situation, everyone did not dare to rush there easily, but stopped 30 meters away.

After getting off the horse, Mo Li rubbed his sore buttocks and asked doubtfully, "Roman, what's going on? Did these soldiers greet you specially?"

Roman stared at Mo Li fiercely and said, "Have you ever seen a soldier who greeted us like this? I think something has happened to Mingcheng this night. It's so close to the imperial capital, why don't we get any news from the imperial capital? Roman also became puzzled.

"Roman, what are you still doubting? You are the Duke of the Rial Empire. Just run over with your token and ask, won't you know?" Cayll said with a smile. He also took a meaningful look at Mo Li, which means that you are also the count of the Rift.

Mo Li couldn't help suffering in his heart, that depression. It's really wrong for me to be a count. Not only does he have no power, but he doesn't even have an annual salary. It was really tricked by Roman's old fox. But since it's blocked, what else can we do? Shake his head helplessly. He walked to Roman and said with a smile, "In that case, let's go and have a look together."

Roman nodded and pulled Mo Li forward. Before they came to the soldiers, they only heard the neat "brush". All the soldiers raised their weapons and looked at Mo Li with a wary face. In an instant, a group of soldiers came quickly and pointed the long sword in their hand at the two and asked, "Please take a detour. Yeming City is not allowed to enter for the time being." It's polite to speak.

Roman frowned. It seemed that he could not adapt to the attitude of these soldiers now. It was also imagined that Roman was the Duke of the Rial Empire. And it seems that at his current age, the Duke has been doing it for a long time. When did anyone dare to disrespect him so much? Even if you want to enter the inner city of the palace, no one dares to stop it directly.

Mo Li noticed the change in Roman's expression and naturally would not be stupid enough to negotiate with these soldiers. With Roman, a senior official, Mo Li was also happy.

"Who are you in charge? Let him come to see me." Sure enough, Roman changed his expression and said coldly. The momentum emanating from his body was even shocked by Mo Li. If I hadn't been with Roman for a long time. I really can't believe that this is the amiable Roman predecessor.

The soldier was shocked by Roman's momentum at first. But then they all calmed down. The soldiers who had stood in a row surrounded Mo Li with a "hula", and everyone's face was full of indifference and hatred. Seeing the changes of these soldiers, Mo Li couldn't help but move. What really happened in this Yeming City? These soldiers will not have any misunderstanding about the two of them.

After all, Roman is not a reckless person. Mo Li can feel that he must have seen it long ago. Without blaming those rude soldiers, he took out the gold medal symbol of his identity and threw a soldier and said, "Don't get me wrong, I'm Roman. Come and see me from your master."

The soldier didn't believe it at first and quickly handed over the gold medal to a seemingly leader. The man took a look and quickly sent the gold medal to Roman with both hands and said respectfully, "Please forgive me, Duke. We don't know Mount Tai and misunderstand that you are old. I'm going to inform the lord of the city. After saying that, he shouted to the few people behind him, "You treat the Duke well."

Roman shook his hand impatiently and said, "Where did so much nonsense come from? Go and call out your city owner. What the hell is going on here?

The man did not dare to neglect, so he immediately flew up and flew away to Yeming City.

Mo Li walked to Roman with a smile and whispered, "Elder Roman, you are so powerful." Although Mo Li is also a count of the Ri Ri Empire, he is not a member of the Ri Ri Empire after all. In addition, he is on duty, so naturally he will not care too much about the affairs of this country. So it seems very leisurely.

And Roman is different. He is a complete split sun man, and he is also the minister of this country, so as long as something happens to the split sun empire, he will be very concerned. Roman stared at Mo Li with dissatisfaction and said coldly, "Bad boy, can't you live for a while? Alas, I don't know what happened here. Unexpectedly, so many soldiers have been touched, and it is estimated that even Mengri City has been mobilized.

The old man looked at Mo Li, who was kneeling on the ground, flashed on his face with a smile, and then walked to him and said, "I can take you as an apprentice for the time being, but the next step depends on your performance. If you can stick to it, it's naturally good, but if you can't do it according to my requirements, then... The old man shook his head and said, "I can only give up your apprentice. Because I don't want to waste time and experience on anyone.

"Master, don't worry, I will work hard."

"Okay, then get up. Follow me to where I live. I will start to teach you magic tomorrow." After saying that, the old man ignored Mo Li and turned around and walked straight forward.

The old man's so-called place to live is not the house imagined by Mo Li at all, but a somewhat dark cave. If you can barely say it's home, you just made a simple bamboo door at the entrance of the cave, and there are more rough furniture made of bamboo.

"You will sleep there tonight and I'll make you something to eat later." The old man pointed to a small bed made of bamboo in the corner of the cave and said.

Mo Li nodded, then walked to the bamboo bed and took down the things on his back.

"Now you go to the river west of the bamboo forest to get a bucket of water. I'll use it later."

"It's Master." After saying that, Mo Li picked up a small bamboo bucket next to the mouth of the cave and walked out.

Looking at Mo Li's petite back, the old man couldn't help sighing, and then turned around and was busy cooking.

Time passed quickly, and it was completely dark in a blink of an eye. This cave is located in the north of the bamboo forest and is driven by the mountains in the north. The bamboo forest at night seemed very quiet, and there was no other sound except the "wish" sound of the bamboo blowing.

Mo Li lay on the bamboo**. Although ** did not have any bedding or anything like that, which seemed a little hard and cold, Mo Li was extremely sleepy and fell asleep soon after due to the running and the battle of the wolf before.

The cave looks very dark, just out of sight. However, after Mo Li fell asleep, a dark shadow bounced up from another slightly larger bamboo ** and stood in front of Mo Li's window for a while. It turned into a breeze and disappeared into the cave. If you look carefully, you can find that the breeze emits a faint red light.

"The little boy got up!" Mo Li was being woken up by the old man when she was sleeping soundly. Although he was a little reluctant, Mo Li immediately got up in order to become a magician.

"Master." After washing his face by the river, Mo Li stood in front of the old man. At this time, it was not yet dawn, and the stars in the east were still faintly visible.

"Okay, today we will start learning magic." The most anticipated moment has finally come. Mo Li stared at the old man seriously for fear of missing a useful word, but the old man's next words puzzled Mo Li.

"First of all, you have to do a preparatory activity first." The old man stared at Mo Li's eyes and said, "From here, run all the way east, run to the end of the bamboo forest, and then run back."

"Ah?" Don't look at the old man puzzledly. Master, do you need to run to learn magic?

"Why, you didn't listen to the master at the beginning?" The old man shouted, "In that case, you can pack up and get out of here after dawn. I want to accept an apprentice like you!"

"Master, it's not like this." Mo Li quickly explained, "It's not that I don't listen to you, I'm just curious."

Curious? Where did so much curiosity come from!" The old man said angrily, "Do you know that curiosity can kill people? Remember, do what you are asked to do in the future. Don't ask so much, or pack up and get out of here! Do you know?"

"Yes, Master." Mo Li said a little aggrievedly.

"What are you still standing here for? Watch the sunrise! Hurry up and run!"

"Yes!" Mo Li has suffered such anger since he was a child, and tears have begun to twirle in his eyes. But he couldn't help letting him fall. He promised the old man, ran out of the cave, and then ran east along the uneven mountain road in front of the cave.

On the left is the towering mountain wall, and on the right is a dark bamboo forest. A seven or eight-year-old child quickly ran east at dawn, as if to welcome the newborn sun.

Mo Li kept running. Because he was a little fast at the beginning and felt a little wronged and didn't pay attention to his feet, Mo Li fell several times in a row at the beginning, but he did not stay, let alone cry, regardless of the pain on his leg, and continued to run forward.

I don't know when it has dawned. Mo Li can even see the birds jumping and singing in the bamboo forest, but the bamboo forest in front of him seems to have no end. Mo Li has run for so long, his legs and feet are a little soft, and his breathing begins to be difficult, but the bamboo forest still has not come to an end.

The sweat all over the body was blown by the cold wind in the morning and soon dried up. A cold breath penetrated into the body. Although he felt very hot, Mo Li couldn't help hitting a cicada. Now he is almost to the limit of his body, and his legs don't seem to be his own, and he still moves back and forth quickly.

When the first ray of sunshine shone in the morning, another mountain at the end of the bamboo forest finally appeared in Mo Li's eyes. He seemed that a traveler who had been in the desert for a long time suddenly saw the oasis and couldn't help speeding up the mountain. But at this moment, Mo Li felt a pain in the soles of his feet and fell to the ground with a "plop". The pain came from the soles of his feet. He slowly began to do it and looked at his right foot. He saw a long thorn in the soles of his feet inserting on the pair of straw shoes her mother made for herself, and blood had passed through the soles of his shoes.

Mo Li endured the pain and gritted his teeth and pulled out the thorn. A burst of pain almost made him unconscious. After resting on the ground for a while, he stood up with difficulty and wanted to continue running forward, because he remembered that Master had told himself that if he could not do what Master asked, Master would let him get out of here.

But when Mo Li stepped forward again, he almost didn't fall down again. The pain in his right foot came, and his young body couldn't help shaking. Looking up at the rising sun, a fierce force rose from the bottom of his heart. I don't believe I can't do it!" Mo Li whispered, and then took a step and ran forward with difficulty. The pain slowly became numb with Mo Li's running. However, some dazzling silver thin lines and large black spots appeared in front of him. But he didn't stop, even on the edge of the bamboo forest, and directly turned his head and ran back.

By the time Mo Li returned to the mouth of the cave, the sun had reached the top of his head. At this time, even Mo Li didn't know how he ran back. Blood kept flowing along his feet, and Mo Li couldn't even see his master clearly. As soon as he got to the mouth of the cave, he burned it directly. His body doesn't seem to be his own at all now, and he can't use any strength at all. Breathing is also extremely uncomfortable. There seems to be something blocked in the throat, and there is a hot pain every time I breathe.

"Don't lie down like a dead pig, stand up quickly!" But as soon as Mo Li lay down, the old man's loud dissatisfied voice sounded again. Mo Li seemed to have been cast a spell. He immediately got up and stood in front of the old man with a little shaking.

"Do as I say!" The old man walked to Mo Li and said, "Now use all your strength and take a deep breath."

Mo Li did not dare to neglect and immediately did what the master said, but after taking a deep breath, the master had no follow-up. Mo Li did not dare to exhale, so he had to hold his breath. Just when he was about to hold back, he heard the old man's next words.

"Then exhale slowly, remember not to be fast, slowly, and exhale all the air in your stomach. Yes, hoo, hoo. Don't inhale. Very good. Do as I said five times."

It's strange to say that after Mo Li followed the method mentioned by Master five times, he felt that his breathing was much smoother. Even the fatigue on the body is much less.

"Now sit down cross-legged." After saying that, the old man sat in front of Mo Li first, and waited for Mo Li to sit down. The old man smiled and said, "Now we start to learn magic."

"Master, which attribute of magic is suitable for me to practice?" It was the first time that Mo Li heard about magic and was full of curiosity about everything.

After listening to Mo Li's words, the old man stared and said angrily, "You are my apprentice. I major in fire magic. Which kind of magic do you think is suitable for practicing?"

"But didn't Master just say that everyone chooses magic suitable for their attributes according to their own talents?" Mo Li asked carefully, afraid that his words would anger the master,

"It's the practice of ordinary people to choose attributes according to talent, but you, are you ordinary people!" The old man questioned loudly.

Mo Li's body couldn't help shaking. The words "magic waste" immediately appeared in his mind. He slowly lowered his head and said nothing more. For a waste material, it's good for someone to be willing to compare their own magic. Do you still have to be picky?

"I tell you, it's still my previous sentence. You can do whatever I want you to do. Don't ask this and that all day, or get out of here. I'm too lazy to explain so much to you. The old man said angrily.

"Yes, my disciple understands." A burst of grievance surged into his heart, but Mo Li suppressed it. He swore silently from the bottom of his heart that no matter how hard it is to study in the future, he will stick to it and must become the most powerful magician in the world to prove that he is not a "magic waste" and die as a "magic genius"!

"Well, sit here now, experience everything around you, and come in and find me when you feel something." The old man seemed to have lost patience with Mo Li. He stood up and went straight to the cave and left him here alone.

Mo Li did not dare to neglect. He immediately closed his eyes and calmed down to experience everything around him.

The sun is about to reach the top of the head. Because there is nothing to block here, the sun shines on Mo Li's body without reservation. It is already summer weather, and the sun has become poisonous. Sweat slowly flows down Mo Li's neck, and even flows into his eyes. It is wet and uncomfortable, but Mo Li hasn't had it since he sat down. Move again, just sit in the sun, and don't even move your clothes soaking wet.

Time passed slowly, and hunger began to fall on Mo Li, but he dared not look for something to eat without Master's permission. At the same time, after sitting for so long, I still haven't felt anything.

"Magic waste"! Are you really a magic waste? Mo Li thought reluctantly. No, I'm not a waste, no! I can definitely do it. Mo Li has been insisting.

But a *-year-old child can withstand the fatigue of long-distance running and the scorching sun, coupled with hunger. I don't know when he fell asleep vaguely.

In his sleep, Mo Li felt that there seemed to be many elves flying around his body. They had seven different eyes, red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple. Mo Li wanted to get close to them, but they seemed to be very shy. As long as Mo Li moved his mind, they suddenly disappeared.

Mo Li couldn't help but be anxious, but when he thought about it, he calmed down. Instead of deliberately approaching them, he let go of his heart, looked at them quietly, and then tried to convey his joy. Slowly Mo Li found that the elves seemed to no longer be afraid of him, and even some elves dared to slowly approach him. Mo Li didn't move at this time, and didn't even want to get close to them. He just looked at them and watched them dancing around him.

Slowly, all the elves seemed to be unmarish about Mo Li and soon filled his body. Mo Li was even happier and couldn't help laughing. At this time, he couldn't help but be shocked. He suddenly remembered what he was doing and immediately woke up.

When he opened his eyes, he happened to see the master standing in front of him, looking at him calmly.

"I'm sorry, Master, I didn't mean to fall asleep." Mo Li quickly explained.

Who knows that this time the master did not lose his temper as before, waved his hand and said, "Okay, get up."

"But Master, I haven't felt anything for so long!" Mo Li said a little nervously.

"Get up when I ask you to get up. Where's so much nonsense!" The old man shouted, "Do you really want to get out of here? If you really want to, take your rotten package now and get out of here immediately!"

"Disciples don't mean that." Mo Li quickly stood up and said. Due to the long sitting, his legs were numb, but Mo Li dared not say anything and tried to control himself to stand in front of the master.

"Come with me. Let's go fishing in the river. If we don't go, I guess we will be hungry today." The old man ignored Mo Li at all and turned around and walked directly to the river.

Mo Li had been there yesterday, not far from the west of the cave. The river flowed down from nowhere in the west, but when it reached the edge of the bamboo forest, it changed its course through the bamboo forest and didn't know where it flowed to. It's noon now, and the sun shines on the river, reflecting dazzling ripples.

The river is about four or five meters wide. I don't know how deep it is. Although it does not flow in a hurry, it is also clear to the bottom. Mo Li can even see the small fish swimming quickly at the bottom of the river.

After the old man walked to the river, he casually folded a bamboo, and then turned to Mo Li and said, "Little boy, you must learn this, or don't blame me if you have nothing to eat in the future." After saying that, he suddenly inserted the bamboo into the flowing river, and a bright red slowly appeared on the surface. When the old man picked up the bamboo, a small fish that was still struggling had been inserted into the front end of the bamboo.