Magic totem

Section 263 The smart city owner

While Mo Li was talking to Roman, a large group of people rushed over. Among this group of people, Mo Li saw a fat little old man at a glance. The reason why I noticed this guy is not because he is very fat, but also because he is not only fat, but also very healthy. It's almost the same as the dwarfs. Now he is running fast. The body trembled like a rolling meatball. Extremely funny. So Mo Li saw it at a glance among a group of people.

But when these people approached the two, Mo Li was surprised to find that this guy was actually the head of these people and the owner of Yeming City. His gray hair was randomly combed behind his head, and the fat on his face piled up into mountains, squeezing his nose and eyes together. But it was in those almost invisible eyes that Mo Li did not dare to underestimate the funny city owner although he was tired but flashed from time to time.

"I'm going to participate in the Duke of Luomin." The old man walked to Roman and saluted respectfully. I guess he has run a long distance and is out of breath. The sound seemed to be about to go out of breath.

Roman waved his hand to him to stand up, and then asked, "Lord Luocheng, I've heard of you in the imperial capital. What's wrong with Ye Mingcheng? Why did you suddenly go under martial law? Has something happened?"

Luo Min finally gasped and said with a sullen face, "Duke, you are here. If you don't come again, I guess Yeming City will be over.

"What are these words!" Roman scolded, "Lord Luo, you are also my old minister. How can you jump to a conclusion casually? It's almost over. What the hell happened? Hurry up and say it."

Seeing Roman angry, Luo Min didn't dare to say anything. He lowered his head and trembled and told the whole story. It turned out that three nights ago, there was a tragedy in Mingcheng that shocked the whole city. Originally, I thought it was a big case, but before the case was resolved, there were ten similar tragedies the next day. And last night, it was even more amazing, directly increasing to 20 cases.

The so-called tragedy is that when Luo Min was feasting guests at the city owner's mansion three days ago, he suddenly reported that there was a tragedy on Shili Street. When Luo Min arrived with everyone, he found a man lying in his home**. The body was torn apart, and after the autopsy, the heart disappeared, but strangely, the face of the deceased was indeed happy and very happy. That night, Luo Min realized that the incident was unusual and immediately arranged a patrol at night. But the next day, ten identical bodies were found again. Now people in Yeming City are panic. When it increases to 20 people, many people have begun to prepare to leave Yeming City. Although Luo Min and his subordinates have been investigated and prevented, they still can't know the reason, and the tragedy happened one after another. That's why he just said that.

Roman frowned after listening to Luo Min's narration. Mo Li's first thought was of Warcraft, but he heard from the city owner that the expression on the deceased's face was full of joy, indicating that he should not only not be frightened before his death, but also happily. I'm not sure again.

"Well, let's go and have a look first." Roman looked at Mo Li, saw him shake his head at him, and sighed.

"Okay, please." Luo Min's eyes lit up and said with a smile. Mo Li felt that since he saw Roman, although he was scared on the surface, his eyes were full of happiness. Obviously, I am very happy for the arrival of Roman and others.

Mo Li waved his hand to stop everyone and said with a smile, "Senior Roman, let's not be busy yet. It's not too late for me to call everyone to come in together."

Roman is sophisticated and knows that he has forgotten Kaier and others. He nodded and said shyly, "I'd better go with you."

The crowd passed through the neat soldiers and approached the night city where the tragedy took place. Since approaching the gate, Mo Li has felt a very depressing anger. Although the whole city is large, there are few people on the street, and even the small shops on the street are closed. Those people on the street were even more panicked, as if they were avoiding something. Mo Li was shocked. It seemed that this matter really caused panic in Yeming City. Luo Min said that someone was ready to leave here, which was indeed possible. Maybe it's more serious than what he said.

Originally, Luo Min suggested that everyone go to the city lord's mansion for a rest first, but Roman's mind had already flown to the so-called tragedy, so he was not in the mood to rest. So I went straight to the scene of the accident.

I have to say that Luo Min is a good city owner. He is not only good at things, but also very careful. When everyone arrived at the scene of the accident, Mo Li was surprised to find that the scene had been surrounded by Luo Min's people with coarse hemp ropes. Although the scene was chaotic, it maintained its original appearance.

"This is exactly the same as when the accident happened. We didn't move anything. The same is true in other places. Luo Min explained in a low voice, "We did this just to get the results of the investigation."

Roman couldn't help nodding with appreciation. Slowly pull up the hemp rope and walk into the room. Mo Li also followed. But just as Mo Li walked by, he heard Luo Min's voice ringing behind him. Ladies, I advise you not to go in.

"Why? Can't women enter here?" Jiang Yan's dissatisfied voice sounded.

Luo Min shook his head quickly and said, "Don't get me wrong. There is no other reason why I stopped everyone, but it's too bloody."

"We are not afraid." Jiang Yan said simply.

"Mo Li, don't let them in." At this time, Roman's voice sounded from the room. Mo Li was stunned for a moment and understood. Didn't Luo Min just say that the body was divided into many pieces, which was extremely bloody. Thinking of this, Mo Li quickly stopped Jiang Yan and said, "Yan'er, Mei'er, Your Majesty Kai'er, I think you'd better wait for us outside. It's really not a good scene inside."

If this sentence is said by Luo Min or Roman, with Jiang Yan's personality, he will naturally not listen to it, but Mo Li's words are different. She smiled at Mo Li and whispered, "Well, let's wait for you outside." After saying that, he ignored Luo Min and pulled Yu and others to walk aside. But to Mo Li's surprise, the black charm did not leave, but directly pulled up the rope and came to Mo Li's side and said with a smile, "I'll accompany you in." Before Mo Li could say anything, he went straight over him and went in.

Mo Li smiled helplessly at Luo Min, and then turned around and walked inside.

"Isn't this the recent bandit incident in Haixing Town?" Mo Li said strangely.

"Yes. This matter should have been the government's business. Unexpectedly, the government would release a task in the Mercenary Guild, with such a generous reward. It seems that this matter is not as simple as it seems. Miller said thoughtfully, "Thinking about it, we'd better not wading in this muddy water. Brother Mo Li, I think we'd better take on a more ordinary task.

"Brother... the more strange the task is, the more challenging it is. Look at those E-level tasks, either sending letters or looking for lost objects. Do you think such tasks are interesting?" Miffy said dissatisfiedly.

Mo Li listened to Miffy's words and looked at it carefully. As she said, those acceptable tasks of the E-class mercenary regiment were really not worth mentioning.

"Feifei, we have just stepped into the mercenary world for a few days, and I'm afraid it's not good to accept such a task at the beginning. It's not too late when we really understand the world.

"But if you really do this, does our original purpose still make sense?"

"Brother Miller, I think Miffy is right. Since we are mercenaries to train our practical experience, this task just meets our needs. Let's try it next." Mo Li said with a smile. In fact, when he entered Haixing Town, he was already curious when he heard two people talking about this matter, so he was quite interested in this task.

"That's right, brother, let's try it. If it really doesn't work, we can give up directly and take on ordinary tasks at that time." Miffy took the opportunity to say. His eyes glanced at Mo Li intentionally or unintentionally. I didn't expect this local steamed bun to have its own time. Since she saw Mo Li, she felt that this guy was stupid, and he knew nothing about the world. Miffy decided that he must be a steamed bun from the mountains. If it hadn't been for his amazing magical ability, with Miffy's personality, she wouldn't have let this guy be with him.

"Alas." Miller sighed slightly and said, "Since you are all interested in this task, let's go ahead. But one thing you have to promise me is that if there is really nothing we can do, you can't force it.

"Of course, I don't think Miss Miffy is that kind of impulsive person." Mo Li said with a smile.

"That's it." This time, Mo Li's words were in Miffy's heart. He gave Mo Li a bright smile, and then turned to Miller and smiled, "Brother, don't worry, you know my character. If it really doesn't work, I will definitely advance and retreat with everyone."

"This is the best." Miffy took a look at Miffy and then turned to the counter on the left. Let's go and pick up the mission.

"Mercenary Regiment Level E, Task Number T203." Walking to the counter, Miller took out his token and handed it to the girl in charge of the level at the counter.

The girl recorded the result token on a piece of parchment, then returned the token to Miller, then pulled out a light green parchment from under the counter and handed it to Miller and said, "This is the information provided by the launcher of this mission, which may give you some help. There is no time limit for the task, as long as it has not been cancelled. I wish you can complete the task as soon as possible.

"Thank you." Miller took the parchment and turned to Mo Li and said, "Let's go back to the inn and study it carefully."

"Good. Let's go.

In the largest inn in Haixing Town, Mo Li and the three of them are sitting in one of the luxurious rooms. It's late at this time. Several stars hung sparsely in the sky, glowing lonely. The whole town has fallen asleep, and there is no noise during the day. Quiet is a little strange.

"Last month, one-third of the rich merchants and nobles in the town were stolen. It happened almost the same night. The robbers stole not some rare treasures and gold and silver jewelry, but the grain in the granary. A large amount of grain almost disappeared overnight. A month later, no trace was found, and there was no trace of transportation at the scene of theft. The most important thing is that the robbers did not take away a vessel for grain. Miller said inconceribly, "It seems that this matter is not ordinary."

Mo Li put down the parchment in his hand and said, "It seems that they must have prepared in advance, and there are no fewer people, but why don't you take valuable gold, silver and other things directly and have to take so much effort to steal food?"

"This is also something that puzzles me." Miller shook his head and said, "Now it seems that the strength of the three of us can't deal with it for a while. Why don't we just give up?"

"Is it a little bit..." As for something, Mo Li didn't say anything, but looked at Miller.

"I know what you mean...but..."

"Brother, do you think it's something that Warcraft did? Didn't those grains have been removed, but died and eaten directly by it? Miffy interrupted Miller and suddenly said.

"You haven't dreamed that what kind of warcraft can unconsciously sneak into a nobleman's house and eat so much food overnight?" Miller knocked on his sister's head and said angrily.

"Did I say it was a warcraft? If it's a pile, it's not a rare thing to eat several families' food overnight.

"Unless it's a mouse, there will be no warcraft... mouse!" Mo Li suddenly jumped up and said incredulously.

"Yes, why didn't I think of it? Maybe it's really a mouse." Miffy also stood up. Think about it, even if many bandits act together and do not use the original utensils, they definitely need to reload the grain, which will inevitably take a lot of effort. Which bandits will be stupid enough to do this?

"Maybe this is their way of concealing people's eyes."

"In order to cover up people's ears and eyes, if you were the head of the bandit, would you do this?"

"I..." Miller really couldn't answer this question for a moment. As Miffy said, it's not worth it just to hide people's eyes and ears.

"Don't argue with us either. According to the introduction, for two months, those robbers have visited those granaries almost every once in a while. I think we'd better investigate it at night. Maybe it's not necessarily Warcraft as Miss Miffy said. Mo Li sat down and said, "Since we have completed this task, it's really a pity not to do an investigation. Miller, what do you think?

"Okay. Then the two of us will investigate tonight." Miller said helplessly, "I knew that you two would not give up easily after taking this task."

"I'm going too!" Miffy sat down and pouted.

Miller stared at Miffy and said sternly, "Don't join in this fun. You'd better stay here and wait for our news."

"I don't!"

"Miss Miffy, your brother is right. We can't be sure who did this matter now. If there are really a large number of bandits, there may be some danger. You'd better stay here." Mo Li said for Miller.

"If it's really dangerous, why do you still want to go?" Miffy said unconvincedly, "Besides, I have broken through the realm of magicians. I can take good care of myself and will never become a burden to you. Besides, if the situation is wrong, I will leave as soon as possible.

Mo Li and Miller looked at each other and said with one voice, "No!"

"Why!" Miffy asked loudly.

"You don't have to ask so much. Just wait here." After saying that, Miller looked at Mo Li and walked out of the room together.

"Hey!" Miffy shouted and chased after him.

"Yes, if you sneak away, I will send you home tomorrow. I will definitely do what I say!" When Miller was about to walk out of the room, he turned around and said harshly.

Looking at the two people who left, Miffy sat angrily on the stool and kept hitting the table with her hands, as if the poor table had a grudge against her.

The starfish town at night is shrouded in darkness. It's late at night, and the lights have long been extinguished, and only a few stars in the sky are still stubbornly shining. The surroundings were quiet and there was no sound, only the night wind "whispered" across the street, leaving a slight sound. At this time, there were two black shadows lying on the roof of a house, motionless, like a sculpture. Time is slowly passing, and Qixing has appeared. A few bright lights sprinkled down through the clouds, indicating that the sky was about to be bright.

"Miller, it seems that there will be no clue tonight." The two black shadows on the roof are Mo Li and Miller. They have been out for a long time, but after so long, they have never found any movement.

It seems that they will not do anything today. Let's go back, or Feifei will definitely worry about us. Miller stood up as he spoke. Slap your legs with your hands.

"Okay. It seems that this task is not so easy to complete. We have to..." Mo Li suddenly stopped here and listened carefully. Miller! Did you hear any strange sounds?"

"Strange sound? No, it's very quiet around.

"Don't talk. Listen carefully. It's like the sound of something running on the ground." Mo Li whispered, and his body was attached to the roof again.

"You, don't be suspicious, where is the sound...ah!" Speaking of this, Miller couldn't help exclaiming and quickly covered his mouth.

"What's wrong?" Mo Li asked doubtfully.

"Look...what is that?" Miller pulled up Mo Li and pointed to the street not far away and said in surprise.