Magic Dance Song

Chapter 4 Attack

"Lemon, you bully people." The girl cried.

Yin Lemon comforted Anna Sue in a hurry.

At this time, they were in the depths of the forest and lost their way.

More importantly, little Anna is still bare.

This is a complete accident... Well, accidents are always associated with necessity. Originally, everything was fine. They also sneaked out, and then Anna sat aside and watched the lemon practice magic.

The lemon exercises sleep.

Then she accidentally pointed in the wrong direction... This is normal.

As a result, little Anna fell asleep under the effect of magic.

Next, Meng began to take off Anna's clothes, even took off her underwear and bra, and then hid them... In fact, she didn't have any bad intentions. She just wanted to see the anxious appearance of little Anna looking for clothes naked when she woke up. She thought it must be a very interesting and eye-catching thing.

But the problem is that suddenly a few people are approaching them. It may be woodcutter or some hunters. Anyway, someone is just coming in their direction. Because she didn't want little Luo Li's body to be seen by others, she had to run around behind her back, and she didn't even have time to take the clothes she had hidden.

She wanted to wait for those people to leave before going to get Anna's clothes.

But now she is lost.

"Don't cry, don't cry, no one sees you like this anyway." The shade lemon coaxed little Anna.

Anna cried even more sadly.

What should I do? Lemons also find it a little difficult. Now the key is to go out first, but Anna refuses to go on the road bare. And to be honest, for Yin Meng, she also regards this little Luo Li as her own forbidden. Isn't it a big loss to be seen by other men like this?

This is the only way. Meng simply took off her dress and put it on Anna: "You wear mine."

"What about you?" Anna wiped her tears.

"I still have it." Meng pointed to her corset and underwear. It doesn't matter if you are looked at, Anna can't show it to others.

Although Anna was still a little wronged, she had no choice but to stand up and put on her dress. Although the bottom of the dress is still vacuum, it is at least one layer apart, so it is not so ashamed.

"Let's go." Meng took Anna's hand and began to find her way. After all, she grew up in the forest. Although she didn't have a star compass in her hand, she could easily identify the direction.

After walking for a long time, Meng finally found a place to practice magic. However, before they approached, they heard some people talking from there. The lemon asked Anna Su to wait first and sneaked over by herself. No matter who those people were, at least she had to find a way to get out the little Anna's clothes hidden there.

She hid behind a tree and looked at the open space, where there were at least a dozen people now. One of the middle-aged men stood with their hands behind their backs and meditated. Most of the others covered their faces with black cloth and looked quite mysterious. Although the remaining people are not masked, it is only because even if they are not masked, no one will recognize them... or them.

Those are all skeletons!

One of the masked men whispered to the middle-aged man, "They were really here just now."

The middle-aged man said lightly, "Did they find us and hide first?"

As soon as she heard his voice, the lemon's heart immediately cooled down. This man is the one who talked to Emma Burd next to her "body". These people are all for themselves.

"Let's disperse and look for it nearby." The middle-aged man ordered.

yin Meng was timid. She quietly retreated, but accidentally stepped on a dead branch.

"There." A masked man found her.

Within time to think about it, she quickly turned around and ran away.

"What's wrong?" Anna Su saw her run out in panic and asked puzzledly.

Inmon grabbed Anna's hand, didn't have time to explain, and pulled her and ran away. But those masked men have been chased.

"Anna, run." The lemon stood in front of Anna and quickly gestured. A fireball flew out of her hand, and then suddenly spread out, winding in two masked men who had no time to avoid.

Anna Su also found the danger and ran far away.

Inmon continued to gesture. She knew that if she ran with Anna, in the footsteps of the two little girls, it was impossible to run past these people. Those masked people also knew that she was a magical girl, and while being more careful, they were also approaching her quickly.

A masked man rushed to her and cut her off with a machete in his hand. However, the cut off shade lemon was just a illusion. The real girl appeared on the right side of the masked man, slapped him in the face fiercely, and sent a magic missile into his temple.

Two more masked men rushed to her. First, she turned around and ran quickly, making gestures while not letting the other party approach too fast. A shadow door appeared in front of her and she jumped in. Although the shadow door can move and cast spells, the transmission distance is not only too close, but also the position is not easy to control. As a result, she jumped out behind a masked man and shocked herself. Fortunately, the masked man was still looking for her and was quietly put into a coma from behind her.

She wanted to apply another shadow door, but one of the enemies threw the machete directly at her, so that she had to stop casting while avoiding. When she stood up again, she found that she had been surrounded, and the enemy was too close to leave her time to cast spells.

"Lemon, close your eyes." Anna's voice came.

The lemon quickly closed her eyes. Before the masked people could react, a strong light suddenly lit up and shook their eyes. Meng opened her eyes and took the opportunity to jump out of the encirclement and run to Anna Sue, who waved to her.

"Idiot, why don't you run first?" She almost yelled at Anna.

"Run together." Anna's face is pale.

How stupid! The lemon grabbed her and the two ran desperately together. However, it didn't take long for them to stop.

I don't know when the middle-aged man has walked around in front of them with four skeletons and blocked their way.

"Enough," the man whispered, "don't make meaningless resistance."

The yinemon looked around, and the masked people had trapped them tightly in the center.

"It's beyond our expectation that Miss Mickey's family is actually a magician." The man stared at the lemon wearing only underwear and said coldly, "No wonder Emma and I were hidden by you last time. But good luck is only once, and you have used up that only luck.

"Let Anna leave, you just want to kill me, don't you?" The lemon looked at him. She is not the original owner of this body. Even if she dies again, I believe that the little fairy will have a way to help her (he) resurrect, at least to save his soul. But Anna is different.

"No." Anna held her hand tightly, "I won't leave."

... What a fool.

The middle-aged man didn't answer, or he didn't want to talk nonsense at all. The masked men began to approach them. The lemon blocked Anna Sue, and her heart was very anxious.

"Little Meji." A voice sounded in her head, "Get down."

When the lemon was neutral, she was happy, hugged Anna and fell to the ground. At the same time, a flash of lightning suddenly hit the enemy closest to her and divided it into several channels. Each enemy hit will automatically disperse, and in an instant, all the people in black will be knocked to the ground. The middle-aged man found that something was wrong and took advantage of the lightning being blocked by the four skeletons and quickly escaped.

The crisis is resolved.

"You are such a great little fairy!" Meng couldn't help praising through consciousness, "You appeared in a timely manner."

"Generally," the little fairy responded in the mind of Meng, "I've been here for a long time. It's not how powerful these people are, but you're still too bad."

Dare she didn't "get there in time", but kept hiding and watching herself being chased and killed? What a bad little fairy.

"It's you who are bad. These people can't deal with it." The little fairy said disdainfully.

"They are too many, okay?" Lemon retorted.

"It has nothing to do with the number of people. It's simply a problem with your response." The little fairy said, "At the beginning, you should protect yourself with illusions before approaching them. When you find that they are your enemies, don't panic so that you expose yourself too early. You should first cast an illusion to attract their sight, and then take the opportunity to escape. Although it is a good intention for you to let Anna run first, you should think that with her character, she will definitely turn back because she is worried about you. Moreover, you should also regard her as a partner who can use magic and cooperate with her to increase the success rate of escape, rather than treating her as a protected person. In addition, when jumping behind the man through the shadow door, since the man hasn't found you yet, you should quickly cast a spell silently to continue to get a shadow door. Why do you have to waste time knocking him out, miss the opportunity to continue to escape, and let Anna come to save you?

"..." The lemon was speechless. After being told by the little fairy, she realized that she had really made a lot of mistakes.

"Little Meiji, you are still tender." The little fairy deliberately used a tone of disappointment.


"By the way, I'll tell you again," the little fairy added, "I've turned Qi Ya into a bird to follow the man just now to see where he will go."

sighed, and the lemon replied, "Okay, but let her be careful, it will be bad if she is found."

"Don't worry, Ziya can do more than you."

"..." Are you happy to hit me?


Ten minutes later.

"Who are those people?" Anna Su asked.

"I don't know. Anyway, I'm not a good person." Lemon is not going to let Anna know too much. It's not good to scare her.

At this time, they turned around and found Anna's clothes and changed them again.

When Meng Meng put on her dress, Anna suddenly blushed and whispered, "Lemon, you are so kind."

Well, what's wrong with me? Meng looked at her confusedly.

"If it weren't for taking care of me, you would definitely run away alone. But you stopped them by yourself in order to let me run first," Anna Sue summoned up her courage. "But I still want to say... No, don't secretly take off my clothes again."

It's so cute... fall down.

"I, I'm serious." Anna struggled.

"Serious Anna is so cute."

"I, I'm really going to be angry."

"Angry Anna is also so cute."

"..." Anna wants to cry.

However, after all, it is not the time to continue to flirt with little Anna. Who knows if the guy who ran away will bring a group of people. After a few kisses on Anna's little face, Meng still felt that she should go back to the castle first.

On the way, Anna has been angry for a long time and ignored Yin Meng, but little Luo Li is too easy to coax. Yin Meng just fell deliberately. Anna immediately became worried for fear that she would be injured in the battle just now.

As approaching the castle, Anna Sue couldn't help asking, "Who is the person who saved us?" He was really awesome and knocked those people down at once.

"Actually," Meng deliberately hesitated for a moment, "that man is my friend."

"Really?" Anna opened her eyes wide, "Then why didn't he show up?"

"He is this kind of person. He has always helped others behind his back and doesn't ask for anything in return," Meng decided to start cultivating little Anna's goodwill for herself in the future. "His name is Meiji, and he is a very talented magician. He is always willing to help others, ambitious, kind-hearted, and out of the foggy forest. I will definitely introduce him to you in the future."

"Okay, he saved us. I think I should thank him in front of him," Anna thought for a moment and suddenly asked in a low voice, "But when did he get there?"

"He heard that someone would hurt me, so he protected us in the dark from the beginning."

"He, is he a boy?" Anna opened her eyes wide.


"That, that's not..." Anna's face was hot. Was that person already there when he was not dressed? My body was covered by a boy...

"What is it?" Yin Meng smiled secretly.

"No, nothing..."


After arriving at the castle, the lemon began to feel something was wrong.

There were many more soldiers around the castle that she didn't know. They not only patrolled around the outer wall of the castle, but also entered and exited the fort. You can even see a few red star knights with knight's coats of arms on their chests. Obviously, these are all people in the royal army.

The question is, why are these people here?

"You stay here first, and I'll sneak in and have a look." Meng finished whispering to Anna and then went around to the back of the castle. There is a tree there, and the branch just reached into the outer wall. She first used a small illusion to temporarily distract the soldiers guarding there, then quickly climbed up the tree, jumped along the branches to the wall, glanced roughly, and then jumped to another tree in the wall.

"What kind of person." But a man came out of the dead corner that she couldn't see and asked loudly.

She was shocked, failed to grab the branch with both hands, and fell down directly.

The man caught her.

That's a young knight, very handsome. He was wearing a light armor, holding the back of the lemon in one hand and hooking her legs with the other hand, looking down at her coldly.

"Who are you?" The young knight asked coldly. Many soldiers also rushed here and surrounded the yin lemons.

"I, I am..." Meng felt a little nauseous. Although her body is a girl, her heart is a man, and now she is hugged by another man...

Is this the retribution for bullying Anna?

"Yinmon." A woman ran over and called her anxiously.

Alice? The lemon was stunned. When did she come back?

The young knight put her down, gently retreated two steps, and gracefully made a knightly salute: "It turned out to be the lady of Mickey's family, and it was the Red Star Knight Leice. It was really rude just now."

The lemon exhaled and returned a lady's gift according to the so-called traditional etiquette: "No, I'm sorry to trouble you. I... Well, I just want to go back to my room."

Do you want to climb the wall? Lyce smiled. This seems to be a special noble lady.

Inmon didn't want to talk nonsense with him anymore. She turned around and looked at Alina and wanted to say hello to her. However, Alina suddenly raised her hand and slapped her in the face, giving her a burning pain and covering her whole head.

"Where have you been?" Alina stared at her.

"I, I just..." It was the first time that she saw Alicena angry. Somehow, she felt very wronged, as if she was really just a little girl.

Alina suddenly hugged her and hugged her tightly: "I can't find you. I thought something was wrong with you... Meng... You scared me..."

The yin lemon calmed down for a moment, and then gently hugged her: "I'm sorry...Alina..."


Alina was really scared.

As soon as she returned to the castle, she went to find Meng, and the servant told her that the two girls were still sleeping in. She walked into Yin Meng's room and saw that Yin Meng and Anna were really lying **. She couldn't help shaking her head and felt that the two children were too lazy. She didn't intend to wake up the lemon, but she had not seen the child for a long time, so she sat by the bed and touched her head gently...

Then the lemon and Anna disappeared... That's just an illusion.

Alice was anxious. She didn't know that this illusion was given by Meng herself. In her thoughts, there was no magician in the castle. If so, it must have come in from the outside. She was worried that someone would take the two children and was so anxious that she didn't know what to do. Fortunately, Lyes calmed her down. Lyes judged from the confessions of the scene and the servants that they had not left for a long time and were not necessarily captured by the enemy. He asked Alina to keep peace in the castle, pretended that the shade was still in her room, and then quietly sent people to look around.

As a result, the lemon came back by herself.

After knowing that the illusion was done by Lin Meng, Alina was still surprised, so Lin Meng told her that her magic was taught to her by a graduating sister when she was studying in the women's monastery. After Alina left, she slowly remembered a lot and felt the need to learn to protect herself before she took Anna out to practice magic.

"But it's still too dangerous." Alina shook her head, "Anyway, you shouldn't sneak out. What if the enemy finds you?"

"Anyway, they will come to me sooner or later, won't they?" Yin Meng raised her head and looked at her resolutely, "No matter what it is, if they didn't kill me for the first time, there will definitely be a second time, right?"

"This is a fact." Red Star Knight Lyce nodded and looked at Alicena. "We can't even determine the identity of those people. We can't judge what they will do next time. In this case, it's not a bad thing that Miss Mikina can have more means to protect herself."

"I know who it is," said Meng, "I know who wants to kill me, and I can hear her voice. The last time she took someone to kill me, I pretended to be dead. She didn't know that I could do a little magic and was cheated by me. Then I remembered her voice, and she was..."

"Ema?" Alina whispered, "Burid's Emma, right?"

The lemon calmed down for a moment, and then nodded. Alina and Lyris were not too surprised. Obviously, they also had some clues.

"This is consistent with our doubts," Leis said slowly. "Count Burid bribed an influential priest in the church so that the church could transfer the Fort Long to the Burid family in the case of the loss of an heir of the Michelina family. Obviously, Miss Meng's father and several other heirs of the Miqi family did not die in an accident. When we investigated several cases of the disappearance of the youngsters, we found out that the priest was the mastermind behind the disappearance of the youngsters, and found his connection with the Burid family during the investigation. But while continuing to investigate, the priest suddenly killed, causing all clues to be temporarily interrupted. Princess Sophia had to send me to protect Miss Yinmeng first to prevent the Burid family's conspiracy from succeeding.

"So," Alice asked in a low voice, "they are trying to rob Longenburg?"

"On the surface, it is true," said Leis, "but Princess Sophia believes that there may be a bigger conspiracy behind it. Even the church can't be unconcerned about supporting a nobleman to obtain the territory of another nobleman with tricks, because once it is known, it will cause concerns among all relatively vulnerable nobles. This may only be from someone's instructions, and this person must have enough status to make the church think that the disaster of the Miqi family is indeed just a series of accidents, and in the absence of heirs in the Miqi family, it is natural to transfer the Fort Long to the Burid family... It is not easy. At least, with the status of the dead priest, it is impossible to do this.

That is to say, Mickey's enemy is far more powerful than expected? Alina looked at the lemon worriedly.

"Of course, Her Royal Highness is not helpless. For Her Royal Highness, no matter what conspiracy the person behind him has, he can't succeed so easily. Therefore, Your Highness asked me to bring you this. Leyce took out several documents from his body.

"This is..." Alina looked at the documents and grabbed Meng Meng's hand excitedly.

"This document confirms Miss Meng's inheritance of Longenburg, and officially recognizes Miss Meng Miqina as the female lord of Longenburg and has the control and jurisdiction over this land in the common name of the royal court and the church." The Red Star Knight smiled.

"This was supposed to wait until the lemon was 16 years old." Alina covered her face and couldn't believe it.

"The public took the initiative to use a special document for emergencies, and she also has an influence that cannot be ignored in the church." Lyce said, "Princess Sophia believes that no matter what the man is planning, at least he has no reason to harm Miss Meng now. Miss Meng's father is a 'white robe', and the church has the right to dispose of his inheritance without an heir. But Miss Meng is not. Miss Meng is neither a nun nor an apostle of the church. Since she has become the hostess of Longenburg, according to the law, if there is an accident, Longenburg will be recovered by the kingdom, which means that even if she is killed, the Burd family will not get what they want.

"That's true." Alina also understands the key points. There is no doubt that in order to protect the lemon, Princess Sophia is indeed very thoughtful and did her best. Even a princess can't easily let a 12-year-old girl inherit a territory directly without any ceremony, and the price she paid for it must be a lot.

It's just that the lemon didn't understand. Yes, she knows that she now has a castle and a piece of land, but how does this affect her life?

She doesn't think it's... Maybe it's better not.

"One more thing, I want you to know," Leis looked at the door. "In fact, the purpose of my coming to Longenburg is not only to protect Miss Meng and investigate this whole matter. I have also been ordered to protect another lady."

"Who?" Alice asked.

"Anna Su!" Lyce smiled bitterly. In fact, when he first arrived here, he was no less anxious than Alice. After all, the two girls he wanted to guard at that time were gone, and as long as one of them had an accident, his mission was a failure.

"Anna?" Meng and Alina turned around in surprise, and Anna Su, who was waiting outside the door for fear of being scolded, also just leaned in. Under their gaze, her little face immediately blushed.
